It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 46


ITOTIABSAM | Landlord Tenant | 46

"Have we met before?"

At first listen, this question sounded like the most cliché pickup line from an old TV drama. The protagonist was essentially asking for trouble. Silently raising the rabbit higher, Xie Ye took a step back, using the plush toy and Gu Cong to shield himself.

Most importantly, he didn't want to vomit.

Although the idea of making the protagonist retreat in embarrassment sounded satisfying, Gu Cong was ultimately more important.

He didn't want to ruin his date with Gu Cong.

If today could be considered a date.

What he really wanted to express was "I can't be bothered with you." However, to outsiders, Xie Ye seemed more like he had been frightened. After all, behind the barrier of his expression, the young man's current appearance was quite cute.

"We probably haven't met," Gu Cong's mind raced, trying hard to suppress the urge to tease Xie Ye, "Sorry, he's not feeling well," he said to Guan Chen, "Is there anything else you need?"

As the last one to join the trial, and being surrounded by fans after the game ended, Guan Chen indeed hadn't heard Xie Ye speak throughout. 

Recalling the youth's overly hoarse voice, Zhang Ya, who hurriedly came over, asked with concern, "Are you okay? Is there any unopened water at the booth? I'll go get a bottle for you."

"No need, I'll get him a cup of hot drink later," Gu Cong's tone was naturally intimate and familiar. He shook his head with a smile, reached back to grab Xie Ye's sleeve, and looked at Guan Chen again, "If there's nothing else, we'll leave now."

It sounded like a question, but in reality, they had no intention of paying attention to the other's answer.

"But I really feel like I've seen him before."

Realizing that continuing to press the issue would make him seem like a shallow man flirting on impulse, and might cause trouble for the innocent bystanders, Guan Chen's explanation got awkwardly stuck in his throat.

Under normal circumstances, a college student who had not yet graduated, even one as clean-cut and upright as a young poplar tree, would inevitably appear somewhat inferior when faced with someone like Guan Chen, who was so versatile and experienced in competitions and leading teams.

But not Gu Cong.

Amber is a warm color, naturally evoking a gentle feeling in people, to the extent that many forget it's also the eye color of many wild beasts.

In the eyes of teachers and classmates, Gu Cong had always been known for his thoughtfulness and kindness. In the past, he would have certainly remembered to help his roommate get an autograph at an opportune moment. But between his roommate and Xie Ye, there was no need to think twice about who was more important.

"My shirt is about to come off."

Startled by the sudden complaint in his ear, Gu Cong snapped back to attention and halted his steps. Only then did he notice that Xie Ye's shirt had been pulled to one side by him, but thankfully the buttons were neatly fastened to the top, so nothing was overly exposed.

Releasing his grip abruptly, he defensively explained, "I didn't do it on purpose."

At that moment, he wanted Xie Ye to leave with him, and tugging his sleeve seemed like the most rational choice after careful consideration. After all, it would have been uncomfortable for Xie Ye if he had tugged his arm while he was holding the large plush toy.

—Although, on an emotional level, what he really wanted to do was hold hands.

The plush toy was filled with cotton, and although it looked large, it wasn't heavy. Without a word, Xie Ye decisively stuffed the rabbit that had been wearing his mask and sunglasses into Gu Cong's arms. He raised his hand, calmly adjusting his collar.

As the chin resting on the plush toy's head was gently pulled down by the rabbit ears, Gu Cong felt a bit frustrated. He couldn't help but think of the clueless straight guys from the funny memes and videos who messed up their partners' makeup while going out.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, the young man, who had neatly adjusted himself and put his mask back on, reached out and gently held the soft right paw of the pink rabbit. "Hold onto this."

"Let's go."


His lips couldn't help but curl up uncontrollably. Gu Cong not only didn't think it was childish for two grown men to do such things, but he also felt a bit jealous of the rabbit that Xie Ye was affectionately touching.

He really wanted to hold hands with Xie Ye too.

He wanted it so badly.

Struggling to suppress his restless "claws", Gu Cong squeezed the plush toy with a somewhat aggrieved expression. "Are you tired? Let's find a place to drink something."

The words he had just said to Guan Chen weren't entirely an excuse either. Xie Ye's throat was far more delicate than an average person's, and he had been talking a lot while accompanying him around the exhibition earlier. If he didn't hydrate properly, he would definitely feel uncomfortable later.

With a good memory and a strong sense of direction, Gu Cong quickly led them to a relatively quiet beverage shop. In order to match the theme of the exhibition, each shop open today was linked to different games. The ones associated with less popular IPs had fewer visitors. He had made a mental note of their locations when he passed by earlier, and now it came in handy.

Simply ignoring the iced lemon water option that the whimsical landlord had checked, Gu Cong raised his head and said to the waiter, "One glass of water and one glass of honey pomelo tea with less sugar, both hot."

"Staring at me won't help," Gu Cong retorted confidently as he met Xie Ye's dark phoenix-like eyes. "No ice until your stomach gets better."

Especially since they were not at home but outside, surrounded by numerous visitors coming and going, which could potentially add pressure to Xie Ye. Opting for tasteless hot water seemed like the safest choice.

Protesting fruitlessly, Xie Ye: Well done.

Getting bold.

【I think someone needs to take good care of you.】1101 chimed in, almost enthusiastically agreeing with the sentiment.

Moreover, that glass of honey pomelo tea with less sugar was clearly the option B prepared by someone for the host. Otherwise, with Gu Cong's own taste, he wouldn't have cared about sugar content.

"You try the tea first, see if you can handle it. If you can, give me the hot water," Gu Cong instructed as he pushed both cups towards Xie Ye, reminding him, "Be careful, it's hot."

