The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 12



Qi Sui initially thought it was just some other kids causing trouble and was quite impatient. However, upon seeing the scene, he knew it was Chubby Boy stirring up trouble, and Rong Que was merely dealing with an unruly child.

Having Rong Que handle the situation was actually the best choice, as Qi Sui, being the new director of the orphanage, needed to avoid obvious favoritism to prevent potential reports.

Qi Sui found a nearby seat and sat down, "Can any of the children explain what happened?"

He considered himself patient in speech, but the children remained tight-lipped.

The lingering influence of the former director was still present, and the children subconsciously believed that only those on good terms with Chubby boy would have a chance to be adopted.

So, no one dared to speak up.

Rong Que calmly finished feeding Lu Xu, then took out a pack of tissues he carried with him to wipe Lu Xu clean before speaking leisurely, "He was robbing other kids' meals everywhere and even tried to take mine. So, I accidentally spilled it on him."

The first half of what Rong Que said was true, but the second half was clearly a bit of bullying toward the child.

The children who knew the situation couldn't help but stifle their laughter.

The Chubby boy on the ground also knew that the latter part was a way of downplaying the situation.

But he was just a child, lacking strong language organizing abilities, and didn't know how to explain himself clearly. Also, because he had cried hoarse, he couldn't articulate well, mumbling without a clear focus.

Qi Sui knew that Rong Que had done it intentionally, but he quickly provided a resolution.

Solitary confinement was definitely not an option when being closely watched; otherwise, it would be reported in no time.

Qi Sui, using a soothing tone, said, "Since that's the case, little chubby boy, apologize to every child whose meal you've taken. Then, use your pocket money to buy some snacks as compensation for everyone. Consider it settling the matter with these few pieces of meat."

His words were gentle, but the content was quite ruthless.

Chubby Boy sat on the ground, slightly opening his mouth in an expression of disbelief.

In reality, the children in the orphanage didn't receive any pocket money. Due to the former director's favoritism, only Chubby Boy had a small pouch for saving money.

They hadn't told anyone about this, so how did the new director find out?

Chubby Boy still wanted to deny it, shouting that he didn't have any pocket money.

But then, it was seen that in the hands of the tardy Xiao Er, there was precisely his small pouch.

"Found during the inspection of prohibited items. How should we handle this?" 

Qi Sui looked down at Chubby Boy, whose face was covered in tears and snot, and said, "Oh dear, I forgot. The kids in our orphanage don't have pocket money. This pouch must have been stolen by a naughty child from the old director."

"So, is there a naughty thief here to claim this pouch? If not, I'll use it to buy snacks for everyone, okay?"

The surrounding children were delighted at the thought of being able to buy snacks.

Only Chubby Boy remained slumped on the ground, realizing for the first time the cruelty of adults.

Claiming his own wallet turned into being labeled a thief, and his dream of saving money for an Oxman toy went down the drain.

There was no way the money would find its way back into his pocket.

Chubby Boy experienced the feeling of being bullied for the first time and broke down in tears.

To make matters worse, Qi Sui added fuel to the fire, "Oh, little chubby one, why are you crying? Isn't it nice to have snacks to eat? You just need to apologize to everyone one by one."

Since arriving at the orphanage, Chubby Boy had never apologized to anyone; he had always been the most favored by the old director.

As long as he cried and made a fuss, things would go the way he wanted.

So, he resorted to the same tricks, attempting to get people to comfort him by crying continuously.

However, this time, no one paid any attention to him. The staff members who wanted to approach were stopped by Qi Sui.

Qi Sui even separately prepared a meal for Rong Que, and Chubby Boy's eyes widened as he watched.

Even as Rong Que was finishing his own meal, he fed Lu Xu a lot. By this time, Chubby Boy was both tired and hungry from crying, but no one bothered to help him up.

Yet, he still stubbornly refused to apologize.

Qi Sui instructed the staff not to prepare meals for Chubby Boy the next day. He would only be given food once he apologized.

Chubby Boy, already hungry and crying, became even more frightened upon hearing this punishment. He quickly stood up, awkwardly offering an apology.

Although not very sincere, his appearance was enough to convey his frustration.

Furthermore, Chubby Boy was forced by Qi Sui to apologize to each of the children around him whom he had taken meat from.

His expression became increasingly unpleasant, perhaps finally realizing who was in charge in the orphanage now.

No one dared to provoke Rong Que, as even the most domineering Chubby Boy in the orphanage couldn't benefit from opposing him.

This change also led to fewer uncomfortable glances around Lu Xu.

After dinner, the children could go to the playroom to enjoy some light toys before sleeping.

The playroom was on the floor above the dormitory, and they could go downstairs to wash up and sleep whenever they got tired.

This was a room that Lu Xu had never been to.

In fact, he had rarely visited this entire building.

When the two arrived, many children were already playing.

Inside, there were a bubble ball pool and various building blocks, dolls, and storybooks.

Lu Xu glanced at the bubble ball pool, where two or three children were already playing happily.

Rong Que noticed Lu Xu's gaze. While he himself didn't enjoy playing with a group of kids, he knew it was necessary to encourage Lu Xu to not be so averse to people and to make friends.

"If you want to play, just give it a try," Rong Que said, feeling like he was acting as the old father taking his child out to learn socializing.

In reality, Lu Xu didn't have much interest in making friends. As long as he had Rong Que as his brother, it was enough for him.

He just wanted to play in the bubble ball pool. He had seen others having a great time before, but he couldn't get close.

Now, with Rong Que's encouragement and the support from dinner, Lu Xu felt a sense of security being around Rong Que.

So, instead of going by himself, he held Rong Que's hand and came to the side of the bubble ball pool.

Rong Que didn't know when he had started getting used to following little Lu Xu, and he wasn't aware of anything wrong with that.

Moreover, he found it somewhat unbelievable that Lu Xu came to play without much hesitation, as if his own child had grown up and reluctantly left to play on their own.

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