The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 32


| TBBOTOF | 32

He had originally planned to go dig bamboo shoots after lunch, but he didn't expect to lie down in bed for a while and fall asleep. When he woke up, the sun was setting, and outside the door, he could hear Liu Xiangxiang's grumbling voice, complaining about lazy people not working and always slacking off. Tang Xu sat up in bed, feeling groggy as if he had slept too much.

Checking the sky after stepping outside, he realized he had indeed slept for quite a while, at least two hours.

"Mom," he leaned against the door frame, rubbing his eyes, "Stop shouting, I'm up." 

Liu Xiangxiang shook the cloth in her hand and scolded, "Sleeping, sleeping, I thought you were dead asleep!"

Tang Xu glanced at the cloth in her hand, wondering why she was wetting it to wipe dust, what a waste!

"Mom, wring the cloth dry, wiping with a damp cloth won't clean anything." Tang Xu couldn't be bothered to argue with her, so he finished speaking and went out to the kitchen. He put the bamboo shoots he had peeled into a basket and also filled another basket with the bamboo shells to use for fuel.

The vegetable garden in the front and back of the house had been tidied up, the chicken coop and pigsty had been cleaned, and the washed clothes were hung on the clothesline in the yard. 

After walking around and finding nothing else to do, he looked idle.

Seeing him wandering aimlessly, Liu Xiangxiang threw the cloth into the basin with a clatter, "What are you doing?"

"Just seeing if there's any work to do." Tang Xu turned to her and asked, "Where's Ah Li and Ah Yang?"

"They went to pick mushrooms on the mountain." Liu Xiangxiang frowned and took a step back as she saw him staring at her, "What are you looking at?"

Tang Xu waved his hand around, pointing to the surroundings, "Are all these chores in the yard done by you?"

"If not me, then is it you? Lazy to death every day, impossible to wake up, always sleeping, you lazy bum!" Liu Xiangxiang continued to complain, wringing the cloth dry and going back inside to wipe the table and cabinets.

Tang Xu found her sudden enthusiasm for cleaning quite suspicious. She usually didn't do anything at home except lie around and go to the fields with his father. Unable to figure it out, he didn't ask and went back inside to knit socks.

Since there was no work to do, Tang Xu saved some energy and quickly finished knitting the socks. Finally, after thinking for a while, he decided what to give to Wei Dong. Since he didn't have anything else to offer, he decided to gift a pair of socks he had knitted himself. These socks would be worn close to the body every day, and knowing that he had made them with his own hands, Wei Dong would surely be touched!

Tang Xu's mind raced as his hands moved swiftly, intertwining the thin branches almost creating multiple shadows.

Meanwhile, Liu Xiangxiang, seeing Tang Xu return to the house, grunted, poured the water in the basin onto the vegetable garden, dried her hands, and closed the main door before leaving. 

Tang Xu heard the noise and thought she had gone to work in the fields. However, Liu Xiangxiang didn't head to the fields; instead, she went straight to the matchmaker's house in the village.

"Granny Wu! Are you home?" Liu Xiangxiang knocked on the door and shouted into the house.

Granny Wu, in her forties, dressed as a woman, had lost her husband two years ago. Her two daughters were married, leaving her alone in the old house. Unable to work in the fields due to poor health, she made a living by matchmaking and earning some silver. She lived a comfortable life.

"You were here in the morning, why are you back again?" Granny Wu opened the door, her hair disheveled, obviously woken up from her nap. Liu Xiangxiang stepped inside without hesitation, "I'm in a hurry! Can that person you mentioned really fancy Xu Ge'er?"

Granny Wu raised her finger to her lips and whispered, "Keep your voice down, don't let others hear. If this goes well, your family will benefit!"

Liu Xiangxiang nodded, "Yes, yes, you're right," but then she felt uncertain and asked, "Can they really offer twenty taels?"

Granny Wu's face tightened. She had made quite a bit of money in recent years from matchmaking, living a comfortable life. When she didn't make any expression, her loose facial skin made her look fierce.

"If you don't believe me, forget it. I'll find someone else."

Liu Xiangxiang quickly put on a smile and grabbed her arm, trying to please her, "I'm just worried, you know my Xu Ge'er is very simple-minded. I'm afraid he won't be able to please the wealthy."

"Marriage isn't about sending him in to be the master of the house. Whether he's smart or not doesn't matter. Your Xu Ge'er looks good, and they're very interested over there," Granny Wu said. However, for Liu Xiangxiang, as a mother, the idea of sending her own son to be a young uncle in a wealthy household still felt shameful.

However, she was only responsible for matchmaking; she didn't interfere in other matters.

