The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 1


 The Peace Welfare Institute has recently been bustling with activity.

Luxurious cars come and go.

The people getting out of the cars are all familiar faces on the media hot search list.

However, not a single person is adopting a child.

Although the old director of the orphanage doesn't understand, he has also profited from it.

These people can easily give generous donations with just a wave of their hands.

He greets them with a fawning and skilled demeanor as they step down from the cars.

The young people are well-dressed, and each has two tall black-clad bodyguards accompanying them.

Unlike the wealthy individuals before, they don't bother pretending to be friendly.

The impatience on their faces makes the old director wipe off his sweat, secretly observing this notorious young master with a bad temper.

The young master wears a pair of sunglasses covering half of his face, revealing only the lower half. His appearance should be quite handsome.

He takes a bite of a lollipop, lifts his head, and then kicks open the dilapidated wooden door before casually sitting in the director's office chair.

The old director dares not say anything and quickly goes to pour him a pot of tea.

The tea is the lowest quality, even slightly damp.

The young man's finely arched eyebrows furrow without any attempt to conceal his displeasure.

Seeing this, the old director quickly brings up the main topic, "Master Qi, are you also here to choose a child for adoption?"

The young man switched the side of his lollipop, forming an imprint on his cheek. He casually pushed down the sunglasses with his index finger, allowing them to hang carelessly on his ear.

He still sounded impatient, "Why don't you bring the children up?"

"Ah, I'll do that right away." The old director excitedly left the room.

Another rich young master who might donate a large sum of money. He could tolerate a bad temper if it meant a generous donation.

Recently, many wealthy individuals had not adopted a child but instead donated money, instructing him to take good care of each child.

The director couldn't understand why these wealthy people suddenly became so generous in donating money. Still, he made sure to keep every child he fancied clean and well-groomed. If these wealthy people chose them, the money would flow even more.

As soon as he entered, a chubby child walked over. He looked up at the director and innocently smiled, "Grandpa, it seems every time a weirdo is locked up, something good happens."

This was the director's favorite child, reminiscent of his grandson when he was young. He pinched the chubby one's nose, "Yes, my good boy, keep an eye on him."

Just thinking about that red-eyed kid sent shivers down his spine.

Chubby understood the director's implication well. He frowned and grumbled, "Water can't drown him, falls can't kill him either. I really don't know what he's made of."

"Shh." The director quickly covered Chubby's mouth and glanced around. "Don't say that when others come."

As he spoke, a bodyguard who had followed the young master appeared at the door. "Why haven't they been brought over yet? The young master is getting angry."

The old director was alarmed, sweating profusely. He whispered to Chubby, "Go call a few kids over."

Many kids were Chubby's followers because pleasing him gave them a chance to be noticed by potential adopters. They all hoped to leave the orphanage someday.

They had been coached by the director on how to speak to please these wealthy individuals.

When the old director returned with a dozen children, following the bodyguard, Young Master Qi was examining the large group photo on the wall, which featured a few new children almost every year. The only constant was that a child's head in the corner was consistently obscured with red ink.

The child's height seemed unchanged. In the earliest photos, the child had a normal height, but in the latest ones, the child, who should be growing at this age, appeared a head shorter than before.

Normal children grow taller at this age.

The old director was afraid of being discovered by the other party, so he nervously swallowed saliva and was about to explain.

Qi Sui turned around and looked at the children led by the old director. He sneered, "Why did you bring the children here as if hiding them, just like concealing the tea earlier?"

The director had intentionally brought the lowest-quality tea to feign poverty, and  now he hadn't brought the type of child Young Master Qi wanted.

The two bodyguards stared coldly at the old man upon hearing the remark.

Although he didn't do anything, the old director felt overwhelmed and dared not lift his head. He bent over, portraying a pitiful old man. "I dare not, Young Master Qi, please don't be angry. The most well-behaved children in our orphanage are all here."


Qi Sui elongated his tone, casually walking to the front of the old director, smiling as he said, "Director, the way you look now, it seems like I, Qi Sui, am bullying the elderly."

For some reason, this well-known playboy and second-generation wealthy individual had such a powerful aura that merely being stared at made the old director shiver and sweat on his forehead.

The children behind him huddled together, looking at Qi Sui with a mixture of fear. The way Qi Sui presented himself didn't seem like he came to adopt children.

He suddenly stood up and looked outside, seemingly letting the old director off the hook.

The old director breathed a sigh of relief, finally daring to wipe away the sweat during this interval.

