It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 162


ITOTIABSAM | The Immortal on Liuyun Mountain | 162


Absolutely not.

How could he use the swordsmanship taught by Xie Ye to harm the other party?

It seemed that the Gu Cong in the dream also had the same thought. Strangely, Gu Cong heard his own voice ringing in his mind, but the content was out of his control:

"0028, I can't do it."

Then came 0028's calm reassurance: "You can, Gu Cong."

"Don't be foolish."

With one last step, one ruthless heart, and closing his eyes, he could always endure it.

The conversation in consciousness was swift, but in reality, the white-clad eerie immortal, like playing a harp, raised his ten fingers and manipulated invisible threads to resist the cultivators below the mountain and the protagonist in front of him.

The other party trusted him so much. Although he had created a lifelike puppet and powerful weapons, he was reluctant to use him, instead, he carefully protected him like a treasure, completely entrusting his back to him.

--- Even puppets can feel pain.

In a moment of confusion, Gu Cong recalled the words Xie Ye had said. He glanced at the bloodstains at Shen Qingshu's lips. Knowing what he should do, he released his grip under the other's shocked gaze.

Unexpectedly, Gu Cong did not hear the expected sound of the long sword falling to the ground.

As if the pause button had been pressed for a moment, the whole world fell into a terrifying silence, with only 0028 expressing frustration: "This is disastrous! The OOC is too severe, the bureau will send a new quick-transmigration agent to take over."

Fortunately, the plot was nearing its conclusion. As long as they controlled Gu Cong, there was no need to go back and make a big fuss.

"Take over? What does that mean?" Before the sentence was finished, Gu Cong felt that he had lost control of his body. A strange consciousness invaded, carrying an irresistible force that firmly suppressed him and pushed him into a corner.


He should have been accustomed to this kind of manipulation, but Xie Ye was too good to him, so much so that Gu Cong still tasted the feeling of being conscious but powerless for the first time.

The newcomer colleague was probably aloof and silent, but in the instant when time resumed its flow, he reached out and caught the falling sword hilt, without hesitation, thrusting it towards the target.


Struggling with all his strength, Gu Cong managed to squeeze out an inarticulate syllable from his throat, but it was too weak and was drowned out in an instant.

The rustling of the wind, the roar of the monster below the mountain, the wailing of the cultivators, and the clash of blades nearby... Despite being in the most crucial and distracting moment, the youth still managed to accurately catch his voice amidst the various noises, and without hesitation, turned back.

And then, with a sharp piercing sound, the blade penetrated flesh and blood, spilling forth torrents of crimson liquid, pungent and warm, splashing and dripping down. The kindred spiritual power easily broke through the defense, coldly carving out a large hole in the lower left shoulder of Xie Ye. 

Gu Cong felt the pain, felt the tearing of flesh and skin, but couldn't help but feel relieved: 

Thankfully, it wasn't his heart.

But when he looked at Xie Ye's expression through the puppet's eyes, Gu Cong's fleeting sense of relief vanished like a flame extinguished by a downpour. 

Shock, anger, or disappointment—none of the emotions that a normal person would have surfaced in Xie Ye. It was as if he had already grown accustomed to being treated this way. The youth accepted this betrayal calmly, only asking:

"Do you want to kill me?"

Expressionless, not even a hint of tremor in his voice, enveloped in the ferocity stirred by battle intent, at that moment, he resembled the rumored cold-blooded monster. Only Gu Cong knew just how much pain Xie Ye was truly feeling.

The protagonist at the side hurriedly interjected: "Ah He!"

It sounded like concern, yet also like urging.

"Ah He?" The name that didn't belong to him was uttered with each syllable delicately pronounced by the parted crimson lips. Without reason, Gu Cong felt as if a piece of seemingly solid, exquisite glass was harshly thrown in front of him, silently shattering into pieces.

He wanted to explain, to help the other up, to mend the cracks. But all he received in response was the cold notification from the quick-transmigration bureau:

【Name: Gu Cong】

【Employee ID: 950078】

【Newbie mission failed. Punishment world about to open. Preparing for transfer...】

【5, 4, 3, 2...】


As the final countdown echoed, Gu Cong braced himself and gazed at those densely black phoenix-like eyes for the last time.

He didn't cry.

But his heart felt as if it had been soaked through by countless bitter tears, heavy and suffocating.

【What did I say? What's the point of saving NPCs? There's no benefit at all in the end, just resentment for nothing,】 0028 grumbled like a knife-mouthed tofu-heart, "Punishment world... What the heck is that? A city overrun by zombies?"

Like the end of a movie, gradually, the clear complaints faded away, and in the darkness before him, Gu Cong heard the same voice again: "Gu Cong? Gu Cong? Wake up! Xie Ye is calling you!"

Xie Ye?

Xie Ye.

With a sudden start, as if awakening from a nightmare, Gu Cong opened his eyes.

"Did you have a nightmare?" The young man wiped the sweat from his forehead gently and comfortingly, smiling at Gu Cong, his slender fingertips brushing against the corners of his eyes where tears threatened to spill. "Was it that terrifying?"

"Why are you crying?" He... was he crying?

The overly realistic dream blurred the line between reality and illusion, leaving Gu Cong's mind foggy. Relying entirely on instinct, he reached out and unbuttoned Xie Ye's collar.

His neck, his shoulders, his collarbones... His skin was pale but smooth. Gu Cong let out a heavy sigh of relief and wrapped his arms tightly around him.

