It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 129


ITOTIABSAM | Interstellar Orcs | 129

At first, nobody paid much attention to the flashy barrage message. After all, in most people's minds, police statements were typically about debunking rumors.

The fact that Xie Haiguo dared to stand in front of the police station for an interview naturally added three points to his credibility.

However, behind the flashy barrage was a persistent individual, or rather, someone with deep pockets, whose special effects filled the screen:


"I'm being ignored?"

"Hello—Is nobody watching the video I posted? Whether it's real or not, the person in it is much prettier than that corpse."

Finally, some people became fed up with the overwhelming visual pollution and switched to the official account of Ark Technology, ready to find a thousand bugs to discredit the flashy barrage and shut them up.

But unexpectedly, in the end, the audience on Xie Haiguo's side dwindled.

Compared to the chaotic and noisy media frenzy, the video released by Ark Technology was remarkably quiet. It showed a clean and tidy single-person hospital room, with a slightly raised adjustable bed. The young man, who had previously only appeared in headlines in the financial news, leaned against the pillow, his skin almost blending into the sheets.

"I am Xie Ye," his wrist, exposed and delicate as if it could snap with a slight twist, yet there was no hint of fragility about him. Even through the screen, one could feel the confidence and pressure emanating from him directly, "Regarding the recent rumors circulating on StarNet involving myself and the company, the PR department of Ark Technology has already initiated legal proceedings, and court summonses will be issued shortly."

"Please pay attention to your mailboxes."


"Damn, pay attention to your damn mailboxes."

"So which side is telling the truth?"

"The police must have verified the biological information when they called for someone to claim the body. Ark Technology promotes virtual reality. This video, I bet it's synthesized using neural networks."

"His eyes! His eyes are still black! Promise me, if it's fake, they better update it in time!"

【Makes sense, it's just a video. I could edit one too.】

【But Ark Technology's account is live streaming.】

In order to match the boss's public image, Ark Technology's official account has always been very aloof. Apart from promoting new products, the information they release is usually responses to the "Xie Ye's disappearance" topic from a few days ago.

A live stream, showcasing Xie Ye's private daily life. This, in the past, was something that the various gossiping masses wouldn't even dare to imagine.

With a naturally photogenic face, contrasting with the choked-up anger of Xie Haiguo, the white-haired youth's expression was cool and indifferent. He seemed as if he were about to embark on a bare-faced challenge, deftly facing the camera and removing his contact lenses.

"Now, can you confirm that I am indeed myself?"

The emerald green eyes, previously concealed by darkness, now reemerged into the light. Coupled with the silver-white hair at the end of his tail, there was a kind of otherworldly aura, more like a gift, a blessing, than the "degeneration" mentioned by Xie Haiguo. 

As the youth approached the camera bit by bit, many viewers in front of the screen couldn't help but hold their breath, as if they were witnessing a character stepping out of a comic, game, or movie.

In any case, he didn't seem ordinary.

So beautiful that it made people suspect if it was CGI.

【Oxygen tank! Oxygen tank! Save me!】

【Hey, wifey. (Holds up a rose)】

【So Xie Ye's animal form is really a cat? It's too cute, aww.】

【Suddenly feeling a bit of "moe" from that iceberg face.】

【Hate him? Come on, even if he's a terrible dad, at least he could lie properly, right? How can you hate someone who looks like this? I bet he's happy every time he looks in the mirror.】

【Calm down! What if it's a new technology from Ark Technology...】

"Indeed, I used to hate my animal form," calmly denying the past of his alter self, Xie Ye said, "but after over a month of recuperation, I've found that occasionally being a cat is quite nice."

In the hospital room, Gu Cong, who was watching the live broadcast, was momentarily stunned.

Far from the casual softness he exhibited when living in his own home, the Xie Ye on screen, despite having just undergone a series of tests related to Sleeping Beauty Syndrome and wearing the hospital's standard patient gown, still exuded an air of dignified elegance befitting one who had long held a position of power. 

It was as if he wasn't anxiously explaining the dirt his biological father had thrown at him, but rather, calmly walking down the red carpet under the spotlight, effortlessly completing a show.

Proud and distant, like the moon in the sky.

But just as the youth mentioned "over a month," the unconscious softness in his expression made Gu Cong realize belatedly that the moon had indeed been held in his embrace for a long time.

On the screen, oblivious to this subtle signal, various comments flooded the screen:

【Exactly! Little cats are the best!】

【This one has eyes. Can't they just verify the iris to determine if it's real or fake?】

【Have you considered joining workplace variety shows, wife? Your beauty must not be hidden!】

【Wait, haven't we forgotten something?】

【Xie Haiguo! That scumbag Xie Haiguo!】

【He swore that Xie Ye was dead. Could it be that he's the one who killed him?】

Compared to the articulate and eye-catching Xie Ye, Xie Haiguo, who spoke without evidence, clearly seemed more like a liar. After all, no matter how advanced the technology, it couldn't conjure up a real Xie Ye out of thin air. 

Once the police and media arrived, the truth would be revealed.

Xie Haiguo outside the police station also sensed that something was amiss.

The reporters who had eagerly thrust their microphones at him suddenly received urgent communications one after another, interrupting their interviews. Subsequently, the surreptitious glances directed at him became even more sinister, and the volume of the crowd's conversation diminished, as if they were afraid he would overhear.