Then, he heard the young master's casual tone, "By the way, I forgot to tell you, you've been dismissed."

At the same time, there was a rumbling sound of a truck stopping outside.

The old director was startled at the news. How could this be?

This was his cash cow!

He couldn't care less about fear at this point. He quickly knelt at Qi Sui's feet, sobbing while hugging Qi Sui's shins, "Young Master Qi, Young Master Qi, I beg you!"

"These children are like my own grandchildren. I can't bear to part with them!"

"Just let me accompany them until I can't move anymore!"

His appearance was too pitiful, even the two bodyguards showed some signs of reluctance.

The children behind him, witnessing the adults crying, also joined in, and the room was filled with various cries and shouts.

The old director, with his head buried, revealed a satisfied expression on his face.

If all else failed, he could just make this a headline in the news.

The young master of the Qi family beating the director of the welfare institution, and even attempting to seize it for personal use.

Who knew that Qi Sui's face remained unmoved. He coldly watched this farce unfold, then kicked the collapsed old director away.

Without saying a word, he tossed a bill onto the ground near the old director, who was now crying and begging for mercy.

Qi Sui squatted down, giving a faint smile. "Get lost?"

The old director hadn't reacted yet when he picked up a familiar-looking ledger from beside him, and then sweated profusely.

How could the hidden donation records be here?

The old director stood up, repeatedly apologizing as he tried to take the ledger and leave.

But before he reached the door, he was lifted up by one of the bodyguards.

The old director pleaded with closed eyes, "Young Master Qi, I'll leave right away. I'll leave immediately."

The bodyguard snatched the ledger and then lifted the old director again.

Qi Sui was given the ledger, but he didn't bother to look at it. Yawning with disinterest, he said, "Take him to the police station."

"We are law-abiding citizens."

With the old director dealt with, there was still the group of crying children in front of him.

Qi Sui, feeling annoyed, bit off a piece of the lollipop and said, "Hurry up, get some toys and snacks to drive them away. They are so annoying."

The remaining bodyguards quickly ran to the main gate and opened the large iron gate.

After the gate opened, several trucks entered the compound.

After all, it was built by the government in the early years, and the welfare institute's yard was quite spacious.

However, the recreational facilities were quite old, rusty, and decaying.

Workers from the trucks started carrying boxes of toys and snacks inside.

The children who were crying couldn't help but stretch their necks; they had never seen so many things before.

Qi Sui finally got some peace and quiet, allowing the bodyguards to bring in a bed. He intended to sleep on the spot.

Since the monster hadn't arrived at this welfare institute yet, he would stay here and seize the opportunity to kill it in advance.

Although the bodyguards didn't understand why their young master had become so strange lately, they still followed his orders.

After driving all the children out, the bodyguards closed the door for Qi Sui.

Soon, the welfare institute was filled with laughter and joy.

Countless toys, new clothes, snacks they could never afford before, and various new playground facilities in the yard.

The cleaning team that was hired managed to clean every corner spotlessly.

An entire afternoon passed before all the trucks left the yard.

However, the welfare institute had undergone a complete transformation.

Despite the old walls and yard, many new pieces of furniture and equipment had been added.

The items from the office were piled up at the entrance, waiting for Qi Sui to wake up so they could be moved inside.

After dealing with the bodyguards who handled the old director, another companion arrived, clearly ready to wake up the young master at the appropriate time.

The two guards exchanged glances, but neither dared to wake up Qi Sui.

Silently, they extended their hands, planning to use rock-paper-scissors to resolve this predicament.

But just as the results could be revealed, the door behind them suddenly opened from the inside.

Qi Sui appeared solemn, his hair disheveled, and he seemed to have just woken up, with traces of sleep still visible on his face.

"Xiao Yi, Xiao Er, tidy up my place." After saying that, he hurriedly walked towards the welfare institute, his back showing a sense of urgency.

Xiao Er scratched his head, leaned close to his companion, and whispered, "Young Master has been acting strange for the past few days, like he's a different person."

Xiao Yi warned him with a glance, "Don't meddle in the Young Master's affairs."

"Okay." Xiao Er shut his mouth dejectedly.

Qi Sui walked hastily, and even the usually arrogant and intimidating figure couldn't hide the anxiety that made him break into a cold sweat.

Because he sensed it.

That terrifying aura from his past life.

The evil entity must have awakened in the institute ahead of schedule.

As Qi Sui approached, the pain in his stomach intensified, almost like convulsions.

His team had been battling with the entity for several years. The more people the evil entity consumed, the more terrifying its abilities became. Until one by one, his teammates perished.

