The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 37



As Lu Xu and Rong Que were almost done with their meal, Li Haili, probably done with her tasks, came over wearing an apron.

She casually sat across from the two, smiling, "Guess why I'm here."

Rong Que focused on selecting meat for Lu Xu, ignoring her. Lu Xu, having finished chewing the meat in his mouth, politely asked, "Why are you here?"

Li Haili mysteriously leaned closer to the two, "The special department assigned me to stay at this school to protect you. They're worried that there might be remnants from the research institute."

Lu Xu thought for a moment. This sister didn't seem to have much combat ability, but he pretended to have a sudden realization, "Thank you, sister."

Li Haili was satisfied with Lu Xu's reaction. Seeing that Rong Que ignored her, she proactively addressed him, "Little Cool Brother, why are you ignoring me?"

Rong Que's forehead twitched, even more determined not to pay her any attention.

Fortunately, the cafeteria management called Li Haili away for work.

Lu Xu then felt like he had returned to a normal Monday.

As they were leaving after eating, there was a lively group at another table in the cafeteria.

Lu Xu couldn't help but glance a few more times. In front of those kids was a large cake, with only a small portion left.

It seemed like someone was celebrating their birthday.

Lu Xu remembered seeing the old director at the orphanage celebrate the chubby kid who often bullied him.

Rong Que noticed Lu Xu's gaze and casually asked, "Xiao Lu, do you remember your birthday?"

Lu Xu knew that on birthdays, people eat cake, and everyone gathers around to wish the birthday person well. However, he didn't understand what a birthday really meant.

So, Lu Xu earnestly asked, "How can I find out my own birthday?"

Rong Que thought for a moment and explained, "It's the day you were born."

"I don't know," Lu Xu sounded a bit down, "Does that mean Xiao Lu will never have his own birthday?"

Rong Que held Lu Xu's hand, shaking his head, "No, Xiao Lu can choose a day as his birthday. From now on, we'll celebrate it on that day every year, okay?"

Hearing that he could choose, Lu Xu's eyes widened with joy. He liked things he could choose.

"Then, Xiao Lu wants to celebrate on the same day as Rong Que!" Lu Xu decisively declared.

Rong Que thought for a moment and said, "Our birthdays are coming up soon."

Hearing "our birthdays," Lu Xu became even happier, revealing a sweet smile. "Which day is it?"

"It's on Halloween," Rong Que replied.

Lu Xu knew about Halloween from anime; people could dress up as various little ghosts and go door-to-door for candies. It sounded fantastic, and he really liked the idea.


In the evening, when they returned home, Qi Sui enrolled Lu Xu in a one-on-one online painting class.

After the incident with the social worker, Qi Sui no longer trusted those artists with clean records.

Although online classes weren't as direct, Lu Xu's talent shone through. With just a few pointers, he could completely reproduce the feelings the teacher described.

So, every day after school, Lu Xu would have an hour of online art class.

Meanwhile, Rong Que took the opportunity to work extra hours on making a cosplay outfit for "Little Rabbit."

The basic shape was already done, and Rong Que was adding details.

Qi Sui was busy trying to figure out a way to adopt them.

However, he faced obstacles from his father.

Perhaps it was even more inconvenient for Xue Ying, given his fame as a movie star.

On the weekend, Qi Sui took the two kids, along with the finally available movie star, to an amusement park.

Xue Ying was still fully geared up in his usual style. Qi Sui, feeling a sense of family responsibility, believed he should arrange everyone's outfits for the amusement park.

He chose a loose single-shoulder strap jumpsuit for himself, giving off a youthful vibe.

Then, he deliberately picked a cute bear-patterned overall shorts for Lu Xu, paired with a plush headband. This made it look like the ears were naturally part of the headband, creating an overall adorable look resembling a cartoon elf.

Rong Que adamantly refused to wear the cute overall shorts. Eventually, he reluctantly agreed to wear a cat-ear headband.

