It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 94


ITOTIABSAM | Young General | 94

Caught off guard by this sudden emphasis, Xie Ye was completely taken aback. He never expected that this man, who had been avoiding him, would come to this realization and convince himself.

"Now that we're married and neither of us intends to divorce, we should cultivate our relationship well," the figure towering over the young man by half a head leaned in, blocking any possible escape route. Gu Cong held Xie Ye's wrist and continued, shifting to a posture more akin to holding hands. "What happened this morning is perfectly normal between husband and wife. It's only natural. I deliberately avoided you, which was indeed my own fault."

"However, it's not because of your past. It's just that I'm really not used to..."

Appearing candid and natural, but actually extremely stiff and forced, Gu Cong's mouth was moving faster than his brain, wanting to explain away any possible misunderstandings the young man might have.

Sensing that the other person's words were becoming more and more absurd, as if he were on the verge of sending the system into the small dark room, Xie Ye couldn't help but move the hand that was half-covered by someone's large palm. Gu Cong immediately halted, but his amber eyes remained firmly locked on Xie Ye, his grip not loosening, only easing slightly, resembling a wild beast guarding its prey, afraid it might escape.

Xie Ye sighed inwardly, using his expression to signal and then glancing down.

But Gu Cong didn't move, as if he would disappear if he lowered his head.

Fortunately, one of his hands was still free. With the man's black hair tied up high and no crown on his head, just a cloth band hastily tied, Xie Ye placed his hand on it and pressed down slightly. Finally, the tense muscles in the other's neck relaxed.

Then, he noticed the large ink stains on the hem of the robe.

—Just now, when Xie Ye was writing, before he even put down the pen, his wrist was grabbed by the other party.

It's quite fortunate that this person finally found a place to hold onto.

"It's okay, it's just an outer robe. It can be washed again." As he raised his head to respond, the man's hair brushed against Xie Ye's palm, tickling him, as if he were playfully seeking attention.

But the man himself seemed completely unaware. Reluctantly releasing the other, Gu Cong quickly tidied up and hastily stuffed the paper and pen back into the compartment. Then, he sat back down beside Xie Ye, opened his palm, and once again pulled the young man's arm onto his lap, placing Xie Ye's hand on top of his own.

"Write here."

"Or," the warmth that had finally subsided seemed to be making a comeback as Gu Cong carefully cradled Xie Ye's hand, earnestly saying, "you can also write in the place you liked last night."

1101, who dared not even breathe loudly: ??? Can the pure system hear this?

Xie Ye's hand moved.

Gu Cong's gaze instantly glued to him. Despite wanting to appear composed, his tensed body betrayed him, and unconsciously, his Adam's apple bobbed, emitting a loud swallow in his own ears.

There were guards outside.

But the sound of hoofbeats and the rolling of wheels should be enough to mask it.

...Without his permission, even if the curtain were blown up by the wind, no one should dare to look inside.

Various thoughts raced through his mind. Just as Gu Cong began to figure out how to cooperate with the other party, the young man's hand, which had touched his collarbone through the fabric, suddenly turned and traced along his neck, snaking its way up until it leisurely pinched his earlobe.

Xie Ye's body temperature was slightly low, making places like his fingertips feel even cooler. Contrasted with this, Gu Cong suddenly realized that his own ears were burning hot, as if on fire.

"The weather is too hot," Gu Cong explained earnestly, under the teasing gaze of the young man's phoenix eyes. "The carriage is not ventilated, so I am not nervous."

Xie Ye leaned forward slightly: Not nervous?

The young man's eyes were extremely dark, but when he was in a good mood, they were clean and bright. At this close distance, Gu Cong could clearly see a small reflection of himself in Xie Ye's eyes.

Instinctively, like a male animal, he felt he should do something at this moment. Without thinking, his gaze drifted downward, locking onto those rosy lips.


With a sudden jolt, like a wheel rolling over a large stone, the carriage jerked violently. Gu Cong, who had been aiming for a position, was completely thrown off course, narrowly brushing past Xie Ye's ear and burying his head into Xie Ye's shoulder.

Outside the window, a guard muttered, "Who dropped something on the official road? And at a turn."

Then, louder voice followed, "Watch out behind! Move the stuff aside, don't hurt other travelers." Knocking on the window, "General, are you and Lord Xie okay?"

The defeated General Gu indicated that he didn't want to talk.

A minor disturbance that didn't even startle the horse. Logically, with his skills, Gu Cong should have been able to stabilize himself. But just now, all his attention was on Xie Ye, and now, all he could do was rest his chin on the young man's right shoulder, closing his eyes in frustration.

Softly, Xie Ye chuckled.

His voice was a bit hoarse, and his pronunciation slightly peculiar, but when he laughed, it was like he had a hidden hook, feather-like, scratching at one's ear.

Gu Cong's heart lifted again.

If he could make Xie Ye happy, then his embarrassment was worth it, after all, the laughter had disappeared from the young man's eyes since the morning when Gu Cong had been avoiding him.

He was a rough man, not very knowledgeable about love and romance, but his desire to get closer to Xie Ye was genuine.

So, in just a few breaths, the awkwardness dissipated, and he naturally embraced the young man's waist, pulling him into his arms. "There's still more than ten days of travel left. I'll keep you company in the carriage."

Having already lost face in front of everyone, he didn't care if the group of monkeys made fun of him. Acting from the heart was what mattered.

