It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 60


ITOTIABSAM | The Tyrant in the Deep Palace | 60

His head was pounding.

After not hearing Pei Yi's voice, the pain became even more apparent.

But Xie Ye felt comfortable in his heart. The familiar warmth seeped through the fabric, gradually warming his cold skin. Nodding slightly, he mumbled, "Shoes."

At the summer resort palace, there was much more sweeping and repair work to be done. Gu Cong had never served anyone before. 

The young emperor's frame was small, his feet even smaller. Judging by the corner of his eye, they were only slightly longer than his hands, slender and delicate, easily cradled, but too fragile. His hands, accustomed to rough work, might hurt him.

But the young emperor didn't cry out in pain or accuse him of making him uncomfortable. He didn't even furrow his eyebrows.

1101 hesitated, but in the end, kept quiet.

Gu Cong was unaware, but 1101 knew. Unless one focused wholeheartedly and deliberately tried to feel it, any sensation here at Xie Ye's side was no match for the pain in his head.

Like tiny droplets of water, just as they approached, they were swallowed up by larger waves.

How painful must it be to drive it’s host to madness day and night? 1101 couldn't empathize; it was a system, able only to measure with data.

With such vast data, it's no wonder the world consciousness would think that after depriving Gu Cong of his healing trait, the host would unhesitatingly abandon him and choose Pei Yi, whether sincerely or not, following the plot without causing trouble.

However, the long-term agony that had rendered it’s host unable to think properly, when applied to the original consciousness of Xie Ye, seemed rather light and airy.

He not only could think clearly but also had the energy to calculate the dynamics between the main characters.

[Just read through the original text if you must. There's only one dragon throne. Do you think Xi Junyu would willingly submit?] He paused, remembering his newly adopted persona as he prepared to fetch the outer robe. Raising his hand, he commanded, "Get up."

"Assist me in changing clothes."

Gently placing down the left foot of the young emperor, Gu Cong acknowledged.

He had heard upon entering the palace that the little tyrant didn't like bright yellow. Apart from attending the morning court as his mood dictated, his daily attire and appearance were far from regal.

And indeed, it was true.

The fabric, originally intended for tribute, was soft and smooth, cooling to the touch. Yet, it was a glaring red, burning like a flame especially in the summer, making people want to keep their distance.

—If I'm not happy, then no one else should be happy either.

Coming from the same origin, Xie Ye could understand Xiao Hao's thought process very well. But at the sight of this familiar red, he remembered the down jacket that Gu Cong's mother had given him and Gu Cong for Chinese New Year in the previous world, which he had kept well. No matter how hot the weather or how dazzling the color, it couldn't make him angry.

Dressing oneself and dressing someone else may sound similar, but in reality, they are two different matters. Xie Ye could clearly see the subtle awkwardness in the other's every move, so he still asked, "Never served anyone before?"

With the young emperor's chilly, slender fingertips pinching his chin, Gu Cong raised his head, meeting those swirling black eyes. After a brief hesitation, he confessed, "Never."

The corner of his crimson lips curved up.

1101 inexplicably shuddered.

Even though it had no physical form, the appearance, actions, and aura of the host made it feel a little crazy.

Outside the hall, Li Dezhong felt relieved. Despite his old age, his ears were still sharp. If the tyrant only favored that eunuch named Gu Cong for his appearance and ability to please, then there was nothing to worry about. But he feared that the other party might have caught on to Pei Yi's anomaly and was using it as an excuse.

Fortunately, it seemed that everything that had just happened was merely a coincidence.

Youthful vigor and carnal desires... As for Pei Yi, he should find a way to further his relationship with the tyrant.

The monitoring system happened to catch this rapid change in thought: "I almost forgot, this chief eunuch is also under Prince An's command." Everyone who could survive in the palace could only act..

Thinking it had understood the reason behind Xie Ye's recent behavior, it sighed, "You're in a precarious situation, host."

In the court, because Xiao Hao had only been on the throne for a year and a half, things were a bit chaotic, but it wasn't at the point of endangering the country yet. 

Prince An's faction was one faction, described by the original author as "conservative monarchists." Another faction, the remaining remnants, were constantly trying to maintain their shaky neutral status.

Of course, the factions and divisions in the court had little to do with Xiao Hao as the emperor. 

No one really cared about his opinions anyway. If he felt like attending court on a good day, everyone would collectively cheer him on, reporting some good news to please him. At most, they would mention some rare things appearing in the capital, like delicious food or fun activities, just to make him happy.

After all, no matter how clever a politician is, they can't understand what a madman is thinking, let alone predict their actions to benefit their own faction. There were those who had tried to exploit Xiao Hao's quick temper to eliminate dissenters before, but the result was that both the troublemakers and those provoked ended up meeting their demise together.

The reason was simple: all the arguing gave Xiao Hao headaches.

The steps in front of the Hall of Governmental Affairs were stained red and then cleaned again, but the youth slouched on the dragon throne laughed cheerfully. Since then, no matter how intense and bitter the private struggles were, no one dared to use the young emperor as a tool.

"There are still people standing by my side because of 'blood ties,'" Xie Ye said calmly. "As long as I don't go completely insane, they won't easily betray me."

In the original work, one important reason Pei Jinyu was able to successfully take over the imperial city was the outbreak of the toxicity accumulated in Xiao Hao’s body. 