Even if other mothers were willing to sell their sons to wealthy families for twenty taels, she couldn't say much. If she tried to stop it, others might accuse her of meddling and hindering their money-making opportunities.

This matter had a long backstory. Recently, Liu Xiangxiang had suffered several losses at the hands of Tang Xu, and not just that. Seeing others making money and immediately becoming stable made Liu Xiangxiang feel like she was losing out. So, she came to Granny Wu's house to inquire about whether there were families willing to pay to marry her son, willing to sell him off for twenty taels.

In the past, when someone proposed to marry Tang Xu, Liu Xiangxiang demanded twenty taels upfront, but she was told that she must have a problem in her head if she thought anyone would spend twenty taels to marry a son. With twenty taels, one could build two rooms with green bricks and tiles.

What did she say?

She said that Tang Xu was born through her hard work, and he had a good temperament. Poor beggars without money shouldn't come to have ideas. They should take a look at their own poor appearance before trying anything.

Whether it was family or outsiders, they all said that Liu Xiangxiang was money-minded and obsessed with silver.

In fact, Liu Xiangxiang had no intention of marrying Tang Xu off. It was best to keep him at home to work like a bull or a horse. She didn't want him to marry and become a young husband in someone else's family.

But now, her mindset had changed. She hoped to marry him off quickly. If they offered money, she would agree, of course, the amount of money couldn't be less.

She had come to Granny Wu hoping to test her luck, but she didn't expect Granny Wu to be anxious because she had taken on a business deal herself.

Granny Wu had recently gone to town to visit her eldest daughter. Her daughter's husband's family had a relative in the county who wanted to marry a handsome young man into the household to become a young husband.

Originally, the eldest daughter of the Wu family, when gossiping with her mother, said:

"My husband's third uncle, he's nearly fifty years old now. He brought in one concubine after another, but couldn't have a child. After living in the mansion for less than two years, she was sold to a brothel. He blames the concubines for not bearing children. If it's really their fault, then why, after marrying almost ten concubines, couldn't any of them get pregnant? Now, he's saying he doesn't want concubines anymore, he wants to marry a ger. Women can't bear children, so marrying a son will magically make them fertile? I think he's dreaming. He talks so nicely, but he's just an old lecher."

Granny Wu's eyes narrowed, and she lowered her voice, holding her daughter's hand, and asked, "Is his third uncle the rich Master Zhu San who lives in the county?" Then she murmured to herself, "Did he mention how much money he's willing to pay to marry a son?"

"He said fifty taels. But what's the point of marrying? He just wants to buy a ger. Once inside the door, he'll cause trouble for two years and then sell him off to those dirty places. He won't lose anything." The eldest daughter looked disdainful. Seeing her mother's eyes gleaming, she hurriedly added, "Mom, what bad ideas are you thinking of? Are you planning to get involved in such a despicable thing?"

Granny Wu gave her a stern look. "Fifty taels! Who would complain about too much money? You've married well and have enough money to spend. Why is your old mother still living in a mud-brick house? I worked hard to raise you and marry you off. What's wrong with me wanting to make some money? Besides, we're not forcing anyone. It's only when they're willing that they'll marry, right?"

As Granny Wu said this, she was actually thinking of Liu Xiangxiang. However, she didn't think Tang Erhu would agree. The head of the household was the man, and Tang Erhu wasn't the kind of person to sell his son for money.

But when she heard that the man they wanted to marry was a fifty-year-old man, even if it was to go to the county, no one was willing.

Well, not everyone refused. There was one family with many gers, several of whom were willing to marry for twenty taels of silver. The parents of that family were quite happy about it, and the gers nodded in agreement.

But Granny Wu didn't like them. The sons of that family didn't look good; they were dark and thin. She didn't even want to look at them, let alone the county lord. How could she approve of them?

This matter had reached a dead end, and Granny Wu was worried. That was fifty taels, even if she could use twenty taels to cut off the son's future, she still had thirty taels in her hands. She couldn't bear to reject it.

Granny Wu was feeling troubled when Liu Xiangxiang came to her.

The two of them hit it off right away, like two peas in a pod. They agreed that marrying off to become a young husband in the county, even if the other party was an old man, was still desirable. As long as they could win the person over, they could still live comfortably. If they had a child, they could even fight for a share of the family property. That person was from a wealthy family's third master. Marrying into such a family was not a loss, especially with a dowry of twenty taels!

When Liu Xiangxiang heard about the twenty taels, she immediately agreed and said she would quickly respond to them.

"My family's Xu Ge'er, who wouldn't like him at first sight? He's gentle and submissive, perfect for becoming a young uncle for a wealthy person!"

