It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 108


ITOTIABSAM | Young General | 108

In the small city of Sanggan, there lived a general and now a new emperor, but even if the truth were told, no one would believe it. 

Because of this, Lu Jin, who usually loved gossip, almost drove himself crazy trying to hold it in. The emperor was missing, yet there was no news from Yanjing. The emperor even bought the neighboring courtyard of the general, indicating he intended to stay for a long time.

However, Xie Ye knew that Yan Beilin hadn't left solely because of Luo Shaoning's weakened condition due to the poison. Once the poison was fully expelled, he would naturally rush back to participate in the coronation ceremony.

But unexpectedly, before officially leaving, these two protagonists knocked on his door for the third time, coming to bid farewell.

Yan Beilin seemed to have been dragged here forcibly, his face cold and bearing the dignity of someone in power. Next to him, Luo Shaoning, still recovering from his illness, was wrapped up tightly, paler than Xie Ye when he first arrived, yet his eyes were particularly bright.

"I never thought I would come to beg Mister Xie at death's door," his voice was extremely soft, betraying his weakness, yet there was a hint of a smile in his eyes. "Regardless, I must thank you."

Having survived this great ordeal, he seemed to have lost some of his vivacity from when he first arrived in Sanggan, and his demeanor now was closer to that of an ordinary courtier or advisor.

Holding a rabbit that served as nothing more than a plush heater, Xie Ye responded indifferently, "No need."

Each party had their own motives, and he had no intention of forming any bond with the protagonists, nor did he require any gratitude.

The tragedy of the Xie family's extermination stood between them. Despite the fact that His Majesty was just a child at the time, he still carried the blood of the late emperor. Understanding the reasons behind Xie Ye's attitude, Luo Shaoning didn't dwell on it. Instead, he casually changed the subject: "Where is General Gu? Why isn't he with you?"

As expected, Xie Ye's expression softened slightly, almost instinctively and subconsciously: "At the training grounds, practicing martial arts."

"That's unfortunate. We are in a hurry to leave, so we might not have the chance to bid farewell to General Gu," Luo Shaoning cleared his throat and tightened his collar. "I assure you, I will not disclose the kindness you've shown, nor mention the fate you said before."

Xie Ye responded, "It doesn't matter. I can only witness his ascension." The author didn't write anything beyond this, as they were too lazy to calculate further.

The "he" mentioned by Xie Ye naturally referred to the protagonist. He didn't mind the young man's rudeness. Yan Beilin snorted coldly, "Such insolence."

"I also don't mind. I don't believe in fate," Yan Beilín retorted.

"Why then, Your Majesty, did you brave the wind and snow to come find me?" Xie Ye asked with a smile.

Yan Beilín hesitated, unable to come up with a response.

"It must be for Master Luo," Xie Ye pretended to suddenly realize, smiling brightly. "So, in Your Majesty's heart, Master Luo is so precious that you would go to great lengths to save his life."

His response was met with standard annoyance as Yan Beilín turned and left in a huff.

1101 was chattering away, first surprised, then bursting into laughter: "Oh my, oh my, his ears are turning red! Why are all the Gongs so innocent these days?"

However, Luo Shaoning didn't give up. Even as he was being dragged away, he still raised his voice: "Master Xie, before New Year's Eve, your wish will be fulfilled."

"Until we meet again."

The last few words were scattered in the crisp morning breeze.

Since he could remember, Xie Ye had never bid farewell to the protagonist in such a "friendly" manner. Standing alone by the door for a while, he lowered his eyes and gently stroked the rabbit's soft back, where the fur had grown back. Then he turned and returned to the courtyard.

As for Emperor Yan Beilín, his actions were indeed decisive. With the new emperor ascending the throne and granting amnesty to all, it was a customary practice throughout history. During the process of organizing documents, several miscarriages of justice came to light, and evidence and witnesses that had been elusive suddenly appeared everywhere, like mushrooms after the rain.

In just a few days, Xie Ye went from being the son of a fallen criminal to a pitiable victim of unfounded calamity. With over a hundred lives lost in the Xie Family, the people's disappointment in the ailing former emperor reached its peak:

How could a king so suspicious and reckless with lives compare to the new emperor?

Having his reputation tarnished by passively helping the protagonist's conquest, Xie Ye was not surprised. If Emperor Yan Beilín hadn't done so, he would have felt that the emperor wasn't worthy of the throne.

As the sole remaining descendant of the Xie Family, he should have returned to the capital to express his gratitude to the heavens and perhaps reopen the imperial examinations. However, with perhaps some assistance from Luo Shaoning, the process was simplified due to Xie Ye's supposed health issues and the approaching New Year, sparing him the trouble of traveling between two cities.

As the imperial decree of exoneration reached the city of Sanggan, the lingering obsession of the past was finally dispelled.

The grave crime of confiscating the Xie family's property over a decade ago had left no remains of Xie Ye's parents. Recognizing that death was as final as a snuffed-out candle, Xie Ye, despite his disregard for conventional customs and etiquette, found a secluded corner in his home, lit candles, burned incense, and erected two memorial tablets, offering this belated exoneration to their spirits.

Accompanied by Gu Cong, Xie Ye knelt on the meditation cushion, performing the rites.

"On the day we were married, we went to my ancestral hall in the Gu family. Now, it seems things have come full circle," Gu Cong recalled the tight grip Xie Ye had on his hand back then, reaching out to hold Xie Ye's hand in return, comforting him.

