The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 55


| TBBOTOF | 55

The story is about Tang Erhu and Liu Xiangxiang's divorce, which has become a topic of endless gossip in the village even though several days have passed since the event. People couldn't find out the reason behind it.

They quietly signed a contract with the clan chief, and even the Tang family didn't know about it.

It was only when Liu Xiangxiang tearfully packed her things and left home that people heard some rumors.

It's impossible to ask Tang Erhu about it because he's a closed-mouth person who usually doesn't like gossip. Now that he's the subject of gossip himself, he's even less likely to say anything.

In the past, Liu Xiangxiang could still chat, but this time, she was the one involved, so she had no face to talk about it and went straight back to her mother's home.

Tang Erhu went to the old house to talk to his parents about Tang Xu's identity and the dirty things Liu Xiangxiang did. He also said that he did not want to divorce his wife because he was afraid it would affect Tang Rui.

He was scolded by his mother and kept silent with his head down.

Tang Guangliang, as the father, didn't express any opinions. He was only surprised when he first heard about it, but later, he didn't say a word.

His silence made Wu Guizhi even angrier, but she felt very sorry for Tang Xu.

"What did  Xu Ge'er say? Does he know?" 

"He knows. He didn't say much, just said that it will be the same in the future, and I'm still his father." Tang Erhu knelt on the ground and wiped his face. "I'm sorry for Xu Ge'er."

"Erhu, how can you neglect the affairs at home like this? You let Liu Xiangxiang take away all the money, is she deserving of it?" Wu Guizhi looked at him with disappointment, unable to articulate heavier words. "Alright, get up. You only come to us after everyone has left, and now you're showing some backbone!"

After leaving the old house, Tang Erho went to pick up his children and brought them back home. Although the house was a bit messy, it wasn't to the point of being unlivable.

Tang Li, with Tang Yang, cleaned both inside and outside the house, and fed the animals with bean cakes. The way the pig ate showed it was very hungry.

Early the next morning, Tang Li and Tang Yang busied themselves around the house again, finally thoroughly tidying up the entire home. 

The mule was waiting in front of their house early in the morning, even though Tang Erhu knew it recognized the way, he still found it strange to see. After eating breakfast made by his daughter, he finally went out to work without feeling hungry, of course, he was driving the donkey cart to the fields.

When those men who wanted gossip saw Tang Erhu driving the donkey cart, they were all surprised. They didn't even ask why he divorced his wife, they just stared at the sturdy donkey incessantly.

Tang Erhu saw the envy shining in their eyes, and he felt comfortable in his heart.

These past few days, how could he not know about the whispers behind people's backs? But because speaking out about this matter would definitely affect Tang Xu, who was already married, Tang Erhu couldn't possibly reveal it.

He heard the neighbors, especially those two who always eavesdropped, gossiping about him. They said he was ruthless, capable of kicking even his wife who bore him children out of the house. They even speculated that he might have his eyes on some young girl, and divorcing Liu Xiangxiang was just to make room for someone else.

Well, there were all sorts of speculations, and probably most of the villagers thought the same way.

But he didn't care. Let them say whatever they wanted.

He learned a thing or two from his child at home: no need to pay attention to idle talk from others; he would live his own life. 

"Erhu! Are you even listening? You're zoning out," the middle-aged man beside him nudged him. Tang Erhu snapped back to reality and turned to look at him, "What's the question?"

"Isn't this donkey cart your brother-in-law's? Why are you the one driving it?"

"They're afraid I'll strain myself harvesting and carrying wheat alone, so they asked me to bring the cart over to help." Tang Erhu grinned, patting the donkey's neck. The big donkey snorted twice and flicked its tail.

"This donkey looks really good, not much worse than those tall horses. This isn't a donkey, is it?"

"I don't know, they didn't tell me," Tang Erhu said as he grabbed the scythe from the back of the cart. "Alright, alright, time to work. Don't linger here."

"Don't go yet, just say a few words, it won't delay anything."

"Yeah, tell us, what's the deal with your wife? Why did you two divorce? Why didn't she argue with you?" Tang Erhu pretended not to hear and walked away.

