It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 103


ITOTIABSAM | Young General | 103

To be honest, Xie Ye wasn't afraid of being seen by Gu Cong.

He was injured, and knowing Gu Cong's personality, he would definitely know how to handle the situation appropriately. However, seeing that Gu Cong was clearly angry at the moment, Xie Ye still wanted to avoid adding fuel to the fire.

Having just transmigrated and immediately finding himself in a precarious situation, taking advantage of others in various ways, now that the truth was out, and Gu Cong's amber-colored eyes were staring at him like a wild beast, Xie Ye couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

Carefully approaching, Xie Ye chose a gesture that usually could cheer Gu Cong up – he kissed the man's chin.

However, Gu Cong remained unmoved. With a slight exertion, the belt loosened: "It seems like you need my help."

Due to the faint hint of blood scent, Gu Cong's movements were clean and efficient, devoid of any romantic ambiguity. Just as he had sensed earlier, the youth's leg was indeed injured. The skin on the side of his leg was red from abrasion, with the most intense area already scraped open, revealing scattered spots of blood on the fabric like little plum blossoms.

The layers of pants were piled up around his knees, and Gu Cong was squatting with one knee bent. Fortunately, the bed in the tent was low enough, and the abrasion wasn't in the innermost position, preventing a more awkward situation.

But from this angle...

For a brief moment, yellowish waste materials flashed through Xie Ye's mind.

Then, he shuddered from the breath brushing over the injured area: "Does it hurt?"

Xie Ye shook his head, then remembered that Gu Cong couldn't see, so he reached out and found a spot on the back of Gu Cong's neck to write: "Not hurting."


Compared to the previous worlds, this time was anything but easy, despite speaking requiring a bit more effort.

However, Gu Cong didn't believe him this time. Using a bit more force with the damp cloth to clean the blood, Xie Ye's leg indeed trembled slightly.

—Xie Ye could endure pain, but his body's reflexes couldn't.

Soon after, Gu Cong asked again: "Does it hurt?"

Xie Ye learned his lesson: "Yes, it hurts."

So, like soothing a child, Gu Cong gently blew air near his wound, and then applied some golden wound medicine from a small porcelain bottle.

Xie Ye felt a bit itchy.

He wasn't afraid of pain, but the scraped area was too sensitive. Helplessly, Gu Cong didn't give him a chance to escape. His large hand casually held down Xie Ye's knee, rendering his injured leg immobile.

Xie Ye was tempted to pinch Gu Cong's ear.

However, as soon as his hand moved, Gu Cong, as if settling an old score, asked, "Can you ride a horse?"

Xie Ye: ...

"Being able to win competitions and save people," he said, glancing at the young man's limp arm, "I suppose that wasn't taught at Mingyu tower."

With hardly any hesitation, Gu Cong bluntly exposed the reason behind the hidden identity: "You are seeking revenge."

As for the target of his revenge, it was undoubtedly the emperor on the Dragon Throne, or even the entire royal family. Thus, only Prince Yan Beilin, who had seen Xie Ye, noticed the latter's unusual behavior.

Although he had abandoned the idea of using his alter self plans to accompany the world in its downfall, Xie Ye, still greedy, wanted to test the other's attitude: "What if I say General guessed right?"

If he truly was a villain, universally condemned and wicked, what would Gu Cong do?

Advise him or imprison him?

After all, the counterpart in this world came from the General's House, a family known for its generations of loyalty to the emperor.

"I will help you, but don't involve the innocent," Gu Cong replied without a moment's hesitation, surprising Xie Ye with his unexpected response.

Xie Ye: "Help me? General, do you know who I seek revenge against?"

The man, focused on applying medicine, finally looked up. "I know."

As clear as day.

His rational mind told him that Xie Ye's willingness to comply with the marriage and his willingness to be close to him might only stem from Xie Ye's hold on military power, his considerable reputation within the army, and being a general suppressed by the old emperor.

But his emotions, like a tidal wave, swept away all suspicions and doubts, leaving only the moments shared between them, day in and day out.

Who exactly was Xie Ye? His mind was clouded, but his heart screamed in clarity.

As if emphasizing a promise, Gu Cong reiterated, "Husband and Wife are one, I've said it."

He thought that after interacting across several worlds, his relationship with Gu Cong had gradually become stable and calm. But at this moment, Xie Ye's heart, once again, burned with intense passion and excitement.

He remembered a rainy night when he lay on Gu Cong's back, seeking affirmation, boasting to the system, "He likes me."

Now, Xie Ye wanted to say even more: "See, he loves me."

Unfortunately, 1101, confined to its little black room, couldn't hear or see anything. It couldn't witness the disheveled young man sitting on the low pallet, lifting himself halfway to Gu Cong's face, and proactively kissing him.

"I did think about revenge, for a long time," Xie Ye confessed, not denying his alter self's past. "I wanted to cause chaos, to bury the entire Yan Dynasty."

As if afraid of not revealing himself enough, with each sentence, Xie Ye affectionately pressed his thin lips against Gu Cong's, rubbing against them. "But the moment I saw General, I gave up on all of that."

