It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 33


ITOTIABSAM | Landlord Tenant | 33

In 1101's eyes, since Gu Cong was already familiar with him, and since he had approached him while knowing that he was filming, he should be willing to have his voice appear in the video. So it didn't bother to delete Gu Cong's audio track, otherwise it would not only make it seem like Xie Ye was "talking to himself" very strangely, but it would also affect the continuity of the "plot".

The alternative Xie Ye only had one device at home, but 1101 had 360-degree omnidirectional monitoring, so it didn't lack materials for any kind of shot. As a result, this video, which had a significantly improved quality, received far more views than previous videos.

As new viewers flooded in, some discordant barrages also popped up:

[High-energy warning.]

 [This UP's voice...] 

[I was scared when I heard him speak suddenly.]

Since Gu Cong had been around 1101 for a long time, 1101 had almost forgotten that Xie Ye's voice was considered unpleasant in the ordinary person's perception, but according to its understanding of Xie Ye, no matter how much he was hated, the other party would definitely not stoop to faking it. If it interfered too much, it would be beaten up nine out of ten times.

However, when the camera returned to Xie Ye's hand, the youth's bone structure was very beautiful, to say the least. It was difficult to see in the ordinary days, but it became more noticeable when there was less fat to cover it.

[Bandage? Injured?]

 [I remember he said he cut himself yesterday.]

 [Awww, I want to be the knife in his hand.] 

[Nickname is rice? Full of contrast cute, huh!] 

[Who was refreshed? I was refreshed! This pear is so crisp!]

Except for the conversation between Xie Ye and Gu Cong, the video only had a few dozen words in the opening, but it was precisely these few dozen words that made the viewers who were familiar with the alternative Xie Ye taste something unusual.

[Tonight? They also ate together last night?] 

[This is still the first time that Fanfan has had someone appear in his video.] 

[It's also the first time Fanfan has said so much.] 

[Sounds like a handsome guy.] 

[6 minutes and 38 seconds, swallowing saliva, I'm so hungry, I also want to eat the food made by Fanfan!]

In general, Xie Ye's cooking skills and the alternative Xie Ye are almost the same, with no difference in essence, after all, they are the same person. But with Gu Cong as a guest, the original taste that was out of reach of the screen suddenly became real and vivid.

Especially when Gu Cong was standing behind the equipment at the time, the clear chewing sound made the camera even more immersive.

[Wow wow wow! I have to buy a phone that can smell food when I have money!] 

[I just finished dinner and I'm hungry again.] 

[I'm so sad that I can only gnaw on pears in the dorm.]

According to reason, with 1101 not interfering with cheating, the heat of this video with a duration of more than five minutes and a single cooking video should have stopped at this point, but unexpectedly, the main character, Gu Cong, did not know what he was thinking. Half an hour after the live broadcast ended, he actually put Xie Ye's new video in his public collection.

The comments section that had just stabilized was instantly flooded by Gu Cong's fans:

[Daily collection punch card 1/1.] 

[Let me see which little beauty the God of Guan has picked out.] 

[The hands of the UP are so beautiful.] 

[Consider letting your roommate dub it?]

For a small UP like the alternative Xie Ye, who only has a few thousand followers, compared to the main anchor with millions of followers, it is simply not on the same level. Normal comments are gradually being suppressed by check-in, and instead become a place to promote Gu Cong indirectly.

If it were any other UP, especially a new UP, being able to interact with the main god would be a huge gain, but in the case of the alternative.

But it's also a good opportunity to pry a corner

After a long absence, a bit of ambition emerged. 1101 tentatively suggested, 'How about you try breaking the CP? Like, when Guan Chen loves you so much that he can't extricate himself, ruthlessly break up with him, face-slap and counterattack, a perfect and satisfying plot.”

Xi Ye: “Not interested.”

The so-called main protagonist hasn't even cooked up a meal that he himself likes, so why bother picking up trash?

It might be more interesting to explore the supposedly top-notch looks of the protagonist, at least one can witness the world-class modeling skills.

[It’s not too late to change and be a 1 is also feasible,] realizing there is hope to complete the mission, 1101 blinked and forgot about Gu Cang's existence, hesitatingly suggesting, “But your body…”

Cough! Sensing the rapidly spreading killing intent in the sea of consciousness, 1101 immediately changed the topic tactfully, “The key, you haven't delivered Gu Cong's key.”

Gu Cong.

As if pressing an invisible switch, the volatile mental power instantly quieted down. After patting his chest with lingering fear, 1101 secretly pursed its lips: 'He said he didn't have expectations for Gu Cong in this world.'

Mental fluctuations don't lie.

After not being able to read all day, Gu Cong washed the dishes and returned to his room. When he went out to pour water, his foot stepped on something. Looking down, it turned out to be a black-headed silver-bodied key, wider than the sideways key, seeming to be for the main door.

But other than that, he didn't see Xie Ye's figure. The door to the master bedroom was tightly closed, and there was no sound at all in the apartment, as if there was only one living person.

What's going on?

Is it a trick to avoid making him angry? Or is he not even willing to talk to himself under the same roof?

In fact, Gu Cong couldn't figure out what he was thinking. Instead of being angry with Xie Ye, it's better to say he's angry with himself. Who would be happy being compared to a stray dog?

Yet, foolishly feeling that the youth staring at himself, almost carving the words 'deliberate provocation' on his face, is extremely beautiful, that his heart beats rapidly.

