The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 51


| TBBOTOF | 51

On the morning of June 6th, the Tang family's old house was bustling with activity. Tang Dahu and the others had good relationships with many people in the village. Since it was a double wedding for their two sons, they invited all their relatives and friends. The feast began at lunchtime, with guests coming and going. After eating, they rested for a while, waiting for the wedding procession to return in the afternoon before having another feast.

Wei Dong woke up earlier than Tang Xu, but as soon as he moved, Tang Xu woke up too.

After eight days apart, they had a wild night together the previous night. Tang Xu lay on the kang, groaning and unwilling to get up due to soreness.

"How about we go later?" Wei Dong asked, already dressed. "I'll cook porridge?"

"Yeah," Tang Xu replied, propping himself up and rubbing his sore waist. "But we can't be too late. We need to go help with the preparations."

 After all, they were family. If they just went to eat and left without helping, he would probably be laughed at by the entire village tomorrow. Although he didn't care much about his reputation, he still had some pride. Tang Xu directed Wei Dong to make a simple breakfast, consisting of porridge with biscuits and two types of pickled vegetables from the pickle jar.

"I like pickled radishes," Wei Xi said, holding his bowl and sipping the watery porridge. He was curious why his brother's porridge always turned out thick and fluffy with plump rice grains, while his own brother always ended up with separate rice and soup.

The pancakes turned out not too tough, and Tang Xu wanted to make them himself while kneading the dough. However, Wei Dong forcefully refused. He insisted that Tang Xu sit on the stool and conserve his energy, advising him not to move if he didn't have to.

Then Tang Xu witnessed Wei Dong scooping flour into the basin, pouring cold water, humming as he added a ladle of water, then another handful of flour, followed by another ladle of water.

Tang Xu nearly lunged forward, shouting to stop him. "Wei Dong! What are you doing?"

"Kneading dough."

"You can't just pour all the water in at once when kneading dough. How do you know how much water to use?"

"More flour for thick dough, more water for thin dough."

Tang Xu sighed, feeling helpless. "You're not wrong, but doing it that way will just keep adding more and more flour. How many pancakes are you planning to make with this much dough?"

Wei Dong looked at the mixture in the basin, expressionless. "What should we do now?"

"Use a pair of chopsticks to stir it and see if it needs more flour or more water. Add a little at a time, okay?" Tang Xu pointed to the dipper. "Next time, use a smaller dipper if you can't control the amount. Use a smaller bowl to scoop the water."

Wei Dong nodded obediently.

They made a large batch of pancakes, but the leftovers could be stored for later. If they got hungry when they returned in the evening, they could eat fried pancakes.

"Let's sprout some bean sprouts," Tang Xu gestured for Wei Dong to scoop a bowl of soybeans and soak them in water. "We'll sprout some bean sprouts for the evening. I also want to make some maltose. Do we have any wheat seeds at home?"

"Yes," Wei Dong nodded. "Should I soak them too?"

"No need. Just sprinkle water on them and cover them with gauze," Tang Xu took down the large bamboo curtain hanging on the wall. "I'll make a curtain to test if it's sweet enough. Tomorrow, we might need to go to town. My medicine for adjusting my body is running out, and there are only two packets left for Xiao Xi."

Wei Dong nodded.

While they were chatting and preparing the beans and wheat seeds, Wei Xi came in from outside, excitedly announcing, "The rabbit gave birth!" 

Wei Dong looked up, and Tang Xu turned around. "How many did she give birth to?"

"Six," Wei Xi exclaimed happily, gesturing with her hands. "I saw the baby rabbits when I was feeding the grass earlier! They are so tiny and fluffy."

"I put the small basket outside the rabbit's nest. There are vegetable leaves inside. Put them all in the nest and change the water to clean water. We'll come back when it's almost dark," Tang Xu instructed.

Wei Xi nodded eagerly, happy to be able to see Ah Yang and Sister Li!

"Why didn't you say why you were delayed in the county yesterday? Did something happen?" Tang Xu spread the soaked wheat seeds in a flat layer on the bamboo curtain, then covered them with a layer of gauze and sprinkled water on top. "Why aren't you talking?"

Wei Dong rubbed his chin, glancing to the side. "Um, I'm thinking about how to tell you."

"What?" Tang Xu didn't understand, feeling anxious. "Start from the beginning," he insisted, not liking his hesitation.

