It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 89


ITOTIABSAM | Young General | 89

Not knowing how to ride a horse was indeed a troublesome matter.

In the square-shaped Yanjing City, there was simply no suitable place for horse riding. Long journeys were not like leisurely outings, where you could just rely on last-minute preparations to get by.

But Gu Cong still took full responsibility: "I'll figure out a solution."

His words were rapid, leaving no chance for the other person to change their mind.

Pausing for a moment, he added, "If you don't mind, come with me to the ancestral hall after dinner."

Yesterday's wedding was ultimately a joyous occasion, but moving the ancestral tablets to the main hall would inevitably attract criticism. It was also a way of emphasizing the military achievements of the general's residence. Gu Cong originally intended to pay respects alone before leaving, but thinking of the smile on the young man's face when he mentioned his grandfather last night, the words that were about to be spoken suddenly took a different turn.

Of course, Xie Ye wouldn't refuse.

Although the general's residence was large, it was rare to see servants moving around, giving it a somewhat desolate atmosphere. Gu Cong changed into his usual black clothes, making him look even more dignified and solemn.

In the previous worlds, except when he was injured, Xie Ye had hardly seen Gu Cong's stern expression like this. It was somewhat novel to him, and he couldn't help but stare, openly or covertly, for a long time.

Gu Cong sensed it from the start. At first, he thought there was something wrong with his clothes and adjusted them discreetly. Only then did he realize that the other person was simply looking at him. Caught in the act, he didn't feel embarrassed. Instead, he smiled back with a twinkle in his eye.

They say when fate takes something away, it compensates in another way. For example, blind people often have sharper hearing. Although the young man couldn't speak, his eyes were particularly expressive. General Gu, who was usually unacquainted with shyness, experienced an embarrassing warmth creeping up his neck for the first time.

He cleared his throat uncomfortably and served Xie Ye another chopstick of food for what seemed like the nth time. "Eat."

The originally plain white porcelain plate had now formed a small mountain of food. Even though he had lost the memories of previous lives, he still managed to skillfully avoid the dishes that Xie Ye disliked.

1101 couldn't help but marvel, "Is this instinct carved into your bones?"

Having been together for three lifetimes, there were always traces left behind besides memories.

"And now, you're simply too obedient, unlike your usual self."

"Is that so?" Xie Ye leisurely picked up a piece of bamboo shoot from the top of the pile and tasted it. He then took a sip of the soft porridge. "He used to look at me like this before."

Direct, soft, and warm.

Rarely having the chance to return someone's tactics back to them, he enjoyed it thoroughly without any reservations.

All he could do was watch as 1101, who was already craving breakfast, was once again fed a mouthful of dog food.

Out of habit, Gu Cong ate quickly, but he deliberately waited until Xie Ye was full before putting down his chopsticks. After rinsing his mouth, the two of them went to the ancestral hall. The medicine from last night was quite effective; Xie Ye's foot had already improved significantly. Facing the rows of tablets inscribed with the names of Gu Family ancestors, Xie Ye furrowed his brows and sincerely offered three sticks of incense.

In terms of soul age, perhaps his true self should be called the ancestor. Nevertheless, it was a fact that Xie Ye had been under the protection of the general's residence, and these people were also Gu Cong's elders.

Moreover, the Xie Family had been seized under the name of treason. Not to mention the tablets, even secretly burning paper offerings could lead to exposure and cost Xie Ye his life.

For the young Xie Ye, being able to openly pay respects to familiar deceased relatives was an unimaginable stroke of luck.

Sensitive to the change in the other's mood, Gu Cong, who knelt side by side with Xie Ye on a row of soft cushions, instinctively reached out and touched the other's hand to comfort him.

When the sensation, cooler than his own body temperature, reached his brain, he realized what he had done, but before he could pull away from the closeness between them, Xie Ye turned around and firmly grasped his hand, as if trying to draw some sort of energy from it, gripping tightly.

It was precisely because of this that Gu Cong suddenly realized that the other's hand wasn't entirely as delicate as he had previously perceived. Some corners, easily overlooked in daily life, also had thin calluses.

So he gave up struggling until Xie Ye voluntarily released him.

"These calluses were left from practicing the zither and calligraphy. I also did some rough work in my youth," Xie Ye explained casually. "I soaked them in the water from the tower and then peeled them off, or used a knife to scrape them away. Once a layer of new skin grew, they became what they are now."

【But there will always be overlooked areas.】

【So General, you don't have to treat me like some young master of a noble family, being too accommodating.】

What is the Mingyue Tower? Despite having the verbal engagement protecting him, without some solid skills and enough money earned, how could he possibly stand firm and avoid being bullied?

