It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 31


ITOTIABSAM | Landlord Tenant | 31

Ten minutes later.

The black-haired youth, pale-faced, sat on the sofa wrapped in a blanket. In front of him was a cup of steaming hot water.

Gu Cong, who had quickly finished mopping the floor, raised his hand and threw the empty mineral water bottle, hitting the trash can dead center. He pushed open the door to the master bedroom, groped for the switch on the left, turned it on, and then picked up a pair of cotton slippers with rabbit ears from the bedside.

These were bought before the unexpected face reveal during the birthday party. It was cute and completely out of place in the current home. Gu Cong had noticed it when he entered, showing no surprise at the moment. Holding the slippers with two rabbit ears, he placed them at Xie Ye's feet. "Put them on."

"To keep warm."

After suddenly hearing a loud noise in the living room during his review, Gu Cong went out to see his new landlord half-kneeling in the darkness. 

A pool of water spilled from the refrigerator, reflecting light. Gu Cong was startled, quickly turned on the lights based on memory, helped the person up, and caught sight of the medicine box in the young man's hand. Only then did he realize that the person was taking medication.

It seems there was some rejection of the slippers Gu Cong brought. The other person stared at them for a solid two seconds before slowly slipping his dried feet into them. 

The youth's feet were very slim, with clearly protruding ankle bones, exceptionally fair. Faint blue veins were visible beneath the skin, and only at the base of the nails could a hint of pink be found.

Gu Cong, realizing that his gaze had impolitely lingered on his new landlord's feet, felt uncomfortable and turned his head, searching for something to say. "Still feeling uncomfortable?"

The items produced by the system worked extremely fast. Xie Ye shook his head.

"It's already nine o'clock. Haven't you eaten anything tonight?" Due to the forced swallowing of pills, the person wrapped in the blanket had red eyes, devoid of the cruelty and indifference from when they teased him with cooking in the afternoon. It was almost indistinguishable from the rabbits on the slippers. Sighing, Gu Cong opened the refrigerator.

"I've finished all the food. Should I cook some noodles?"

To avoid more waste, the small portions made in each video recording were only enough for one person, with no desire to eat. Xie Ye reached out, "I'll just have water."

Gu Cong with quick reflexes, caught the other's wrist in three swift steps, "Be careful, it's hot!"

Daring to directly grab a regular glass filled with boiling water with one's hands, especially one wrapped in thick gauze – did this person have no sense of pain?

He was quite adept at enduring pain, and the sensations in his new body were dull. Xie Ye had never intended to actually drink the water when Gu Cong handed him the cup filled with mineral water. He pursed his lips and fell into silence.

"What's wrong? Is it still painful?" Misinterpreting the young man's expression, Gu Cong set down the water cup and pulled out his phone from his pocket. "Should I call a car and take you to the hospital?"

Xie Ye suddenly looked up, "Are you always this kind to everyone?"

Gu Cong, caught off guard: ?

"Nothing, I just feel that you're very kind." Even to such a strange landlord he met for the first time could be tolerated.

After gathering enough strength during a few minutes of rest, Xie Ye stood up, wearing the bunny slippers, and returned to his room. "I need to rest."

"Good night."

Sensing the host's emotions, 1101 asked, "Are you angry?"

Gu Cong had been busy taking care of him for half the day, and there wasn't even a thank you. If anyone had a right to be angry, it should be the other person.

Xie Ye didn't respond, turned off the lights, locked the door, and buried himself back under the covers.

【You don't think he's approaching you just because of the plot, right? Although it sounds a bit harsh, you are the antagonist, and not being reported as a pervert is already a good thing.】

Patiently, 1101 analyzed the original work, "The main protagonist's romantic relationship hasn't started yet, and you don't have much interaction with him. As long as you avoid the kidnapping plot and actively undergo treatment, the future looks bright."

Virtual streamers are different from celebrities; once the internet connection is cut, all grievances are forgotten.

Xie Ye replied indifferently, "Oh."

1101: ...

Without any context, what's with the sudden mood swing? Didn't he live quite well in his previous life, filming a movie every two years, retiring from the entertainment industry at forty, enjoying life until a natural end, and simultaneously causing some trouble for the world's consciousness?

In this world, whether following the plot, counterattacking, or choosing to be carefree, everything seemed simpler. With so many paths to choose from, why did the other party return to the initial state?

Letting out a quiet sigh, 1101 suddenly began to miss the previous world and Gu Cong who cared about the host. Because he didn't want to involve innocent people, Xie Ye gained a bit of motivation and aspiration.

In this world, the new Gu Cong seemed to have become much more assertive as he grew older.

A dozen minutes later, the assertiveness that 1101 silently murmured about was vividly demonstrated through the rhythmic knocking at the door, following the pattern of patient persistence.

"Mr. Xie, I've cooked some noodles."

After waiting for a while without a response, Gu Cong, standing outside the door, didn't seem anxious. 

He used his fingers to lightly knock on the door, coaxing and threatening at the same time, "It's a very light flavor. If you don't come out in three minutes, considering the recent dangerous situation where I almost had to call an ambulance, I might have to break down this door."

"I've been playing basketball since high school. I haven't deliberately worked out, but I still have the strength to break open a door lock."

"Mr. Xie..."


The door in front of Gu Cong opened.

Disheveled black hair, Xie Ye gripped the doorknob, expressionless. "You, terminate the lease. Right now."

"Landlords have to compensate for breaking the lease," applying a bit of force, Gu Cong widened the gap in the door. It seemed he had the intention of not leaving unless the other party agreed. "Have something to eat, I'll go back to my room. I won't keep an eye on you."

