It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 73


ITOTIABSAM | The Tyrant in the Deep Palace | 73

Coming from a military background, both land and water routes were used. In an era without high-speed trains or airplanes, it took just over ten days for the court to receive news of Ning Wei's arrival in Jiangzhou.

As a second-ranked official being executed in the court, and with General Ning, who had served on the border for many years, personally confiscating his assets, what Xie Ye did in the Hall of Government Affairs couldn't be kept secret. News spread rapidly, not only within the capital but also beyond.

For the common people—especially those in Jiangzhou— they couldn't empathize with the trembling fear the ministers faced when attending court daily. All they knew was that a corrupt official had fallen from power, and the silver confiscated from his home had been converted into rice, allowing them to have food to eat.

With Ning Wei in command and the sword used by the young emperor to execute the Minister of the Household Department hanging from his waist, even the most stubborn troublemakers had to consider their own lives and refrain from causing too much trouble.

Gradually, as the situation in Jiangzhou improved due to the relief efforts of the court, the people who had survived thanks to government assistance began spontaneously offering prayers and lighting lamps for General Ning Wei and the current emperor. Some even included the name of Gu Cong, the palace attendant:

Regardless of gender or background, as long as it could evoke a sense of compassion from the young emperor towards Jiangzhou and the world, they were willing to consider Gu Cong as their own family. They wished for the continued harmony between the two.

On the thirteenth day of Ning Wei's arrival in Jiangzhou, after months of scorching sun, the sky was finally covered with clouds, and rain poured down.

Upon hearing this news, Xi Jinyu almost crushed the teacup in his hand.

He had missed such a golden opportunity to win the people's hearts, allowing the ruthless tyrant to reap undeserved benefits. The situation in the palace was also not optimistic. Pei Yi had completely fallen out of favor, unable to continue poisoning Xie Ye, let alone meeting him face to face. It even aroused suspicion from Xi Jinyu's cousin.

The poison he provided was definitely flawless, colorless, and tasteless. If Pei Yi had been exposed, it must have been due to his own reasons. At this crucial moment, his actions were hindering progress. Even though Xi Jinyu had been lenient towards Pei Yi in the past, he now felt a hint of anger rising within him.

His cautious advisors spoke carefully, "Your Highness, please don't be impatient. The tyrant is incompetent, and General Ning Wei is only eager to help with disaster relief. He may not truly support the tyrant."

"Even in the worst-case scenario, we still have General Xue to rely on."

General Xue, Xue Hai, the commander of the imperial guards responsible for the security of the capital and the imperial palace. He was straightforward in character, difficult to please, but had a fatal weakness: his daughter.

His daughter was the only offspring left by his deceased first wife, who had been frail and had passed away early. Xue Hai had always doted on her. 

Coincidentally, this Miss Xue, who had been trained in martial arts since childhood, had a favorable impression of His Highness. While their relationship had not reached a widely known stage, it was tacitly acknowledged between the Prince An's Mansion and the Xue Mansion.

To be honest, Xi Jinyu didn't have any particular fondness for women. Whether they were elegant or lively, they were all just tools for him to use for his own benefit.

However, considering Xue Hai's doting affection for his daughter, if he wanted to marry her, he would have to offer her the position of a legitimate wife. In the Celestial Dynasty, which valued culture over martial prowess, the daughter of a commander of the imperial guards might be suitable for a leisurely prince. However, if he were to ascend to the throne, whether to depose her or not would become a troublesome matter.

"Your Highness?" Seeing Xi Jinyu frowning and remaining silent, the steward standing beside him misunderstood, "Is Your Highness still concerned about Pei Yi? A person striving for great achievements should avoid being entangled in romantic affairs. Besides, Pei Yi is already someone else's, even if he had the chance to receive credit, he wouldn't be worthy of Your Highness anymore."

Constantly plotting and scheming about human nature, how could Xi Jinyu not be aware of Pei Yi's crossing of boundaries?