He truly meant what he said. Showing some weakness appropriately was part of the charm, but if it led to neglecting important matters, it would be a loss rather than a gain.

But Gu Cong seemed as if his senses had suddenly failed, not responding at all from start to finish.

The three days of respite passed in the blink of an eye. On the day Gu Cong returned to court, he got up early and quietly. According to the usual practice, Xie Ye should have accompanied him to express gratitude in the imperial palace. However, as Xie Ye was a man, and with his delicate status, it was easy to anticipate how awkward the situation would be.

Not to mention that the current imperial harem was still under the leadership of the formidable Empress Dowager Shen, who was dispatched by the auspicious matchmaker.

Rather than letting Xie Ye bring up old matters, it was better for Gu Cong to take the lead. After all, he could not control the affairs of the harem from the previous dynasty, and at worst, he would be scolded by the emperor for a few words.

1101, who was secretly plotting the plot, felt a bit nervous.

In the original work, Xie Ye eloped, giving Gu Cong a reason not to marry, but the old emperor did not let Gu Cong go because of this. Instead, he detained Xie Ye in the capital for a long time under the pretext of compensating Gu Cong with a new marriage, causing chaos among the soldiers and giving the emperor an excuse to further weaken the Gu family's military power.

If Gu Cong didn't bring Xie Ye to express gratitude today, he was afraid it would be another handle for the emperor to seize.

With Yan Beilin taking the initiative to attract attention, other officials with similar intentions also submitted their reports one by one, tactfully mentioning the border situation without directly involving Gu Cong, fearing that they might inadvertently offend the emperor.

Gu Cong felt it was absurd.

But he was no longer the impulsive youth sheltered by his elders. He was stationed at the border not for the old man sitting on the throne, but for the countless ordinary people in Sanggan City and beyond.

Therefore, he showed no expression on his face, only accepting the emperor's decree to express gratitude when the old emperor had no choice but to let him leave the capital.

In the officialdom, taking sides was common. During court meetings, due to the emperor's attitude, there was not a single person accompanying Gu Cong. Occasionally, a couple of young men would come over under the pretext of congratulating him, but their words were quite unpleasant:

"General Gu is really fortunate."

"Although I didn't have the chance to visit the Gu mansion for a glass of wedding wine, I've seen Master Xie's appearance."

"That skillful qin-playing of his, it's truly exquisite. I wonder how many young lords and princes he has captivated. Even noble ladies from prestigious families have fallen for him. General, have you noticed his charm?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, Brother Li? Master Xie is a qingguan. Do qingguan understand such things?" Another person exaggeratedly intervened, seemingly to rebuke but actually fueling the fire. "We have nothing to do with him, General Gu can rest assured."

The blatant provocation was evident, yet they couldn't find any fault. If it were someone else, they would surely have offended Xie Ye, but instead of feeling irritated by the remarks, Gu Cong thought of the calluses on the young man's hands, the result of hard work that was constantly worn down and then regenerated.

"I suppose so," Gu Cong said seriously, scanning the two men from head to toe with a hint of disdain. "He probably wouldn't be interested in you."

"And you," he added.

"For both of you not to have attended the wedding banquet and to have tainted my wife's eyes, it's fortunate for the Gu Mansion," Gu Cong continued, retracting his gaze and stepping forward. "I bid you farewell and thank you."

The two men, taken aback by the unexpected verbal skill of a mere military man, were momentarily speechless. When they finally regained their senses, they lacked the courage to confront Gu Cong further. Eventually, they had to pretend as if nothing had happened and leave dejectedly.

At the palace gates, however, someone else was waiting for Gu Cong.

"As you depart, I hope you will continue to safeguard the border as before," Yan Beilin said, half-hidden in the shadows. "As for the words of those two just now, General need not take them to heart. In Yanjing, no one would dare to be so rude as to compete for a wife with the General's Mansion."

Gu Cong didn't even glance sideways, briskly bypassing him.

Offering unnecessary courtesy when there's no trouble brewing usually implies ulterior motives. Since neither of them had assumed the posture of the Crown Prince, Gu Cong saw no need to pay his respects. Moreover, the two matters mentioned by Yan Beilin were of no concern to him; he didn't need others to remind him of them.

"Lastly, about Xie Ye."

Raising his voice slightly, Yan Beilin noticed Gu Cong indeed halted his steps, his eyes darkening slightly. "By a stroke of luck, this palace has once crossed paths with Xie Ye."

"He is a very dangerous man."

"The General should not be blinded by emotions while the country is in peril."

Author's Note:

Yan Beilin: Here's a heads-up from your protagonist radar, Xie Ye is dangerous.

Gu Cong: How is it that everyone seems to have crossed paths with my wife?

Clearly not on the same wavelength, I must say.

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