Unexpectedly, at the most opportune moment for a counterattack, Gu Cong chose to compromise. After all, according to the original plan...

— Although the pot of red fish and chicken soup made him very skeptical of these claims.

However, no matter what, the Xie Ye in real life was far more captivating to him than during their online conversations. It wasn't because of the other's appearance, which could easily pass for cosplaying a captivating ghost, but rather due to the temperament, demeanor, and the atmosphere formed by various subtle movements.

"The bowl and chopsticks are in the dining room," whether it was meddling or presumptuous, Gu Cong instructed, "Don't touch water if your hand is injured. I'll clean them tomorrow morning."

1101 marveled at this level of patience.

It takes an extraordinary temperament to resist getting angry in the face of the stern expression of the host.

Xie Ye retorted, "If you have something to say, just say it."

In theory, both mentally and physically, Xie Ye had no interest in eating at this moment. 

However, his feet seemed to have a mind of their own. After Gu Cong returned to his room, he gradually moved into the dining room step by step.

It was a very simple noodle dish, with soy sauce added to clear water for seasoning. On top lay a sunny-side-up egg, without even a sprinkle of chopped green onions for decoration.

Picking up the chopsticks, Xie Ye lifted a strand, took a bite, and quickly spat it into the plastic bag-covered trash can next to him, saying, "It's bad."

Before his alternative unexpected exposure, he was a genuine food enthusiast, skilled in cooking delicious dishes. Naturally, his palate was more discerning than the average person's.

 Moreover, this bowl of noodles had incorrect cooking time and seasoning; it was bland enough to make one doubt if any salt had been added.

The egg was not even perfectly soft-boiled.

1101: ...

So many demands, with your small stature right now, even if presented with a grand feast, you wouldn't be able to finish it.

The next moment, right after 1101 finished its sarcastic remark, Xie Ye switched spoons, scooped up a small amount of soup, licked it with his tongue like a cat, and then gave the same evaluation, "Really bad."

1101: If it's bad, why eat it? What's the point of inviting trouble upon yourself?

The smaller account's anorexia was primarily due to psychological factors. Prolonged induced vomiting had disrupted normal neural reflexes, causing the brain to no longer respond positively to food signals, leaving only discomfort. Although Xie Ye himself didn't have any eating disorders, it would be difficult to overcome this instinctive response of both body and mind in a short period.

Initially, 1101 thought the host would follow the alternative Xie Ye's example and dispose of the food. However, after waiting for a while, there was no sign of action.

It wasn't until the steaming soup noodles turned cold, with the oil and egg congealed, that the black-haired youth seemed to snap out of it. He stood up, slowly found some plastic wrap, sealed the bowl, and stuffed it into the refrigerator.

1101: ??

Xie Ye: "Whoever makes the food should handle it."

— I can see you're reluctant, but I dare not say it.

Muttering quietly in his mind, 1101 observed that, perhaps influenced by the physiological differences in hormones of this new body, Xie Ye had become noticeably more sensitive, suspicious, and harder to please.

Moreover, the ability to do something like kidnapping and locking the protagonist into a dark room had already shown a trace of paranoia in the alternative Xie Ye. It inexplicably reminded 1101 of the host in the previous world when he saw Gu Cong bleed.

This made 1101 nervous throughout the night.

But in reality, Xie Ye was quite well-behaved. As the medication took full effect, the pain became increasingly faint. By the time he regained consciousness, it was already the next afternoon.

Unable to restrain itself, 1101 muttered, "Sleep? I think what you're doing should be called a coma, right?"

If it weren't for the stable vital signs, it would have considered calling for emergency assistance.

Pure water with no taste was probably the only thing the alternative Xie Ye could relatively swallow normally. 

However, when Xie Ye finished washing up and went out, he discovered that the bottled water that was in the refrigerator earlier had been taken out. On the coffee table in the living room, the most conspicuous spot was occupied by an electric kettle, with a prominent orange note attached.

【Boiled, drinkable.】

The handwriting was vigorous and sharp, different from the Gu Cong in the previous world.

The room was quiet, and by the front door lay the slippers that the new tenant had worn last night. It seemed that the person had gone out. The all-white electric kettle had some insulation, and when Xie Ye poured the water, a faint heat emerged. A layer of mist formed on the glass cup, making it barely palatable.

Since requesting a leave last night, Xie Ye hadn't logged into Y Station. The dynamic comments of his alternative had accumulated more than a dozen messages, mostly expressing concern, occasionally mixed with a few urging for more updates.

There was no breach of contract fee to be paid, and Xie Ye didn't plan to take over for his alternative. Unexpectedly, when he opened the refrigerator, the bowl of cold noodles inside had disappeared.

【Gu Cong ate it.】

Afraid that the host would lie in bed and wait for death, 1101 hastily reported the incident and took the opportunity to suggest, "Look, he's easy to take care of. After recording the video, you won't have to worry about someone handling the food anymore."

Xie Ye raised an eyebrow, "Is my cooking bad?"

1101: "Whether it's good or bad, someone needs to eat it. Maybe he can even help you with the dishes."

【Think about the other household chores...】

Xie Ye remained noncommittal.

A few minutes later, 1101 discovered a new fresh grocery delivery on its host's phone. "What are you doing?" Saving money is crucial when not working.

【Buying groceries.】

Xie Ye, with an impatient expression, raised an eyebrow, "Are you implying that you want me to go personally?"

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