Additionally, being a man of appetites, and considering Pei Yi's persistent infatuation with him, he had to admit that he had some fondness for him. When he had decided to send Pei Yi into the palace, he had hesitated for a moment.

However, given the current situation, the choice was clear.

This plot development wasn't in the original work. After all, the storyline of marrying someone else while in close proximity to a crematorium was a bit too much. The original story didn't involve remarriage ten miles away from the bridal chamber, which went beyond the scope of the plot.

When 1101 enthusiastically came to share the gossip, Xie Ye wasn't surprised. Having lost three crucial moves—poison, Jiangzhou, and Ning Wei in succession, if Xi Jinyu still intended to rebel, he would undoubtedly need to garner all available support, especially in the military. Although Xue Hai didn't have the same fame as Ning Wei, he was quite approachable. If Xie Jinyu truly managed to win him over, any attempt to seize the throne wouldn't require Pei Yi's assistance.

With this shift in the plot, the romance storyline took a backseat, and a new "antagonist" emerged. When Pei Yi, who knew that his secretly admired person was about to get married, heard the news, he would probably end up like Su Qingyue in the previous two worlds—engaging in internal struggles with Xie Jinyu over the same love interest.

「No.」Xie Ye calmly vetoed the optimal solution deduced from the data simulation, casting a habitual glance at Gu Cong who was attentively reading a medical book beside him, before turning the page of his book, "I won't let Xi Jinyu marry the daughter of the Xue family."

1101: ? Isn't it the optimal solution to sit back and watch the show? Why wade into this muddy water?

Xie Ye: "Xi Jinyu likes men." This was a set-in-stone author's setting.

If the daughter of the Xue family were to marry Xi Jinyu, in modern terms, it would be considered a normal marriage. This was fundamentally different from mere "mutual respect." Xie Ye couldn't stand for it and couldn't possibly agree to it.

Even though imperial marriages didn't require imperial decree, they still needed to inform the emperor. Considering recent troubles, Xi Jinyu feared there might be some trouble in this matter. 

After sending matchmakers to exchange betrothal gifts, he skipped the formalities of inquiring about the names and seeking auspicious signs, and instead directly brought a lavish dowry to the Xue family's doorstep, making the entire capital aware of it.

[He's trying to pressure you with public opinion,] 1101 muttered indignantly, "Crafty."

But Xie Ye remained unperturbed. "What's the rush?"

After all, he was the tyrant.

He deliberately chose a relatively cool overcast day for court, giving Xi Jinyu the opportunity to perform. Sure enough, as the courtiers awkwardly smiled, not knowing how to respond to their own amusement, Xi Jinyu stepped forward and brought up the marriage between the Prince An's Residence and the Xue family.

In the capital, this wasn't considered particularly unusual. Although the loyalist faction vaguely sensed the other side's ambitious actions, they didn't dare to expose it in front of Xie Ye. A capricious monarch, Xi Jinyu had also helped him ascend the throne. Even if there was evidence, they didn't know who would end up dead in the end.

But this time, the young emperor seemed to have seen through it all and was adamant: "No."

The foreboding premonition came true once again. Xi Jinyu's smile remained unchanged: "I and Miss Xue from the Xue family truly love each other. Love is the foundation, and propriety is the way. Your Majesty, why do you say this?"

The other party, General Xue Hai, remained silent throughout. Although he was straightforward, he wasn't foolish. He could somewhat guess what schemes Prince An was plotting. 

Unfortunately, his daughter was a hopeless romantic, insisting on marrying only him. Almost resorting to tears, tantrums, and even threats of suicide, coupled with the offer of the position of legal wife from the Prince An’s Residence, he reluctantly agreed.

Now, with the young emperor interfering, General Xue Hai showed no expression on his face, but in his heart, he somewhat welcomed the development.