"I don't want General to dislike me," like a little trickster, he shook out each lie he had told before:

"I said I can't ride a horse, but I just wanted to be held by the General more."

"And maybe steal a few kisses."

With mischievous black phoenix eyes, he completely tore away the facade of gentleness and propriety from their first meeting. Countless details flooded his mind, and Gu Cong asked, "Did you purposely twist your ankle during the welcoming ceremony?"

Xie Ye: "Intentional."

Gu Cong: "The shadow of the screen on our bridal chamber?"

Xie Ye: "Also intentional."

Gu Cong: "Writing at the inn station on my chest?"

Xie Ye: "Still intentional."

"What about calling me husband?" Their breaths intertwined as Gu Cong asked the title he had only heard once, almost thinking it was a hallucination.

With slightly labored breaths, Xie Ye tilted his head, his moist lips brushing against Gu Cong's ear, huskily laughing, "You guess."


Xie Ye knew the consequences of teasing Gu Cong too much, but he rarely lost control, just thinking how adorable this man who had never truly questioned or reproached him was. Despite knowing his constant lies and his lack of vulnerability, he still feared his pain and injury.

The quagmire was right in front of him, yet he foolishly jumped in.

So, he conceded a little more pain, as if it didn't matter.

However, it didn't take long for Xie Ye to realize his naivety and understand that "love brain" was dangerous.

The wound, now wrapped in clean gauze to avoid any pressure or contact, had to be left open, relying on self-control and the man's hands to keep it closed.

It was a very insecure position, offering the deepest vulnerability to the other, akin to being embraced from behind.

Although he didn't cry when his arm dislocated, or when the wound was cleaned, tears welled up in the eyes of the young man as the jade hairpin fell, hanging on the verge of falling, clinging to his curled lashes.

Further away, the festivities continued, unaffected by the unpleasantness on the platform. Despite being aware that there were few people nearby, the tent lacking a latch on the door still offered no sense of security.

Feeling somewhat regretful for his moment of impulsiveness, Xie Ye pressed his hand against his lips, trying to keep quiet. However, the other person persisted, and with each movement, the hot breath of kisses fell onto his palm.

Then, like a hunter seizing an opportunity, during a moment when the young man's gaze seemed unfocused, Gu Cong interlocked their fingers and pressed their hands against the pillow.

A faint whimper escaped Xie Ye.

The teasing scratches were tantalizing, but before he could utter a sound, the possessive general sealed his lips with another kiss.


In a daze, Xie Ye suddenly heard an inquiring voice with slightly mispronounced words and deliberately raised volume, "General Gu? May I inquire about Young Master Xie's condition? The Khan ordered me to deliver medicine and brought a physician."

The cool jade-like "snow satin" instantly tightened.

Gu Cong also emitted a muffled groan.

Fortunately, in terms of reputation, Gu Cong was no less respected on the grasslands than in Sanggan City. Moreover, having just left without permission, nobody dared to approach him easily.

As a martial artist with abundant stamina, he steadied his breath and dismissed the person with a few words, then chuckled softly, "Afraid?"

In response, there was the pain of his shoulder being bitten by canine teeth.

Ferocious, yet tears fell nonetheless.


An hour, or perhaps longer, passed before Xie Ye regained consciousness. The disarrayed felt blanket beneath him had been replaced, and his clothes were fresh and clean.

The tent was brightly lit, indicating it was midday.

The layers of gauze, which had been wrapped around him in circles, remained intact and in place. First, there was the horse race, then he was messing around. Xie Ye's initial reaction was surprisingly:

Where are my legs?

His second reaction was: The little jar, I forgot to use it.

He nearly died, okay?

Finally, out of the little black room, 1101 said, "Hey."

[The pure little system cannot bear to hear such words.]

Guarding by the bedside, Gu Cong was naturally satisfied, his eyes and brows expressing contentment. Seeing the young man wake up, his eyes reddened slightly, reflecting his appearance once more. However, there was also a sudden, somewhat greedy desire in his eyes.

Although Gu Cong was considerate of his body and injuries and didn't dare to be too harsh, in the end, Xie Ye was still exhausted. He simply pulled the blanket over his face, pretending to be dead openly.

Feeling utterly drained, Xie Ye soon found the thin felt blanket being lifted off by Gu Cong.

"I’m not going to bother you," he said, but his kiss landed on Xie Ye's forehead. "I checked while you were asleep. There was no bleeding. Next time, make sure to follow the rules."

Xie Ye's still somewhat sleepy brain took a moment to process what the other was saying. He lazily glared at the man, but because of his excessively languid demeanor, it lacked any real impact.

Persisting, Gu Cong lowered his head again, planting a kiss on Xie Ye's lips. "What do you want to curse at?"

"Hmm?" ‘

Xie Ye lazily replied, "Shut up."

But Gu Cong laughed.

"Qian Lao mentioned that the cure for a troubled heart requires heart medicine. You speaking up must mean you're happy." His laughter perfectly offset the sharpness of his features, making him look as if he had just won the most important battle. Confidently, he declared, "Xie Ye, you enjoy being close to me."

"I please you."

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