The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book)- 22


| TBBOTOF | 22

Luo Pingping has been married to Tang Dahu for over twenty years. Before the three Tang brothers divided the family, all the money was controlled by their mother-in-law, Wu Guizhi. After the division, although they were given the old house, the living conditions were precarious with the old mud-brick walls, vulnerable to wind and rain.

Furthermore, with both sons growing up and needing to marry, they decided to build a new house. Although the new house wasn't entirely made of bricks and tiles, it was still a mixture of bricks and mud tiles. Building two rooms at once depleted much of their savings.

Not only that, but they also needed to provide a dowry for the brides. No good girl's family would allow their daughters to marry without a dowry, and they couldn't show favoritism between their two sons. Both sons needed the same amount for dowries.

And once they brought wives home, they needed to host a wedding banquet. While they planned to have a joint banquet to save costs, there would still be many guests to feed, requiring funds for the banquet.

Every day, Luo Pingping counted and counted again, her heart aching with each calculation. Money flowed out every day, with no income coming in. Even though their family owned land that could produce crops, they had to wait until harvest to sell.

So, when she opened the small money bag and emptied the copper coins onto the kang bed and counted them, she couldn't help but exclaim, "Oh my goodness!"

Her tone was filled with excitement and a hint of disbelief.

Tang Wei and Tang Zu, the two brothers, were scrubbing in the courtyard, still savoring the lingering taste of the delicious meat in their mouths when they heard their mother's loud cry from inside the house.

They both jumped in shock and rushed inside immediately.

"Ma, what's wrong? Did you see a rat?"

"Did you fall, Ma?"

As soon as they entered, they spotted the pile of copper coins scattered on the kang bed, leaving them dumbfounded.

"Wow! There are so many!"

"There must be over two hundred!"

Luo Pingping narrowed her eyes, "What's with all the fuss? Both of you, shut your mouths!"

The two sons stood by the kang bed like statues, their eyes fixed on the pile of copper coins. Tang Wei, the older brother, accidentally knocked his elbow against Tang Zu's side, and it was a hard knock that made Tang Zu wince in pain.

"What are you doing, bro? That hurt!" Tang Zu rubbed the sore spot while glaring at his brother.

Tang Wei rubbed his hands together and chuckled, "Ouch, that hurts! So, it's not a dream, Ma. Let me help you count." As he spoke, he reached out to grab the copper coins.

Tang Zu was a step slower but also reached out his hand.

Luo Pingping grabbed a small wooden stick used for scratching her back from the side of the kang bed, waved it, and swung it towards their hands with force.

"Wow! Ma, you're really hitting us!" The two brothers quickly pulled back their hands, rubbing the areas where they were hit in pain.

Luo Pingping pointed the small wooden stick towards the door, "Get out, get out, get out of here quickly."

If they didn't leave, they might not even get a few cents to buy a headband for their future daughters-in-law!

The two brothers didn't dare to extend their hands again. Ma was serious about hitting them.

They anxiously watched as their mother counted the copper coins several times without understanding.

Luo Pingping also counted, holding a piece of hemp rope and tying a knot in the middle for every hundred coins.

"Three hundred and forty-eight, why is there still some leftover?" Tang Wei exclaimed beside her.

Luo Pingping swung the small stick and slapped him again, "What's the matter? You still think it's not enough? Do you want me to make it an even number for you? Have you no shame? I've raised you both, and you can't even bring back a single penny? Look at your brother, he still remembers his aunt's kindness!"

After finishing her words, she got off the kang bed and muttered to herself, "No good, I need to quickly pack a jar of pickled radish for your uncle."

Taking a few steps forward and seeing her two sons still standing in front of the kang bed without moving, Luo Pingping turned back and collected the string of copper coins, waving her hand to shoo them away. "Go on, rest, we'll be busy tomorrow."