Granny Wu nodded with a smile. "Exactly, I also think your Xu Ge'er is perfect for this. So, is it settled? Will Tang Erhu agree?"

Liu Xiangxiang frowned, waved her hand, and said, "You just need to respond to them. I will definitely convince his father."

Granny Wu agreed repeatedly. "Then go back today and explain it clearly to Tang Erhu. I'll go to the town tomorrow and inform them."

Liu Xiangxiang waved happily and left.

Then, in a very good mood, Liu Xiangxiang did a thorough cleaning of the house. Not only did she clean the front and back of the house, but she also wiped every piece of furniture spotlessly.

Why was she suddenly so diligent? She wanted to boast in front of Tang Erhu, saying that even without Tang Xu at home, she still managed to clean the entire house. Whether Tang Xu was there or not, she wanted to hurry up and marry him off. She couldn't afford to keep him around and let him become an old bachelor.

She was planning meticulously, and once she finished her work, she couldn't sit still. She went to find Granny Wu again.

Granny Wu sighed and said, "Why are you asking again? Didn't I tell you? Twenty taels. They're offering twenty taels just to marry a good-looking son. Are you afraid that I will deceive you?"

Actually, she initially wanted to offer ten taels, but then she thought that ten taels might not be enough to persuade anyone. She realized that it wasn't realistic to truly buy a ger, so she raised it to twenty taels. This price was set by Granny Wu herself.

Liu Xiangxiang pulled her into the house and sat her down on the kang.

Grabbing a handful of melon seeds, Liu Xiangxiang made herself comfortable on the kang without any reservation, cracking the seeds one by one.

Granny Wu frowned at her familiar behavior, feeling irritated by her casual attitude as if she owned the place. But then she reminded herself to endure it for the sake of the thirty taels that were soon to be hers. Endure it for the money!

Forcing a smile, she asked, "Have you talked to Tang Erhu?"

Liu Xiangxiang spat out the melon seed shells from her mouth, shook her head, and said, "Erhu came back, had his meal, and went straight to the fields to work. I didn't have a chance to talk to him."

After cracking all the seeds, she looked up and asked, "If I marry him off, does that mean I can't come back home?"

Granny Wu's face darkened. "What do you think? You're marrying into a wealthy family as a young husband. Once you're in the mansion, can you just come and go as you please? Let me tell you, with twenty taels, you shouldn't be thinking about this ger anymore. If he remembers you on holidays, maybe he'll send you some goodies."

Liu Xiangxiang felt pleased inside. Not coming back home was great. It would be best not to see him for the rest of her life! 

Granny Wu couldn't help but wonder if she was really a loving mother. She didn't seem to have any affection for her only ger. She talked about finding a good family for Tang Xu to live a good life, but in reality, she was planning to sell him for money.

However, Granny Wu only muttered a few complaints in her heart. After all, she had to earn this money herself.

"You hurry back and explain to Tang Erhu. I'll go to town tomorrow and talk to them. Whether it works out or not, give me a definite answer before you go to bed tonight," Granny Wu urged, shooing Liu Xiangxiang away.

As Liu Xiangxiang left, she grabbed another handful of melon seeds. Seeing her leave, Granny Wu spat on the ground, feeling contemptuous of her behavior.

Meanwhile, Tang Xu finished sewing the three pieces of linen cloth together, considering that Wei Dong's feet should be large given his tall and sturdy stature. He made the bottom piece wide and long, sewing with live stitches so he could easily undo and re-sew if necessary.

After finishing the socks and putting them in the basket, he fetched a jar of untouched shredded meat and placed it in the basket as well, planning to bring it along tomorrow.

Checking the sky, he realized it was time to prepare dinner.

He went to the kitchen and prepared a meal using the bamboo shoots he had dried earlier, cutting some for pickling and leaving the rest fresh for stir-frying later. He also cooked some sour cabbage with shredded potatoes, made thin pancakes, and cooked a porridge with mixed grains.

"Big brother, we're back!" Tang Yang rushed in from outside, full of energy despite spending the afternoon running around in the mountains.

Tang Xu sighed at the boundless energy of children and wiped his hands before smiling and asking, "Wow! How much did you pick?"

"A lot, big brother! Sister and I also picked some wild vegetables," Tang Yang replied excitedly, showing Tang Xu their harvest in the basket. Tang Xu helped him take it off and lifted it, feeling its weight. "Are you tired?"

"Not at all! Big brother, I'm hungry. When will the food be ready?" Tang Yang wiped the sweat from his face and looked at him eagerly.