Plagued by hallucinations every day, he lost all rationality, indiscriminately killing anyone in his path. It became difficult for the ministers to even save themselves, naturally leading to the selection of a new emperor.

Similarly from the imperial family and with supporters in the court, Prince An became the logical choice.

1101: "But activating the pain suppression feature requires points. Dealing with this constant pain for twenty-four hours a day, it might be manageable for a week or two, but over years or decades, no matter how many points we have, it won't be enough."

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so hopeful for Gu Cong.

"Or how about letting me take over your senses? We can take shifts, at least then you can get some good sleep," 1101 sounded like a concerned father figure. "After all, I'm just a system, I won't actually feel pain. Otherwise, we can just put it on hold for now. This world will definitely follow the route of reversal, and there will be points credited after it ends."

Xie Ye shook his head. "It's okay."

He understood that 1101 meant well, but as he had mentioned before, he couldn't accept letting someone else control his body, even if it was 1101, even if it was just pretending to sleep.

"I'll save the points for when I really can't bear it anymore," he emphasized. "It's not for the sake of the reversal mission."

"I'm not planning to enter the Quick Transmigration Bureau either."

If it weren't for Gu Cong already being in the palace, and if it weren't for Xiao Hao's identity being tied to the throne, he wouldn't be interested in being the ruler or the supreme leader.

1101, who had no hope that Gu Cong would change his mind: ...

"How many worlds has it been, and I still don't know you," it comforted insincerely. "Hmm, don't worry. As long as the ministers are capable, being emperor can be a very easy task."

The conversation that took place in the sea of consciousness was much faster than speaking aloud. In reality, Gu Cong had just finished arranging the young emperor's belt.

Perhaps due to his position as a eunuch, in this world, he seemed to speak less, his eyes clear and bright. Kneeling on one knee, he looked more like a knight or a steward from medieval paintings than the classic image of a "eunuch" portrayed in movies and TV shows.

The plans and calculations swirling in his mind inexplicably dissipated. Firmly, Xie Ye stared at the familiar, handsome features of the man who had not yet been polished by the deep palace, and suddenly changed his request, "System, is there a way to send him away?"

Before any heartbreaking plotlines began, before they became entangled in each other's lives, he wanted to stop all possibilities and let the other lead an ordinary life.

1101 felt genuinely surprised: "Are you willing?" after accompanying each other through two worlds with increasingly sincere companionship.

Moreover, in terms of the outcome, this was not what the world consciousness wanted. True, the current Gu Cong had lost his healing trait, but his presence itself was the anchor of the host's psyche. If Gu Cong were lost, 1101 wasn't certain what the host would ultimately become.

Perhaps after ensuring Gu Cong's safety, he would allow himself to succumb to illness at the original death node.

"Why ask me such a simple question?" 1101 replied with a hint of petulance. "You're the emperor. Just find a pretext and send him away, isn't that enough?"

Xie Ye pursed his lips.

If possible, he didn't want to leave Gu Cong with the impression that he despised him.

The intense feeling of being watched from above was unmistakable, impossible to ignore. In a moment of daze, Gu Cong inexplicably sensed a hint of gentleness.

 However, when he raised his eyes, the young emperor still resembled the rumors, with a pale complexion, eyes slightly upturned at the corners, and blood-like garments and lips. Even bathed in sunlight, he looked hauntingly ghostly.

A lower-ranking individual couldn't directly meet the gaze of a higher-ranking one.

Although the most logical and justifiable reason to send someone out of the palace had been presented, Xie Ye couldn't bring himself to speak immediately, flawlessly playing his part in this drama.

His emotions fluctuated, his temples pulsing more rapidly with agitation. The restlessness from within was urging him to inflict pain on others, to make others suffer more than himself.

He wanted to keep Gu Cong, to mark him fiercely like he had just grasped his chin—no, it should be even more intense, leaving a mark on him that was unmistakably his.

"Your Majesty?"

Completely unsuspecting, the simple prey approached.

...He should let the other person leave.

Despite the rationality screaming in his mind, Xie Ye's hand clung to the other's clothes.

This was like a complete contradiction to the composed analysis of the plot just a few minutes ago. 1101 finally realized, belatedly, how terrifying the debuffs of the host's new body could be.

Unfortunately, Gu Cong seemed to lack the instinct to sense danger, allowing the young emperor to grip his clothes tightly, leaving them crumpled. There was no fear, no retreat, no apology or plea for forgiveness, not even a furrowed brow.

It wasn't because the other was the Emperor.

Rather, he felt as if the young man in front of him was standing on the edge of a cliff, teetering on the brink. Without anyone to pull him back, he would fall heavily, without needing any external force.

Scolding, or any other form of punishment, had already been hinted at by Gu Cong, so he was prepared for it.

But what surprised him was that the "punishment" he received was ultimately a pair of lips.

Through the clean, thin fabric, the young emperor lowered his head and seemingly bit his shoulder fiercely. However, in reality, the pressure was as light as if he were feeding a stray kitten he had once encountered in his childhood.

"Your Majesty, are you hungry?" As if biting someone randomly was the most normal thing in the world, Gu Cong completely failed to notice the strangeness of the atmosphere at this moment. 

He obediently offered his shoulder and hesitated before gently saying, "Shall I have someone bring you a meal?"

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