She went to the small room where the pickled vegetables were stored and came out with a small jar. This jar was new and hadn't been opened yet. Seeing her husband still drinking in the main room, she smiled and said, "When your second brother goes back, he can take this jar with him and let Xu Ge'er taste it."

Tang Erhu nodded, "Surely Xu Ge'er will like it. Since he recovered from his illness, his temperament has become much brighter."

"Being too cheerful isn't good either," the old lady interjected from where she was sitting.

Tang Erhu sighed, "It's better than before anyway. At least he doesn't have to be chased and beaten by his mother anymore."

"Why is that?" Luo Pingping was curious and sat down beside her husband. "Does he know how to hide now?" She had seen a few times before that Liu Xiangxiang would scold and beat Xu Ge'er, making it seem like he was a stepchild left behind by his previous wife.

Tang Erhu grunted in agreement, took a sip of wine, and then picked up a piece of meat. "Xu Ge'er was sick for half a month, and when he got better, his temperament changed. I can see that he's more spirited and smarter than before."

Luo Pingping pursed her lips. She knew about Xu Ge'er's illness from the incident with the Tang Yang river, and both brothers were sick together. However, Tang Yang had come to play at their place later on, indicating that Xu Ge'er couldn't have been well taken care of.

"After experiencing a close call with death, he must have had some realizations. Second brother, don't blame your wife for being outspoken. If your mother-in-law doesn't discipline him properly, he'll cause you big trouble sooner or later."

Tang Dahu glared at his mother, "If you can't speak, then don't speak!"

Luo Pingping snorted lightly. Feeling in a good mood, she turned to the elderly couple and said, "Mom, Dad, our nephew Xu Ge'er is really a good kid. Second brother just gave me that small money pouch with three hundred and forty-eight copper coins in it. He's given all the remaining money to his mother. She was still not satisfied. If I had such a good son, I'd be proud to support him."

Tang Erhu was stunned when he heard there were three hundred and forty-eight copper coins. He only knew he had earned half an ounce of silver. Seeing that he had bought so much meat and sugar, he thought he might have about three hundred coins left, assuming Xu Ge'er would keep some for himself. He didn't expect Xu Ge'er had given it all to his mother.

Thinking about Liu Xiangxiang's attitude, always putting money above everything else, Tang Erhu rubbed his face, drank his wine in silence.

Tang Dahu lifted his wine glass and took a sip. "That kid was well-behaved since he was a child, always diligent in his work. Every time he came over, he helped feed the chickens and pigs. He's just a little thin and doesn't gain much weight."

When Wu Guizhi and her eldest daughter-in-law exchanged glances, they both thought to themselves that with Liu Xiangxiang's controlling nature, it would be strange if Xu Ge'er would gain weight.

But being a grandmother and an elder sister-in-law, and with the family already divided, they couldn't intervene too much.

"Eldest daughter-in-law, there's something I need your help with," Wu Guizhi spoke up. "Xu Ge'er is almost eighteen now, and if we let Liu Xiangxiang keep him at home, he won't be able to find a good husband in the future. See if there's anyone suitable on your side of the family and suggest a match."

Luo Pingping thought for a moment and replied, "My sister-in-law on my maternal side has a nephew who is two years older than Xu Ge'er. He's a scholar, though their family is not well-off. He's quite good-looking and has a decent personality."

Tang Erhu frowned at the mention of poverty. However, he also understood that if they weren't poor, no one would marry their son. And upon hearing that the other party was a scholar, it meant he would likely achieve academic success in the future. If that happened, Xu Ge'er would also benefit from it.

"Then let's trouble the eldest sister-in-law to inquire and see if they are interested," Tang Erhu said, and Luo Pingping was about to nod in agreement.

However, Wu Guizhi intervened, "No, we should first ask Xu Ge'er's opinion about this matter. What if he has no intention?"

The old lady believed that if Xu Ge'er could earn his own money, asking him to marry someone from a poorer family to support them might burden him, and he might not be willing.

