The Evil Cub Surrounded by Reborn Ones- Chapter 27



Before Li Si could actively invite himself to join the mix, the commotion was halted by Teacher Li, who had been called over by Tao Yue.

Teacher Li instructed Li Si to return to his own class and not to bully students from their class.

Lu Xu realized that his tears were not shed because Li Si asked him to break up but rather because associating the term "no longer associating" with Rong Que made him feel incredibly uncomfortable.

Since Li Si had already apologized, Lu Xu, sniffling, helped clarify, "Li, Li Si didn't bully Xiao Lu."

Li Si, touched to the brink of tears seeing Lu Xu still helping him even while crying, reluctantly turned away and walked back to his own class, glancing back with a lingering reluctance until he entered his classroom.

Rong Que was already feeling weary; communicating with children was somewhat challenging. They were simply not on the same wavelength.

Moreover, Li Si had a rather abnormal thought process from a young age, and he was also on a different wavelength than Lu Xu.

Oddly enough, this incident didn't seem to diminish Li Si's interest in Lu Xu. On the contrary, he seemed to like Lu Xu even more.

Rong Que didn't want Li Si to pester Lu Xu. After all, Lu Xu was a child under his care. The feeling of having his own cabbage stolen by a pig wasn't very pleasant.

Back in the classroom, Lu Xu picked up the paper lantern on his desk, placed it in front of him, and then clasped his hands together to make a wish.

Seeing Lu Xu making such a serious expression while making a wish, Rong Que couldn't help but be curious about what he had wished for. Considering the recent events, he could probably guess.

It wasn't self-centeredness on Rong Que's part; he genuinely felt that Lu Xu had wished never to be separated from him.

After Lu Xu finished making his wish, his mood seemed to improve significantly. When he opened his eyes, he saw Rong Que leaning in. Even though his eyelashes were still damp, a sweet smile had already bloomed on his face.

"Rong Que gege, are you trying to guess what I wished for?" Lu Xu asked.

Thinking that Lu Xu wanted to share it with him, Rong Que went along and asked, "What is it?"

To his surprise, Lu Xu smiled even sweeter and replied, "Wishes won't come true if you say them out loud."

Rong Que couldn't help but laugh. Although he could guess, he found himself genuinely happy seeing Lu Xu much brighter than when they first met.

In the afternoon, the lesson was about learning children's songs, probably related to teaching how to wash hands.

Rong Que found these classes quite boring, but he had to pretend to be attentive. After all, he needed to set a good example for Lu Xu. However, when he was trying to feign interest, he noticed Lu Xu's head almost tilting at a right angle.

Rong Que turned his head, lifted Lu Xu's head slightly by tapping the back of it.

Lu Xu, startled as if just awakened, opened his eyes in a daze and rubbed them. He let out a little yawn and said, "Is it time to go home, Rong Que gege?"

Rong Que: "No, pay attention to the class."

"Okay." Lu Xu puffed out his cheeks, looking unwilling.

This kid, he wouldn't turn out to be a terrible student from an early age, right? Well, it didn't matter. Rong Que could always give him extra lessons. After all, with a second chance at life, recalling knowledge from the past was not a big deal.

A few minutes later, Rong Que noticed Lu Xu nodding intermittently, like a little chick pecking at grains. On the other side, both Tao Yue and Cai You had their heads drooping, looking quite out of it.

Was this table full of future underachievers? Or was kindergarten just too exhausting?

Recalling the handmade craft and outdoor activities they did throughout the day, Lu Xu had been quite energetic. Maybe he was just a bit too tired now.

Rong Que thought it over, glanced at them, and decided not to force them anymore.

After all, these kids looked genuinely tired.

Finally, when it was time to leave school, Rong Que finished organizing his backpack. As he was about to help Lù Xǔ tidy up, he noticed that Lu Xu was already fully packed and eagerly waiting. In his left hand, he proudly held the result of his arts and crafts class.

No signs of fatigue whatsoever.

Observing Cai You and Tao Yue, who were already impatiently standing in line in the corridor, it seemed like a table full of kids who didn't love studying.