Wei Dong sighed internally, finding it troublesome to explain from the beginning. 

He remained silent for a moment, organizing his thoughts. His attitude made Tang Xu's hair stand on end. "Hurry up and speak! You didn't go gambling or go to a brothel, did you?"

Wei Dong paused, looking at him. His surprise was too evident, causing Tang Xu's heart to tighten.

What's going on?

Did he guess right?

Did he really go gambling or did he go out to a brothel?


"Shh, no, no, no, Bao’er, you misunderstood!" Wei Dong quickly hugged him to prevent Tang Xu from getting angry and hitting himself with the bamboo curtain. He even used the affectionate nickname they used during intimate moments. "I didn't go to a brothel."

"You didn't? Then you must have gone gambling!" Tang Xu was still in an agitated state.

"Even if you're rich, you can't go gambling! Do you know what it means to gamble? You know what gambling is? The more you gamble, the thinner you get!!" His eyes were red with agitation, and Wei Dong could see he was ready to pounce and bite him if he didn't explain clearly.

Wei Dong pressed him against his leg, wrapping his arms around him. "Listen to me, calm down," he urged, feeling Tang Xu's intense stare. "Let me explain."

Tang Xu huffed, crossing his arms and glaring. "Speak!" he demanded. "Let's see what excuses you come up with!"

"I didn't go to Xiquan County, I went to Qiyang County," Wei Dong began, feeling Tang Xu about to turn away. He loosened his grip slightly, allowing him to sit sideways, and continued, "I've only been to Qiyang County once before. The previous magistrate there was old, and the new one just took office three years ago."

Tang Xu nodded. "And then?"

"I visited Qiyang County three years ago when the new magistrate just arrived," Wei Dong explained, his hand wandering mischievously on Tang Xu's belly, earning him a playful pat.

Tang Xu slapped his hand on his back. "Can you get to the point? Why are you beating around the bush? Do you think you can divert the topic like this?"

Wei Dong clicked his tongue. "The magistrate is alright in character, and people who are businessmen like him," he said. "But I'm not too fond of him."

“Why not?" 

"He wants to marry his daughter to me," Wei Dong said, noticing Tang Xu's expression change. He hurriedly reassured him, "I rejected her three years ago, really. Look, I haven't been there in three years. I only went this time because I wanted to buy a house and set up a shop there."

Tang Xu looked at him with a cold gaze. "And then?"

"Then, because I rejected his daughter, he blocked my plans to buy the shop," Wei Dong said, his eyes narrowing.

Tang Xu couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. He raised his hand to interrupt Wei Dong and asked, "But why would a magistrate, a high-ranking official, choose you as a son-in-law?"

Wei Dong fell silent.

Tang Xu narrowed his eyes, poking his finger at Wei Dong's chin. "You said three years ago, when he just took office, he wanted to marry his daughter to you. How old was his daughter at that time? You, a poor hunter with nothing, why would he want to marry his daughter to you?"

The enormous question lingered in his mind, and Tang Xu couldn't figure it out. Could it be that the magistrate saw potential wealth in him?

Perhaps as a county official, he wanted to reduce his dependence on others' filial piety?

Three years' salary for a Qiyang magistrate, a hundred thousand taels of silver, wasn't just an empty promise. He didn't believe there were so many incorruptible officials; even if the magistrate wasn't corrupt, he definitely wasn't squeaky clean.

So why would he want his daughter to marry a hunter?

Even if she wasn't the main daughter, she was still a daughter of the official family. Marrying a rural hunter wouldn't enhance his reputation.

Perhaps it was because the hunter discovered his secret, and he had to win him over!

With a head full of conspiracy theories, Tang Xu was in a bad state.

Wei Dong quickly hugged him as he noticed Tang Xu's worsening complexion, rubbing his arms. "What are you thinking? Your face is so pale."

"Quick, tell me! What's going on?" Tang Xu grabbed his shoulders and shook him vigorously. "Did you see someone bribing him? If he couldn't get rid of you, did he plan to use his daughter to control you?"

"Once you become his son-in-law, he'll have leverage over you, and then he can make you disappear without anyone knowing!"

"Ah, Wei Dong! What have you done!"

"I did not, I did not. It's not like what you said. I am the lifesaver of his daughter." Wei Dong hugged the person in his arms and kissed his cheek. "Calm down and listen to me."

Tang Xu narrowed his eyes and looked at him, his face full of displeasure.

