The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 14



Fortunately, Qí Suì didn't seize the opportunity to tease Rong Que about his past. He was here for a more serious purpose.

Qí Suì announced that there would be a TV-watching activity every Sunday, and everyone was invited to gather downstairs to watch television.

The children were excited about the prospect of watching TV, and they quickly flocked downstairs.

Rong Que had no idea what Qí Suì had in mind, so he swiftly changed the shoes and socks for Lu Xu, who had a face full of anticipation, and joined the others heading downstairs.

Lu Xu was, in fact, a very innocent and playful child. The suppressed life he had experienced hadn't erased his kindness. It remained unclear what he had gone through to become the way he was now.

Observing Lu Xu's joyful demeanor, Rong Que gained more confidence in his decision. A child raised in a healthy and loving environment shouldn't turn into a world-destroying force.

Qí Suì purposely reserved the first-row center seats for the two, ensuring an optimal viewing experience. Once all the children were settled, sitting on their small chairs, the show began with the distribution of snacks by the attendants.

Experiencing the novelty of watching a movie, the children settled down and eagerly anticipated the film as they watched Qí Suì fiddle with the projector.

Rong Que thought they were going to watch a movie from the setup. When Xiao Er handed out snacks, Rong Que held a bag of chips, intending to feed them to Lu Xu. However, he noticed Xiao Er looking around suspiciously, then secretly stuffed some snacks into Lu Xu's bag.

Rong Que withdrew his hand, a slight smile playing on his lips. Little Lu Xu was indeed a likable child. What's with this proud feeling of having such a popular kid at home?

After adjusting the projector, Qi Sui sat beside them and clicked to start.

On the big screen, a fluttering red flag appeared, accompanied by the words "Touching China."

Rong Que fell silent for a moment, realizing it was indeed one way to influence Lu Xu.

Can such a young child really understand this? As the video played halfway through, Rong Que heard sniffles.

He subconsciously glanced at Lu Xu, but Lu Xu showed no reaction.

It turned out that Qi Sui, sitting on the side, was quietly shedding tears with Little Er.

Rong Que fell silent for a moment, realizing that Qi Sui and Xiao Er were also kind-hearted people.

The other kids in the back, not finding a cartoon they liked and unable to comprehend the touching story, gradually became noisy. However, Lu Xu remained quiet.

He continued to watch the screen attentively, much like when he was watching anime in the car before.

Perhaps he could understand.

After the screening, Little Er turned on the lights, and Rong Que turned to pull Lu Xu, only to discover watermarks on Lu Xu's collar, sleeves, and especially on his face. Lu Xu had haphazardly wiped away the tears, leaving visible streaks. His eyelashes were wet, forming distinct clumps, and his beautiful crimson pupils were veiled in a mist.

Judging by the situation, he had cried for quite a while.

The snacks in his hands were barely touched, almost still full.

Rong Que sighed with a touch of heartache, then collected the snacks and used tissues to wipe Lu Xu's face and hands clean.

Lu Xu cried silently, with no audible sound, as if he had cried quietly countless times before, afraid to make a sound.

Rong Que held Lu Xu, gently patting the child's back.

For the first time, Lu Xu reached around and hugged Rong Que's waist, burying his little head in his embrace, as if trying to absorb warmth.

Perhaps it was a bit too overwhelming for Lu Xu, such a empathetic and kind child, to watch such a moving documentary.

After returning to queue for washing up, Rong Que changed Lu Xu into a small pajama, and managed to put on his own.

Fortunately, Lu Xu seemed to really like this kind of one-piece pajama.

Taking off the hat, a pair of liberated fluffy ears shook behind him.

Rong Que watched as Lu Xu happily looked at himself in the mirror, and he neatly placed Lu Xu's star-shaped hair clip and little hat in the cabinet.

By the time Rong Que finished organizing, Lu Xu couldn't wait and had already walked towards the bed.

The child with short arms and legs, wearing loose one-piece pajamas, with ears bouncing behind him, looked like a lively little rabbit.

The two beds had already been arranged together by Qi Sui. The original beds were small rectangles, with railings on both sides that could be put down or raised.

Rong Que lowered his side as the sleeping area so that Lu Xu wouldn't accidentally roll off the bed while sleeping.

Seeing the newly arranged bed, Lu Xu felt very excited - new clothes and a new bed!

Moreover, this square bed, warm and cozy with a good friend, was something he had never experienced before.

Just to be sure, Rong Que double-checked, "If you're not comfortable sleeping with me, I can still help you move back."

Before Lu Xu finished his sentence, he had already pounced onto the blanket. Fortunately, Qi Sui added an extra layer of padding, or else the force of his pounce would have been quite painful.

Lu Xu buried his face in the pillow, rubbing it against the soft black hair and the two fluffy long ears behind him tangled into a mess.

He looked like a scruffy little rabbit.

Unable to resist, Rong Que reached out and helped Lu Xu tidy his hair.

With his face buried in the pillow, Lu Xu, feeling the gentle touch, made a contented sound, then mumbled, "No, I want to always sleep with my good friend."

Rong Que chuckled, sat on the edge of the bed, as if telling himself, "When you grow up, we can't sleep together anymore."

Upon hearing this, Lu Xu made a disappointed sound, turned his head, revealing half of his face, and looked at Rong Que with his beautiful red eyes, "Why? I want to be with Brother Rong Que forever. Won't Brother Rong Que be my good friend anymore in the future?"

Rong Que wanted to explain that everyone would have their own little homes in the future, and friends couldn't be together forever. However, thinking about Lu Xu's distinctive appearance, which might lead to bullying or exploitation, he reconsidered. Perhaps there was no need to tell Lu Xu these things too early; after all, children wouldn't understand the unpredictability of the future.

Patiently comforting Lu Xu, Rong Que said, "Okay, I'll be with Xiao Lu until you don’t need me anymore."

After saying this, Rong Que felt a bit uncomfortable in his chest.

The reality was just like that—children would grow up and leave.

Why did he already feel the melancholy of bidding farewell to his child as a parent in advance?

But when Lu Xu truly gained independence, Rong Que would genuinely be happy for him. If necessary, he could take care of Lu Xu for a lifetime.

It could also be considered a precaution to prevent Lu Xu from becoming like his past self.

Rong Que realized that his mindset seemed to have changed.

From the beginning, he wanted to save the world and save his friends, and now he wanted to save Lu Xu.

Lu Xu might not fully understand this statement. He slightly wrinkled his delicate eyebrows, and his fingers involuntarily tightened around his plush ears. "Xiao Lu will always need Brother Rong Que."

The innocent words of children are the most heartwarming, and Rong Que was genuinely moved. At this moment, Lu Xu trusted him wholeheartedly, and it's challenging to resist the charm of a creature like a puppy.

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