It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 127


ITOTIABSAM | Interstellar Orcs | 127

The piercing scream, tearing through the throat, was extremely penetrating. A little further away, in a blind spot of surveillance, there was an inconspicuous old-fashioned car parked, with the window slightly cracked open, revealing faint voices from inside.

"Yes, just discovered. Didn't you hear? He was scared out of their wits, it's quite amusing," said Xie Tianhua, wearing a hat, sunglasses, and gloves, with one hand propped against the steering wheel, enveloped tightly in his attire, even the cigarette in his mouth was electronic.

The most crucial part of the plan, he couldn't trust outsiders to handle it. Although the smell of the corpse was extremely foul and nauseating, the thought of it being labeled as Xie Ye in a few days, and being displayed in a more decayed and hideous state for everyone on the StarNet to see, made Xie Tianhua feel he could just about endure it.

As for the person he was talking to, it was naturally Xie Haiguo.

A starving camel is bigger than a horse. The company had been performing poorly lately, but Xie Haiguo still had some face and connections. The loan approval process, which originally required at least a week, was compressed into just 24 hours.

As for a disfigured, unidentified corpse like this, it was nothing out of the ordinary for the nearby police stations. 

Despite the prosperity of the capital star, it also had its dark side. Without any big shots willing to invest money for development, the suburbs had become a dump in every sense of the word. 

Even if there were obvious signs of murder, they would most likely wait for the forensic pathologists to finish with cases reported by the public before dealing with it.

Due to concerns about privacy rights and the once-flourishing cloning technology, the DNA of ordinary citizens would not be randomly entered into databases. With the highest level of confidentiality, iris information was also difficult to disguise. 

So when Xie Haiguo bought this corpse, he deliberately destroyed the integrity of the eyeballs, which undoubtedly created another troublesome interference for the police. The time difference provided him with enough time to get the loan approved and complete the share transaction with Wang Li.

"Are you sure we weren't caught on surveillance?" Xie Haiguo, who knew his eldest son's temperament very well, asked from the other end of the communicator.

"Of course not. I've checked the route map eight hundred times, and I had a jamming device with me," Xie Tianhua, who detested being doubted, even if it was by his own father, furrowed his brow and tapped the steering wheel incessantly. He tried hard to suppress his annoyance and asked, "What about the shares? How did it go?"

Xie Haiguo replied calmly, "It's settled. We'll make the transaction tomorrow night."

The price he offered Wang Li now was more than double the market value. As long as the competitors lurking in the shadows weren't crazy, they wouldn't risk competing with him for that three percent share at a loss. After all, on the negotiation table, he had raised the price so generously that under the premise of uncertain identities, normal people would retreat.

Once he got Xie Ye's "estate" after his "death," the initial small loss would soon be offset.

"Remember to dispose of the communicator with the car," Xie Haiguo instructed, feeling uneasy. "And practice your acting skills. In a few days, don't appear too happy in front of the media."

Xie Tianhua impatiently hung up the phone.

However, the thought of soon taking over Ark Technology and sitting in Xie Ye's office excited him immensely. His features relaxed, and before more people gathered around, he hummed a tune and drove away.

A dreamless night.

Setting his alarm clock to vibrate mode in advance, when Gu Cong returned with breakfast, Xie Ye was still sleeping. Standing quietly by the door for a moment, he couldn't bear to wake him up. In a very traditional manner, he left a note on the bedside with a pen and bent down to lightly kiss the young man's forehead before rushing off to work to avoid being late.

But when he returned home after a busy day's work, the breakfast that only needed reheating remained untouched. The four words "Xie Ye left" instantly appeared in Gu Cong's mind, but his rationality reminded him that the number of slippers at the door hadn't changed.

With a kind of indescribable tension, Gu Cong gently pushed open the bedroom door. In the dim light, the quilt on the bed was clearly gathered in one spot, and a few strands of white hair peeked out at the edge.

Almost imperceptibly, Gu Cong breathed a sigh of relief.

He had never realized that he could be so anxious.

Loosening his tie with one hand, he took a couple of steps forward and turned on the softly lit bedside lamp, calling out softly, "Xie Ye?"

There was no response from the motionless figure under the covers.

Having a faint idea of what was going on, Gu Cong pulled back the covers and indeed saw the young man sleeping soundly, cuddling a pillow with his face.

Here we go again.

Sleeping beauty syndrome.

But this time it was a bit strange. He had been out all day, yet the other person hadn't woken up hungry.

With his increasing experience in dealing with such situations, Gu Cong gently touched the young man's forehead with the back of his hand to check if he had a fever. Confirming that he was just asleep and not running a temperature, Gu Cong turned off the light and walked to the wardrobe, illuminated by the faint light filtering in from the living room.

It had been over a month since the official signing, and today representatives from the federal government had come to check on the progress. As the facade chosen by the entire office, he rarely wore a full suit, accompanying them throughout the explanation process, only missing the white lab coat that was a standard for research staff.

To be honest, dealing with clients is obviously more troublesome than coding, and everyone else in the team shares the same sentiment. That's why they decided to use unreliable criteria like appearance to make decisions.

Last night's events were too sudden. Upon reflection during the day and searching related questions on the Stellar Network, he realized that the other party might simply consider him as a somewhat pleasing bedmate. 

Until he left work, Gu Cong was still hesitant about how to treat Xie Ye, and how Xie Ye would treat him in return.

Now, things have taken an unexpected turn, as the other person has fallen asleep.

Unbuttoning his shirt absentmindedly, Gu Cong's mind wandered, completely unaware that the lump in the covers behind him had flattened.

Just as he was about to reach for the pajamas he hung up, someone suddenly hugged him from behind.