At home, Tang Li washed the dishes, fed the pigs and chickens, and checked the vegetable garden in the front and back of the house. It had been raining frequently at night recently, so the soil was moist enough, and there was no need for extra watering.

"Sister," Tang Yang held a wooden basin with some dirty clothes inside, "I'll go wash the clothes!"

"No, I'll go," Tang Li took the basin from him, looking at him seriously. "Ah Yang, from now on, we can only rely on ourselves at home."

Tang Yang hesitated for a moment, then nodded with a serious expression. "Sister, I know. Brother has already told me. Mom won't be at home anymore, so I'll help you and Dad with the chores. I can do it!"

He patted his chest like a little adult, his childish face unusually serious.

Tang Li's nose tingled, her eyes turning red as she nodded, "I'll take care of you and Dad, Ah Yang. I'll definitely work hard to save money and find you a good wife!"

Tang Yang scoffed, "There's no wife who will be as good as Brother. I'm not getting married!" 

Tang Li abruptly stopped breathing, smacking his head with one hand, "You kid, dreaming too much!" 

Tang Yang chuckled, "Sis, you go wash the clothes, I'll go cut some grass for the pigs. Bring the fishnet Brother made for me, We can catch some small fish and shrimp to send to Brother."

"I can't manage to catch those. After you finish cutting grass, go catch them yourself. But don't go too far. Brother said not to go to deep water."

"I won't go far. I'll just catch them in the ditch." Tang Yang pouted and went to fetch the basket and knife. "Let's go, let's go together." 

Tang Li nodded, one hand holding the basin and the other carrying a small wooden bucket. "Let's go."

There was plenty of grass by the riverbank for the pigs to eat, but they also needed other food to eat besides grass. Tang Li asked Tang Xu for some soybean cakes. She planned to learn how to cook pig feed like her brother usually did, which would surely fatten up the pigs at home.

There were many people washing clothes by the river, groups of women chatting. When they saw Tang Li approaching with the basin, their eyes lit up.

On the other side, Tang Yang was surrounded by his usual playmates. However, they didn't care about the gossip of Tang Yang's parents divorcing; they were interested in other things!

"Tang Yang, aren't you helping your brother sell skewers?"

"Those skewers are really delicious. My mom is especially stingy, she only bought them for me once, just four skewers."

"Exactly, my mom is stingy too. She says everything is too expensive and won't let me buy. But I saw her secretly giving money to my big brother, and when he came back, his mouth was full of oil. I could smell it. She's just biased!"

"Your mom is like that too? I thought it was just mine. She buys for my big brother and younger brother but not for me, says it's too expensive, she scolds me too."

"My dad is the best, not biased. He buys for me and my older siblings. I like eating cold noodles! The sesame sauce is so fragrant!"

"That's not sesame sauce, it's sesame peanut sauce," Tang Yang corrected, placing the basket down and looking at the boy who spoke. "Me and my sister ground it together."

"Wow! Tang Yang, you're so talented, you can push the millstone!" The boy's eyes lit up, holding his face. The millstone was so big, and Tang Yang could push it, such strength!

Tang Yang blushed and nodded, thinking to himself, "I pushed the small millstone, but I'm still very talented!"

"Tang Yang, are you staying at home now? Is your brother's skewer stand still open?"

"Definitely open, how could they not open when it's so profitable."

"I didn't ask you, I asked Tang Yang!"

Tang Yang scratched his head, not entirely sure if it was open or not. But since he hadn't heard his brother say it wasn't, he said, "It's open, but if only Brother Xi is skewering, there might not be as many skewers. If you want to eat, it's better to go early and queue up. There are also plenty of skewers to buy in the back village."

"It's too far. If you could open one here, it would be great. It's so hot, and walking over makes you all sweaty."

"Yeah, last time I almost fainted on the way, but being able to eat skewers makes me happy."

Tang Yang listened to their chatter, nodding in agreement. "I also wish my brother could open one here, but it's definitely not possible. My family doesn't have that much stuff. I won't talk to you anymore, I need to cut grass for the pigs and go catch some small fish and shrimp."

