It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 57


ITOTIABSAM | The Tyrant in the Deep Palace | 57

Xie Ye eventually bought a house.

Together with Gu Cong, in the city they both loved.

Human lifespan is limited. Xie Ye is older than Gu Cong, and his physical condition is not as good. Coupled with the turmoil he experienced when his alter self was manipulated by the plot, no matter how he nurtured himself later on, he would still have to depart before Gu Cong.

However, this time, having experienced what it feels like to pass away peacefully, he had a premonition as the end approached. Instead of quietly slipping away, he held Gu Cong's hand and listened talk, peacefully falling into a deep sleep.

When he opened his eyes again, he had a splitting headache.

There was also a subtle sense of discomfort, as if he was being watched.

Separated by a thin veil, many people were kneeling not far away. The closest to him was a middle-aged man with a white face and no beard, wearing a deep blue robe embroidered with exquisite patterns, resembling a python.

Illuminated by the dim light, he clearly saw him waking up, but said nothing, his eyelids drooping, and the surroundings grew even quieter.

Hurriedly coming over, 1101 reminded, "Chief Eunuch, Li Dezhong."

The original story takes place in a fictional ancient world. Xiao Hao, the legitimate bloodline of the Empress Dowager, was born with madness despite his noble lineage. 

At a young age, he was capricious and frail, unable to study, write, or participate in activities like archery and horse riding without risking harm to himself or others, making it fortunate if he avoided injury altogether.

But who would have thought that in the end, it would be Xiao Hao, this useless madman, who would become the emperor.

Because all the other sons of the old emperor had fought to their deaths.

Below them were grandchildren, the eldest of whom was only five years old and had just begun to speak clearly. The rest were nothing more than babies still breastfeeding and learning to babble.

More importantly, among these bloodlines associated with the imperial family, there was only Xiao Hao as a male heir.

Unfortunately, Xiao Hao's maternal relatives had been wiped out over a decade ago, exiled and executed. Although he sat on the Dragon Throne, in reality, he was just a puppet manipulated by the officials.

—It's not just manipulation; perhaps "flattering and deceiving" would be more appropriate, after all, when Xiao Hao goes mad, he really does kill people.

The factions in the court are constantly clashing and scheming against each other, but ironically, they end up benefiting Xiao Hao. With him being the only recognized member of the imperial bloodline left, until someone is determined to change the dynasty, no matter how crazy or erratic he behaves, there will always be vested interests who tolerate and assist him in cleaning up his mess.

[So later I was beheaded with a sword, and my head was hung on the city wall, displayed to the public for three days and three nights, quelling the anger of the people."]It's obvious who the protagonist will be, Xie Yei lowered his gaze, "Prince An."

Prince An, Xi Jinyu, his name reflects his character: holding the jade with grace, clear as the moonlight and wind. Just in terms of blood relations, Xiao Hao even has to address him as his cousin.

On the surface, he's known as a lazy prince of this dynasty, keeping to himself, indulging in landscapes and rivers. However, he ultimately leads troops into the imperial city and personally beheads Xiao Hao, the tyrant everyone despises.

Victory goes to the victor; there's nothing more to say. Yet, Xi Jinyu, to ensure stability, sent his trusted hidden guards into the palace, changing their names and identities.

After all, the entire court knows that the little tyrant has a taste for handsome men.

Once, there were courtiers who, in disbelief, jointly petitioned for change, some fainting outside the hall, others dying from hitting pillars, all before the tyrant even woke up. Over time, however, nobody dared to bring up such matters again.

But Xi Jinyu still couldn't rest easy.

He needed someone to constantly monitor the palace's movements, completely cut off any possibility of Xiao Hao having offspring, and preferably occasionally whisper in the tyrant's ear on his behalf.

So, Pei Yi was brought in.

He was an orphan adopted by the Prince An's residence from a young age, handsome in appearance, acceptable to the common eye. However, as a silent and unobtrusive shadow-like guard, he wasn't quite suitable.

But Xi Jonyu, who was just the Crown Prince a decade ago, gave him a chance.

So, when Xi Jinyu needed him, despite the task conflicting with his own secret affection, Pei Yi came without hesitation.

Thus, began a deep and twisted love affair.

1101, an enthusiast of all sorts of melodramas, understood it well.

But looking at it from another perspective, one can't help but feel sorry for our protagonist: the rumored "taste" of Xiao Hao was merely a result of his childhood traumas, which left him with a fear of women. 

The so-called "favoring" of Pei Yi was simply due to his graceful appearance and unique voice, akin to the gentle flow of a spring, which brought calmness and relaxation.

The palace servants, fearing the tyrant's wrath, no one dared not approach him, so they were unaware that in the Emperor's chambers every day, the prominent "Attendant Pei" was mainly occupied with sitting properly and reading.

If one were to say that Xiao Hao had no genuine feelings for Pei Yi, that would be a lie.

But these genuine feelings were not love; rather, they were mixed with a sense of gratitude and dependence. Prone to anger and unable to control his emotions, it was only with Pei Yi that Xiao Hao felt like a human being.

Just an ordinary, true human being.

However, Pei Yi betrayed him.

Or perhaps, he had never truly been loyal.

Administering pills to sterilize him, hollowing out his body, slowly poisoning him with hallucinogens, driving him gradually into madness under the influence of illusions; collaborating with the rebels, guiding them from within, and ultimately watching him being beheaded by Xi Jinyu.

Tyrant, huh?

How ridiculous.

He thought that at least Pei Yi would be different.

Like a raging inferno burning through his nerves, then being torn apart bit by bit by sharp fingernails, Xie Ye unconsciously clenched his fingertips tightly. The emotions belonging to Xiao Hao surged in his chest. He stood barefoot on the ground, pulling aside the light veil with one hand: "Get out."

