The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 53



It wasn't until the morning self-study ended that Lu Xu was able to return to the classroom. In fact, he quite liked being outside the classroom; the air was much better there.

The classrooms here didn't have air conditioning, and September itself wasn't particularly cool. Even with windows open everywhere, Lu Xu felt uncomfortably hot.

After class, Lu Xu went to find Rong Que to go to the restroom together.

Rong Que knew that Lu Xu had been caught sleeping, so he gave him a mint candy.

Lu Xu suspiciously accepted it, questioning, "Is Rong Que trying to make me eat candy during class and get caught again?"

"..." Rong Que helplessly replied, "You can eat it after class to stay awake."

On the other side, Rong Li watched helplessly as Lu Xu and another boy, who was undoubtedly going to be very handsome in the future, held hands and left the classroom. He felt a tinge of heartbreak.

Lu Xu talked to Rong Que about Rong Li on the way. Rong Que was very certain that there was no familial relationship between him and Rong Li.

After carefully observing Rong Que's expression, Lu Xu said, "If Rong Que wants to go back home, Xiao Lu wouldn't stop him."

Rong Que, amused by Lu Xu's concern about this matter, chuckled and said, "I don't want to. I will stay with Xiao Lu forever. I'm sure I don't have any family left in this world."

In the past three years, Qi Sui had already severed the ties with the Rong family.

He was only waiting for the right time to send those scumbags to where they belonged.

Qi Sui would never have any dealings with them again in his lifetime.

His family consisted of Lu Xu, Qi Sui, and Uncle Xue.

He was also grateful to Qi Sui; otherwise, if he were taken back to the Rong family, it would only mean enduring a different kind of torment.

Seeing Rong Que's determination, Lu Xu didn't inquire further.

Moreover, Rong Que had said such happy and trusting words.

Indeed, Big Brother Rong was the most trustworthy person.

When they returned to their seats, Rong Li, observing Lu Xu with cheeks puffed up from the candy, looked cute. After a long internal struggle, he tentatively poked Lu Xu.

Lu Xu had a decent impression of Rong Li. Quickly turning his head with one cheek still bulging from the candy, he curiously asked, "What's up?"

Seeing Lu Xu's face directly, Rong Li blushed, especially when Lu Xu's eyes widened. The gem-like red color seemed to shimmer under the classroom's cold light. The slightly swollen cheek appeared soft and bouncy, tempting to touch.

He felt like his heart skipped a beat. When Lu Xu made another puzzled sound, Rong Li snapped back to reality. He quietly asked, "What's your relationship with that boy?"

"Which boy?" Lu Xu didn't catch on. "You mean the one who was with me just now? He's like a big brother to me."

Rong Li breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out they were just relatives. But why did Lu Xu say "like a big brother"...

Could it be that, like his brother, he also went to the lower grades to recognize a younger sister?!

"Oh, by the way, when I asked if you knew Rong Que, I was talking about him." Lu Xu, anticipating that classmates would eventually get to know each other, introduced Rong Li.

Upon hearing this, Rong Li was momentarily stunned. Why did this brother have a different last name?

Could it be that Lu Xu was willing to talk to him just because he shared a last name with Rong Que?

Earlier, outside the classroom, Lu Xu had taken the initiative to talk, asking if he knew Rong Que.

It seemed... their relationship was indeed quite good.

Tears welled up in Rong Li's heart. "Then what were you two doing outside for so long just now?"

"We were using the restroom." Lu Xu replied, only to see Rong Li petrified as if turned into stone.

Lu Xu was a bit puzzled. What was so strange about two boys going to the restroom together?

Rong Li seemed deeply affected, his eyes devoid of life.

As class time arrived, Lu Xu didn't pay any more attention to him.

Elementary school Chinese and math are both boring, and the teacher doesn't coax us to memorize things like they did in kindergarten.

When Lu Xu listens, he feels like he knows everything, but after class he can't remember anything.

However, it's considered getting through the morning.

It's just that Rong Li, a classmate, is too strange. Every time he finishes class, Lu Xu goes to the bathroom with Rong Que. Rong Li just looks at them absentmindedly.

Until the end of the morning class, Lu Xu and Rong Que go to the bathroom to pour out the remaining water. In the bathroom, they happen to run into Rong Li."

Upon seeing Lu Xu, Rong Li's first reaction was a slight blush, followed by quickly checking his appearance for any flaws.

Finally, looking at Lu Xu in disbelief, Rong Li said, "Lu Xu, how come you're in the boys' restroom!"