Tang Li followed, placing the basket on the ground, and wiped her sweat as she asked, "Big brother, why did mom go to Granny Wu's house?"

"Big brother, I want some sweet soup. Can you make me some?" Tang Yang grabbed his arm and shouted.

Tang Xu took the sugar jar from the cabinet, scooped two spoonfuls of rock sugar, and mixed it with water for them to drink, replenishing their energy.

The siblings obediently washed their hands and returned to sit on small wooden stools, sipping the sweet soup. Tang Li asked, "Big brother, did you hear what I said earlier?"

"What?" Tang Xu kneaded the dough in his hands, turning to look at her. "What did you say?"

Tang Li drank the sweet soup, her eyes fixed on him over the rim of the bowl. "I asked why mom went to Granny Wu's house."

Tang Xu was taken aback. "Granny Wu? I don't know anything about that."

He searched his memory carefully but couldn't recall ever meeting Granny Wu or knowing her.

Frowning, he asked, "Where did you see her?"

"When Tang Yang and I were coming down the mountain, we saw her house at the foot of the mountain. We saw Mom going into her yard, and they seemed to be chatting happily," 

Tang Li observed her brother's expression. Seeing that he remained expressionless, she thought about her mother's temperament. She figured that her mother must have gone to see the matchmaker to discuss a marriage proposal for her brother. "Big brother, Mom didn't tell you?"

Tang Xu nodded. "No, she didn't. I'll ask during dinner."

He thought back to the afternoon when Liu Xiangxiang suddenly became enthusiastic about cleaning the house inside and out. He initially thought she was scared by Tang Erhu and decided to show some effort in front of a man. However, it seemed more likely that she was in a good mood because she planned to marry him off, hence the thorough cleaning.

Unusual behavior usually signifies something strange. It seemed that Liu Xiangxiang was planning something big.

Tang Xu kneaded the dough with lowered eyes, contemplating. He speculated that Liu Xiangxiang had found someone willing to pay twenty taels to marry him off. No, it must be more than one person.

His mind raced as he worked swiftly, cutting and rolling the dough, brushing oil on the hot pan, and making pancakes.

Twenty taels wasn't a small amount of money. Whoever was willing to pay that much to marry a man likely either had a lot of money to spare or had hidden issues.

Liu Xiangxiang couldn't stand him

They seemed to be enjoying his good days, intending to find him a wealthy family?

What a joke. It was impossible, even in their dreams.

So it must be some hidden ailment.

This ailment could either be physical or psychological.

In other words, either a disability or a mental disorder.

A disability was unlikely. After all, why would a wealthy person with a disability spend money to marry a ger? Wouldn't it be better to marry a girl? 

Especially considering that with a disability, a girl could bear more children. Perhaps the offspring could inherit the family business. Marrying a ger might only result in having one child, which would be inconvenient, wouldn't it?

After dismissing this possibility, he pursed his lips and poured himself a glass of water.

It was likely a psychological disorder. They claimed to spend twenty taels to marry a man, but in reality, they would spend twenty taels to bring him back and torment him to death, with no one to question them.

He chuckled coldly, his eyes freezing over.

It might be even more than that. To spend so much money to marry a ger, it must be from a wealthy family. Would a wealthy family marry a ger to be their mistress? Impossible. It could only be a small concubine. Would the one marrying an insignificant ger be a young person? 

Impossible. They were probably older than his father.

After all, Liu Xiangxiang couldn't stand to see him even slightly better off. The more she could torment him, the happier she would be. What grudges did she hold?

Even though he wasn't her biological son, Tang Xu had served her for so many years, just like an egg-laying hen that had developed feelings. But when it came to people, she couldn't stand to see him prosper.

Tang Xu took a deep breath, scooped up the cooked pancakes and placed them in a basin. His gaze passed through the open window to the courtyard, where Tang Erhu and Liu Xiangxiang came in one after the other. Tang Erhu was washing his face and hands, while Liu Xiangxiang stood nearby, smiling as if she had something to say.

Rarely did she lower her voice, but unfortunately, whatever she said definitely wouldn't be anything good.

Tang Xu hadn't guessed wrong; Liu Xiangxiang was indeed coaxing her husband.

"That's a wealthy family in the county, not the head of the household, but the legitimate third brother of the head. They've set their eyes on our Xu Ge'er and are offering twenty taels as a bride price!"

She chose her words carefully, only saying what she knew he could tolerate.

She also knew that if she said everything as it was, her husband probably wouldn't agree, and he might even beat her up badly. Just the thought of Tang Erhu's big hand striking her made her skin tighten in fear; it really hurt.