He walked towards the tall grass with the basket, holding a sickle in his hand, not very skilled but cutting the grass meticulously. 

Unlike the harmonious atmosphere here, Tang Li's situation was different. When several older women saw her, they exchanged glances and squinted their eyes.

"Why is Ah Li washing clothes alone? Why isn't your mom here?"

"Oh, don't you know? Tang Erhu divorced Liu Xiangxiang!"

"Divorced? Is it true? Why?"

"Oh, how would I know why? If you want to know, why don't you go ask yourself?"

"Liu Xiangxiang isn't here, who else can I ask? Should I go ask Tang Erhu?"

"Ask Ah Li, Ah Li definitely knows."

Tang Li listened to their exchange with amusement.

Without waiting for them to ask, she turned and said, "I don't know either. If you aunties want to know, ask my dad. Why ask me? My brother said, as the younger generation, we shouldn't worry about our elders, but should worry more about yourselves."

After saying this, she carried the basin to a shaded area and began washing clothes.

The women were stunned by her words. They realized she was rebuking them, and they were all surprised. Wasn't this the same timid Ah Li?

How did she suddenly change?

"Ah  Li, look at what you're saying. We're just concerned about your mother! This woman, when she gets older and loses the support of her husband's family, her future won't be easy!"

"Yeah, how can you be so indifferent? Your mother raised you up for nothing!"

"We're just showing concern, and look at how you're reacting!"

Tang Li chuckled coldly, not stopping her movements of pounding the clothes. She simply said, "Oh, then thank you for your concern, Aunties. I'm still young and can't manage those things."

Upon hearing Tang Li's response, the group realized they wouldn't get any information from her, so they decided to ask about something else.

"Ah Li, if you don't know what's going on with your mother, then you must know about your brother, right? Hasn't he said anything about this?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard anything," Tang Li was annoyed by them. She just wanted to finish washing the clothes quickly and go home. She decided she wouldn't come to wash clothes by the riverbank again. She'd rather come back and forth multiple times to fetch water.

"Tang Xu's business seems quite profitable, doesn't it? I've seen many people go to eat there."

"Of course, it's profitable. Who wouldn't do it if it doesn't make money, especially in this hot weather!"

"That's right. I've seen baskets full of copper coins!"

Tang Li rolled her eyes. Baskets full of copper coins? How many copper coins could fit in one basket? If her brother could earn a basket of copper coins in a day, she'd be overjoyed for him!

"Really? That must be quite profitable!"

"Oh, I didn't realize Tang Xu had such skill. I've never heard about it before."

"Yeah, that's right. Have you all tried it? My kid is craving it so badly, always asking me for copper coins. I haven't found anything particularly delicious about it."

"I've tried it, it's quite tasty, but expensive."

"Ah Li, we're all from the same village. We've watched you grow up. Could you tell Tang Xu to lower the price a bit? I'd buy more if it were cheaper."

Tang Li chuckled, throwing the clothes she had finished pounding into the basin and picking up another to continue. As she pounded, she said, "Auntie, I can't agree with that. The prices are all set by my brother. If you think it's too expensive, then don't buy it. If you buy less, others can buy more skewers."

"Why are you speaking so harshly, you little girl! If I buy more, your brother can sell out earlier."

Tang Li gave her a disdainful glance, full of mockery. "Whether you buy or not, he sells quickly. If you think it's expensive, others don't. Besides, my brother is skilled. He never worries about selling his skewers. He's just running a stall at our doorstep. It's not tiring for him to close it a bit later."

She finished speaking, and her pounding speed increased noticeably.

"Earning copper coins really changes a person. You're so tough now!"

"Let it go, let it go. If they look down on us, we just won't buy."

"Yeah, on such a hot day, I can't be bothered to walk far anyway!"

"Mom! Mom! Quickly give me some copper coins! Tang Yang said his brother's skewer stall might not have as many skewers to sell. If I want to eat, I have to go early and queue up. Give me ten copper coins, I want to buy more skewers, and also a bowl of cold noodles!"