Lu Xu tilted his head and, as Rong Li couldn't resist being memorized by the cute scene of Lu Xu tilting his head in the restroom, he heard Lu Xu saying, "Why shouldn't I be in the boys' restroom? Boys can't go to the girls' restroom, you know."

After saying this and seeing no immediate response from Rong Li, Lu Xu walked away with Rong Que. In passing, Lu Xu briefly introduced Rong Que to Rong Li, saying, "This is Rong Li."

Both having the surname Rong, but why does one of them seem a bit clumsy?

Still, Rong Que, the older brother, is the most impressive.

Rong Que felt happy to be praised, and at the same time, he had no intention of explaining to Lu Xuthat Rong Li mistook him for a girl.

Rong Li stood in place for a long time. It was only when he saw Lu Xu's figure disappearing in the stairwell that he finally accepted this reality.

Lu Xu, a student who is incredibly cute and sweet, from her name to her appearance and voice, is actually a boy!!!

Rong Li's first love, which hadn't even started, came to an end.


Lu Xu, on the other hand, was unaware of the impact he had on the innocent soul of a first-grade student.

He only knew that today, he didn't have to endure the extremely unappetizing soups and sleep on the incredibly hard desk.

Lu Xu was overjoyed.

Then, he saw someone familiar in the security booth.

Li Haili was wearing a security uniform, warmly greeted Lu Xu, and reached over to pat Lu Xu's head.

Lu Xu, who had been patted for three years, thought that he would finally be spared from it.

Unexpectedly, he couldn't escape it after all.

"Work needs, work needs! Don't worry, sister can accompany you all the way to university." Li Haili enthusiastically pinched Lu Xu's cheek again. "Why show me the pass? I can just open the door for you directly."

So, even though the two of them had a pass, it looked like they were using the back door to exit the school gate.

Once outside the school gate, Lu Xu noticed a street lined with food carts selling snacks during lunchtime.

Most students who went home for lunch would buy something to eat on the way.

Lu Xu felt a bit hungry, but Auntie had already arrived on her electric scooter.

Auntie's electric scooter had two seats at the back, just enough for Lu Xu and Rong Que to sit side by side.

Lu Xu had never ridden an electric scooter before, and especially not since being adopted. It was his first time on such a stable and moderate-speed vehicle.

With the gentle breeze passing by, it brought a hint of coolness.

In just a few minutes, the electric scooter arrived at their building. Auntie asked them to take the keys and go upstairs for lunch, as she would go park the scooter and join them later.

As they entered the house, the aroma of food greeted them.

Lu Xu immediately felt a strong sense of hunger and happily ran towards the dining table after changing into slippers.

Rong Que held the door for Auntie while instructing Lu Xu to wash his hands first.

"Got it, got it, Auntie Rong," Lu Xu said as he went to wash his hands.

Rong Que happened to come in and washed his hands together with Lu Xu. He carefully wiped Lu Xu's hands clean.

Thinking about having a soft bed to sleep in during the afternoon, Lu Xu couldn't be happier. After drying his hands, he eagerly sat down to eat.

Even though it was just ordinary home-cooked food, Lu Xu found it incredibly fragrant. The rice at home was even more aromatic than the school's.

After having his fill, Lu Xu could once again cuddle with Rong Que for a nap.

During the day, the only time he could talk a bit was after classes, which was quite a torment for Lu Xu, who had gotten used to sitting next to Rong Que.

With a good meal and a good nap, Lu Xu felt more energetic than usual during the afternoon classes.

In contrast to him, Rong Li behind was somewhat absent-minded for the entire afternoon.

However, Lu Xu's good mood didn't last long.

After the math class in the afternoon, the teacher assigned a bit of homework.

Lu Xu took a look: two pages in the workbook, which was acceptable.

At the end of the English class, the teacher assigned more homework. Lu Xu checked again: one page of copying, not too bad.

When the last class, Chinese, ended, there were two pages of homework along with an additional diary entry. 

For the first time, Lu Xu felt the pressure of homework after school.

He absentmindedly packed the assignments into his backpack.

These seemingly simple tasks, which might take only a few minutes for adults, were enough to keep a child busy for an hour or two.

Excluding the one-hour drawing class, after having a meal and taking a bath, Lu Xu was left with only one or two hours of rest time.

Lu Xu couldn't help but sigh, "Elementary school is so tough."