Of course, as the saying goes, when they reached the vicinity of Sanggan City, riding in the carriage became uncomfortable. The roads around here were mostly used for transporting goods and provisions, wide enough but not as smooth as those in the south. Bouncing up and down, not only did it make his bones ache, but it also made his head spin.

This time, Gu Cong had a revelation. Without waiting for Xie Ye to respond, he took the initiative to stop the convoy and jumped off the carriage. "Come, I'll ride and take you."

Whistling with his left hand near his mouth, the horse that had been idle for a while immediately came over, trotting happily. It wasn't Gu Cong's most commonly used mount, but they were still very close. The horse lowered its head and rubbed against the man's shoulder, letting out a loud snort.

"On long journeys like this, Wuyun has good endurance and is affectionate, so I chose it," Gu Cong explained, slightly pushing the horse's head away in case Xie Ye felt intimidated. "At home, there's also a snow-stepper that I won two years ago from the grasslands. It's very wild. I'll let you see it when we get back."

If it were at the start of their journey, he probably wouldn't have talked about these mundane details of his life with Xie Ye. But now, he spoke naturally.

"Stand still." Mounting the horse, Gu Cong leaned forward, his long arms firmly encircling the young man's waist, the muscles usually hidden under his clothes clearly defined as he lifted him up.

Feeling the sensation of soaring into the air.,Xie Ye felt his feet become light, as if stepping on clouds. In the next moment, he was in front of the man.

Not being a typical horse with a broad back, Wuyun, being from the grasslands like Xie Ye, didn't have the same width. Fortunately, with Gu Cong in control, it had a gentle disposition. Even with the extra "stranger" on its back, Xie Ye felt secure and steady.

Holding the reins with both hands, Gu Cong subtly trapped the young man in his embrace. "Since you don't know how to ride, just sit sideways and hold on tight to avoid chafing your legs."

"Just hold on tight."

As soon as the command was received, Wuyun accelerated, following the path cleared by the guards, swiftly racing to the front as if flying.

After so many days of travel, clothes needed changing. Xie Ye had changed back into the small-sized wide-sleeved robe he usually wore. Though not suitable for riding, when sitting sideways on the horse, the robe draped down in layers, creating an interesting contrast with Wuyun's dark and glossy fur, making him look exceptionally beautiful from afar.

With hundreds of people in the convoy, even without much luggage, the speed was limited outside of wartime. It had been too long since Wuyun had the chance to gallop freely, and it was clearly excited. Coincidentally, Gu Cong, who had been sitting in the carriage for too long, also wanted to stretch his muscles. So, he let go, allowing Wuyun to sprint ahead and leave the main group behind in a trail of dust.

After careful consideration, the peace between the Yan Dynasty and the grasslands has lasted for three years. This is also why the old emperor dared to pressure him recently. Considering this area as within the Yan Dynasty's territory, and with Sanggan City in the middle, with an arrow quiver tied to Wuyun's body and weapons in hand, there is no danger for Gu Cong.

Unlike Yanjing, although they have not yet reached the grasslands, the nearby terrain is flat and open, stretching as far as the eye can see. Riding along with the momentum of the horse, Xie Ye leaned slightly backward, leaning against Gu Cong's shoulder.

Or rather, against his chest.

His whole body pressed against the other, feeling like leaning on a moderately firm and soft cushion. With the breeze brushing his face, dispelling the heat of the sunny day, he took a serious look at the scenery for a while, then fluttered his eyelashes and closed his eyes.

Gu Cong, who was always attentive to Xie Ye's movements, asked, "Are you tired?"

On horseback, it was too cumbersome to write anywhere. Xie Ye could only vaguely make a sound resembling "uh."

Actually, he wasn't very tired, as he had rested in the carriage earlier when he felt like it. But without an umbrella or a hat, the bright daytime sun, although not scorching, even soft and gentle, didn't inspire any spirit in him.

1101, who had followed Xie Ye through several crossings, understood.

That's because its host liked overcast days.

And it had to be the kind of overcast day without rain.

Unexpectedly, by the time Xie Ye became more awake, the pace of the horse beneath him had slowed down, swaying gently as if singing a silent lullaby.

With the gentle breeze blowing, a small patch of shadow fell perfectly on his face. Lifting his eyes, Xie Ye just noticed that at some point, Gu Cong had switched to holding the reins with one hand, while the other looped around his back, leaving his arm rigidly propped up to shield him from the sun.

"I noticed you always frown, probably worried about getting sunburned," Gu Cong joked without any intention of boasting for himself. Seeing the young man look up, he teased, "In this area, you won't find any banana leaves to shield you. Luckily, your face is only palm-sized. Otherwise, I'd have to turn back and carry you back to the carriage."

Xie Ye didn't respond.

Instead, he just grabbed Gu Cong's arm and squeezed it hard.

Gu Cong hissed.

Maintaining the same position for too long made his arm feel as if it had been pressed for too long, sore and numb. Gu Cong quietly took a breath of cool air, but his face didn't show any signs of discomfort.

Xie Ye: Fool.

But he still liked him.

With his robe fluttering, and taking advantage of Gu Cong's momentary distraction, the young man with snow-white black hair straightened up, like a dragonfly skimming the water, light and quick. He pressed a kiss to the man's chin.

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Author's Note:

The horse, tugged by the reins: Easy, easy, why did my master suddenly ask me to stop?

Finally, I've made it through the workday. From now on, updates will be at 9 p.m.

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