"Why say such things? If you truly wish to marry your daughter off, why not send her to the palace? I will grant her the title of Noble Consort, which is far superior to that of Prince An's wife," the audacious statement startled everyone present. The young emperor lightly smirked, "In the end, it's all the same. What difference does it make?"

The outrageous suggestion of stealing a prince's wife, or even a cousin's wife, caused a commotion among the courtiers.

Moreover, everyone knows that the current emperor has a fondness for handsome men. If the daughter of the Xue family enters the palace, what difference is there between her and being a widow?

"This, this, this..." Just as the loyalist ministers breathed a sigh of relief for less than two seconds, they were once again on edge. Xi Jinyu's hand hanging by his side tightened silently.

He didn't love Miss Xue from the Xue family, whom he had barely met a few times, but he couldn't stand having his dignity trampled upon.

Only General Xue Hai, who cared deeply for his daughter, sensed something amiss amidst the shock. What did "it's all the same" mean? This statement was utterly nonsensical.

But at this moment, the most important thing was to stop the young emperor's wild ideas. Taking the risk of angering the emperor, Xue Hai knelt down and decisively spoke, "Your Majesty, my daughter is impetuous and lacks learning. She has been accustomed to the freedom of our household and is truly not worthy of enjoying the grace of the imperial family."

Xie Ye replied, "Oh? But Prince An is also a member of the imperial family."

Xue Hai was speechless.

He couldn't control the emperor sitting high on the dragon throne, but he could control his own daughter. He already harbored doubts about this marriage, and with the situation unfolding as it did, he had no choice but to grit his teeth and choose to save face: "Your Majesty, I will return the betrothal gifts from the Prince An's Residence today."

Xie Ye was satisfied.

If in the future the relationship between Xi Jinyu and Pei Yi was exposed, and their treasonous activities came to light, and if Miss Xue from the Xue family still pursued him with unwavering devotion like a moth to a flame, then he naturally wouldn't intervene again.

But now, the "main protagonist in pursuit" should still first clarify things with the "main protagonist in submission."

With Xi Jinyu's pride, even if his future father-in-law Xue Hai said this, he wouldn't, in front of the entire court, rush to demand that only he could marry his daughter, even if he needed the military power of the Forbidden Army.

Since both parties had no objections, the matter was settled.

Silent during the court session, but after it, Gu Cong quietly asked, "Does Your Majesty intend to take Miss Xue from the Xue family as a consort?"

Xie Ye, too absorbed in enjoying the main protagonist in pursuit eating humble pie, paused for a moment before retorting with arrogance, "Your audacity is growing by the minute."

But as soon as he thought that someone might spend the whole night tossing and turning because of this, he hesitated and explained, "I just don't want Xi Jinyu to suffer... quickly."

The last word got stuck in his throat.

In the private chamber behind the hall for imperial court sessions, Xie Ye was pushed against a folding screen.

"I understand," Gu Cong replied.

Fully aware of how rebellious his actions were and that he could be dragged out and beheaded the next moment, Gu Cong still couldn't restrain his impulse. He leaned closer, their breaths intertwining, and stared at the young emperor's lips. "But what if General Xue agrees?"

"But what if General Xue agrees under the pressure of imperial authority? How could he stand by and watch as his daughter enters the palace?"

"There's no 'what if.' General Xue treasures his daughter dearly, how could he bear to give her to me?"

As if confident that he wouldn't be harmed, the young emperor explained with clear logic, furrowing his brows, unaware of how enticing his lips looked as they moved.

...I'll be kicked out.

I'll die.

If I betray his trust, given the young emperor's temperament, a courtier who oversteps his bounds will be dragged out and beheaded, or even tortured slowly, piece by piece.

Though his mind screamed about the danger, his actions were inexplicably compelled. Bowing his head, Gu Cong kissed the young emperor's lips, silencing the incessant chatter.

Dead or alive, so be it.

Gu Cong thought.

The greedy impulse was like the fire of hell, burning his heart and lungs.

He was guilty,

But he could no longer bear it.

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