The oppressive atmosphere, like a storm about to break, triggered alarm bells in his brain. Without caring about his unfinished performance, Xie Haiguo grabbed the still unaware Xie Tianhua and turned to leave.

The reporters, who had been busy making phone calls just moments ago, immediately swarmed around him.

"Mr. Xie Haiguo! Mr. Xie Haiguo! What do you think about Xie Ye's live broadcast?"

"Has the police really confirmed the biological information of that corpse?"

"Are you involved in fabricating the body?!"

"Live broadcast?" Xie Tianhua, who had witnessed Xie Ye transforming into an ordinary white cat, instinctively spoke decisively, as if struck by a heavy blow. "Impossible!"

The tide of microphones instantly changed direction.

"Impossible? Mr. Xie Tianhua, why are you so sure? Have you personally confirmed Xie Ye's death?"

"Is Xie Ye's disappearance related to you?"

"Did the body at the police station die because of you?"

"Did you kill the wrong person?"

One question after another, like waves crashing down, forced people to catch their breath, especially the already guilty Xie Tianhua.

Although the body was bought with money, the traces added to it and Xie Ye's coincidental disappearance were all linked to him.

He wasn't an actor, nor did he inherit Xie Haiguo's cunning ability to hide his emotions. Simply put, he was just a rich second-generation who relied on his father, family background, and beast form to show off. Now, with the company on the brink of bankruptcy due to his actions, he couldn't just turn into a tiger and devour everyone in front of him. Out of reflex, Xie Tianhua looked to Xie Haiguo for help.

The reporters who arrived at the scene for interviews, apart from the few Xie Haiguo had greeted, were mostly keen observers.

They quickly understood who the breakthrough point was and handed more microphones to Xie Tianhua:

"Why aren't you answering?"

"Was all of this planned by your father?"

"Hearing about the recent mismanagement of the Xie family, did you murder Xie Ye to fill the company's deficits with his inheritance?"

Xie Tianhua's mind went blank: ...

Wasn't it supposed to be a kidnapping? How did it turn into murder?

In the end, it was the police who had received a report call from Xie Ye himself who stepped forward to maintain order, and they forcibly detained Xie Tianhua and Xie Haiguo, who were trying to leave in the chaos.

【Hahaha, the "corpse himself" reporting, top-notch entertainment.】

【I really want to see the expression of the operator, you can hear the voice wavering at the beginning.】

【Great, they're taken away on the spot by the police. Saves the trouble of the scumbag father and brother running around again.】

【Such considerate actions by Mr. Xie.】

【He really... I'm crying.】

【Waiting for an official announcement.】

Even machines can make mistakes, let alone humans. But this incident involving feuds between prominent families, resurrection from death, and live face-slapping scenes has quickly ignited the entire StarNet. It's unstoppable. 

The police, who should represent fairness and justice, have been manipulated into being mere tools. The federal government must prove its credibility by treating Xie Tianhua and Xie Haiguo as examples and thoroughly investigating the truth.

This also drags down the black industry that helped Xie Haiguo forge the corpse information and sold illegal drugs to Xie Tianhua multiple times.

Many reporters blocked outside the hospital, eager to seize the opportunity, are using their official accounts to ask questions online:

【Mr. Xie, may I ask why Xie Tianhua and Xie Haiguo are so convinced that you are dead?】

【Did you intentionally mislead in this matter?】

【Some netizens speculate that this is your own orchestration, targeting the Xie family for revenge. How do you respond?】

"Xie Tianhua kidnapped me," there was a two-second pause, leaving a blank space for people's imagination, Xie Ye's voice was cold, "but luckily, I am still alive. I will submit relevant evidence to the police later."


【Curious about how Mr. Xie managed to escape.】

【Help, with Xie Ge's intelligence, wouldn't he have thought all along that he still had the person in his hands before Xie Ye went live?】

【I laughed.】

【Very likely.】

【No wonder he dared to fake it.】

【Confident? No, he was played.】

【Feels like Xie Haiguo, as a father, has been fooled by his son in every sense of the word.】

From start to finish, Xie Ye spoke the truth, but it led to a "truth" with subtle deviations from the facts. There was no way for him to share the detail of turning into a cat with the public, so he had to use Xie Tianhua's "stupidity" to cover it up.

What the other side owed his alter self was far from being repaid.

The grand performance came to an end. With official business at hand, Xie Ye raised his hand and pretended not to see the barrage of pleas and requests for him to continue broadcasting. 

He turned off the camera and said, "Thank you for watching. It's time to rest."


At the same time, outside the hospital room, Gu Cong was bombarded with messages from his group chat:

"Waaah, I feel relieved now!"

"CEO Xie is amazing!"

"A few days ago, I really thought I was going to lose my job."

"@Gu Cong, why aren't you saying anything? Did you watch the live broadcast? Are you working overtime alone?"

Indeed, he was working overtime.

Looking through the glass at the young man in the hospital bed, who waved gently at him, Gu Cong pondered.

But... it would have been even better if Anna, the assistant who was currently exchanging serious looks with the PR department, wasn't there.

Author's Note:

Anna: ? Then should I leave?

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