"Mom, I want copper coins too! I want to go buy too!"

"Mom, hurry back home. Dad said we're having wine for lunch, and he wants you to buy cold noodles with sesame and peanut sauce!"

Suddenly, the children who came running to ask for copper coins were all around half-grown. 

After chatting with Tang Yang just now, they immediately ran over to their mothers who were washing clothes to ask for money. They weren't afraid of the long journey or the hot weather; they were afraid of not being able to eat skewers and cold noodles!

Tang Li squatted nearby, watching as those women who had just said they wouldn't buy skewers went through various expressions of embarrassment and frustration. She couldn't help but chuckle, pounding the clothes with even more vigor.

Well, talk is cheap, but cravings are real. Who knew?

The women grumbled and scolded their children before sending them away, feeling too embarrassed to approach Tang Li again.

Tang Li finished washing the clothes, carrying the basin and looking around. She spotted her brother not far away by the small stream and called out, "Ah Yang, let’s go!"

Tang Yang waved back at his sister and replied, "Coming!"

The siblings headed home. Upon arrival, Tang Li started preparing lunch while Tang Yang went to hang up the clothes, swept the pigsty, and collected three eggs from the chicken coop.

"Sis, our hen didn't lay any eggs yesterday, and today it only laid three. It must be hungry," Tang Yang remarked.

"It's okay, we'll feed it for a couple of days, and it should be fine. We still have eggs anyway. I'll fry them later. Could you help me pick a couple of cucumbers and chop some cabbage? I'll make cabbage and potato soup," Tang Li said, looking at her brother somewhat hesitantly. "Is that alright?"

"Yeah, sis, you looked just like brother just now," Tang Yang chuckled. 

Tang Li chuckled too, "I'm not as good at cooking as brother."

"It's okay, it's still better than mom's."

Tang Erhu drove the donkey cart back home, pushing bundles of wheat straw on the cart. If this were in the past, he would have to make six trips to bring all these wheat straws back home.

"Erhu, having a cart is so convenient!"

"Also help me carry one load!" 

Tang Erhu waved his hand, "Carry it yourself, my brother-in-law's donkey can't be overworked." 

After saying this, he gently patted the donkey's rear and shouted, "Go home!"

The big  mule trotted off down the village road. Tang Erhu realized it was going the wrong way and hurriedly patted it again, "Wrong way, wrong way, go to my house, not yours."

The mule snorted and changed direction, heading back.

Tang Erhu nodded approvingly as he grabbed the wheat ears. This animal was indeed quite smart.

As the cart reached the front gate of the house, Tang Yang was pulling weeds in the vegetable garden. He heard the commotion and looked up, locking eyes with his father.

"Dad!" Tang Yang threw down the weeds and ran over. "Sis is almost done cooking, Dad. I'll help you unload the cart." Tang Erhu patted his son's shoulder, not saying anything, but feeling a pang of emotion inside.

Tang Li heard the commotion and came out from the kitchen, wiping her hands as she came to help. "Once we unload the cart, we can eat. Ah Yang, feed the big donkey with the grass you cut and the soybean cakes. Then give it two radishes, Brother said it likes to nibble on radishes."

"I got it, Sis." Tang Yang patted the sturdy thigh of the donkey and smiled, "Thank you, Big Donkey, for your hard work!"

Tang Erhu, with his two children, unloaded all the wheat straws from the cart onto the large flat ground. In every household's courtyard, there was a designated area for drying grains, with bundles of wheat straws piled up on the ground, ready to be dried after lunch.

After lunch, Tang Erhu didn't rest. He went out again with the cart. Tang Li and Tang Yang spread the wheat straws on the ground to dry. As they were busy, they heard someone push open the courtyard door.

The siblings turned around, surprised.

When Liu Xiangxiang saw them at home, she rushed over and hugged Tang Yang, starting to cry.

"Tang Yang, your father doesn't want your mother anymore. You finally came back home. Mother thought she'd never see you again!"

"Your father kicked your mother out of the house. You won't have a mother anymore!" 

