It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 145


ITOTIABSAM | The Immortal on Liuyun Mountain | 145

Although Gu Cong is from modern times, he was born in China and is a boy after all. Not to mention classmates or friends, even his family elders have never been this intimate with him.

Moreover, cultivators' appearances are mostly frozen at the year they first form theirNascent Soul, and Xie Ye is among the best. Aside from his demeanor, he looks only a few years older than Gu Cong.

Feeling the skin where the young man's fingertips brushed against him tingling and heating up, Gu Cong can't bring himself to truly raise his hand to touch and confirm in this situation. Instead, he just averts his gaze and responds, "I learn things quickly."

"It's okay to be slow," the Gu Cong of this world, even though also eighteen, is more naive compared to other worlds. Xie Ye has had his fill of teasing the boy and casually drops his hand, as if nothing had happened. "Does your body feel uncomfortable anywhere?”

Gu Cong shook his head.

If it weren't for seeing the truth of wood and stone intertwined beneath the skin as soon as he opened his eyes, Gu Cong would almost have thought he had time-traveled back. The spells of cultivators are too mysterious; even though Xie Ye has never seen him before, he can vividly carve out another version of him from a different world.

"It's just an empty shell," as if guessing what he's thinking, the young man leans back in his rocking chair, nonchalant. "Whoever lies inside becomes their appearance."

Gu Cong suddenly feels a surge of nervousness.

Who asked him to currently be using the name and appearance of Song He, which is completely different from the original host? Someday, when Xie Ye finds out his true identity, he will definitely become suspicious.

Did the Quick Transmigration Bureau really not consider such a situation?

"Of course, it's been considered," unable to explain why the disguise that can easily fool even the world consciousness has gone wrong precisely with Xie Ye, 0028 becomes even more unable to uphold the demeanor of a senior, and says, trying to brush it off, "He's rather special, probably a bug. There shouldn't be any problem in the next world."

[Once the task is completed, I will help you apply for compensation from the Bureau.]

Despite speaking calmly, data is rapidly processing in the background. These days, 0028 has sent countless requests for help, but none have received a response.

Similarly troubled by the emails is 1101.

The difference, however, lies in their moods; in terms of emotions, 1101 is far more relaxed than 0028: it's very clear about the strength of its own host, capable of holding its ground against any threat. Unless Xie Ye is willing, nobody can kill each other.

Even the entire cultivation world wouldn't be enough.

"Liuyun Mountain is dull and boring. Would you like to come down the mountain for a look?" Pretending not to notice the boy's tension and distraction, Xie Ye gazes up at the sky, once his whole world, from birth to death, and asks.

Gu Cong is surprised: "Come down the mountain?"

In the original text, there was indeed speculation about "Xie Ye refining his favored puppet to bypass restrictions," but until the end, this speculation was never verified.

"Yeah," with a slight tremor in his eyelashes, Xie Ye responds.

A few days ago, hearing that he could leave, Gu Cong would have been ecstatic. But now, almost instinctively, he asks: "What about you?"

As if in response, the obedient puppet threads, which had been quiet for a long time, suddenly tremble, tugging at the young man's fingertips.

Gu Cong instinctively lowers his head, only then realizing that he's still holding the young man's injured hand in a carefree manner—or rather, being held by Xie Ye in an intimate manner that's rather inappropriate.

"If handled properly, puppet and master can share the five senses," emphasizing the pronunciation of the word 'master,' Xie Ye tilts his head. "With the puppet threads guiding you, you won't get lost."

Honestly, Gu Cong did feel a moment of excitement.

With the original host's body in the protagonist's hands, he always feared that he might do something against his own intentions. Song He was soft-hearted, and his eyes were only for Shen Qingshu. But Gu Cong, with his god-like perspective, knew that if necessary, the protagonist would kill him to silence him to achieve his goals without hesitation.

Moreover, the trigger for all the sects uniting to attack Xie Ye was the disappearance of the original host, Song He. If he could appear as Song He, there might be room for maneuver.

"Room for maneuver? With your current soul trapped in a puppet?" 0028's reminder is coldly.

He feared it would only further confirm the rumors of Xie Ye's ruthlessness.

Gu Cong considered having the person involved testify, which could be interpreted as Xie Ye saving his soul after it left his body. 

But in the end, Gu Cong didn't say anything. On one hand, he understood that the mission was paramount in 0028's eyes, and helping the villain would go against the mission. On the other hand, he was a little reluctant to leave Xie Ye alone on Liuyun Mountain.

Under the full moon, Xie Ye silently watched the fleeting figure of Shen Qingshu hastily fleeing, a sight that lingered in Gu Cong's mind.

"Not going down the mountain," after a brief moment of consideration, Gu Cong sincerely shakes his head, "This place is good."

"Good?" With eyes half-lowered, the demeanor of the white-clad celestial is inexplicable, as he says slowly, "If you miss this opportunity, there may not be a next time."

Gu Cong still shook his head.

Carefully withdrawing his hand from the young man's grasp, he quickly changed the subject: "Where's the medicine for the injury?"

According to Song He's memories, in the cultivation world, only water and wood spiritual roots are the mildest, with the potential to become medicinal cultivators. However, they are rare, so in most cases, wounds that cannot heal on their own still require medication, just like in the mortal world.

In response, Xie Ye gives a slight shake of his sleeve, and a round-bellied white porcelain bottle rolls out.

Gu Cong acts quickly, catching it. Taking advantage of the fact that his clothes won't get dirty, he sits on the ground and leans against the edge of the young man's rocking chair.

Thousands of miles away, various cultivators are gathered at the Infinite Sword Sect, discussing how to bypass the thunder clouds and break into Liuyun Mountain.