"If you didn't beat around the bush, I wouldn't have wild thoughts! Just get to the point!"

"When he took office, he took some people to Qiyang County first. The rest of them from the mansion set off later, about three months later than him. The servant who was guiding them took the wrong path and led them into the forests at the foot of Dayou Mountain. Then they encountered a snowstorm, and their group got stuck in the mountains."

After Wei Dong finished speaking, he looked at Tang Xu and raised an eyebrow. "I was in Dayou Mountain picking herbs. When I saw them, I led them out and sent them back to Qiyang County."

"What about the process?" Tang Xu looked at him suspiciously. Was it that simple?

"What process?" Wei Dong asked with a smile.

Seeing him still smiling, Tang Xu angrily pounced on him and bit his face hard. "How did you save them? Didn't you say you were the lifesaver of that girl?"

"Mmm..." Wei Dong sighed. "Think about it yourself. A group of women with a few strong servants, deep in the mountains, with insufficient food and drink. What good could come out of that?"

"Didn't his family have guards?" Tang Xu asked, looking puzzled.

"They probably did, but they got separated, I guess. I didn't ask, and it wouldn't have mattered anyway. When I got there, those servants were holding onto a young girl, so I gave them a beating," Wei Dong shrugged. "Then I led them out of the forest and sent them back to Qiyang County."

Tang Xu widened his eyes. "No wonder she wanted to offer herself to you. You've seen her body, if not you, then who else?"

"I didn't see anything, really. She was wearing a chest wrap at the time," Wei Dong looked aggrieved. "I knocked out those servants and gave her a set of clothes to wear. I didn't even glance at her!"

He was indeed righteous!

Tang Xu glanced at him. "What happened next?"

"What next? He asked me what reward I wanted. I said I wanted silver, but he insisted on marrying his daughter to me. I declined and just asked for a thousand taels of silver," Wei Dong explained.

Tang Xu's lips twitched. "So, did he give it to you?"

"He did. I took the silver notes and left. I never went back to Qiyang County," Wei Dong said, sighing heavily. "Little did I know that his wife happened to see me that time. She told him when I left, and the servants took me from the pawnshop to the county yamen."

Wei Dong looked weary. "Can you imagine? Such a high-ranking official couldn't even control his own daughter. It's been three years, and he suddenly claims his daughter has been pining for me and wants to marry her off to me. Of course, I refused. I told him I'm already married, and I can't marry his daughter. He got angry and had me thrown into jail."

Tang Xu was stunned. "What the heck? He actually..."

"Shh, shh, shh, it's okay. Look, I'm back now," Wei Dong comforted him, kissing him. "I didn't tell you earlier because I didn't want you to worry."

Tang Xu's face darkened. So this was the main reason he didn't want to leave the village.

You never knew which outsider was a relative of some official, let alone who you could or couldn't offend. They were just ordinary folks; powerful people could crush them as easily as squashing ants.

Living a simple life in the village, with enough money for food, they could live quite comfortably.

With the emperor far away, in these remote towns away from the capital, even a mayor of a town might become a petty tyrant due to personal interests.

Of course, these things weren't a problem for him, since they didn't affect him. But Wei Dong ended up in jail just because he refused to go along with an arranged marriage! Is there no justice anymore?

Tang Xu felt a surge of anger building up in his chest, gritting his teeth furiously. "How did you get out of jail?"

Wei Dong clicked his tongue. "His daughter caused a scene with him, and then he let me out."

"You said earlier that he blocked you from buying the shop, was that a lie?" Tang Xu snarled, glaring fiercely. "Why didn't you just slap him dead?"

Wei Dong sighed helplessly. "What are you talking about? Even if you're good at fighting, you can't possibly take on so many armed servants and guards."

Tang Xu sneered. "Don't just act out of kindness in the future. Kindness doesn't always lead to good deeds. Look at how much trouble you've caused yourself now."

Wei Dong clicked his tongue again. "But I couldn't just stand by and watch, could I? Besides, she was just a young girl, not much older than Ah Li."

Tang Xu lightly hmphed. "I know. We have to do what our conscience dictates." 

He gently bumped his forehead against Wei Dong's. "But we don't know if what we saved was a person or a ghost. So, how did he let you go? Why didn't he keep you there and make you marry his daughter?"