Tang Yang was dumbfounded, standing there in a daze for a long time without coming to his senses.

Tang Li was also startled. She quickly reached out and pulled her brother forcefully out of their mother's embrace, then stood in front of him, shielding him. "Mother, you scared Ah Yang."

Liu Xiangxiang's eyes flashed with anger, and she raised her hand to slap Tang Li's face. "You ungrateful wretch, I am your mother, how dare you talk to me like that!" The slap landed squarely on Tang Li's face, stunning her for a moment.

Tang Yang felt sorry for his sister, but he reacted quickly. He pushed Liu Xiangxiang away. "Don't hit my sister!"

Liu Xiangxiang didn't expect her youngest son to push her. She staggered back two steps, shouting sharply, "You ungrateful brat, how dare you defy me! You are being unfilial!"

"What's unfilial about me?" Tang Yang shouted back, pulling at his collar. Despite being shorter in stature, his spirit was not lacking. "You're being unfilial by pushing me! You're not my mother!" Liu Xiangxiang raised her hand to hit him.

Tang Li hurriedly pulled her brother into her arms, turning her back to shield him. "Even if you're our mother, you can't just hit people at will! You only came back because Father isn't home!"

Liu Xiangxiang was struck by the truth in Tang Li's words. Her grip tightened, and she said fiercely, "You're talking nonsense! You've learned to be unruly from that bastard who's causing problems in our family! I've raised that ungrateful wretch for so many years!"

"He's not an ungrateful wretch!"

"He's not a bastard!"

The siblings shouted at her simultaneously.

Liu Xiangxiang was stunned, covering her face as tears flowed. Tang Li and Tang Yang watched her cry, neither of them moving.

"If it weren't for him, your father and I wouldn't have divorced!"

"He's already married and doesn't care about my well-being. I should have killed him back then! I shouldn't have fed him even if I had to sacrifice my last meal!"

"Now he's satisfied and happy!"

"Our family fell apart because of him! You two ungrateful wretches, you only care about him even though we've given you everything. Be careful, or else he might sell you out!"

"He's just a bastard! He's an ungrateful wretch! He's doomed to a short life!"

Tang Yang was furious, panting heavily as he shouted at her, "My brother is the best! He would never sell me out! He's the one who saved my life! You can't talk about him like that!"

"Fine, you ungrateful brat! You dare shout at me for that bastard! You unfilial child, I should just beat you to death!" Liu Xiangxiang raised her hand to hit Tang Yang, but before the slap could land, it was stopped by Wei Dong.

She was startled, turning her head to look, her eyes widening in shock.

Tang Yang and Tang Li saw the tall figure of Wei Dong and couldn't help but call out "Brother-in-law" with red eyes.

Tang Yang rushed forward, clinging to Wei Dong's legs and crying loudly, "Brother-in-law, if you hadn't come, both my sister and I would have been beaten to death! Mom has gone crazy! Wahhhhh!"

Wei Dong's eyelids twitched slightly as he glanced at him. Tang Yang immediately quieted down, but he didn't let go of Wei Dong's leg.

Liu Xiangxiang struggled a bit but couldn't break free. Frustrated and ashamed, she even began to scold Wei Dong. However, as soon as she opened her mouth, she found Wei Dong turning his face towards her, his eyes unusually cold.

In an instant, she backed down, all her words swallowed back.

With a flick of his hand, Wei Dong tossed Liu Xiangxiang aside like a piece of rag.

"Ouch!" Liu Xiangxiang cried out in pain.

"You... you've crossed the line!" She clutched her side and pointed at Wei Dong, trembling with anger. "I was disciplining my son, who are you to interfere! And you dare to hit me! You're really lawless! Someone stop him!"

She yelled at the top of her lungs, but there was no response from outside the door. Wei Dong looked on coldly as she ranted.

Liu Xiangxiang turned to look outside and saw a pair of feet and half a leg outside the courtyard gate, lying in an awkward position.

Startled, she forgot about yelling at Wei Dong and rushed outside, "Big brother! Big brother! What happened to you! Wake up!" She screamed, pushing at the person as if in mourning, "Someone's been killed! Someone's been killed!"

