The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 16



Early the next morning, it was time for the children of the appropriate age to be taken to the kindergarten for registration.

Qí Suì took Lu Xu to another kindergarten alone.

When selecting the kindergarten, they had carefully examined the environment and deliberately chose a class with a good atmosphere for the children.

In the morning, Lu Xu dressed himself, and then Rong Que helped him put on his hat.

Throughout this process, Lu Xu remained very serious, biting his lip.

Rong Que figured that Lu Xu was nervous.

Going to a new environment, he was unsure if someone might bully him.

Lu Xu kept staring at the bunny ears in the mirror, only shifting his gaze away when Rong Que secured the hair clip.

Rong Que could sense Lu Xu's emotions, but he couldn't control the actions of others. He could only hold Lu Xu's hand and lead him downstairs.

Qí Suì, acting like a male mother, packed the small backpacks with the latest trendy items, such as brushes. The beddings for their nap were already provided by the school; they just needed to bring their own pajamas.

When Qí Suì called them to get on the car, he could clearly sense that the moods of the two little ones were not great.

Thinking quickly, he patted one head with each hand, changing the topic, "Remember to take pictures of the new pajamas during nap time and show them to big brother."

Lu Xu obediently agreed.

Rong Que remained silent. Lu Xu then realized that Rong Que might be worrying about him.

After they both got into the car, Lu Xu suddenly tilted his head and smiled at Rong Que, "Brother Rong Que, don't worry. With you around, no one dares to bully me."

Upon hearing these words, Rong Que raised his head, showing a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He hadn't expected that Lu Xu would trust him so much already.

Moreover, Lu Xu could express such comforting words, turning the tables to provide comfort.

The tense nerves of Rong Que relaxed slightly, and he continued to hold Lu Xu's hand firmly.

As if responding to the trust expressed by the other.

Upon reaching the school, because they still needed to report individually, Qi Sui personally accompanied the two children.

There was a sense of being an early father.

However, at this point, being an eager dad seemed not much different from being a happy one.

The procedures went smoothly, and thanks to Qi Sui, they went straight to the principal's office, skipping many unnecessary steps.

The principal was a kind middle-aged person, aware in advance of Lu Xu's distinctive appearance and treated him without any intentional bias.

However, seeing it in person still brought some surprise.

To think that a human child could look so delicate, almost like a doll, especially with those unique eye colors and ears.

Although the principal was not young, he understood that the characters young people liked in anime mostly looked like this.

For the kindergarten children, with proper guidance, it was not impossible to accept.

After completing the enrollment process, the principal kindly bent down to greet Lu Xu and Rong Que.

However, before he could say anything, Lu Xu, appearing somewhat fearful, had already hidden behind Rong Que.

He remembered that every time he arrived at a new welfare institution, the directors would also express this reaction initially.

Thus, he harbored a stronger sense of wariness toward adults.

While Rong Que was not particularly fond of social interactions, he was now responsible for handling these situations as he had Lu Xu with him.

Rong Que politely explained, "Lu Xu is a bit shy."

The principal understood and simply smiled, straightening up, "Then let your teacher take you back to the classroom."

Qi Sui, still somewhat unaccustomed to suddenly parting ways with the two kids, pretended to wipe away tears and said, "Go quickly. Daddy will miss you."

Rong Que: ...

He had no doubt that Qi Sui was intentionally taking advantage of the situation.

Hearing this, Teacher Li, who had just come in to pick up the children, thought that Qi Sui was so young, and these two kids didn't resemble him at all. They must be adopted.

Following Qi Sui's words, she gently spoke to the children in a comforting tone, "Kids, say goodbye to Daddy."

Rong Que knew that if he didn't speak, the teacher would feel awkward, so he reluctantly turned back and stiffly said, "Goodbye, Qi Sui."

Seeing Rong Que speaking, the innocent Lu Xu also turned his head, saying with some reluctance, "Goodbye, Qi Sui gege!"