"Well, it seems that the girl has already turned seventeen this year. If she doesn't get married soon, she'll miss out on a lot. She came to me asking why I couldn't marry her, saying she could be a concubine if necessary."

For a moment, Tang Xu didn't understand what Wei Dong meant by "concubine." 

After thinking for a while, he understood and immediately started pounding on Wei Dong's shoulder. "What did you just say to her?"

"I said, you're not as pretty as my husband, not as capable as my husband, not as good at making money as my husband. Why would I want to marry you?" Wei Dong rubbed his sore shoulder from the pounding and replied in a serious tone. 

"Then she cried. I told her crying wouldn't change anything. No matter what she said, I wouldn't marry her. I also told her to relay the message to her father that if he ever unjustly threw me in jail again, I would take him down with me, even if it cost me my life."

Tang Xu's eyelid twitched. "She wasn’t scared to death by you?"

"She cried out of fear. Anyway, when I left the county, that county magistrate's face looked pretty grim," Wei Dong scoffed coldly. "He's probably counting down the years until he can retire in peace."

"Will he cause trouble for us?" Tang Xu worriedly asked, considering they were just a family of three, with only Wei Dong having any combat capability.

Wei Dong shook his head. "No, he's the magistrate of Qiyang County, not Xiquan County. Plus, not many people know about this incident, so it's not particularly embarrassing for him. On the contrary, many locals in Qiyang County know that I saved someone from his family. I also told him that if anyone dares to trouble me, and I can't deal with them, I'll make sure they regret it."

Tang Xu let out a heavy sigh. "Alright, let's not go to Qiyang County anymore. It's quite far from us anyway." 

Wei Dong chuckled and nodded. "Do you want to move to the county? It would be more convenient for everything over there."

"Didn't you ask me once before? I don't want to go. Living in the village is so much better, free and unrestricted. No need to worry about being bullied, no need to be afraid to act. And with my looks, I don’t mean to not brag or anything, but if I ever encounter those lechers, what if one of them takes a fancy to me and tries to snatch me away?"

Tang Xu touched his smooth cheek and sighed, "Beauty is also a kind of curse."

"Big brother, when are we leaving?" Wei Xi poked his head in, blushing when he saw the two of them sitting together. His eyes wandered around awkwardly. "I put a lot of vegetable leaves in the rabbit's nest. It should be enough for it to eat."

"Alright," Tang Xu felt a bit embarrassed being seen sitting on Wei Dong's lap by the child. "You go change your clothes, and pack up, we'll leave soon."

"Let's take the cart." Wei Dong pinched Tang Xu's waist, the implication obvious.

Tang Xu elbowed him lightly and gave him a sideways glance.

Although they didn't leave early, their big mule was quite efficient. They reached the front village from the back village in less than fifteen minutes. Along the way, they encountered many people greeting them, but before they could exchange more than a few words, the cart was already pulled away by the mule.

"Is that a donkey? Why doesn't it look quite like one?"

"It's a horse for sure. Donkeys aren't that tall. Wei Dong still has money. Did you see on his wedding day? He had a tall horse and a sedan chair, all just frivolous spending."

"Of course, I saw it. How could I not? They passed by my house, and the festivities sounded even better than those bragged about before. And I heard that day, the feast was all meat dishes, not a single shortage of meat!"

"Really? Who said that?"

"It was Wei Zhonghong's eldest daughter-in-law. She went to help Wei Dong's mother-in-law, and said they hired chefs from outside, and the food they made was so delicious. Just hearing her talk about it made my mouth water."

"That's nothing. My house is close to Wei Dong's mansion. I can smell the aroma of meat coming out of his house every day. The other day, I don't know what they were cooking, but the smell was even more fragrant than stewed meat. If they didn't have money, how could they afford meat every day?"

"That young man is quite cunning, not shy at all! He relies on his good looks to get ahead, he managed to entice Wei Dong, and who knows what kind of thing he's bringing back with all that money."

"Spouting sour words won't do any good. If your ger could catch someone's eye, your family would be the ones eating meat every day now. It's just that he doesn't have that kind of ability!"

"Why do you talk like that? My ger is very decent. How could he go to another man's house before getting married? He wouldn't even lose his face for it!"

"If he has no shame, it's none of your business. Anyway, once they marry into that mansion, they'll live a life of luxury. You, on the other hand, can just stay bitter!"

These two women were always at odds with each other, and it only took a few words for them to start arguing.