Tang Erhu's expression was very grim. Even though Liu Xiangxiang was praising that family to the skies, he still furrowed his brows tightly.

"You're saying that family is offering twenty taels as a bride price to marry Xu Ge'er?" His voice was deep, without any emotional fluctuations.

Liu Xiangxiang glanced at his expression. Although she felt a bit apprehensive, the thought of twenty taels not only marrying off Tang Xu but also subjecting him to torment suppressed any uneasy feelings.

"Yes, if they weren't serious about marrying, why would they offer such a large bride price?"

"The third young master?" Tang Erhu asked again.

Liu Xiangxiang was taken aback for a moment, then hurriedly replied, "He's a bit older, but our Xu Ge'er is also not young anymore. If we let this opportunity slip, Xu Ge'er might become too old to marry. There won't be a better chance than this!"

"How much older?" Tang Erhu turned to face her directly, emotions swirling in his eyes. "Do you really think I'm an idiot who can't think? If I hear any more of your lies, I'll never agree to sell off Xu Ge'er!"

Liu Xiangxiang was greatly alarmed. "Husband, how could you say such a thing? I'm also doing this for Xu Ge'er to have a better life!"

"Then tell me, how old is the third master of that family? Twenty? Thirty? Or forty?" Tang Erhu almost gritted his teeth as he asked, his fists clenched tightly, clearly seething with anger.

Liu Xiangxiang's mind went blank, her eyes wandering aimlessly. Before she could think of how to respond, Tang Xu called out from behind.

"Dinner's ready. Let's talk while we eat, Mom and Dad. I've made some pancakes, Dad, and prepared a bowl of sweet water for you."

Tang Erhu shot Liu Xiangxiang a fierce glare and walked away.

"I don't like sweet water. Don't bother making it for me next time. You two can have it," he said firmly.

Tang Xu chuckled, "Who doesn't like sweet water? Dad, you're just worried there won't be enough for us if you drink it. Don't worry, we have plenty of sugar at home."

On the table in the main room were stacks of pancakes, a plate of stir-fried sour cabbage and shredded potatoes, a plate of sautéed bamboo shoots, and a bowl of pickled radishes.

"Auntie's pickled radishes are really delicious, sour and spicy, very appetizing," Tang Xu said as he held a pancake, scooped up some sour cabbage and shredded potatoes, rolled it up, and continued, "Dad, I need to go up the mountain early tomorrow morning."

Tang Erhu furrowed his brows. "Why do you keep running up the mountain? We have enough wild vegetables and bamboo shoots at home." Tang Xu lightly scratched his nose, a bit shyly, and said, "It's not just about digging bamboo shoots."

His demeanor was quite unusual, enough to make Tang Erhu wonder, and even Liu Xiangxiang and Tang Li turned to look at him, while Tang Yang kept his head down, focused on eating, without being distracted.

Tang Erhu stared at him carefully and noticed that his son's face had turned red!

This was not right, not right at all!

He sat up straight, letting go of the pancakes he was holding in his hands, and asked, "Xu Ge'er, if it's not for digging bamboo shoots, then what is it for?"

Tang Xu seemed as if his little secret had been uncovered, nervously trembling hands, the pancakes he had neatly rolled up suddenly fell apart, and the sour cabbage and potatoes spilled onto the table. He hastily picked up his chopsticks to pick up the food, stuffing it into his mouth with his head lowered, his face turning even redder.

With this appearance, no one would believe there wasn't something going on!

Liu Xiangxiang was about to scold him when Tang Erhu coldly glanced at her, causing her to instantly wilt.

She took a big bite of the pancake and chewed hard.

While Liu Xiangxiang remained silent, Tang Li pressed on, "Brother, could it be that you encountered something on the mountain?" Judging from her brother's expression and actions, it seemed like a good thing had happened.

Oh dear, if only she had followed him up the mountain too, she would have been so curious.

Tang Erhu thought more deeply. His son's expression clearly showed shyness. What could possibly make him feel shy? It must be that he encountered a man on the mountain whom he found attractive!

This couldn't be allowed. Having private contact with another man, especially in secret, would surely lead to gossip! The more he thought about it, the uglier his expression became.

"Xu Ge'er, tell your father, did someone else accompany you up the mountain?"

During the past half month, he had always spoken to Tang Xu in a gentle and fatherly manner, so suddenly pulling a stern face made Tang Xu feel somewhat uneasy.

Thinking that Tang Erhu might be worried about his reputation, Tang Xu felt that, although his father was not qualified, he still had some redeeming qualities.

After a moment of silence, Tang Xu finally spoke, "We didn't deliberately arrange to go up the mountain together."