Hearing this, the class monitor, Song Xiao, comforted him, saying, "It's okay, elementary school is already quite relaxed. My brother in high school says he writes six exam papers in a day."

Lu Xu raised his head, eyes widened.

Six exam papers!!!

Even Qi Sui, who picked up Lu Xu, could sense the child's gloominess.

He cautiously asked Rong Que what happened today. Rong Que thought for a moment. The standing punishment was in the morning, and Lu Xu wasn't upset until the afternoon.

"Maybe it's because of too much homework," Rong Que speculated.

Hearing this, Lu Xu thought Rong Que shared his feelings and quickly sympathized, grabbing Rong Que's hand. "Rong Que gege, do you also think it's too much?"

Rong Que fell silent for a moment, trying to find the right words to tell Lu Xu that he had already finished his homework during the break.

"I'll accompany you to do it, take your time, and ask me if you don't understand," Rong Que finally answered.

Lu Xu had already understood the meaning behind Rong Que's words.

After returning home, Lu Xu had dinner first and then went to his drawing class.

When the class was over, he turned off the computer and took out the daunting homework.

Rong Que, guessing that Lu Xu had finished his class, came to knock on his bedroom door.

Lu Xu lethargically uttered a "please come in."

Rong Que pushed open the door, holding a plate in his hands.

On the plate were Lu Xu's favorite cupcakes, a few pieces of cookies, and neatly cut fruits.

The fruits were varied, and they were all Lu Xu's favorites.

Lu Xu's eyes immediately lit up, "Wow!"

Rong Que placed the plate down and sat beside him, saying, "Take a break before continuing to work; it's still early."

Lu Xu glanced at the homework, sighed, and said, "The homework is there, and I can't even enjoy playing."

Rong Que earnestly advised, "Start with the easiest one first, and gradually you'll get into the groove."

Lu Xu thought it made sense and took out what he considered the easiest English homework.

Copying was the least mentally demanding, and Lu Xu's letters were beautifully written. This made him gradually get into the flow as he continued to write.

Rong Que quietly watched beside him, neither playing with his phone nor interrupting Lu Xu while he worked.

When Lu Xu was about to finish, a WeChat message from Cai You popped up on his phone.

Lu Xu raised his head to check it, but Rong Que took away his phone, saying, "Finish one subject first, then you can check."

The key to completing homework efficiently is focus. In fact, without distractions, elementary school homework can be finished quickly.

Lu Xu didn't dwell on it and continued to concentrate on his work.

After finishing, Rong Que returned his phone. However, Lu Xu was no longer in a hurry to check it. Instead, he immediately started working on his Chinese homework.

He continued writing until he reached the math problems. There were quite a few questions that Lu Xu didn't understand. Rong Que explained them once, let him try on his own, and if he still couldn't do it, Rong Que explained it again.

With the homework completed, Lu Xu had grasped all the concepts taught that day.

Finally completing all the tasks, Lu Xu stretched lazily. "I'm exhausted."

Rong Que glanced at the time, "It only took you forty minutes. If you were more focused when I explained the problems, maybe two sessions less, and you could have finished it in half an hour—faster than your drawing class."

"Forty minutes?!" Lu Xu was somewhat incredulous. Did he really write that quickly? "I thought it took me two hours."

Rong Que nodded, "Little deer is very smart, just not focused."

Lu Xu blushed a bit at the praise.

But indeed, completing homework quickly brought a sense of accomplishment.

After a while, Lu Xu remembered to reply to Cai You.

It turned out Cai You was also struggling with elementary school homework and even sent a photo of a problem to ask him.

Lu Xu took a glance, and it happened to be a problem Rong Que had explained to him three times, leaving a deep impression in his memory.

He asked Rong Que to help him record a video, demonstrating the solution on scratch paper.

After sending the video, Cai You replied after a while, "Xiao Lu, you're so smart!"

Lu Xu's chin almost reached the sky.

Rong Que was also happy for him; Lu Xu finally had a sense of achievement and interest in learning.

The next day at school, Lu Xu was praised by the teacher for his neat handwriting in both Chinese and English. His math work was also commended for its accuracy and neatness.

Lu Xu experienced a sense of achievement in learning for the first time.

He became more engaged in class and discovered that when he didn't see learning as a painful task, it didn't seem as difficult. He even eagerly started on the homework the teacher had just assigned.

This reduced the amount of homework he needed to do at home.

On the way home, Lu Xu proudly told Qi Sui that he had already finished his math homework.

Qi Sui sincerely applauded him, genuinely impressed.

