The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit


Schedule:  Can be random.


Xu Mu was a hardcore otaku, who one night died suddenly from playing games late into the night, only to open his eyes and find himself alive again.

A noisy black ball surrounded him, claiming he had entered into some novel as a cannon fodder extra.

Xu Mu firmly believed he was experiencing hallucinations, waving his hand to dismiss the black ball.

With a "sizzle," after a few seconds, the black ball disappeared.

Sure enough, it was just a hallucination, and he went back to sleep satisfied.


Once, while out, Xu Mu encountered an injured rabbit on the road.

He intended to bandage the rabbit's wound, but the rabbit kept struggling, refusing to cooperate.

"Be good, I'll take you back to bandage your wound."

The rabbit stopped struggling.

Xu Mu: How fierce, but quite spiritual.

After bandaging the rabbit's wound, it ran off without looking back.

Xu Mu felt regretful, his wish of raising a rabbit shattered.

His life as a shut-in continued, until one day, the doorbell rang.

A fair and gentle man stood at the door, offering cookies and speaking softly, "Hello, I'm your new neighbor who recently moved in..."

Xu Mu didn't catch the rest of the words, his attention entirely on the box of cookies.

So hungry.

The man smiled gently, "Go ahead, eat."

Xu Mu wolfed down the cookies, only realizing he behaved inappropriately afterward. He looked at his neighbor sheepishly.

The man didn't say anything, his gaze still soft and accepting.

Later, Xu Mu discovered that his neighbor, who frequently visited, was an excellent cook. He often received delicious food, juices, and occasionally, dinner invitations.

From initially feeling anxious and guilty, Xu Mu gradually felt at ease, all within a few short months.

Xu Mu pondered that it wasn't right to keep eating without giving back, so he handed his bank card to his neighbor.

The man slowly widened his eyes, "What... do you mean?" His face started to flush slightly, a hint of crimson on his skin.

Xu Mu focused on his game, hastily handing over the card, "Take it."

—My food expenses are all covered in there, thank you for your hard work.

Recently, the man's frequency of sending delicious food had increased, and he even accompanied Xu Mu to play games every day, sometimes even helping him tidy up the house.

Xu Mu felt that something was amiss, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

One night, after drinking a bit, feeling dizzy, Xu Mu prepared to head back to his room.

As he opened the door, a strange and alluring fragrance filled his nostrils, causing Xu Mu to freeze in place.

The gray blanket slowly descended, accentuating the man's fair shoulders, which seemed even more delicate under the soft glow of the light.

The man's eyes were moist, as he softly called Xu Mu's name.

"Xu Mu, I..." The man's fingertips trembled, as if embarrassed to speak, "I'm... here to make love with you."

Xu Mu: ???


On the first day of moving into his new home, Bai Nian, due to a relapse of an old illness, couldn't maintain his humanoid form and collapsed on the roadside. He was picked up by a kind-hearted person who took him home and bandaged his wounds, which happened to be his new neighbor.

The other person had a stern demeanor and seemed difficult to approach, but unexpectedly, his actions were very gentle, making Bai Nian feel quite embarrassed. 

After hastily bandaging his wounds, Bai Nian hurriedly fled.

Later, because he felt that he was rude, he went to thank the person in person and learned his name.

His name was Xu Mu.

As they got to know each other better, Xu Mu often helped him when he couldn't maintain his mimicry. Xu Mu didn't look down on him even after knowing he was a deformed hermaphrodite.

Bai Nian didn't know how to repay Xu Mu, so he could only offer delicious food and invite him to dinner at his own home.

But he also had his troubles, such as—

Xu Mu seemed to really enjoy playing... with rabbits.

At first, Xu Mu would hold him, bury his face in Bai Nian's belly, then gradually move on to grabbing his ears, then rubbing his back, and finally even kissing his face.

Each time, Bai Nian felt extremely embarrassed, wanting to refuse, but Xu Mu would intensify his teasing if he resisted. Bai Nian couldn't help but tremble and couldn't summon the strength to resist.

Because he was in his mimicry form, he became even more sensitive...

Bai Nian couldn't bear it and wanted to escape. Xu Mu would lower his voice and coax him, saying he liked him. Bai Nian, unable to resist, was led astray by a man over ten years younger than himself, being touched all over, finally curling up and laying on the other's lap, ears covering his eyes, despising his own lack of bottom line.

Those feelings of liking, whether real or fake, Bai Nian couldn't distinguish anymore, so he simply deceived himself.

Until one day, Xu Mu handed him a bank card.

—In Nikari, this was a formal way of confessing your feelings.

Main Text:


If-line: Childhood Sweethearts

The Black Ball (Karl) & Qin Xin Extra

Main Text Final Extra

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