It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 106


ITOTIABSAM | Young General | 106


His mouth dry and parched, Luo Shaoning gulped down half a pot of water.

It was his first time in Sanggan City.

As the eldest prince and a close aide under the command of the Crown Prince of Yanbei, he seldom appeared in public, and almost never left the capital, let alone traveling incognito with a caravan to such a remote borderland.

However, with the intensification of the struggle for succession, the forces that could be swayed in the capital had long been divided among the various factions. His mission this time was to persuade Gu Cong and, incidentally, to take a look at Xie Ye, who had gained fame on the grasslands.

— The latter part of this information was kept under wraps with the help of the General's Mansion, and not many people knew about it. However, His Highness had been paying attention to the other party and always found a way to learn about any movements.

Contrary to Luo Shaoning's expectations, this bustling town located on the border was even more lively and prosperous than the inland cities he had passed through before. He had changed his route in advance and dressed more like a merchant, but from start to finish, he didn't arouse any suspicion. However, shortly after entering Sanggan City, he was "invited" to the General's Mansion by a patrol of soldiers.

The so-called General's Mansion was actually a three-courtyard compound, secluded and without even a signboard. A man with enough weight to reshuffle the current situation in the capital was giving hay to the horses, looking particularly down-to-earth.

"General Gu." Since he had been exposed, Luo Shaoning decided to be straightforward and disclose his intentions. However, just as he began to speak, he was given his marching orders.

"I know who your master is," Gu Cong said calmly, handing a bundle of hay to the black horse, without even turning his head. "I'm not interested. I hope you can leave as soon as possible."

It would be a lie to say there was hope, but Luo Shaoníng had no doubt that if necessary, the other party would directly throw him out of the city, even if the sky was about to darken.

Seemingly feeling that he had no possibility of any counterattack, the soldiers escorting him withdrew, leaving only Gu Cong alone by the stable. Getting straight to the point, Luo Shaoníng said, "His Majesty is ill."

"At first it was just an ordinary cold, but later it became more serious. He became lethargic, irritable, forgetful, until the day I left Yanjing, the Dragon Throne had been vacant for three days."

And with the control desire that the emperor had towards power, unless something unexpected happened, or he had other plans, the emperor, who was particularly concerned about his age, would never reveal his weakness to his courtiers in this way.

Because "aging," meant "losing control."

Gu Cong's movements paused.

"The General may not have heard of this matter yet. After all, in the court, the current acting ruler is the most beloved Fourth Prince, standing in for the emperor. Some news is difficult to spread," Luo Shaoníng hinted, having planned the angle to approach this matter before coming to Sanggan City.

"It is said that when His Majesty fell ill, it was the Empress Dowager who never left his side, attending to him day and night."

"Even now."

— Poisoning, house arrest, or some other means; those who could stand on the court in Yanjing were by no means fools. However, the old emperor's various suppressions of the officials due to suspicion undoubtedly caused him to lose many loyal courtiers. Now, the ones left were more concerned about how to choose sides rather than saving the emperor.

Gu Cong instantly understood the intentions of the Prince of Yanbei:

To stand by the monarch, holding a sufficiently righteous banner, and do something essentially no different from the Fourth Prince.

And in the eyes of the world, the General's Mansion was almost synonymous with "loyalty to the monarch," as long as it was confirmed that the emperor was truly under house arrest, returning to the capital to rescue him would be the only choice.

This was also the intention behind Luo Shaoníng's risky venture to Sanggan City.

Because of His Majesty's blatant favoritism towards the Empress Dowager and the Fourth Prince, there were very few civil officials in the court who were genuinely willing to support His Highness. The only ones they could potentially win over were the military commanders who were far away from Yanjing.

Lately, the small countries on the border of the Yan Dynasty had been restless, and His Highness originally intended to request to suppress them, while also developing his own influence within the army. However, unexpectedly, the Fourth Prince made a desperate move and took action against the old emperor, throwing the situation in the capital into chaos. His Highness had to temporarily abandon his original plans and personally take charge, sending him to contact Gu Cong instead.

If Luo Shaoning also had a system similar to 1101, he would understand that, as the protagonist and antagonist, he and Yan Beilin had fallen into such a passive situation entirely because of Xie Ye:

Without the disruptive actions of the antagonist who harbored deep hatred for the Yan Dynasty, the border skirmishes between the small border countries and the Yan Dynasty remained minor, unable to pose a threat to the nobles and high officials in the capital as in the original work. 

Even the Empress Dowager, who had a premonition that her family was about to be targeted, delayed administering poison to the old emperor.

In a sense, it was the antagonist who incited the war, providing opportunities for the protagonist Yan Beilin to catch his breath, develop his power, and accumulate strength.

However, the original counterpart of Xie Ye, the lazy fish, spent most of his time eating, drinking, and recuperating shortly after getting married to Gu Cong, following Gu Cong to Sanggan City. 

Instead of using his time to sow discord as the antagonist did in the original work, he focused on personal matters unrelated to the main plot, such as participating in horse races on the grasslands and engaging in a romantic relationship.

As a result, the Empress Dowager and the Fourth Prince administered poison to the old emperor earlier than in the original work. Yan Beilin delayed going to the border longer than in the original work, missing his opportunity to expand his power. Without external threats, the ministers focused on "internal troubles," forcing Luo Shaoning to leave the capital and meet Gu Cong, who was overlooked in the later stages of the plot.