In the main hall, most of the occupants had youthful appearances despite their silver hair, exuding an air of immortality and Daoist elegance. A young girl in pink stood guard outside, bored and yawning, nudging the person beside her. "Hey, senior brother, do you think the old man and the others are serious this time? Why did that important capture Song He?"

"I don't know," Shen Qingshu replied, his eyebrows furrowing as he maintained inner tranquility.

"It's probably just out of boredom. If they keep me locked up in this mountain every day, I'd also go crazy and look for company," the girl in pink stretched lazily, her eyes rolling around. "But from what I've heard, Master Song seems to favor Senior Brother. Senior Brother has been busy lately, but he also seems to..."

"Yan Yao," Shen Qingshu's expression turned stern as he interrupted sharply, "Mind your words."

"I understand, I understand," Yan Yao quietly made a motion to seal her lips, staying silent for two seconds before continuing, "But Senior Brother, you've been acting really strange lately. You haven't been practicing your sword as fervently as before."

"Is it because your cultivation realm is unstable after the breakthrough? Or were you seriously injured by the heavenly tribulation?" Once she started talking, she couldn't stop. "I told you that you should have listened to Master and secluded yourself for a few years before going out to train."

While the hall was discussing matters that could change the landscape of the cultivation world, the girl beside him showed no interest whatsoever. Almost absentmindedly, Shen Qingshu asked, "Aren't you afraid?"

"Afraid of what?" Yan Yao replied casually.

Shen Qingshu: "Xie... the immortal."

"Well, of course, I'm a little afraid. After all, I also grew up listening to his stories," Yan Yao admitted with a momentary pang of guilt, tightening her grip on the sword in her hand. "But saving people is important. There's nothing you can do if you are afraid, right?”

"What if we choose to retreat this time, and next time he comes to capture Master or you? If I die, then I die, but my sword cannot retreat."


The question that Shen Qingshu subconsciously avoided was bluntly laid out under the sun. He blurted out a denial, "You won't die."

"Why does Senior Brother still treat me like a child?" Yan Yao chuckled indifferently. "If that immortal were truly benevolent, would things have come to this point?"

Shen Qingshu's fingertips trembled, and he almost couldn't hold the sword.

Because he knew very well that the conflict between the cultivation world and Liuyun Mountain was entirely provoked by him alone, all for the sake of preserving his own freedom. However, now that things had reached this point, with no way to retreat, Xie Ye remained a lingering threat as long as his inner demons remained unresolved.

1101, who was remote watching the drama, couldn't stand it anymore. "Hypocrite! How can such a person be qualified to be the protagonist? The author must be out of their mind."

"Shen Qingshu, the proud son of heaven, seduced by his inner demons, gradually darkening, using everything at his disposal, but fell in love with Qin Ji, and ultimately sacrificing himself to block a blow for the other, breaking through the great dao," Xie Ye's tone was light and cheerful, as if he were telling someone else's story. "Isn't this setting wonderful?"

1101: You act like you experienced it yourself.

It still preferred the way its host interacted with Gu Cong.

"I'm telling you, are we really going to sit back and wait for death?" Like an old father fretting, 1101 muttered, "Although Gu Cong promised to stay and make you happy, in less than three months, this place will be razed to the ground."

Xie Ye raised an eyebrow, "Who's supposed to be happy?"

1101, emboldened by the situation, retorted, "You."

Wasn't it just a hand coated with medicine? Why did it seem like it was being treated like a treasure?

"Rest assured," surprisingly, Xie Ye didn't refute the system's teasing, but instead continued with its inquiry, "I just want to clarify some doubts."

Seemingly casual, he asked, "What are the consequences if the Quick-Transmigrant Agent mission fails?"

Thinking that Xie Ye was finally willing to open up, 1101 perked up, "Very humane, just deducting points."

Xie Ye questioned further, "And what if there aren't enough points?"

1101 stuttered, "Um... punishment world?"

"Don't worry," as if lost in thought, Xie Ye conjured up images of a promising future with promotions and pay raises, "With our combined efforts, there shouldn't be any problem. And if worse comes to worst, I'll lend you some from my little treasure trove when you're in dire straits."

At the same moment, in Gu Cong's consciousness, 0028 suddenly sneezed.

Gu Cong, who was busy giving water to the white bird, quipped, "Can data catch a cold too? Should I imagine a blanket for you?"

Before 0028 could respond, creak— the night breeze rushed in as a young man carrying a pot of stellaria herbs gracefully stepped inside, closing the door behind him.

Only then did Gu Cong realize that the carving of the personal puppet was completed, and his counterpart no longer needed to stay overnight in the cave.

Consciously making room for the room's owner, Gu Cong picked up the nest containing the white bird, intending to leave. Unexpectedly, the next moment, invisible puppet strings hooked onto his pinky finger.

"Where are you going?" asked Xie Ye.

Gu Cong paused, then replied honestly, "I'm going to keep watch outside." After all, he was currently as stiff as a piece of wood, so it didn't matter where he lay.

"Keeping watch?" Xie Ye's lips curved as if he had heard something amusing. "The scariest thing on Liuyun Mountain is me."

His black hair cascading down, he patted the bed invitingly. "Come over here."

Gu Cong, who had never shared a bed with anyone since he grew up, suddenly felt uncomfortable.

However, the young man's expression remained casual. Seeing Gu Cong hesitating, he didn't get annoyed. He simply furrowed his brows slightly and tugged at the puppet strings.

"Is something wrong?"

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Author's note:

Xie Ye: If sword cultivators can sleep with their swords, why can't I sleep with my puppet?

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