"Get out, all of you."

Afraid that shouting loudly would worsen his headache, Xie Ye's voice was very soft, but Li Dezhong, who was bowing his head by the bed, immediately knelt down with a thud.

This seemed to be a signal of a wild beast released from its cage. Others in the chamber began knocking their heads on the ground one after another: "Your Majesty, spare us! Your Majesty, spare us!"

Yes, in this world, he had killed people.

Staring at his own right hand, which was smaller than in the previous world, gripping the bed curtain, Xie Ye thought he had been too comfortable for too long; he had almost forgotten what a true villain was like.

Although there were hardly any truly righteous individuals in the palace or the court, once something was done, it was done. Xie Ye didn't bother to find any lofty excuses to justify himself.

1101 cautiously reminded, "H-h-host, prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, we must remember..."

Before it could finish its sentence, Li Dezhong, the most adept at reading the situation, discreetly gestured behind his back. The others, feeling like they had narrowly escaped a disaster, fell silent, bowed, and then left on their knees.

It was precisely because of this grand gesture, which could make people stand straight, that 1101 saw a pair of familiar eyes.

Xie Ye saw them too.

In the conservative atmosphere of the Chen Dynasty, such eyes would definitely be considered unusual—amber-colored, like those of a wild beast, sweet as honey.

Following the gaze of the young emperor, the leading eunuch hurriedly spoke in a shrill voice, "Your Majesty? Does Your Majesty find these eyes familiar? This servant also finds them so, they are strikingly similar to the beloved foreign dog you cherished before. So, when I saw him, I took the liberty of bringing him to you."

Foreign dog?

To curry favor with this unflinching tyrant, the servant's attitude was naturally humble. But in mentioning Gu Cong, there was a hint of disdain in his tone, as if he were truly speaking of a dog.

"Very well, then."

Slowly, Xie Ye spoke. As the leading eunuch's expression brightened, he suddenly changed his tone, "Anyone who dares to speculate on the imperial will shall be punished... Execute him."


1101 was startled. It was well aware of how much Xie Ye cared about Gu Cong. But to casually order someone's execution in such a manner didn't fit the Xie Ye it knew.

Quickly purchasing a calming agent from the system store, it coaxed in a gentle tone, "Host? How about a shot? It won't hurt."

It would just make one very sleepy.

Seemingly accustomed to such scenes, though others were afraid, none dared to plead for mercy. Two guards even entered the chamber and, after saluting, escorted the leading eunuch out.

1101 sighed, "You'll scare Gu Cong like this."

Gu Cong.

Finally finding an outlet for his tumultuous emotions, Xie Ye closed his eyes and raised his hand. The guard responsible for dragging people immediately halted.

"You, get up." Unable to bear seeing the familiar face kneeling in the chamber, Xie Ye turned his head away, avoiding those still clear and transparent eyes, and spoke languidly.

"What's your name?"

The man kneeling quietly at the back stood up.

Indeed, he should be called a man. While he didn't appear particularly tall while kneeling, standing upright, he was taller than the two guards beside him. Respectfully, he shook his head, "Please bestow a name upon me, Your Majesty."

Xie Ye felt a bit annoyed.

He didn't like the way Gu Cong spoke to him like this.

Even though he knew the other person had become a native of his own little world again, forgetting everything.

Fortunately, Li Dezhong had experienced two dynasties and seen many ups and downs. He bowed and continued, "Your Majesty, this man is named Gu Cong, a native of Jiangzhou. He entered the royal service at a young age and originally worked as a cleaner in the summer palace. He even trained animals. Later, he caught the eye of Xiao Shunzi and was brought into the palace."

Xiao Shunzi was the unfortunate fellow who had almost been dragged out and executed just now. Being a new official, he was eager for quick success and immediate benefits, and fancied himself quite clever. 

As for the former leading eunuch who had served in the bedchamber, he had already been executed by Xiao Hao for secretly inquiring about the affairs between His Majesty and Attendant Pei. His body was turned into fertilizer for the imperial garden.

Xie Ye was taken aback: Entered the royal service at a young age?

Realizing his host was just coming to, 1101 grimly reminded, "Uh, he's wearing eunuch attire."

Plain blue, completely different from Li Dezhong's blue and gold attire. That's because Li Dezhong was the Chief Eunuch, while Gu Cong was just an ordinary eunuch who had arrived from the countryside three days ago.

One of the "country bumpkins" among the new recruits.

[The original work also had this segment, but it wasn't retained by Xiao Hao,] feeling that the world's beginning was indeed too rotten, 1101 fell silent for two seconds, trying to make up for it. "Judging by the soul fluctuations, it should be him."

Xie Ye: Should?

He didn't want "should."

"Never mind, I'm in a good mood today, not in the mood for bloodshed."

"Twenty strokes, not one less."

The corners of his lips turned up, the little tyrant who, a moment ago, had a grim expression and wanted to kill someone, suddenly smiled. He released the bed curtain, gestured with his hand, and said, "So, you're Gu Cong, right?"

"You, come here."

"Everyone else, leave."

Having narrowly saved his life, the palace attendants in the chamber all breathed a silent sigh of relief and swiftly filed out.

In the empty chamber, with nobody else around, Xie Ye watched as the man with amber-colored eyes stepped forward, coming to a stop in front of him. The tyrant, who appeared more like a young boy with his slender frame and disheveled green hair, tilted his head up.


"Take them off."

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Author's Note:

Fake eunuch, fake eunuch, fake eunuch, important matters must be repeated three times.

A new world begins.

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