Tang Li and Tang Yang also ran out and saw their rarely seen uncle from the Liu family.

Liu Tieshu was awakened by his own sister's wails, struggling to sit up. He propped himself up with one hand while rubbing the back of his neck with the other, grimacing, "Ouch, ouch, ouch, who hit me?"

In fact, many people had heard Liu Xiangxiang's noisy shouting just now, and residents from various households had come out to watch the commotion. Some even wanted to help the fallen Liu Tieshu, but they were stopped.

"Are you trying to die? Don't you see who's standing there?"


"It's Xu Ge'ers husband, Wei Dong!"

Those who had considered offering help immediately withdrew, realizing they didn't know the individuals involved. It was one thing to watch from a distance, but getting involved risked getting beaten by Wei Dong, which nobody wanted.

So, even though Liu Xiangxiang's throat was dry from all her yelling, no one came forward to intervene.

Wei Dong wasn't in the mood to listen to her complaints. He glanced at Liu Tieshu and spoke coldly, "This person was sneaking around my father-in-law's house like a thief. I thought he was a burglar, so just giving him a knife to scare him off was already generous. What's your relationship with him? Are you accomplices?"

Then, he turned to Tang Yang and said, "Go, bring your father back from the fields. Let him see if anything valuable is missing from the house. Ah Li go find the village chief and the head of the Tang family. We need them as witnesses. We can't afford to be accused of wrongly accusing him."

Tang Yang and Tang Li nodded and were about to run out. Liu Xiangxiang's face turned pale with fright. She quickly reached out to stop them, "You're asking for death! This is your eldest uncle, my own big brother! How could he be a thief? It's a misunderstanding! He came with me!"

Wei Dong leaned lazily against the door frame with his arms crossed, chuckling sarcastically, "Oh, you deliberately chose a time when father-in-law is not home to do more work, brought your big brother along, carrying an empty bamboo basket on your back, and came to their siblings' door, hitting and cursing at them. So, you two didn't come to steal, you came to rob, huh? You think because they gave you face, you can act tough? My husband is easygoing, but I'm not." 

He pushed Liu Xiangxiang aside and glanced at the visibly shocked siblings, "Go, call someone." With a fierce demeanor, it was clear that Wei Dong heard every curse Liu Xiangxiang directed at Tang Xu in the courtyard. Tang Yang shuddered and pulled his sister away, running off.

Liu Tieshu regretted it deeply. If it weren't for coveting that big pig and those hens, he wouldn't have been persuaded by Liu Xiangxiang to come along.

Now, not only did they fail to accomplish their task, but he also got into trouble himself. "Let's leave right away, right away," Liu Tieshu pulled Liu Xiangxiang closer. 

Wei Dong's voice turned cold, "Who's letting you leave? Do you think this is still your home, where you can come and go as you please?" 

Liu Xiangxiang's body stiffened, looking at Wei Dong in disbelief, "What are you trying to do?"

"You'll find out soon." Wei Dong looked towards the crowd who were sneakily watching the commotion. Those who caught his gaze immediately averted their heads.

"Oh my, Wei Dong is so bold, not giving Liu Xiangxiang any face!"

"She deserves it. You can tell she's up to no good as soon as she came back this time."

"Well, Xu Ge'er's mother is involved in this. How is Xu Ge'er going to deal with this loss of face?"

"You never know for sure. I heard Liu Xiangxiang cursing someone as a short-lived ghost earlier. Considering her temper, she was probably cursing Xu Ge'er."

"No wonder Wei Dong is angry. Why did Liu Xiangxiang pick on Xu Ge'er to curse? He's been filial to her, what else does she want?"

"Shh, quiet, Tang Erhu is back."

Tang Erhu hurried back with a mule cart, and there were three bundles of wheat on the cart.

It wasn't Tang Yang who went to call him, as someone saw Liu Xiangxiang walking with her brother towards this direction so they kindly went to the field to call Tang Erhu.

Tang Yang sat on the cart and had already explained the situation to Tang Erhu.