"There really is such a person!" Liu Xiangxiang couldn't help but imagine Tang Xu running off with some wild man in the woods, ruining her chance at the twenty taels!

She couldn't contain her anger and shouted, pointing at Tang Xu, "You shameless little bastard, you wanton whore! You're already seducing wild men! You're not that young to learn how to cheat! You shameless bastard, see if I don't beat you to death today!"

She lunged forward, but Tang Xu didn't even flinch, just stared coldly at Liu Xiangxiang, a hint of a smile playing at the corners of his mouth, not bothering to argue.

Tang Erhu slapped Liu Xiangxiang hard across the face. He rebuked, "Did I tell you to speak?"

Liu Xiangxiang, holding her face in disbelief, looked at Tang Erhu. This man hit her again!

What did she do wrong? She was just trying to discipline that shameless ger with a seductive face!

But she dared not argue back, afraid of being hit. She could only sit down unwillingly, glaring angrily at Tang Xu, her eyes as if they could devour him. Tang Erhuo ignored Liu Xiangxiang's aggrieved expression and looked at Tang Xu, asking him, "What's going on?"

Tang Xu glanced at Liu Xiangxiang, rolled up his pancake, and continued to eat, vaguely saying, "He's a good person, good-looking, and has a good heart." Tang Erhu almost had a heart attack upon hearing this.

What was he saying? He suspected that his own ger had been deceived.

Before he could ask further, Tang Xu reassured him, "Dad, you can rest assured, I won't suffer any losses."

“Why won't you suffer any losses? Look at yourself now, defending him at every turn. What's on his mind, does he have feelings for you too?" Tang Erhu felt exhausted. He hadn't realized before how difficult it could be to marry off a ger. According to tradition, as long as the parents agreed and both families talked it over, arranging a few tables of alcohol on a good day would seal the marriage.

But his own ger had his own ideas. Not only did he have secret contact with a stranger, but he did it sneakily! If he hadn't seen through it today, who knows how long he would have been kept in the dark!

Tang Xu seemed to hear something amusing, his eyes curving with a smile. He was glared at by Tang Erhu before he waved his hand and said, "Dad, you're overthinking it. We're just friends."

"What kind of friends? Since when do gers make friends with other men? You're too audacious!" Tang Erhu's tone was heavy with disappointment, his expression full of frustration. "He's just trying to fool you, do you even understand him?"

"I don't, we've only met three times."

Three times! He managed to capture his son's heart in just three meetings. This man must be very eloquent, certainly a smooth talker!

Wei Dong who is usually to lazy to talk: ???

"Dad, blind marriages and arranged unions don't suit me. You don't want to marry me off and end up with a bunch of resentful relatives, do you? If I don't get to know someone, how would I know if they're suitable for marriage?" Tang Xu coaxed his father, "Do I look like someone who can be easily fooled?"

Tang Erhu had nothing to say. Over the past half month, he had realized that his son's mind was very active after his near-death experience.

"Did you at least ask who he is?"

He thought, the village wasn't that big. Knowing which family he came from, he could go ask around, see what kind of person he was. If the two of them really hit it off, he wouldn't be completely clueless.

Tang Xu picked up a piece of pickled radish, chewed on it, and swallowed before facing the scrutiny of his family and saying, "He's from the Houcun Village, his surname is Wei."

Tang Erhu raised an eyebrow.

Wei? That was a big family, not fewer in number than their Tang family.

Liu Xiangxiang's expression turned particularly ugly. If it were any other family, she might have gone over to cause trouble and potentially sabotage the situation. But if the other party was indeed surnamed Wei, causing a scene might bring trouble to her own family.

"What's his name, brother?" Tang Li curiously asked.

"Wei Dong," Tang Xu watched his parents' expressions carefully, "He's a hunter."

The way Liu Xiangxiang's expression changed was quite dramatic, almost making Tang Xu laugh out loud. Ah, so there really were people who could change their facial expressions multiple times in a single breath. From anger to surprise, from surprise to bewilderment, and from bewilderment to shock.

Her expression finally settled on confusion.

She probably couldn't understand no matter how much she thought about it. The fact that the renowned Wei Dong from the village had a connection with Tang Xu. Tang Erhu and Liu Xiangxiang had almost the same thoughts, astonished that the two of them actually knew each other.

Wait, did his son actually have feelings for Wei Dong?

Who was Wei Dong? Everyone in the entire village probably knew him.

Having severed ties with his blood relatives and burdened with a sickly younger brother, even though he could earn money from hunting, he couldn't save any. All the money went to support his brother, and whoever married him would be taken advantage of.