Even the movie star was coerced into wearing a pair of small antler-shaped hair clips on his hood.

And so, the two adults walked alongside each other, holding hands with the kids, creating a sight of four people with completely different styles.

Before entering the amusement park, Qi Sui bought four cute balloons and tied one to each person's wrist. The first ride they encountered inside was the carousel. Lu Xu excitedly pulled Rong Que to join the queue, while Qi Sui instinctively took Xue Ying along.

In his past life, Qi Sui and Xue Ying had no chance to experience amusement parks. They once passed by a dilapidated amusement park, and Qi Sui remembered that Xue Ying seemed to have watched it for a long time, perhaps longing to play.

Xue Ying's body stiffened, hesitating, "I'll stay down here and take pictures for you."

Qi Sui patted him, "You can wash the photos. We'll go wash them later."

After a moment of hesitation, Xue Ying added, "I want to go to the bathroom."

"Hold it in a bit," Qi Sui didn't give him a chance to refuse.

A few minutes later, it was their turn to go up.

Lu Xu decisively chose a single-person carousel horse. Qi Sui lifted him up and secured the safety belt. Then, he reached out to pick up Rong Que.

However, Rong Que declined with a stiff expression. He didn't like the feeling of being lifted up and down by others. So, he walked to another small carousel horse and sat down.

He took out his phone to take pictures of Lu Xu. However, Rong Que forgot to turn off the flash, and after taking one photo, Lu Xu immediately turned around and made a cute "peace" sign.

Despite the rejection earlier, Rong Que allowed Lu Xu to take many more photos.

Qi Sui was about to find a seat for himself when he noticed Xue Ying standing awkwardly in place, unsure of what to do. The ride operator urged, "Hurry up and take your seats, little ones!"

With that call, Xue Ying became even more embarrassed. Qi Sui sighed, this silly fellow.

He walked over and pulled Xue Ying, then sat together on the two-person small carousel behind Lu Xu. The two tall adults felt a bit cramped inside.

Everyone was seated, and the carousel slowly started to turn. It was actually Lu Xu's first time in an amusement park, and he happily held the horse's head, swaying his little feet with the music.

Xue Ying was pulled along and took several selfies with Qi Sui. Although he only showed one eye, Qi Sui was still joyfully taking pictures.

As a devoted fan of Lu Xu, Rong Que took photos of Lu Xu throughout the carousel ride.

When they got off, Rong Que realized he had taken too many photos and wanted to delete a few, but he couldn't bring himself to choose.

For example, in two consecutive photos with different poses, Lu Xu lowered his head in one, creating a moody atmosphere, while in the other, he squinted and smiled, looking very cute. There were also several pictures with the same expression but slightly different angles, and Rong Que couldn't bear to delete any of them.

Side view is cute, and half profile is also adorable.

In the end, Rong Que decided to keep all the densely packed photos he took at a glance.

Qi Sui went to develop the snapshots taken at the amusement park.

Actually, none of them were exceptionally well-shot, but Qi Sui still led everyone in selecting one that they found relatively satisfactory. Four pictures were developed, one for each person.

Xue Ying looked at the photo of the four people.

Lu Xu was at the forefront, smiling happily, while Rong Que was in the background, completely focused on taking pictures. As for him, he was being pulled by Qi Sui to take a selfie.

It was a harmonious and joyful scene... almost like a family of four at first glance.

Passing by the roller coaster, Lu Xu slightly opened his mouth, fascinated.

Thinking about how Lu Xu enjoyed swinging high on the swing, Rong Que figured he might really enjoy the roller coaster. However, six-year-olds weren't allowed on roller coasters.

Seeing Lu Xu looking eagerly, Rong Que could only comfort him, telling him to eat more meat, and once he's tall enough, he can enjoy the roller coaster.

However, since Lu Xu really liked it, he lingered for a while in the same spot.

Unable to bear it any longer, Qi Sui decided to fulfill Lu Xu's wish. So, he dragged Xue Ying along to join the queue for the roller coaster and planned to sit in the front row while recording a video with the phone hanging around his neck.