Rong Que sighed helplessly, then held Lu Xu's hand as they joined the queue.

The dismissal lineup was relatively casual, requiring only two lines to be formed.

After the little ones were all lined up, the teacher, accompanied by the sweet melody of children's songs, led the children outside.

Indeed, the children all enjoyed leaving school; the kindergarten was now bustling with excitement, filled with the lively chatter of the little ones.

Li Xu carefully protected his handmade craft, planning to show it to his six-year-old brother when he got home.

Upon reaching the school gate, each class held up their class sign, making it easier for parents to find their own children.

As soon as their class arrived, several parents hurried over.

Cai You's mom was a somewhat chubby and seemingly amiable woman. As she held Cai You, she noticed the uniquely featured Lu Xu.

Since the approval for the admission of the special transfer student had been unanimously agreed upon in the parent group, she naturally could guess the reason.

Cai You didn't immediately leave with his mom; he couldn't wait to show off the super cool new classmate who had joined their class.

"Mom, this is Lu Xu, my new friend!" Cai You looked very happy, and sharing his daily experiences with his mom was one of his favorite things to do.

Upon hearing this, Cai You's mom greeted Lu Xu with a cheerful smile, "Hello, little friend!"

Her attitude showed no hint of perfunctoriness. It seemed like she respected her son and didn't find it unnecessary to greet a little friend.

Lu Xu felt that this auntie was similar to Teacher Li, both having a kind of affinity. Was this what a 'mom' was like?

For some reason, Lu Xu also felt very happy. He politely smiled and replied, "Hello, Auntie."

"Haha, very polite! Little friend, feel free to come over to Auntie's house when you have time. Auntie makes delicious sweets." Cai You's mom extended a direct invitation.

Rong Que suddenly understood why Cai You could speak so freely. Having a mom who was so open-minded and actively welcoming her son's friends to their home was indeed admirable.

"Thank you, Auntie." Lu Xu wasn't very skilled at interacting with adults, unsure of what to say. He could only politely express his gratitude.

Cai You's mom walked away with Cai You, but before turning around, she placed her hand on Cai You's head. "When will you be as well-behaved as your classmate Lu Xu?"

Cai You shook off his mom's hand. "I want to become Sun Wukong! Xiao Lu is an angel, our paths are different!"

"Where did you learn these words?" Cai You's mom chuckled, amused. The two of them left the school together.

Once they were far away, Lu Xu continued to stare at their receding figures.

Rong Que could see the envy in Lu Xu's eyes.

Unfortunately, neither he nor Qi Sui was the kind of person with such affinity. But perhaps things would be different if the younger brother were around.

However, the thought of his younger brother's death made it difficult for him. Even if the other party no longer cared about such things, he couldn't bring himself to ask his brother to come back and take care of Lu Xu like their mom.

Or perhaps, it would be better if the younger brother would not be reborn. It would be best for this lifetime to have no social interactions.

As parents picked up their children one by one, and there were only the two of them left in the group led by Teacher Li, Rong Que suddenly realized that Qi Sui hadn't shown up.

This guy, could he have forgotten that he was also responsible for taking care of two children?

Thinking about it, Rong Que was about to take out his phone to call Qi Sui.

Just as he was about to take out his phone, Rong Que felt a shadow looming over him.

At the same time, Teacher Li took a step back, still holding Lu Xu's hand, with Rong Que following suit.

Rong Que lifted his head and saw a man dressed in season-inappropriate, all-black attire. The man's black trench coat almost completely covered his face. He wore a black mask, sunglasses, and a black hat.

Teacher Li tried to shield the two children, her voice maintaining a semblance of authority, "What do you want? This is a kindergarten."

Although most parents had already picked up their children, the kindergarten area still had security guards present.

Teacher Li was afraid that this mysterious man in black might suddenly become violent.

The man in black was tall, and as he lowered his head to look at Teacher Li, she couldn't help but take a step back, contemplating whether to call the security immediately.

"I'm here to pick him up," the man in black pointed a finger at Lu Xu.

Then, after a pause, he added, somewhat strained, "I'm a relative of his father."

Teacher Li:...

It sounded more like a human trafficker!!

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