Just with these few comments, if you asked anyone in the whole village, whether they were ger or women, they would all keep their distance from Wei Dong. Tang Erhu had a headache.

Tang Xu finished eating one rolled-up pancake and took another one. Seeing that they weren't eating, he reminded them, "Eat, and talk while you eat, otherwise it'll all get cold."

Tang Li came back to her senses and secretly glanced at her parents' expressions. They looked truly terrible.

She glanced at her brother, who was earnestly rolling up the pancake with his eyelashes half lowered, and couldn't help but think how long and curly his eyelashes were.

"What's up?" Tang Xu looked up at her. "Surprised?"

Tang Li shook her head. "No, brother, you look really handsome."

Tang Xu smiled at her, reciprocating the compliment, "You're pretty too." Tang Erhu tapped his chopsticks on the bowl, drawing Tang Xu's attention back, and asked him, "Did he really say his name is Wei Dong?"

"Yeah, he should be a hunter. Today he caught a wild boar and a stag in traps. I reckon he could sell them for at least a couple hundred taels," Tang Xu seemed oblivious to the impact of his words as he continued, "He doesn't know how to weave baskets, so I offered to help, and he even said he'd give me a fish as a thank-you gift!"

Both Tang Erhu and Liu Xiangxiang widened their eyes.

Was Wei Dong really that easygoing?

Wasn't he supposed to beat someone until they were covered in blood and begging for mercy? And now he's offering fish for a basket? Was such a good thing even possible?

"Did he really say he'd give you a fish?" Tang Erhu still couldn't believe it, no matter how much he thought about it.

Tang Xu nodded. "Yeah, dad, he's really nice. Last time when I went to town, I was followed because I sold some dried mushrooms. If he hadn't walked me back, I might have been robbed or worse!"

He spoke confidently, mixing truth with fiction. It sounded believable no matter who listened. Tang Erhu thought of his son going to town alone and couldn't help but glare fiercely at Liu Xiangxiang. "How could you let Xu Ge'er go to town alone! It's so dangerous!"

Liu Xiangxiang was bewildered by his yelling. "He went to town, didn't you know? Why blame me? It's not like I told him to go," she said, then glanced at Tang Xu, snorting coldly, "Who knows if you two have already hit it off. I underestimated you."

Tang Xu grinned at her. "Mom, I'm your 'real' son, why don't you trust me?" He emphasized the word 'real', and Liu Xiangxiang caught his implication, her expression changing multiple times.

"Dad, I think Wei Dong is pretty good. I want to get to know him first. If we get along well, could you find a matchmaker to help us?" Tang Xu, with his thick skin, seized the opportunity.

Feeling Tang Erhu's slight concession on the matter, Tang Xu pushed further, "I don't want to marry a stranger I'm not familiar with. What if I marry far away and can't come back to visit you guys during holidays? I'd miss my family a lot."

Liu Xiangxiang thought to herself that she wouldn't mind if Tang Xu got married and never came back to visit.

But Tang Erhu spoke before her.

He nodded in agreement. "Right, can't marry too far away. If you're mistreated, there'll be no one to help." He sighed, "Alright, you can get to know him. If he's really good, I'll agree to it."

"But I don't agree!" Liu Xiangxiang snapped, stretching her neck. "Master Zhu has offered twenty taels as a betrothal gift. Can Wei Dong match that?"

Tang Xu inwardly sneered, feeling vindicated as he realized Liu Xiangxiang had found her "buyer".

"Mom, who's Master Zhu?" he asked curiously, looking at Liu Xiangxiang, pretending innocence. "Everyone's calling him 'master', is he older than dad?"

Tang Erhu's face darkened instantly.

Liu Xiangxiang opened her mouth dryly but didn't utter a word.

Tang Li widened her eyes as if she had been startled, looking at her mother, then at her father. Older than dad?

Tang Xu sipped his porridge, slurping away.

Even Tang Yang, who was usually preoccupied with eating, sensed that something was off at the dinner table. He looked around and obediently scooted closer to Tang Xu, whispering, "Brother, what's wrong with dad and mom? Why aren't they eating?"

Tang Xu replied quietly, "Maybe they're full." One was full of anger, and the other was full of fear.

Silence fell over the dinner table, and no one spoke again.

Tang Erhu was truly full of anger. Thinking about how Liu Xiangxiang had been dismissing everything he said earlier and the so-called Master Zhu, who was willing to spend twenty taels as a betrothal gift, he realized that this "Master Zhu" might actually be older than himself.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He stood up abruptly, grabbed Liu Xiangxiang's arm, and pulled her up from her seat, dragging her back to their room under her frightened gaze.

