It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 37


ITOTIABSAM | Landlord Tenant | 37

After joining Y Station, he never hid various updates. Although Guan Chen bookmarked his videos, he didn't pay much attention to this unfamiliar small UP host.

It wasn't until tonight during the game broadcast that fans began mentioning this matter.

He didn't have a habit of watching videos regularly, only occasionally checking the recommended section of the website. Guan Chen, after a moment of recollection, figured out who the fans were talking about.

—A hand.

A new talent with a good-looking yet injured hand.

He wasn't interested in cooking, and he would like and bookmark a variety of videos in one go, purely because he found the chopping movements of the other person pleasing to the eye. 

Even with gauze wrapped around, it didn't affect the aesthetics.

In non-professional matches, he could easily multitask. Soon, Guan Chen pieced together the information he wanted from the rapidly scrolling barrage with his peripheral vision:

A newcomer who eats heartily, with a good-looking hand. This afternoon, his homepage suddenly filled with a series of dynamic updates liking gaming section videos, with very short intervals, deliberately skipping over his own videos. It's hard to suspect it wasn't intentional.

Because of his bookmarks, he had brought traffic to some UP hosts before. Such things had happened in the past, and Guan Chen was always casual about it, not expecting gratitude, and not caring about a few or dozens of new followers.

But being disliked was something he encountered for the first time.

Yes, disliked.

Guan Chen was very sensitive to people's emotions and rarely made mistakes, even through the internet. If the other person wasn't reenacting some ancient idol drama trope, then such behavior clearly indicated a dislike towards him.

It's really strange. Did he do anything to offend this newcomer? It couldn't be his previous fans from the opposing team.

Worried that some irrational fans might go to the other person's videos to argue, Guan Chen smiled. While completing a triple kill with one ultimate move, he said, "So unique? I like it."


【You're not acting like yourself.】

【Understood, the God Guan likes tsundere.】

【Playing hard to get? Is it too late to learn now?】

To be fair, Guan Chen did have good intentions. He didn't want to start a conflict. However, this inadvertently deepened the impression between the fans of the two sides. The intended blocking of Xie Ye was also unsuccessful.

Fortunately, no matter how you look at it, under the management of Xie Ye, the newly applied for alt account finally started to gain popularity. With the release of videos, it could at least earn some pocket money.

1101 passionately complained, "You're exploiting child labor!"

Xie Ye replied, "Hundreds of years old child labor?"

【You wouldn't understand, would you? In the system world, even a thousand years old is considered a baby.】 After scanning the host's body data, 1101 exclaimed, "Xie Ye, you are gaining weight, you have gained weight!"

Although it was only one pound, for this body, not losing weight was a big success.

Gaining weight?

The moment he heard this word, an immediate explanation related to it jumped into his brain. It was as if some secret switch had been pressed, and Xie Ye's consciousness was flooded with an inexplicable fear and a profound, deep self-disgust.

As his gaze wandered, he easily found one mirror after another. He looked at his reflected self and felt a wave of unfamiliarity. His mind was extraordinarily clear, yet his eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of wrong filters. What he saw was no longer a person but a lump of bloated, ugly monster.


The urge to vomit, which had been calm for several days, surged back. Xie Ye covered his mouth, bent over, and cold sweat dripped down his forehead.

"Are you okay, Xie Ye?"

【Xie Ye, are you okay?】

The curled-up young man couldn't speak.

It's clear that running to the bathroom and vomiting would bring relief, but Xie Ye refused.

He grew weary of the burning pain in his throat after being controlled by the pathological reflex.

Physiological and psychological forces were at odds, resulting in Xie Ye, caught in the middle, experiencing intense pain. Breathing became difficult, his fragile stomach convulsed, and unable to stand any longer, his knees gave way, stumbling and falling.

The long-dulled sense suddenly regained its sharpness at this moment. Every bit of pain was infinitely magnified, as if the body had surpassed its protective mechanisms, punishing itself from the inside out."

Countless mirrors resembled numerous icy eyes, either distant or close, scrutinizing the youth from a high vantage point, observing the youth's embarrassment and distress.

It was a hallucination born of psychological stress.

Although Xie Ye was well aware that all of this was an illusion brought about by a mix of stimuli from the small memory source, he couldn't shake it off. Annoyed, he grabbed whatever was at hand and fiercely threw it.


The mirror shattered, making a clattering sound as it fell to the ground, breaking into even more pieces. It transformed into more sharp eyes. Gu Cong, lying on the side with headphones on, finally sensed that something was wrong. He hastily got up, opened the door, looked left and right a few times, and only then found the young man lying amidst the wreckage in the corner.

The flying glass was as sharp as blades, leaving bloodstains on the exposed skin of the other person. However, Xie Ye seemed oblivious, eyes closed, unmoving. His complexion was deathly pale, like the thinnest paper, with beads of sweat pouring out, even his usually eye-catching lips had lost their vibrant color.

"Xie Ye? Xie Ye?"

No response came even after calling several times. Gu Cong didn't dare to move the other person easily. He called an ambulance while clearing away the fragments around the young man. "Hello? 120..."


The night was as dark as ink.