"I'm hungry," the white-haired young man, standing barefoot on the ground, half-closed his eyes, seeming exhausted, but still clung tightly to the man's waist, rubbing against him. "I'm hungry."

Perhaps due to just waking up, his voice was cold, but his speech was slightly blurred, with a hint of coquetry, softening the hearts of those who heard it.

Halfway through unbuttoning his shirt, which was clearly not an appropriate outfit for cooking, Gu Cong sighed helplessly, gently gripping the hand wrapped around his waist. "Let go first."

"Be good."

However, this time, the young man, who was particularly easy to coax during his outbursts, did not obey. Instead, he lowered his head, opened his mouth, and bit the man's shoulder and neck junction, murmuring, "I'm hungry."

Hissing, Gu Cong took a sharp intake of cold air.

It didn't hurt, but the young man's lips were soft, and his canine teeth were a bit sharp, tickling. Rather than biting, it felt more like flirting.

"Let go of me so I can make some food." Gu Cong exerted some force, prying open the young man's tightly wrapped arms around him. He turned around to see Xie Ye's expression, trying to figure out what was going on. However, the next moment, Xie Ye agilely leaped up like a cat, hooking his legs around Gu Cong's waist and clinging to him like a koala.

Without any order, Xie Ye buried his head in Gu Cong's shoulder, sniffing lightly like a small animal.

Gu Cong was completely stunned.

Despite being single all his life, after last night's experience, he could sense that Xie Ye's hunger wasn't the only thing driving him.

The only thing worth celebrating was that he still had control over the light brain. With a giant-sized doll hanging from his arms, Gu Cong struggled to search through it.

【Apart from the basic physiological needs, patients may become particularly sensitive to light and sound... Additionally, based on certain cases, it can be observed that during episodes, some female patients may become melancholic, while male patients may experience excessive physiological impulses...】

Gu Cong had read the last paragraph when he was searching for information earlier, but he didn't pay much attention to it because Xie Ye didn't exhibit similar symptoms. However, this time was clearly different.

In just a few minutes, Gu Cong's neck to his earlobe was already covered in a series of moist kiss marks. The light brain dimmed, and the glaring light finally disappeared. With joy, Xie Ye straightened up, his eyes drooping as he kissed Gu Cong's lips.

Then, as Gu Cong turned his head, Xie Ye's lips landed squarely on his chin, causing Gu Cong's nose to ache.

A mist of physiological moisture enveloped that pure jade color, and suddenly, the white-haired young man, who had refused to cry despite being pushed to the limit last night, blinked back tears.

"You're not awake."

Adamantly, Gu Cong closed his eyes and supported Xie Ye's legs with his hands, as if trying to convince himself and reason with Xie Ye, "I can't take advantage of you in this situation."

Take advantage?

What was that?

Xie Ye’s brain couldn't process anything beyond instinct, but he could feel that Gu Cong's attitude was more shaky and gentle than before. Understanding this without instruction, the white-haired young man, who hadn't intended to cry, blinked his eyelashes, and a tear rolled down his cheek, slowly falling.

Gu Cong: ...

Tears were also a weapon, he realized for the first time.

As if the person made of ice and snow had turned into water at this moment, the young man's tears flowed endlessly, but they were incredibly beautiful. Each tear was full and glistening, until the man couldn't bear the heartache anymore, and he lowered his head to kiss away the tears, kissing his lips.


As footsteps staggered, the closet closed, and the salty and bitter taste spread on their tongues. Then, threads of sweetness unraveled, exchanged, swallowed, passionate and urgent.

But soon, Gu Cong felt the person in his arms stiffen.


Before he could finish saying the name, in the gap between breaths, the young man who had been so proactive just seconds ago suddenly raised a hand and forcefully covered his face.

What the heck? Did his brain get waterlogged after his seizure? How could he confuse two completely different "appetites"?

Or perhaps, after the experience last night, his body judged that Gu Cong could satisfy him more than food?

Without saying a word, Gu Cong patiently gave Xie Ye time to compose himself, patiently waiting for half a minute before asking, "Awake?"

Xie Ye: Awake indeed.

He might as well have stayed asleep.

So, his Sleeping Beauty syndrome really did require a "prince's" kiss.

"Good to see you awake." Although surprised at how quickly Xie Ye regained consciousness this time, for Gu Cong, who was currently stuck in limbo, Xie Ye's recovery actually dispelled his last lingering doubts.

Tightening his grip on Xie Ye's hand, Gu Cong leaned in from bottom to top, lightly kissing the back of his hand that covered his face. "So, shall we continue?"

Before he could even process it, the young man in his arms suddenly turned into a smooth cloud, slipping through the gap in his arms and landing gracefully on the ground with all four limbs. 

Fluffing his soft, fluffy tail and facing Gu Cong with eyes that seemed as substantial as a fierce dog's, as if he wanted to swallow him whole, the silver-white cat tilted his head back, his emerald eyes exceptionally pure.


What continue?

He's just an innocent little kitty.

Author's note:

Question: Why can he shed tears even when half-asleep?

Answer: It's all about the ingrained acting skills.

When it comes to playing Gu Cong, Xie Ye is serious.

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  1. This is a repost of the previous chapter. But the next chapter doesn’t seem like it got skipped.

  2. Parts of the chapter are cutoff. Please fix. Ty.

  3. Sorry, but I do not see where the chapter is cutoff. Ty for still letting me know.

    1. Hello, words on the right part of the paragraph seems to be cutoff or is it problem from my own device? Like for example the first line of the first para, I only can read "The piercing scream, tearing through the throa.." so is the rest just part of it.


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