They thought everything would end in destruction.

However, time unexpectedly rewound.

Did that mean they ultimately failed?

The leader of their group possessed the ability to pause time. Now, with time reversing, it was highly likely connected to the leader's ability.

Qi Sui's hurried steps drew the attention of the children in the institute.

They had been discussing the new director all day.

He looked like a celebrity and seemed rich. Curious little troublemakers surreptitiously followed him.

Qi Sui had already noticed them, but he had no patience for children. If he shooed them away, he might end up being pestered even more.

Anyway, these little devils would surely run away scared when they saw that evil entity.

Qi Sui wasn't a compassionate person.

He briskly approached the place where the evil aura was most concentrated.

Surprisingly, the place where the malevolence continuously emanated was at the door of a storage room under the stairs in the institute.

Qi Sui began to doubt his judgment. Was this the birthplace of the malevolent force that would later destroy the world?

He tentatively reached out to touch the wooden door but was influenced by the familiar sense of fear, causing his fingers to tremble.

"Teacher Qi! The old director said you can't let the weirdo out yet!"

Qi Sui turned to look at them. Weirdo?

Qi Sui smirked, "If your old director can't let it out himself, can he still control me?"

The children looked at the door of the storage room with no fear on their faces, just a hint of disgust.

Could it be that this malevolent force had existed for a long time and hadn't harmed anyone yet?

During his contemplation, a handsome young boy walked straight toward him from another direction.

Qi Sui subconsciously wanted to stop him, but he saw the boy holding a small knife.

He hesitated for a moment. Perhaps the boy also noticed his gaze and turned to look at him.

Their eyes met, and the boy's eyes were filled with calm detachment, displaying emotions not typical for his age.

He was different from the other kids, wearing noticeably newer clothes, suggesting favoritism from the teachers in the institute.

But why didn't the old director bring him over just now?

Or was it that he didn't want to come himself?

"This is..." Qi Sui looked at the boy for a long time, increasingly feeling that the child's facial features resembled someone.

Suddenly, he realized, "Boss?!"

Then, he puffed up his cheeks, as if trying to suppress a laugh but ended up containing it forcibly.

In such a serious crisis, seeing the usually calm and reliable leader turn into a chubby little kid, resembling a small adult, was indeed quite amusing.

Although Rong Wan had always been the youngest among them, he had the image of a big brother. However, at this moment, that image had completely collapsed.

The child gave him a light glance, and the expression on his face mirrored that of his past life.

Yet, seeing this expression on a child's face made it even funnier.

But Rong Wan restrained himself.

As the two recognized each other, a chubby boy approached as if joining in the fun.

He saw everyone gathering around the door where the "freak" was locked, and despite his young age, a malicious expression appeared on his face. "It's so lively here; I thought the freak stole chicken legs again."

Qi Sui looked at the boy, and his lips were greasy.

Perhaps he had just stolen and eaten a chicken leg.

"Hush." Rong Wan suddenly took a step back, and his eyes became sharp.

Qi Sui also felt the sudden surge of evil aura behind the door, and he quickly distanced himself from the dilapidated utility room.

He wasn't sure if he could suppress the nascent evil god from the very beginning.

In an instant, the door burst open, and Qi Sui took a step back. His palms instinctively attempted to summon his fire-based abilities.

However, he realized that, at this moment, his abilities hadn't awakened yet.

Both of them felt their hearts in their throats.

Meanwhile, the children were still curiously watching, unaware of the danger.

Qi Sui turned around, intending to tell them to run, but he suddenly saw their expressions.

Disdain, disgust, aversion.

For some reason, Qi Sui fell silent.

As the dust settled, a small child appeared at the door, swaying unsteadily.

Qi Sui and Rong Que remained on high alert without any relaxation.

As the dust settled, they finally got a clear look at the mysterious child.

At first glance, the child seemed unnaturally white, with eyes as red as rubies and jet-black hair, making him almost translucent, resembling a porcelain doll in a shop window.

He was very small, perhaps only half the height of the chubby boy.

Despite the scorching weather, he wore a hoodie, and the hood covered his head, leaving only the fluffy white ears peeking out on both sides.

The child, under everyone's gaze, suddenly raised his hand, and his jet-black fingernails seemed to be dipped in poison.

Rong Que, already tense, didn't relax even a bit due to the child's small stature. When the child raised his hand, Rong Que quickly reversed his grip on the dagger, ready to confront at any moment.

However, after taking a sudden step forward, the child swayed and fell to the ground, motionless.

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