Qi Sui rubbed his arm.

The boss's gaze looked like he was about to kill someone.

But the real child, little Lu Xu, looked cuter.

However, their back views were equally adorable, especially with the cute little yellow duck backpacks Qi Sui had specially selected for them.

After the children bid farewell, Teacher Li gently patted their backs and said, "Let's go back to the classroom with the teacher."

Teacher Li had known in advance that the newly transferred children had somewhat unique appearances.

However, from the bottom of her heart, she found the child's appearance extremely cute, and she believed the other kids in the class would like them.

The principal had chosen her to take care of the class for the same reason.

Teacher Li initially thought of holding one child's hand each, but the two kids held hands tightly, showing no intention of letting go.

The child named Rong Que, on the other hand, seemed resistant, looking like he didn't want anyone holding his hand.

Interestingly, the child who had been specifically instructed to receive special attention appeared cooperative, and his obedient appearance made Teacher Li feel she wouldn't be rejected.

Teacher Li was very understanding of young children. She walked over to Lu Xu, brought her eyes to his level, and sweetly coaxed, "Little Lu, can Teacher hold your hand and take you to the classroom?"

Lu Xu hesitated and recoiled slightly.

However, he remembered that his other hand was still holding Rong Que's hand, and suddenly, he didn't feel as scared. Moreover, this sister seemed so gentle.

Thinking so, Lu Xu hesitatedly extended his hand, and his eyes couldn't help but glance back at Rong Que.

Rong Que naturally could see that Teacher Li was a kind person and responded with an encouraging look to Lu Xu.

Teacher Li took Lu Xu's little hand and, upon seeing the scars on it, a hint of compassion flashed in her eyes.

She held Lu Xu's hand, and Lu Xu held Rong Que's hand, and together, they returned to the classroom.

Lu Xu earnestly watched as Teacher Li held his hand.

It felt different from holding hands with his brother, and different from the adults he had known before. It was warm, enveloping his entire hand.

Lu Xu blinked his eyes, carefully savoring this unfamiliar feeling.

The classroom was separated from the principal's office by a building, and Teacher Li was a bit surprised to see that the two children didn't cry or fuss along the way.

Every year when the kindergarten started, many children would be distressed and look for their parents.

Lu Xu noticed that along the way to the kindergarten, there were various and much more diverse play facilities than those in the welfare institute. There was a hint of longing in his eyes.

As the classes were arranged differently, they passed by an outdoor class where many children were having a lively time playing. They seemed deeply engaged and didn't notice the passing group of Lu Xu. He liked the feeling of not being deliberately stared at.

When they finally arrived at the classroom door, the teacher initially thought everything was going smoothly, but Lu Xu suddenly stopped in his tracks. Though his strength was small, the teacher could feel the child's resistance.

Since he wasn't ready to go in, she didn't insist. She crouched down and said to the two little ones, "Let the teacher go in first to introduce you. Later, you can come in together and share your names, okay?"

Rong Que looked at Lu Xu, thinking that it might be better not to introduce themselves. Lu Xu might be scared.

But unexpectedly, Lu Xu, under the gentle gaze of the teacher, subconsciously nodded in agreement.

Seeing the child's consent, the teacher went inside.

The teacher who was helping with the kids saw this and left through the back door.

With the front door open, Lu Xu hid behind Rong Que, extending his head to observe the appearance of the classroom.

Although he could only see the front rows, he could still get a general idea.

The classroom was decorated very warmly, with mainly warm colors, and it was divided into several areas.

At this moment, the children were all in one area, holding different colored papers in their hands, seemingly engaged in some craft activity.

Lu Xu widened his eyes, realizing that life in kindergarten seemed very interesting.

Just as the teacher clapped her hands to signal a pause, Lu Xu noticed that a classmate suddenly turned to look at the door, locking eyes with him directly.

Lu Xu had never seen such a gaze.

It seemed very enthusiastic... and somewhat intimidating.

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