With a sigh, Xie Ye whispered softly, "Yes, full circle."

The world of passionate and unrestrained love from the first life, the bonds of family from the second, the trust from the third, and even the reconciliation with the protagonist in this life, along with countless acts of kindness... Since meeting Gu Cong, it seemed that all the voids and regrets in his life had been gradually filled without him realizing.

He thought that was enough to consider himself fortunate, but little did he expect that Gu Cong would always exceed his expectations.

On the day before New Year's Eve, just as Xie Ye was about to catch up on some sleep in his bed, he was awakened by faint noises from outside the window. As he tensed up, preparing to investigate, a large hand suddenly covered his eyes.

Without needing to guess, Xie Ye knew who was playing around. Relaxing his shoulders, he yawned lazily. "General?"

"I'm here," Gu Cong replied, and Xie Ye could hear the rustling sound of fabric, like someone adjusting their clothes.

What does this mean?

With New Year's Eve approaching, is Gu Cong preparing new clothes for him to wear for the New Year?

Ever since the surprise with the purple-haired brush was spoiled, Gu Cong's way of expressing affection had become more direct. A curiosity that had been dormant for a long time arose in Xie Ye. 

He raised his arm and tried to remove the large hand covering his face, but to no avail. Gu Cong knew he wasn't afraid of the dark and was on high alert, covering his entire field of vision without leaving any gaps between his fingers.

Xie Ye:...

Well, since someone had made up their mind to keep it a secret, he would just stay obediently still.

It was just as well to use the other person as a pillow.

With the familiar scent of soap lingering around his nose, Xie Ye lazily leaned against Gu Cong's chest. Just as he was about to close his eyes again, feeling drowsy, he finally saw a glimmer of light.

As if afraid that he might feel uncomfortable or unaccustomed, Gu Cong's movement of releasing his hand was extremely slow. The darkness, like melting snow, gradually receded, and with fluttering eyelashes, Xie Ye saw two patches of bright red.

It was a wedding attire.

The style they had worn in Yanjing during their wedding, slightly thicker.

"I'm sorry for the last wedding. It must have been very difficult for you," Gu Cong explained sincerely.

With the meddling of the matchmaker and the hidden intentions of the guests, as the groom, he hadn't been sincere either.

Vaguely guessing what the other person was going to say, Xie Ye was taken aback. Sure enough, he heard Gu Cong whispering softly in his ear, " this day..."

"Xie Ye, are you willing to marry me again?"

"Perhaps it's a bit simple," without waiting for the other's response, Gu Cong took Xie Ye's hand and placed it on his chest, "But I..."

The rest of his words were drowned out by a passionate kiss.

Xie Ye rarely allowed himself to lose control, especially consciously restraining his villainous tendencies in front of Gu Cong. However, this time, he bit the man's lips until they bled, the taste of rust mixing with the sound of water. After what felt like an eternity, he struggled to regain his breath, encircling Gu Cong's neck, "I am willing."

Of course, he was willing.

In the reflection of the bronze mirror, without the meddling matchmaker, the man standing behind Xie Ye to tie up his hair was the same man wearing red as him.

From the white jade hairpin that accompanied him from Yanjing to the border town, Gu Cong skillfully fixed it into his hair, tying up his three thousand strands of hair. Outside the door, the red lanterns swayed in the wind, and on the window hung the character "Xi" (double happiness) personally cut by the man himself. Even the rabbit lying in the corner of the grass nest had its tail tied with a thin red silk.

With each passing auspicious moment, more and more guests came to congratulate them. The sound of firecrackers rang out lively.

Although it was winter, Xie Ye felt warm.

The courtyard was crowded with three entrances filled to the brim. Instead of bowing to the heaven and earth, they drank a formal toast amidst the laughter and noise of the crowd.

As the night grew deeper, the surroundings returned to tranquility.

Clearly, the other party deliberately chose the day before New Year's Eve, when everyone could make time. Xie Ye stood in front of the dragon and phoenix candles and personally trimmed the lamp flowers.

The bowls and chopsticks were cleaned up by a temporary maid. When the man left, he pushed the door open and entered. Once his body had warmed up, he reached out and hugged him from behind, "How do you feel?"

"Are you happy?"

He drank more than usual today. His nose rubbed against the young man's neck and ear, like a wild animal marking its territory, yet also like a large dog acting spoiled with its owner.

Xie Ye turned his head slightly, "Yes, I'm happy."

Turning around, their similar wedding attire intertwined intimately. The young man's lips parted slightly as he uttered the two words the other had longed to hear: "Husband."


The bed trembled as they embraced under the complete set of wedding quilts.

With his hair scattered, the young man's fair skin was accentuated by the rich floral patterns. Xie Ye lay sprawled on top, but he felt no pain at all due to the deliberate control of the man's strength.

With everything set in motion, he still wanted to tease him, "Gu Cong."

"I am pleased with you."

With those words, the restraint that had barely been held back completely lost its moderation. He tightened his grip around the young man's waist, using his hands, lips, and tongue, indulging freely and leaving behind patches of plum-like, varying shades of red marks.

Two souls intertwined, like mandarin ducks swimming in harmony.

In a moment, the sword returned to its sheath. Gu Cong accurately caught the ankle of the young man who unconsciously tried to struggle and escape, his gaze deep as he whispered persuasively, "Since we're married, how can we miss out on the bridal chamber candles?"

"Before the candle tears dry, my lady cannot go anywhere else but my side."

Not just tonight.

He wanted to stay by his side forever and ever.

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