"Xie Ye," he asked, almost seeking confirmation, "who am I?"

Xie Ye seemed taken aback for a moment before smiling. "Gu Cong."

—Yes, he was Gu Cong, not the one who betrayed the immortal.

With his heart no longer hanging in the air, Gu Cong could finally answer Xie Ye's question calmly. "Yes, I had a nightmare."

A nightmare couldn't be more terrifying.

"It must be the underlying framework of this illusion at work," the data stream flowed, with 1101 speaking softly. "Today is the day of the original ending."

The foundation of constructing an illusion is memory. The clearer the memory, the more realistic the illusion, even if the creator is unaware, their subconscious mind won't forget. And the current owner of this illusion, without a doubt, is Gu Cong. The future Gu Cong.

"Did I hurt you?" Gu Cong belatedly realized that he had just woken up tightly gripping the young man's hand. Reluctantly, Gu Cong released Xie Ye and bowed his head to check.

The snow-white wrist was marred by several conspicuous, crimson finger marks. Gu Cong raised his gaze, about to apologize, only to see the loose and messy collar of the young man.


Gu Cong felt his mouth dry and his tongue parched, an inexplicable thirst overwhelming him, choking back the words he wanted to say.

With utmost care, Gu Cong, aware of the potential repercussions, still couldn't resist speaking softly, "Master."

"May I kiss you?" The answer to him was the faint flutter of the young man's eyelashes.

However, contrary to Xie Ye's expectations, the anticipated kiss didn't come. Instead, warm fingertips gently peeled away the obstructing fabric, and slightly dry lips tenderly touched his shoulder.

"Does it hurt?"

Perplexed, Xie Ye shook his head, attempting to open his eyes but finding them covered by a palm rougher than his own.

Following the path of his bones, delicate kisses traced downward, covering his clavicle densely and bringing a slight tingling sensation.

This spot resembled the location of Gu Cong's peculiar birthmark. Reflexively, Xie Ye tried to evade, but he was held in place by the young man's arm, wrapping around his waist and tightening, leaving him with no room to retreat.

Their breaths intertwined, the proximity slowly altering the nature of the initially innocent kiss. At first, Xie Ye only felt like a vulnerable little creature pressing against him, rubbing and nudging, but soon, sharp teeth gently grasped his skin, not biting, just lightly grinding.

"Um." Instincts deeply ingrained in his bones, the desire for sensual pleasure, didn't require instruction. The shallow red marks spread along his skin, and in the moment his throat was enveloped, Xie Ye couldn't help but emit a muffled groan.

Gu Cong rarely witnessed this vulnerable side of Xie Ye.

Or perhaps, besides him, no one else could see Xie Ye in this moment. Gu Cong's gaze swept up from the delicate chin to his slightly parted lips. He moved the hand covering Xie Ye's eyes away, delving under the brocade quilt to find the hand tied with puppet threads, firmly and intimately intertwining their fingers.

Receiving this silent display of affection, Xie Ye's phoenix-like eyes shimmered, and the white-robed celestial being lowered his gaze with a gentle smile. As Gu Cong desired, their lips met in a tender embrace.

Xie Ye's complexion was very pale.

Except when he was ill, Xie Ye's complexion was usually as pale as porcelain. In this state, even a faint blush would appear particularly vibrant on him.

For cultivators at the Foundation Establishment stage or higher, their spiritual energy would naturally circulate within their bodies. Even if they were bedridden for weeks or even years, their limbs wouldn't become weak.

Yet Xie Ye felt as if he had no strength at all. Despite the bed beneath him being firm enough, he still felt himself sinking incessantly, as if he were descending into a deep, hot ocean. He had no choice but to cling tightly to the only driftwood in this scorching sea, wrapping his arms around Gu Cong's shoulders and neck.

Ironically, the person holding him at this moment was the purest version of Gu Cong across countless worlds.

Afraid of making any mistakes, Gu Cong carefully observed the young man's expression with each movement. He earnestly asked whether Xie Ye was in pain or discomfort, and whether he felt comfortable.

Such innocence, such seriousness, yet it was more effective in causing embarrassment than the most skilled flirtation.

In the end, the other party became even more relentless. Clearly understanding the situation and how to proceed, they held back their impulses and pleaded softly at the corner of Xie Ye's lips:


"Teach me."

With a husky voice that stripped away the youthfulness, revealing a deep, magnetic laugh, the regret of choosing a master and servant relationship between them in this world was overwhelming. Xie Ye glared at the other person with a hint of redness in his eyes, but there was no intimidation, only a semblance of reproach, like the scratching of a cat's claw, teasing the heart.

The seemingly prudent young man innocently played dumb, refusing to relent, coaxing and rubbing against him:

"Teach me."



The heat was rising, and it felt like there was a fire burning in the inner chambers where the spiritual roots were hidden, starting with scattered sparks and gradually spreading like wildfire.


Having been kicked into the small black room early by the privacy protection mechanism, 1101 quietly opened its favorites folder and selected the longest movie among those it found interesting.

There was no way around it; practice makes perfect, and it had experienced too much of this kind of thing.

I wonder how it’s colleague in Gu Cong's sea of consciousness is doing right now?

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Author's Note:

0028: Thanks for the invitation.

0028: Don’t ask such boring questions.

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  1. Oh that’s really sad how that went down the first time. I wonder what Gu Cong experienced in the punishment world and how he got back to Xie Ye. Thanks for the updates!!


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