Lu Xu was responsible for fetching the balls at the bottom, while Rong Que assisted in recording the video from below.

As the roller coaster set off, before it gained speed, Qi Sui and Xue Ying waved to Lu Xu. Well, to be precise, Qi Sui was waving, and Xue Ying's hand was lifted by Qi Sui.

With sparkling eyes, Lu Xu shouted, "Have fun!"

As the roller coaster approached the top, they could see a small figure on the front of the car waving at them. Lu Xu, jumping and waving, hoped Qi Sui could see them.

Halfway through the waving, the roller coaster suddenly accelerated and plunged downward.

The coaster brought forth a chorus of screams.

Lu Xu looked at Rong Que, saying, "Little Lu seems to have heard Qi Sui's voice."

Rong Que nodded sympathetically, "I heard his screams too."

Qi Sui had chosen to sit in the front row for the video, doubling the terror of the roller coaster ride.

Finally reaching the ground, Qi Sui's legs were so weak that he could barely stand.

Xue Ying was half-supporting Qi Sui as they came to find Lu Xu.

However, judging by Xue Ying's appearance, he seemed to be having a good time, and even his demeanor wasn't as gloomy.

Concerned, Lu Xu said to Qi Sui, "Qi Sui ge, are you okay? You look like a noodle."

Qi Sui: ...

Though Lu Xu's description was quite accurate. Qi Sui's wobbly appearance was indeed no different from a noodle.

Later on, they passed various high-altitude amusement rides, including the free fall, and Lu Xu couldn't participate in any of them.

Qi Sui, unwilling to lose face, insisted on riding them all.

After the last ride, Qi Sui's face turned green, and his whole body seemed to float, resembling a noodle even more.

On the other hand, Xue Ying's condition was getting better and better.

This appearance was quite reminiscent of Qi Sui being drained of his vitality by Xue Ying.

Qi Sui was too exhausted, so he didn't bother to go develop the photos.

Later on, he deliberately followed the map, avoiding the thrilling rides.

Fortunately, Lu Xu could ride the Ferris wheel, and they all went together in one compartment.

This gave Qi Sui a chance to catch his breath, and Xue Ying could briefly take off his mask and hat.

Watching Qi Sui slump into a puddle, Xue Ying couldn't help but smile.

"Want some water?" Xue Ying asked with concern.

Qi Sui gasped, "Where can you buy water in the sky? I just forgot to buy some."

Then he saw Xue Ying forming a small icicle above his palm.

Qi Sui sat up abruptly, "When did you recover? Why haven't I recovered?"

Xue Ying apologized, "It was too exciting just now, and I suddenly found out that I had recovered."

Hearing this, Qi Sui remembered and tried extending his hand as well.

However, because he was too tired, a small flicker of flames appeared at his fingertips and immediately extinguished.

Qi Sui was overjoyed!

The roller coaster, drop tower, and pendulum swing all paid off!!

Lu Xu was always supportive. He applauded and said, "Qi Sui ge is amazing!"

Qi Sui felt a bit embarrassed.

Xue Ying fed him the ice column, and he melted it into warm water in his mouth.

Lu Xu was somewhat shocked, his mouth hanging open, "Amazing."

Upon hearing this, Rong Que looked at Lu Xu and said, "Xiao Lu, do you want to drink?"

Lu Xu nodded. Then he wrinkled his face and said, "But drinking ice water hurts my tummy."

Then, Rong Que created a small space in his hand, allowing Xue Ying to add a small icicle. He then had Qi Sui generate a small flame on his fingertip to heat it.

The moment Lu Xu drank the warm water, admiration shone in his eyes.

The other three looked at Lu Xu's admiring expression and thought it was worth it.

The Ferris wheel came to a stop.

No one would have expected that just a moment ago, in an ordinary carriage, the three most powerful individuals with supernatural abilities created warm water for little Lu Xu using their unique powers.

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