Rong Que had a systematic approach to helping with homework.

On Friday afternoon, there was a class meeting, and Lu Xu was responsible for preparing the blackboard and hosting the meeting. Lu Xu directly handed the hosting duty to the dear class monitor, Song Xiao, and wholeheartedly devoted himself to preparing the blackboard.

In a few minutes, he sketched out the layout and what each section should include on a piece of paper.

Several classmates who enjoyed drawing wanted to help. Although Rong Li couldn't draw, he had good handwriting, and he liked the idea of helping Lu Xu, who was beautiful.

Lu Xu didn't want to handle everything alone and assigned them tasks like writing, drawing small flowers, and creating simple large patterns.

When the group of children saw the pre-designed sketches Lu Xu handed them, they were all amazed.

During the class meeting, Song Xiao hosted it very well, and the blackboard looked beautiful. The students who came to inspect it gave high praise, and their class's blackboard was selected as an outstanding one.

Teacher Lan also complimented everyone who participated.

Lu Xu gradually felt that elementary school life wasn't as painful as he had imagined.

Moreover, because Lu Xu insisted on doing morning exercises every day, the exercises during breaks also became much easier.

At the end of the semester, Lu Xu received a pile of winter holiday homework from various subjects, making a thick booklet.

Knowing that too many assignments might affect Lu Xu's enthusiasm for learning, Rong Que organized them, distributing them evenly so that he only needed to spend half an hour on them each day.

Lu Xu immediately felt like it wasn't that much after all. Moreover, he wrote a bit more each day, successfully completing all the homework ten days before the end of the winter holiday, allowing him to thoroughly enjoy his playtime.

During this period, it didn't hinder them from playing with their kindergarten classmates regularly.

As the start of the new school year approached, Song Xiao also invited Lu Xu to go out and play. Lu Xu happily agreed and even asked if Rong Que could join them.

Song Xiao, being a social person, had no objections.

However, something strange happened before bedtime.

Song Xiao suddenly sent a mysterious message, "Xiao Lu, if you have the world's strongest superpower, what would you do?"

Lu Xu looked at this message without a clear context and felt a bit puzzled.

He remembered Rong Que mentioning that his ability was the strongest, which was equivalent to having the strongest superpower.

Could Song Xiao have discovered his ability?

But Lu Xu immediately denied this possibility. It shouldn't be the case; he hardly used his ability at school.

After thinking for a moment, he replied, "What is the strongest superpower?"

There was a pause in the messages, and after a few intermittent inputs, Song Xiao replied, "For example, with a simple finger movement, you can kill someone or bring someone back to life."

Before Lu Xu could respond, another message arrived, "If you had such an ability, would you kill someone you dislike?"

Lu Xu had never used his ability to harm others, even when he was angry and had conflicts at school.

He replied, "No, I wouldn't. I wouldn't even have contact with someone I dislike for the second time."

"Okay," Song Xiao replied and added, "Go to bed early."

Lu Xu found it even stranger. Song Xiao's tone yesterday seemed unusually mature.

The next day, when they went out to play, Song Xiao didn't seem quite natural and gave off an unfamiliar vibe, despite sitting together for an entire semester.

However, Lu Xu thought it might be because they hadn't seen each other for a long time during the winter break, making things a bit awkward.

In the second half of the school year, the teacher rearranged the seating based on students' performance.

With Rong Que's guidance throughout the semester, Lu Xu successfully ranked among the top few students in the previous semester's final exams.

He finally sat next to Rong Que again.

Song Xiao and Rong Li also had good grades, and they all ended up sitting nearby.

Lu Xu felt comfortable not having to familiarize himself with the surroundings again, and his mood was good.

However, in the new semester, Song Xiao's behavior was still strange. He would often stare at Lu Xu during class, as if observing him.

Song Xiao's grades suddenly improved, consistently scoring full marks when taking exams with Rong Que.

Lu Xu secretly asked Song Xiao why his grades suddenly became so good and if there was any shortcut.

Just back from the apocalypse and witnessing the cruelty of the monsters in his past life, Song Xiao, who now worked hard every day to study and wanted to do well with his friends, had a complex look in his eyes.

He couldn't just say it was because he was an adult and found these elementary school questions too easy to bother studying...

But Song Xiao felt it was necessary to keep Lu Xu innocent, so he earnestly replied, "Because my mom enrolled me in a tutoring class."

Lu Xu suddenly realized.

The preparations for the next semester's sports meeting had already begun.