A slight change can have far-reaching consequences, and the lazy and flat antagonist still brought about significant butterfly effects in this world.

But Gu Cong's response completely caught Luo Shaoning off guard.

Without hesitation, he said, "Leave as soon as possible."

"I don't want to say it a third time."

Luo Shaoning: ??? How could this be? The Gu family has been loyal for generations. He is currently asking people to return to the capital to rescue the emperor. He can't avoid getting involved.

"The loyalty of the Gu family is not blind loyalty," Gu Cong finally turned around for the first time after Wuyun had its fill, "It doesn't matter who sits on the Dragon Throne."

"As long as they bear the surname Yan, and as long as the world is stable."

Such treasonous words were spoken without changing their expression. Luo Shaoning's heart sank, feeling that things were heading in the worst possible direction.

But Gu Cong indeed had this capital.

As long as the grasslands didn't completely submit, no one dared to touch Gu Cong's position. By maintaining neutrality and waiting for all the dust to settle, no matter who ultimately became the new emperor, they could remain as their esteemed general.

Now, they couldn't afford to wait.

"The general's grandfather didn't agree to crown the Fourth Prince as the heir back then," Luo Shaoning persisted without giving up, "And the Empress Dowager has also hindered you."

"If the Fourth Prince ascends the throne, your days may not be as comfortable as they are now."

Thinking of the other master of this courtyard, Luo Shaoning said with a stroke of luck, "The Xie family..."

The man's gaze suddenly became sharp.

It was the gaze of someone who had truly killed people and seen mountains of corpses, sharp as if it could pin him down in place.

Fortunately, the next moment, a chubby bunny popped out of the basket full of dry grass in Gu Cong's hands. It was probably attracted by the horse's food and had been lying there for a while, waiting until the top layer of grass was gone before waking up. With its big round eyes spinning around, it instantly broke the tense atmosphere.

Luo Shaoning keenly noticed that there was a large bald spot on its back.

A rabbit?

Gu Cong actually kept rabbits?

Just as various doubts and astonishments flashed through his mind, a unfamiliar voice sounded, "Is there a guest?"

Like ice meeting warm spring, Luo Shaoning witnessed what it meant for someone to change their expression, what it meant for steel to turn into softness. In an instant, Gu Cong's brows softened, and he smiled, exuding gentleness, "Hmm."

"Why didn't you sleep a little longer?"

Luo Shaoning followed Gu Cong's gaze and indeed saw a face he had seen in a portrait before.

After His Highness visited the Mingyue Pavilion once, he inexplicably became wary of this "famous" Xie Ye. So, he took the opportunity to thoroughly investigate the other party's information.

Compared to the portrait, the young man was obviously a bit fatter, but still lean, with pale lips and skin so white it seemed to reflect light.

Luo Shaoning couldn't help but wonder how someone who looked like a porcelain doll could possibly defeat those grassland people who grew up on horseback, even in competitions involving only teenagers.

But what was visible to the naked eye was that Gu Cong's mount, Wuyun, was very close to Xie Ye. Even across the railing of the stable, it would stretch out its head and nuzzle against Xie Ye's arm.

It was the rabbit that suddenly shrank back into the basket, as if it had seen a natural enemy.

"Thirsty," unwilling to speak in front of outsiders unless necessary, Xie Ye cooperatively patted Wuyun and wrote in Gu Cong's palm, "Didn't see you, so I came out for a stroll."

In fact, he was awakened by the system.

With the main storyline completely changed and Luo Shaoning personally coming to Gu Cong's door, according to the experience of 1101, it definitely didn't bode well. In such an urgent situation, if the host was still asleep, the system, who had been monitoring him for a long time, couldn't hold back anymore and risked being overturned by Xie Ye's waking temper. It called out Xie Ye with a loud voice.

"Just idle, so I came out to feed Wuyun," Gu Cong introduced openly and generously, "This is Luo Shaoning, Master Luo, the Grand Prince's assistant."

"Here to talk to me about rebellion."

Just as Luo Shaoning was about to concoct an identity for himself: You can eat food whenever, but don't talk randomly. What rebellion? Clearly, it's about saving the throne.

And, what about only being married by decree, with no feelings involved? The moment these two met, Gu Cong sold himself completely, as if afraid Xie Ye would misunderstand.

Xie Ye: "So, what was the General's response?"

Gu Cong: "Listen to you."

Using himself as leverage, exchanging Gu Cong's ascension to the throne for Xie's family's vindication, Gu Cong had long prepared himself to be "used" by Xie Ye.

Because he promised to help Xie Ye seek revenge, as long as innocent people weren't implicated.

One moment Luo Shaoning was still grumbling, the next, he was instantly alert.

He had investigated Xie Ye's background and naturally knew how much resentment he harbored. Clearing his family's name was just rectifying the wrongs created by the old emperor, nothing to do with the Crown Prince.

If he could rally Gu Cong to his cause...

"Luo Shaoning, please leave," the youth interrupted his thoughts with a pace slower than usual.

Luo Shaoning was surprised, "You don't care if the Xie family bears the stigma forever?" Didn't he care that he would be the son of a traitor for his entire life?

"I do care," each word enunciated, the black-haired youth looked at him, his deep black pupils as mysterious as whirlpools, "But someday, you'll come begging to me."

"At the time when you're about to die."

"Let Yan Beilin take up the case in exchange for me."

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Author's Note:

Luo Shaoning: ?? Cursing right off the bat. Gu Cong actually married a sorcerer.

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