That damned woman actually wanted to sell his baby!

Back in the main room, Tang Erhu didn't let Liu Xiangxiang speak a word. He raised his hand and started hitting her, while Liu Xiangxiang cried and screamed. Tang Xu, with his siblings, continued eating in peace and then cleaned up the table.

"Dad must not have eaten enough," Tang Li remarked softly, noticing the leftover pancakes in the basin. She whispered, "I wonder what mom did to make dad angry again."

"She definitely did something wrong, or else dad wouldn't hit her," Tang Yang said indifferently, showing no concern about why his mother was being punished. "Brother, I'm going out to play."

Watching him run out, Tang Xu turned to Tang Li and said, "You're not that young anymore. Didn't you guess what's going on?"

Tang Li was washing dishes and almost dropped a piece of cucumber. She turned her head to look at him. "Um, is that Master Zhu something Mom found out from Aunt Wu, the matchmaker, today?"

She asked cautiously, and Tang Xu smiled and nodded. Despite her young age, she was quite clever, with a quick mind.

Tang Li pursed her lips, looking very angry.

Tang Xu couldn't understand why she was so upset and asked, "What's wrong? Just say it."

"Mom is too much. I don't understand why she doesn't want Brother to live well. Is she going to find an old master for me when I reach marriageable age?" Tang Li's voice choked up as tears streamed down her face.

Tang Xu was startled. He didn't expect this little girl to start crying.

Quickly, he grabbed a clean towel from the shelf and wiped her tears, comforting her, "It won't happen. Mom won't treat you like that."

"Why wouldn't it happen? She's already treating you like that. When you get married, I'll be the only one left to marry." Tang Li sobbed, feeling deeply saddened.

Tang Xu was at a loss, pinching her chubby cheeks gently. "Of course not, because you're her own daughter. Don't worry, she won't sell you off."

If we follow the original plot of the book, Tang Li will eventually marry someone in the town, and her in-laws seem to have a small shop. Although the business is not big, at least they won't have to worry about food and clothing.

However, the original plot has already deviated, and it's hard to predict what will happen in the future.

"Stop crying. Tidy up and go to bed early. You must be tired from running up and down the mountain twice. I'll heat up some water for you to soak your feet." Tang Xu fetched water and prepared to heat it up for foot soaking.

Meanwhile, in the main room, the cries had stopped at some point. Tang Erhu stormed out of the room in a fit of anger, slamming the courtyard door shut with a loud bang.

Where did Tang Erhu go?

He went to find Granny Wu.

Furious, he stormed to the widow's house and pounded on the courtyard door with loud bangs. Granny Wu was so scared she dared not come out, and even the neighbors on both sides were startled.

Tang Erhu didn't care whether she would come out to open the door or not. He stood outside the courtyard gate and shouted, "Granny Wu, I'm telling you, even if I die in poverty, I will never sell my own son! You heartless woman, you'll get your retribution!"

Hearing his curses, everyone was stunned. No one expected this man to come and curse a widow at her doorstep. Tang Erhu was so angry that he wished he could set fire to Wu Meipo's house, but he still had some sense left.

Looking around, he found a large stone on the ground and hurled it over the fence. With a loud bang, it hit something inside, but he didn't know what.

Spitting on the ground, he didn't leave. Standing there, he shouted loudly to the neighbors who were peeking through the gate, "This heartless widow instigated my foolish wife to sell our son for twenty taels to be someone's little husband in the county. That man is even older than me! She's a money-grubbing snake, devoid of virtue! Be careful, don't be deceived by her. She might lure your children away and who knows if they'll end up as little husbands or be taken to those dirty places to be exploited!" Tang Erhu finished shouting and left without returning home, heading to the old house.

He was truly mad, fearing that if he went home and saw Liu Xiangxiang, he would end up beating her again. If he killed her, he would be in trouble! He wanted a divorce! He didn't want this unlucky wife anymore!

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  1. Great update. I can't wait for what's happening next

  2. Thanks for the update!
    I can't wait to read how it goes

  3. yeah right divorce your selfish wife... She deserve it..! 🤬😤thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾

  4. WOHOOOOO I like Erhu a lot 😤 that's how a father should be! 🤭

  5. He has his faults but I always feel sweet when he refers to Tang Xu as his baby

  6. Uh, who is TX's birth parent then? I know they sort of hinted at it, but I don't remember a name.

    1. The mothers sister in law, when she was ready to give birth she was at her mother's house and have birth there at the time the sister in law also have birth, I think maybe she had a still birth and took the sister in law baby since economically she was in a better position than the sister in law, I could be wrong


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