At this moment, the middle-aged man's face was incredibly ugly. He came over and grabbed Liu Xiangxiang, angrily saying, "Have you no end to your greed? You've taken all the money from home, what else do you want?"

"I fed those pigs and chickens! They belong to me!" Liu Xiangxiang reached out to grab him. "I didn't want to be separated from you. I only took twenty taels of silver. I've served you for twenty years, is that only worth twenty taels of silver?"

Tang Erhu was so furious his chest hurt. He raised his hand and slapped her across the face in a fit of rage. "Only twenty taels of silver? I regret listening to A'Rui's nonsense. I should have divorced you long ago!"

"You have no shame. I can't imagine what I've been sleeping with for these twenty years. You're insane!"

Liu Xiangxiang screamed and rushed at him, only to be knocked down by Tang Erhu's slap again.

The clan leader arrived even faster than the village head because he lived nearby. Seeing Tang Erhu hitting Liu Xiangxiang outside the courtyard, he hurried over to stop him. "Erhu, Erhu, calm down. Do you want to kill her?"

"Yes! I should just kill her!" Tang Erhu's eyes were bloodshot, breathing heavily like a bull.

The patriarch of the Tang family was seventy years old this year and was in good health possibly due to years of hard work in the fields. Despite that, his face bore deep wrinkles.

He already knew the reasons behind Tang Erhu and Liu Xiangxiang's separation, and seeing Liu Xiangxiang now filled him with nothing but disdain.


The Village Chief Wei was sixty-seven this year and lived in the center of the village. When he arrived, he came in a bullock cart driven by his son. Not only that, but he was also followed by several curious onlookers.

"What's going on, Ah Li? Who hit you?"

"What's the big deal? Why did they have to call the village chief?"

"Ah Li, say something. Why is this child suddenly silent?"

Tang Li sat quietly in the bullock cart with her head down, not uttering a word.

The Village Chief Wei sat beside her, sighed, and said to those inquiring, "You all seem to have too much time on your hands. Go back to work in the fields and stop crowding around here!"

Nobody left. After all, it was scorching hot under the midday sun, and they would only head to the fields later in the day, not wanting to waste any time.

The Village Chief Wei looked at Tang Li and asked her softly, "Good girl, I've heard about your parents' separation and the division of property. Why is your mother causing a scene again?"

Tang Li shook her head. "I don't know."

When Village Chief Wei arrived, there were already many people gathered in front of Tang Erhu's house, but the main characters were absent. 

He followed Tang Li into the courtyard, where the cries from inside were loud enough to be heard without standing directly in front of the main house. Liu Xiangxiang seemed to have lost her mind, screaming and cursing loudly, causing a headache for the clan leader.

Upon hearing the sound of the door opening, several people inside turned to look, relieved to see the village chief arriving. The clan leader sighed in relief. "The village chief is here, Liu Xiangxiang, shut up!"

Liu Xiangxiang didn't care anymore. She was determined to take all her belongings with her.

"It doesn't matter who comes!" With a swollen face, she shouted at Tang Erhu, "I'm telling you, if you don't let me take the pigs and chickens today, I'll hang myself here!"

Tang Erhu held his chest with one hand, trembling as he pointed at Liu Xiangxiang, too angry to utter a word. Liu Xiangxiang looked at him triumphantly, then turned to meet Wei Dong's cold gaze.

She hesitated for a moment, then squared her shoulders, cursing at Wei Dong, "You're just like that short-lived ghost! Neither of you are good people! Let me tell you, I'm not afraid of you! I raised him, and he owes me for that! When I'm old, he has to take care of me! Otherwise, I'll sue him for being unfilial! I'll make the county magistrate whip him to death!"

Wei Dong raised an eyebrow, suddenly smiling as he asked her, "You just said, if you don't get the pigs and chickens, what will you do?" 

"If I don't get them, I'll hang myself here!" Liu Xiangxiang screamed at him, her face contorted in madness.

Wei Dong nodded and looked around. Not finding any rope inside, he opened the door and pulled down the clothesline.