But many others had similar thoughts. Ever since they found out about the twenty taels betrothal gift Wei Dong presented, the villagers' opinions about the two brothers completely changed.

Especially those families who were previously inquired about by Wei Zhonghong. 

They regretted their decision to reject the marriage proposal because they heard rumors that Wei Dong was poor. When they heard about the twenty taels betrothal gift, as well as the other benefits, they regretted it even more.

Moreover, several young ger who had once been interested in Wei Dong, but were discouraged because of his dependent sibling, now saw how well Tang Xu was living after marrying into the family. Not only did they have plenty to eat and drink, but Wei Dong even helped out with household chores. They were envious and jealous, their eyes turning red.

Regret, oh, they regretted it so much it hurt their hearts, livers, spleens, kidneys!

So, quite a few unmarried young ger started to become more cunning, wanting to learn from Tang Xu's tactics.

What are they learning?

They're learning to bump into Wei Dong on the mountain, show concern for him, and try to win him over!

But before their plans could even take shape, Wei Dong's attitude scared them away.

This incident happened not long ago. Initially, Wei Dong didn't think much of the number of young ger heading up the mountain. He hadn't seen them go into the mountains before, but after the rain, there were plenty of mushrooms in the mountains, and whether they were picking mushrooms to add to their meals or to sell for coins, it didn't concern him.

As usual, he went into the mountains after breakfast, he went checking around the traps. If there was prey, he would pull it up; if not, he would move the thick fallen leaves and branches to the side so that animals would step on them and fall into the traps.

Then, there was this one time. Wei Dong watched as a young ger, who had been walking just fine, suddenly stumbled when he got close. The movement was too fast, too harsh, and he fell in a direction that would have caused him to fall into the pit if Wei Dong hadn't reached out to pull him away in time.

So he grabbed him, and the young ger instinctively leaned towards him. Wei Dong reflexively pushed him away in the other direction. When the young man fell to the ground, he looked dazed, with a pitiful expression on his face.

Wei Dong frowned, his face serious as he sternly rebuked, "If you want to die, don't jump into the traps I set!"

The young ger turned pale with fright, his eyes suddenly red.

Wei Dong felt nothing but disdain, secretly thinking that his husband was much better. Although they were both delicate, his husband walked steadily and had considerable strength, never crying over a fall.

Why did he cry? He even saved his life. Falling into a trap, getting stabbed with several holes, there would be no place to cry when that happened.

Later, he just left, but not without reminding the young ger again, saying, "If you want to die, find another place to die. Don't jump into the traps!"

After the young man endured the pain and descended from the mountain, he cried miserably in front of his parents.

In any case, after that incident, no one dared to court Wei Dong's favor anymore. Mainly because his temper was too tough, he simply didn't give people a chance. 

Perhaps he had his soft moments, but unfortunately, he didn't show them to outsiders.

Wei Dong never mentioned this to his husband, so Tang Xu naturally didn't know that some lascivious people were eyeing his husband.

Going back to the present, at this moment, the two husbands were taking Wei Xi to the front village on a cart, and many people were curious about what they were going to do. "What else can they do? They're going to a feast. Today, Tang Dahu's family is marrying off their son and getting two daughters-in-law in one go."

"One son marrying two daughters-in-law!?!"

"What are you dreaming about? If two sons get married in one day, his family has only built two new houses. They said they would celebrate both occasions together to save trouble."

"That does make things easier. If my two sons could also get engaged together, I would do the same."

"But your two sons have a big age gap, unlike those two brothers who are only two years apart."

"How do you know so much?"

"I'm related to Tang Sanhu's mother-in-law! Of course, I know a lot."

"How does Tang Dahu's family's affairs concern Tang Sanhu's mother-in-law so much? And why would she tell you? I don't believe it. Do you have some secret with her?"

"What nonsense are you saying? Watch it or I'll hit you!"

At the front gate of the Tang family's old house, there were already many people. They greeted familiar faces with smiles. When they saw the tall mule running over, they were surprised.

"Oh, Xu Ge'er, you've finally come. Your great aunt was just talking about you."

"Grandma," Tang Xu smiled warmly, reaching out to hold the old lady's arm. Then he glanced at Wei Dong and Wei Xi, signaling them. "Greet her." 

Wei Dong and Wei Xi both spoke together, "Hello, Grandma."

Moreover, Wei Xi handed over the small basket he was holding. "Grandma, these are the snacks made by my brother-in-law. They're delicious."