Forcefully clenching the key to the door in his palm, Gu Cong remembered the refrigerator in the kitchen, unchanged from the morning. He couldn't help but worry.

Could it be that this person just drinks water all day? Science cannot tolerate a fairy who only drinks morning dew. What if he faints again like yesterday?

Without leaving a trace, Gu Cong left a crack in the door before returning to his room.

However, the occupant of the master bedroom did not emerge until he had washed up, turned off the lights, and gone to bed.

The next day was no different. In the absence of illness and without shooting videos, Xie Ye was actually a very good roommate—good in the sense of being almost nonexistent.

In the fourth year of college, with few classes and everyone either interning or preparing for postgraduate exams and writing papers, the library was bursting with people. It was for this reason that Gu Cong chose to move out.

According to the contract, he could use anything in the kitchen except for ingredients. Gu Cong had originally planned to have a cup of hot milk with bread, but he realized he had forgotten to buy some yesterday.

So, taking advantage of the time when he went downstairs for a morning run, he changed his meal to soy milk and fried dough sticks.

For a full twenty-one years, Gu Cong had never considered himself a picky eater. 

However, after two rounds of feeding from the new landlord, his tongue seemed to have become more "picky." The breakfast shop was thriving, and the food was freshly cooked, but it tasted bland to him.

The "culprit" behind all this, completely unaware, was still sleeping.

With a lack of nutrients and the influence of the 1101 adjustment, Xie Ye was like a phone running out of battery, naturally falling into a prolonged dormant state.

The version of him was resilient, or rather, numb. Eating and vomiting, absorbing what he could. But the current occupant lying on the bed was a different story. He was more like an old man who detested any disturbance, refusing to take in oil and salt.

Especially with the sleep posture after the interference of a certain big dog missing, lying stiffly with hands crossed on the abdomen, coupled with an extremely pale complexion, anyone unaware would probably be scared to death.

Should he buy some tasteless nutritional supplements and force-feed them to him? After all, there were still some points left from the previous world.

Just as 1101 was hesitating whether to awaken the host from the dormant state, click, the door of the apartment suddenly opened, followed by a series of footsteps getting closer: "Xie Ye?"

"Xie Ye, are you awake?"

Voluntarily delivering oneself as a scapegoat, 1101 immediately dove into the depths of the host's consciousness, feigning death. 

His eyelids moved heavily, and the black-haired youth's eyelashes fluttered lightly as he opened his eyes, waking up from the tired dream.

The knocking on the door outside showed no signs of stopping, and the person even resorted to the same tricks: "Xie Ye? Xie Ye, do you remember what I said? If you don't respond, I'm going to break in!"


Intending to forcefully open the door to show he was serious, Xie Ye, who overestimated his strength, staggered backward instead. The thick curtains blocked any light, and he stood in the darkness with an unfriendly gaze: "What's the matter?"

"I bought breakfast," increasingly certain that the situation was worse than before, Gu Cong shook the small bag in his hand, "I've freeloaded two meals since moving in, so I am a bit embarrassed."

Xie Ye: "I already said that..."

"Yeah, stray dog, I know," seamlessly continuing the young man's unfinished sentence, Gu Cong didn't give him a chance to change the subject, "Custard buns, sweet, not greasy. The boss said they sell really well. Want to try?"

"And there's soy milk, milk. I don't know which one you like, so I bought both."

The discreetly eavesdropping 1101 thought to itself, "Alright, with these sweet little treats, the boss probably thinks you're buying them for a girlfriend."

"Wanna taste it?" Seeing that the young man didn't immediately refuse, Gu Cong opened the sealed bag and, holding a small custard bun through the paper, offered it to Xie Ye's lips, saying, "If you don't like it, you can spit it out."


A silence lasting for five seconds. Following the young man's downward gaze, Gu Cong finally realized that his fingertip, inadvertently, had touched the edge of the custard bun beyond the paper bag.

"Sorry, I didn't notice. Let me..." Realizing how impolite this behavior was, Gu Cong immediately started to explain. However, before he could finish speaking, he froze in place.

Because the young man had bitten into the custard bun that was in his hand.

Leaning slightly forward, the white tips of his teeth showed through his red lips. In an unusual manner, he took a big bite, even slightly distorting the edge of the paper bag in the process.

Unexpectedly, Xie Ye did not experience the anticipated nauseating feeling that one would expect from such a retaliation.

The retaliatory act, meant to make the other person feel disgusted all over, unexpectedly took on a somewhat ambiguous atmosphere at this moment.

"Slow down." Struggling to regain his composure, Gu Cong felt a faint, almost imperceptible airflow as his fingertip nearly touched the young man's rosy lips.

With nerves stretched to the limit, the swallowing sound of the young man's Adam's apple rolling became incredibly clear, as if amplified tenfold. Logic ran away from home, and with a momentary brain glitch, Gu Cong blurted out without thinking, "You can't eat the paper."

The author has something to say:

"This is an apple, it’s delicious."

I suddenly thought of this while writing hhh.

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  1. Why is the text like that? How do I fix it?

  2. It seems this Gu baby is gonna cure his anorexia? whatever food disorder he has.

  3. This chapter has the wrong name at first. It was the protagonist, not Gu Cong, who reposted. I was confused for two chapters before I figured that out.

    1. Sorry it has been awhile since I tl this novel and I need to refresh myself a bit, can you copy and paste which part of the paragraph you are talking about? Ty.

  4. Oh, so CG has to manually feed XY for him to resist vomiting. He's gonna be his cure-all in every arc, I see


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