The sports events for the first-grade students were relatively interesting, with not too many high-intensity activities.

The teacher handed the registration form to Rong Que, asking him to try to give everyone a chance to participate.

Rong Que turned to ask Lu Xu if he wanted to join. If not, he wouldn't sign him up.

Lu Xu noticed an event called "Three-Legged Race" on the form, which he had seen on TV before and found it quite fun. He volunteered to team up with Rong Que.

Seeing Lu Xu actively participating in sports now, Rong Que felt that the morning exercises were indeed very effective.

As a loyal admirer of Lu Xu, Rong Li, upon seeing Lu Xu's choice on the registration form, quickly filled in the same event. He was joining Rong Que and Lu Xu.

Song Xiao, usually quite enthusiastic about group activities, strangely only signed up for a few individual events like high jump and long jump.

After submitting the registration form, physical education classes were dedicated to practicing for the upcoming events.

For a change, Lu Xu, who usually tried to avoid physical education classes, was now actively practicing with Rong Que.

Rong Li quickly applied to join them since they were already a group when they signed up, thinking that practicing together would lead to better coordination.

However, the three of them lacked coordination initially, so they decided to split into pairs to practice first.

But once all three of them stepped forward at the same time, it became very difficult.

It seemed like there was good coordination between Rong Que and Rong Li. They always took steps simultaneously.

This led to the situation where Lu Xu in the middle had to step forward with both legs at the same time.

After practicing for a few classes, they still remained the slowest in the class.

The main issue was that they could barely move.

Lu Xu, walking in a twisted manner in the middle, had an idea.

Since every time Rong Que and Rong Li couldn't help but step forward simultaneously and didn't want to walk in the middle...

Lu Xu suggested that he could hang his arms around their necks, then relax his steps, allowing both of them to walk together.

They tried Lu Xu's idea.

Sure enough, it became as fast as walking normally.

Lu Xu found it quite relaxing to hang around lazily, and it was also a lot of fun.

Seeing Lu Xu having fun, Rong Que and Rong Li put in even more effort.

The day of the sports meet arrived quickly.

As the publicity officer, Lu Xu personally drew a huge cheering banner for his class.

Although there were students in the higher grades specializing in art, Lu Xu's artistic skills were already mature, and the attractiveness of the banner far surpassed others.

Tall students holding the banner looked proud. They worked diligently the whole day, afraid that someone passing by might miss seeing their beautiful banner.

Lu Xu's event was also very successful.

According to their plan, Lu Xu's team was far ahead.

And their unique approach left other students astonished.

However, the rules didn't explicitly state that such tactics were not allowed.

Moreover, other groups couldn't figure out how to imitate their strategy.

However, for the sake of fairness, after presenting Lu Xu with the award, the person in charge of the sports committee quietly added a rule for the three-legged race.

"Participants must keep at least one leg on the ground throughout the race."

But thanks to this rule, Lu Xu managed to avoid participating in the sports meet for the next five years, always with the help of Rong Que.

Without any events to take part in, Lu Xu could freely roam around, enjoy snacks, and watch other competitions during the sports meet. Lu Xu was content with this carefree experience.

After the completion of his only event, Lu Xu found his way to the stands of his own class to watch the other competitions. As the sports committee member, Rong Que had to participate in several events.

Each class's sports committee member had to report at least three events. While watching Rong Que in the middle of a short run, Lu Xu was suddenly approached by a pretty girl from his class. She furrowed her brows at him, then decisively pulled him away.

Lu Xu felt a bit confused. Despite being classmates for a semester, he wasn't familiar with this pretty girl. "Excuse me, where are we going?" he asked.

The girl turned around and said seriously, "Our class's cheerleading team is short of one member due to an injury."

Expressing regret, Lu Xu inquired further, "Can I help?"

The girl nodded quickly, "All the other girls in the cheerleading team have sports competitions at this time. Among the boys, you're the only cute one available, and you also happen to have long hair!"

Without giving Lu Xu a chance to react, the girl led him to the vicinity of the cheerleading team and handed him a set of new uniforms. "Luckily, we have extra outfits prepared for unexpected situations. Please hurry and change into these. We're going on stage in ten minutes!"

Perhaps it was the determined expression on the girl's face, coupled with her urgent demeanor, that made Lu Xu feel subconsciously compelled to follow her lead. It wasn't until he was pushed into the men's restroom to change that Lu Xu realized what he was about to do.

!!!! The girl actually wanted him to wear a super short skirt and a crop top for the dance!!!

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