Wu Guizhi took the basket and lovingly patted Wei Xi's head, "You're Wei Xi, right?" 

"Yes, I'm Wei Xi."

Seeing that the old lady seemed to like Wei Xi, Tang Xu felt somewhat relieved. 

After all, the Tang family had only met Wei Xi once, when he was brought to attend the wedding banquet, so he was worried that they might not be pleased to see him.

"Xu Ge'er! Come here, quick!" Aunt Luo Pingping saw Tang Xu entering and noticed the tall and sturdy horse outside the courtyard, no, it was a donkey. 

She quickly waved her hand and walked over, grabbing Tang Xu's hand and said, "Can you ask your husband to help Auntie go to the town to buy some liquor? Your third aunt just now accidently broke a jar of wine. We don't have enough to drink!"

Her hands were trembling as she spoke, clearly not taking it lightly.

The money she handed Tang Xu looked familiar to him. Then Luo Pingping said, "This is the money pouch you gave me last time. Give it to Wei Dong and ask him to buy two jars of wine, the cheapest kind will do, but not the absolute cheapest."

Tang Xu nodded and took the small money pouch to Wei Dong, informing him of Aunt Luo's request. "Buy it according to the coins in the pouch, it probably won't cost much."

Wei Dong raised an eyebrow. "Alright, is there anything else? Go ask so that I can buy everything together, don't keep going back and forth." 

Tang Xu thought what he said made sense, so he went back to Aunt Luo and asked if she needed anything else. Luo Pingping had gotten up before dawn and was busy at the stove with several neighbors who had come to help, but what she had to do was not limited to this.

To be honest, she was feeling a bit dizzy from all the busyness.

Everything seemed not quite right to her, even though she had gone over what she needed to do today in her mind several times. But when it came to actually doing it, she still felt rushed and flustered.

And now her third sister was adding to her troubles!

After hearing Tang Xu's words, Luo Pingping first sighed, then said, "It seems... it seems there's nothing else."

Tang Xu nodded, sensing her anxiety and frustration, and reassured her, "Okay, I'll have Wei Dong go right away. Auntie, don't worry, everything will go smoothly for the new bride today."

Luo Pingping let out a sigh of relief, "Alright, thank you so much, Xu Ge'er." 

"No problem, we're here to help," Tang Xu smiled at her and then turned to find Wei Dong.

Wei Dong didn't take long to go to the town and come back, so shortly after his return, Tang Dahu began arranging the dishes, and the noon banquet commenced.

Tang Xu also helped with chopping vegetables at the stove, working up a sweat.

It was really hot.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Tang Xu shook his slightly sore hands and stepped out of the kitchen. A breeze blew by, but it was just as warm, providing no relief from the heat.

"Gege!" Tang Yang rushed over and hugged his leg, looking up with a smile, "Gege~ I miss you so much!" 

"Did you see your brother, Xiao Xi?" Tang Xu wiped the sweat from his forehead onto Tang Yang's head, "Where did you run off to?"

"I just parted with Xiao Xi," Tang Yang grinned at him, showing his little white teeth, "Gege, there's an auntie over there looking for you." He pointed back, and Tang Xu looked to see a young woman standing outside the courtyard gate.

She looked familiar.

Tang Xu glanced at Tang Yang, "Is that the auntie?"

"Um, um, she asked me to call Gege out, it seems she has something to tell you."

Tang Xu pinched his cheek, "Alright, I got it. You go find Xiao Xi  to eat first, and after you two finish eating, you can go play. But don't take him to the river, okay?"

"Um, um, I know, I won't take him there." Tang Yang nodded obediently and then ran off.

Liu Qiaoniang stood nervously outside the courtyard gate, nodding awkwardly at people passing by with a forced smile. She looked at Tang Xu as he approached, taking a deep breath.

"Hello," Tang Xu greeted her with a friendly smile, noticing her nervous demeanor. He asked, "Aren't you here to attend the wedding banquet?"

"Not... not... I am, but not..." Liu Qiaoniang's words were incoherent.

Tang Xu blinked, confused by the situation.

"You're not here for the wedding banquet, are you here specifically to find me?" Liu Qiaoniang nodded and shook her head. Tang Xu was puzzled by her behavior.

He stared at her, waiting for her to speak.

Liu Qiaoniang took several deep breaths to relax her overly tense body, looked around, and realized there were too many people around for a private conversation.