"Erhu, when you go back later, ask Xu Ge'er first. If Liu Xiangxiang tries to stop you, don't spoil her. She wants twenty taels of betrothal gifts. Who in the village with over a hundred households wouldn't laugh at her? She's marrying off her son; she's counting on selling her son to get rich!" Wu Guizhi scolded.

Tang Erhu nodded with his head hanging low.

Meanwhile, Tang Xu was eating until his belly was round, struggling to catch his breath.

He had no idea that the elders were already discussing finding a match for him and planning to marry him off.

Tang Li took over the cooking and dishwashing chores, while Tang Yang was assigned to sweep the yard. Tang Xu had just eaten two large bowls of rice, and he had consumed plenty of potatoes and meat as well. His stomach was so swollen that Tang Xu feared it might burst.

It was better to let him do some exercise after dinner. It wouldn't be a problem even if it got dark in the yard; he wouldn't get lost, and it would help with digestion.

Tang Xu went to the woodshed, grabbed a large bundle of sorghum stalks for firewood, and placed them outside the kitchen door. He then used a knife to cut them into pieces of equal length. "Ah Yang, go inside and ask Mom for some needle and thread. Tell her I want to make a curtain."

Tang Yang threw the broom aside and dashed to the main room. "Mom, Brother needs a needle and thread!"

There was no response from inside the house, and it was unclear whether Liu Xiangxiang was asleep.

Tang Yang returned and said, "Brother, Mom isn't responding to me."

"Tang Li, do you know where Mom put the needle and thread kit?" Tang Xu called out to the kitchen.

Tang Li replied, "Yes, I know. I'll go get it, Brother."

She wiped her hands and went to the main room to fetch the needle and thread kit. Seeing Liu Xiangxiang lying on the kang without reacting, Tang Li said, "Mom, Brother needs to use sorghum stalks to make a curtain. I'll get the needle and thread kit."

She retrieved the needle and thread kit from the cabinet and also brought out the empty bowl from the table.

"Brother, don't worry about Mom. She's eaten all the rice and meat from the bowl," she gestured to Tang Xu with the empty bowl.

Tang Xu nodded, "Both of you tidy up and go rest. There's nothing much left to do."

"I'll help you, Brother," Tang Li said as she brought over a small wooden stool and sat next to him. Tang Yang swept all the chopped sorghum stalks into a pile on the ground. "Brother, I'm not going to sleep either."

Tang Xu chuckled, "Alright, then both of you sit here and keep me company."

"Who cooked lunch today?" he asked casually, trying to make conversation.

Tang Yang licked his lips and said, "Big sister cooked. Her cooking isn't as delicious as Brother's."

Tang Li raised her hand and swatted him, "But you didn't eat any less."

"I won't eat if I'm not hungry!" Tang Yang retorted stubbornly, chin raised defiantly. "Your cooking just isn't as tasty as Brother's."

"Where's Mom? Did she go to the fields with Dad?" Tang Xu asked, puzzled.

"Mom said she had a headache. After breakfast, she went to lie down on the kang," Tang Li replied.

Tang Xu nodded without further questioning. He needed to concentrate on his sewing; with insufficient light, he was afraid of pricking his fingers.

As he worked on the curtain, there was some noise outside the courtyard gate. The three siblings looked up to see Tang Erhu pushing the gate open and entering.

He seemed steady on his feet, indicating he hadn't drunk too much.

"Dad," Tang Xu set down his needle and thread, "Ah Li, go heat up some water for Dad to wash."

Tang Erhu handed him a small jar, smiling, "This is from your eldest aunt. Finish it before you go get more."

Tang Xu nodded and then asked him, "Dad, where's the vegetable basket?"

Tang Erhu paused, then replied, "I forgot."

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  1. thank you for the update and hard work.. ❤️🐾

  2. I hope the mother will not find the MC papers


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