When Xie Ye opened his eyes again, he found himself lying on a hospital bed in a dimly lit room. 

No lights were on, only a faint light from the corridor shone through the glass at the door, revealing two figures conversing.

It was Gu Cong.

With both of Xie Ye's parents gone early, it seemed that Gu Cong had been caught by the doctor and became the de facto family member.

"Host?" Weakly, 1101 in his mind expressed regret and fear, "I'm sorry, I really didn't expect... the physical reaction of the small host to be so intense."

It didn't dare to say anything more and silently took out the life-saving medicine it had bought with its own salary. "When I was getting ready to feed you the medicine, Gu Cong arrived. Fortunately, this hospital is still reliable."

Rarely did the system appear so despondent. Xie Ye withdrew his gaze and shook his head, saying, "It's okay."



Being called by a nickname for the first time, 1101, feeling like it had caused trouble, was completely stunned. If it had a physical form, its eyes would surely be red, and it would want to rush to Xie Ye and cry immediately.

However, Xie Ye was aware that it wasn't the system's fault. The system was genuinely happy for his improvement, and no one would react hysterically to a simple and well-intentioned word like "weight" as he did.

But, at the same time, it wasn't his alternative's fault either.

Perhaps some people think that, with the distance spanning across the heavens and seas, if someone falls off a horse and dies in the virtual world, what does it matter? They can just leave their account, unplug the internet cable, at most change cities, and who would know who is who.

However, for his alternative self was someone who is introverted, sensitive, genuinely treats virtual streaming as a beloved career. Fell in love for the first time. The collapse of his self esteem, career, and love is enough to completely shatter him, who relied on the internet as a support system.

The power of the storyline, how could the vague and hazy NPC hinder it? Especially for his alternate self, before junior high, having been handsome and cute, possessing and then losing it, undoubtedly, it's the most cruel thing.

【It's none of your business. I should naturally control my own body,】 Xie Ye said calmly, "Didn't I not vomit this time?"

1101: "It's still better to vomit."

It was scared out of its wits.


Seemingly done talking with the doctor, Gu Cong pushed the door open as quietly as possible and walked in.

Other patients were asleep, fortunately, none of them were snoring. Xie Ye hadn't figured out what to say to Gu Cong and simply closed his eyes again.

Then, he felt someone sitting by his bed.

The left hand receiving the infusion was icy cold, stiff, especially the fingertips, which were freezing. In the darkness, a warm little thing was placed in his palm, round, like an egg.

1101: You're right, it's an egg-shaped hand warmer.

The supermarket next to the hospital indeed had everything.

The ward was very quiet. Occasionally, the faint sound of the wheels of a stretcher and the moans of patients could be heard from the end of the corridor, along with the sobbing of family members. Xie Ye had long been accustomed to such scenes. After an unknown amount of time, the back of his hand began to itch, and something furry seemed to stick to it.

Having missed the time to buy a folding bed, the tall male student, over six feet, could only bring a stool and awkwardly leaned against the edge of his bed. He couldn't stretch out comfortably and looked like a small hill.

With the curtains drawn, illuminated by the weak light of the instruments, Xie Ye stared at the round back of the other person. Unable to resist, he raised his hand and lightly touched the strands of hair that brushed against him.

Very gently, as if caressing the wings of a fallen angel.

Gu Cong woke up.

His mind had been on edge, and he sat up abruptly. After a moment of confusion, he turned his head towards Xie Ye. His drowsy eyes instantly lit up.

Considering the other patients in the ward, he quietly moved the chair to the closest position to Xie Ye's ear and whispered, "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Xie Ye shook his head.

"That's good." His suspended heart finally landed, and Gu Cong raised a reassuring smile, patting the young man's hand gently. "Don't worry, the doctor said it's nothing serious. Do you want some water?"

— A lie.

When the other person was brought to the hospital, he showed obvious symptoms of shock, almost landing him in the ICU.

However, at this moment, Gu Cong didn't want to scare him. He didn't want to blame him for not taking care of himself. Seeing the young man shake his head again, he made a nonchalant sound and didn't insist. It took him a moment to belatedly realize how intimate their intertwined hands were.

Yet, Xie Ye still seemed completely unaware. After a pause, Gu Cong indulged his instincts and let his hand rest on the gradually warming back of the young man's hand.

With a sigh-like tone, he said, "Mr. Xie, you scared me."

The distinctly affectionate tone, the deliberately distant address, more than a reproach, it sounded more like a subtle form of coquetry. Xie Ye, seemingly reminded of something, blinked his eyelashes slowly and hesitated before saying, "Hmm."

1101 helplessly facepalmed: "He has been in a relationship before, but why is our host still like this when comforting someone?"

Detached and seemingly unyielding.

But Gu Cong felt that the person in front of him was very gentle, even unusually so. The pitch-black phoenix eyes remained inscrutable, yet they felt tender, as if the night sky hid moonlight.

Uncontrollably, his heart raced, like a cola bottle vigorously shaken, bubbling up.

Always feeling that if the other person continued to gaze at him, he might do something to startle him, he instinctively raised his free hand and covered the young man's eyes. "It's very late."

"Go to sleep."

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