But she couldn't find a place to talk to Tang Xu alone.


"Tang Xu!" Liu Xiangxiang's voice came from behind. They turned to see Liu Xiangxiang angrily yelling at them, "You're already married, don't you know to be more discreet!"

This time Tang Xu rolled his eyes at her without any consideration, saying with a sarcastic smile, "Mother, if your eyesight is poor, just stay at home and don't come out, so you won't fall into ditches. Which eye of yours saw me being indiscreet in broad daylight in front of so many people?"

Liu Xiangxiang was left speechless by his retort, her eyes turning red with anger.

Tang Xu ignored her, turning to Liu Qiaoniang and asking, "What's the matter you wanted to talk to me about?"

Liu Qiaoniang stood by, looking as if she had been startled.

She looked at Liu Xiangxiang as if she had seen a ghost.

Only then did Liu Xiangxiang notice the person standing next to Tang Xu. She stared back at the person, her face showing a mix of confusion, shock, and nervousness.

"Liu Xiangxiang!"

"Liu Qiaoniang!"

"Why are you here!" Liu Xiangxiang grabbed Liu Qiaoniang's wrist, excitedly asking her, "What are you doing here? Didn't you get married!"

Liu Qiaoniang sneered, pushing her hand away. "Of course, I got married. I married Liu San!"

Liu Xiangxiang's face changed, and she quickly pulled Tang Xu behind her, shouting at Liu Qiaoniang, "Stay away from my son!"

"Your son? Are you sure he's your son? He's clearly a ger!" Liu Qiaoniang trembled all over upon realizing that Tang Xu was Liu Xiangxiang's child. "I dare you to confront my parents with me! How dare you claim Xu Ge'er is yours! Can you give birth to such a beautiful ger!"

Tang Xu stood behind Liu Xiangxiang, looking past her shoulder at the furious Liu Qiaoniang. As he carefully examined her face, he noticed a striking resemblance to himself from the lower half of her face.

No wonder she looked familiar. This woman must be Xu Ge'er's blood relative, probably a close relative.

“You're talking nonsense! Why can't I give birth to a handsome boy? He's my son, I raised him!" Liu Xiangxiang's shouting escalated, drawing attention from others despite the noisy atmosphere of drinking and eating.

Tang Xu had to intervene, "If you two want everyone to know certain things, then by all means, continue shouting." Liu Xiangxiang was infuriated but had to shut her mouth.

Liu Qiaoniang also fell silent.

Tang Xu gestured to his brother, Wei Dong, then turned to the two women and said, "Let's go, find a place with fewer people, and talk."

"What's there to talk about? Why should I talk to her? If you know her, you talk to her!" Liu Xiangxiang glared angrily at Tang Xu. "You ungrateful wretch, I raised you for so many years, and you never got close to me. Now she shows up, and you want to go with her. Do you even know who she is? Aren't you afraid she'll sell you off!"

Tang Xu raised his hand and lightly tapped his chest, preventing himself from losing his temper and slapping her. 

"Mother, if you don't want to talk, you don't have to go. I actually don't want you to hear what we're going to say either." Tang Xu glanced at her coldly, then smiled at Liu Qiaoniang. "Let's go over there; fewer people pass by that area."

They went to a corner in the village road, where most people were either at home eating or preparing meals. Consequently, there weren't many people on the village road. Occasionally, one or two children would run past, heading home for dinner.

Liu Qiaoniang anxiously pursed her lips and looked at Tang Xu, asking softly, "Did you, did you already know?"

"Know what?" Tang Xu raised an eyebrow, looking amused. "Don't tell me you're my real mother; I think we're not quite compatible at this age."

"No, no, no, I'm not your mother," Liu Qiaoniang quickly waved her hand. "She's not either!"

"Well, I know that. So what?" Tang Xu appeared indifferent and unconcerned.


"I have a question. Answer me first, then talk about her." Tang Xu raised his hand to stop her and asked, "Are my biological parents dead?"

Liu Qiaoniang's eyes welled up with tears, and they streamed down her face. She didn't need to say anything; Tang Xu already knew the answer. "I, sob, I..."

Tang Xu: "..."

Speaking is such a hassle!

He's in a hurry!

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  1. Thanks for the chapter!
    Woman, talk instead of crying!

  2. Thanks for the chapter
    I am anxious to know what she will say
    Will they be siblings?


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