1101: What did it say again?

Overflowing with affection, only Gu Cong remained oblivious, thinking he was hiding it well.

After recent frequent feeding with small meals, Xie Ye's tolerance for fluids had increased significantly. Stirring the tea with a spoon for a couple of rounds, he picked up the tea cup and took a sip, graciously admitting:

"It's drinkable."

—Which meant it was better than what most bubble tea shops made.

Automatically translating the young man's words in his mind, Gu Cong breathed a sigh of relief and took back the other cup, saying, "Let's store the rabbit for now. We'll pick it up when we finish touring the exhibition and head home."


A very reasonable excuse.

That way, no one would stand between him and Xie Ye.

"But I think it's quite cute," guessing the other person's mood was too easy, Xie Ye deliberately praised as he held the tea cup, "There's nothing wrong with hugging it."


...Well, indeed it's very cute. It's also the slipper in Xie Ye's house.

Even though it was his own suggestion to win the biggest plush toy, at this moment, Gu Cong felt a twinge of regret. Before today, he never thought that he, a 21-year-old adult male, would be childish enough to feel jealous over an inanimate rabbit.

However, as he drank the slightly warm water with a heavy heart and looked up to meet the other's eyes, which seemed to be smiling but not quite, Gu Cong's heart suddenly skipped a beat.

He slipped up.

Did he just slip up in front of Xie Ye?

"I onced pursued Guan Chen," the young man sitting across from him blurted out abruptly, "but I was rejected."

Like swallowing a heavy stone, Gu Cong's heart, which had been fluttering with anticipation just a moment ago, suddenly sank heavily.

In the farthest corner of the beverage shop, with no tourists or servers to interrupt, the half-height rabbit plush toy sat on the outer edge of a chair, almost entirely blocking the black-haired youth behind it.

"Half a year ago, I was overweight and unattractive. There were a lot of jokes  I caused while pursuing him," coming from the same source, the actions of his alt self naturally had to be taken responsibility for by himself. With a few swipes of his fingers, Xie Ye pushed his own phone over.

The lit screen displayed a photo, or rather a screenshot, capturing a youth who seemed capable of accommodating two or three Xie Yes, appearing startled and completely lacking in facial control, with features askew, appearing both demonic and comical.

The topic that had been casually mentioned during dormitory chats was suddenly brought to mind, and Gu Cong suddenly remembered the "incident" that his friend had once spoken about.

People all have the instinct to pursue what's beautiful, and Gu Cong was no different. However, at this moment, the emotions surging in his chest were not disgust or disappointment, but rather a prickling, fine, and acrid sensation.

From the appearance in the photo to the lean and composed figure he had seen when they first met, in just six months, how much had the other person suffered?

Liking someone is such a private matter that even his three roommates, who are essentially strangers, know about it. How awkward must the other person feel after being rejected?

With a voice as dry as a rusty gear, Gu Cong heard himself asking, "So what? Do you still want to try again?"

Was blocking his face and remaining silent both ways of avoiding disappointment?

He probably did something foolish by hastily pulling the young man away.

"Think about it carefully. He previously saved your videos, shared your giveaways, and today he came over to strike up a conversation. Both internally and externally, you have a good chance." Trying to make his words sound less like an interrogation, Gu Cong struggled to muster a smile and encouraged Xie Ye with solid reasoning.

—Even though he found the chubby Xie Ye very cute.

—Even though he felt that Xie Ye was too good for someone like Guan Chen.

A chance?

Narrowing his eyes displeasing, the black-haired youth enunciated each word, "I've said that I dislike Guan Chen."

Gu Cong, almost instinctively, replied, "Is it because love turns to hate?"

1101, who is always binge-watching dramas, silently sighed, wishing to tie up these two people who were beating around the bush and force them to spit out the truth.

"I've never loved, only pursued." Coolly dropping these six words, which sounded highly dubious and resembled those of a playboy, Xie Ye set down his tea cup and moved to leave, pushing aside the rabbit.

Sensing something amiss, Gu Cong grabbed Xie Ye's wrist. "Xie Ye..."

The black abyss of Xie Ye's eyes, tinged with ice, looked over, deep and intimidating.


It seemed that Xie Ye didn't like physical contact with people.

Moreover, the words Gu Cong wanted to blurt out were too direct. What if they frightened the other person?

Warm water. Warm water.

Boil the cat in warm water.

...To hell with warm water.

"I like you." Despite the young man's typically low body temperature, the palm of his hand, pressed against the other's wrist, was sweating. Nevertheless, there was no intention of backing down. Gu Cong closed his eyes and blurted out impulsively:

"Xie Ye! I want to pursue you!"

Too nervous to control his volume, for a moment, Gu Cong suspected that the entire beverage shop had heard his confession. Just as he was feeling extremely regretful, thinking that the young man would leave to avoid attention, Xie Ye, facing both obvious and subtle gazes, moved his lips:

"I have a tendency to gain weight."

Gu Cong was dumbfounded: ?

Xie Ye continued, "I might end up looking like the person in the photo."

"What's that got to do with anything?" Finally understanding what the other was getting at, Gu Cong was puzzled. "I admit I like your appearance, but I don't just like you for your looks."

It was the demeanor, the personality, every little detail of their interactions.

Xie Ye added, "I have a dark history, I might..."

"I'm not afraid, and I don't care about anything else that 'might' happen." Rarely interrupting the other's words, Gu Cong tilted his head back, his eyes like flames burning within amber. They weren't harmful, but fervent and sincere as he looked at Xie Ye:

"So, can I pursue you now?"

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