The patriarch and the village chief, standing by the door, were startled by his actions. Before they could ask, they watched in shock as Wei Dong entered the room and directly wrapped the clothesline around Liu Xiangxiang's neck, crossing his hands and tightening it.

"Eugh!!! Eugh eugh eugh!!!" Liu Xiangxiang instantly struggled to breathe, her face turning red.

The village chief was terrified, rushing forward to grab Wei Dong's arm and angrily shouting, "Wei Dong, what are you doing! You're committing murder! You'll have to pay with your life if you kill her!"

Wei Dong ignored him, asking Liu Xiangxiang, "Didn't you want to die? I'm granting your wish. I'll pay with my life for yours, it's no problem for me anyway."

Liu Xiangxiang kicked her legs, her eyes rolling wildly.

Tang Erhu was also shocked, quickly coming over to pat Wei Dong's shoulder. "Dongzi, don't do this. If you pay with your life, how will Xu Ge'er handle it? He'll be heartbroken!"

Wei Dong grunted, "You're right."

He let go of her.

Liu Xiangxiang's body immediately collapsed to the ground, clutching her neck and coughing violently, retching intermittently.

Wei Dong bent down, leaning closer to her with a smile. "Feeling comfortable? Still want to use death to intimidate anyone? You could have obediently gone through the divorce with your father, Xu Ge'er even thought it was a good idea to preserve your reputation. 

At least, it would have been easier for you to remarry in the future. But it seems you don't care about your reputation, and you won't get the pigs and chickens either. Here," he tossed the clothesline he was holding in front of Liu Xiangxiang, "Hang yourself, quickly. Once you're dead, we can hurry back home to eat stewed lamb."

Liu Xiangxiang was so frightened by him that she couldn't even make a sound aside from coughing.

Seeing her motionless for a while, Wei Dong picked up the clothesline again, shaking it in front of her and raising his hand to point at the ceiling. "Need a hand? You can choose which room's beam you like, and I'll help you hang the rope up."

Liu Xiangxiang screamed in terror, while Liu Tieshu's legs trembled uncontrollably. He dared not move a muscle, fearing that the next one to be choked might be himself.

The village chief and the patriarch exchanged a sigh, simultaneously expressing their resignation.

Indeed, when facing Wei Dong's threats and brutality, it was akin to playing with fire. He had played this game several years ago, and if you couldn't outwit him, you'd end up in his grip.

Wei Dong took out three taels of silver from his money pouch and threw them in front of Liu Xiangxiang, along with the clothesline.

"Consider this silver as compensation for raising Tang Xu all these years. From now on, if you or anyone from your family dares to enter the village or cause trouble for any member of this family again, and I find out about it, I'll come to your house to deal with you. Do you understand?"

Liu Xiangxiang and Liu Tieshu nodded repeatedly, trembling like chickens with their necks wrung, unable to utter a single word.

"Get out." Wei Dong turned coldly, he beckoned Tang Yang and Tang Li over.

He pointed at Liu Xiangxiang, who had picked up the silver pieces from the ground and stood up to run away, and said, "Remember, your mother is dead, you no longer have a mother. From now on, you only have your father, your elder brother, and your brother-in-law. Understand?"

The siblings nodded vigorously, their faces pale.

Sobbing, they understood. Elder brother, save us, brother-in-law is so scary!!!!! 


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  1. Thanks for the chapter!
    That worthless woman...

  2. Why preserve her reputation? Just let the whole world know what kind of wench she is, taking other people child and then mistreating them 💀

    1. then the whole village will gossip about the situation, wei dong doesn't want tang xu to be a topic for them to gossip 1) considering how wei dong prob thinks he was actually mistreated, he didn't want them to bring up old scars 2) people are going to judge that situation based on their experience... some may even pity lxx

  3. That's the way to deal with that kind of person.. Hmmp. shameless woman.. 🤬
    thank you for the update.. 🐾

  4. Many may say that violence is not the solution, but the reality is that there are people who do not understand otherwise 😤

    Thanks for the update!!

  5. My man was on some “don't talk about it, be about it” s*%t. I stan :)


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