The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 61


| TBBOTOF | 61

The two elderly individuals from the Wei family hadn't anticipated this situation. 

As the sun rose high in the sky, Wei Dong and Tang Xu still hadn't returned. They were left exposed to the sun, thirsty, and hungry, having already finished the water they brought with them.

Originally, they hadn't planned on waiting indefinitely. They assumed that after so many years without contact, perhaps the grudge held by Wei Dong and Wei Xi against them wasn't as strong anymore. They expected to be allowed into the courtyard at least.

However, with Wei Dong absent and Wei Xi denying their relationship, it only fueled the resentment in Chen Xiufeng's heart even more so for Wei Xiaoyuan, along with the other men of his generation, all had "xiao" in their names.

Although it was said to be based on generational ranking, in reality, it was just a few households with literate individuals who gave their children such names. In the village, they believed in giving humble names for easier upbringing. Even dogs were given names, and shouting "Gouzi" could not only summon a group of children but also beckon any wandering dogs without leashes.

Realizing they couldn't wait indefinitely, and being of advanced age, they couldn't afford to waste time. Reluctant to return home just yet, they decided to visit their daughter's house for a meal before returning to wait.

Wei Zhonghong didn't know they were coming over. She got married early and didn't pay much attention to her parents' affairs. Although they lived in the same village, it wasn't really close. Besides holidays, there was hardly any movement.

When the two of them suddenly arrived, it happened to be mealtime. Wei Zhonghong could guess why they came with just a little thought.

Her expression immediately turned sour, but in front of her husband and son's family, she didn't say anything. She just served two bowls of thin porridge and two large steamed buns.

On the table, there was a dish of scrambled eggs with chives, a dish of pickled cabbage stir-fry, and a bowl of pickled cucumbers.

Chen Xiufen saw that everyone was eating vegetarian dishes, and the only dish with scrambled eggs was placed in front of Wei Shi, who was pregnant.

She curled her lips, full of disdain, and said, "Zhonghong, how can you be such a mother? Your daughter-in-law is pregnant, why didn't you make some meat dishes for her? You have so many chickens, what's there to hesitate about killing one to stew? "

Everyone at the table stopped eating because of these words.

Wei Shi thought to herself, This old woman really has the nerve to say that. If it weren't for the chickens you raised, would you care? Those chickens lay an egg a day, much more valuable than you think! 

She peeked at her mother-in-law while pretending to drink the porridge, and saw her still with a stern face, picking up some pickled cabbage with her chopsticks and putting it in her mouth. She became cautious.

Sure enough, after her mother-in-law finished chewing and swallowed, she wiped her mouth and said to her daughter-in-law.

"If you don't like vegetarian dishes, go back to your own home and let your eldest daughter-in-law cook chicken for you. My family members aren't that greedy. When we want to eat eggs, we eat them. We can't afford to be picky." Wei Zhonghong finished speaking, ignoring her mother's reaction and turned to others, saying indifferently, "Hurry up and eat, finish quickly and go rest. Get to work in the fields early, don't waste time idling around every day. I'm exhausted from working both inside and outside the house every day, and you all just add to my troubles."

The Wu family father and son quietly drank their porridge, eating quickly.

Not for anything else, just to avoid angering their daughter-in-law (mother).

As soon as these words were spoken, not only did Chen Xiufen's face turn ugly, but Wei Xiaoyuan's expression also darkened.

However, the two of them suppressed their anger. After all, today was unexpected, they came without notice, and on top of that, their mother was being picky. It would be strange if their daughter, who had been managing the household for many years, was willing to listen to such complaints.

Wei Xiaoyuan moved his leg and nudged his wife, signaling her to shut up!

Chen Xiufen was extremely angry. Her daughter had always had a strong temper since she was young and was very opinionated. Initially, they hadn't considered the Wu family, who seemed to lack capability. But in the end, their daughter fell for him and insisted on marrying into that family.

Having managed the household for many years, her temper had only grown stronger, and she wouldn't tolerate any interference.

With resentment in her heart, Chen Xiufen didn't slow down her eating pace at all. She kept scooping up the scrambled eggs with her chopsticks. Wei Shi was equally furious, forcefully picking up the eggs too.

The meal was eaten in discomfort, with nobody feeling at ease.

"Where's your youngest son? Why haven't we seen him?" After finishing the meal, Wei Xiaoyuan asked.

Wei Zhonghong, watching her two daughters-in-law clearing the table, thought of their youngest son, who had run off to work and earn money, and replied irritably, "He went out to work and earn some silver!"

"Where did he go?" Chen Xiufen's voice brightened at the mention of earning money. 

Wei Zhonghong stood up and waved her hand, "I don't know. Mom and Dad, why did you come over?" 

Wei Xiaoyuan glanced at Chen Xiufen, signaling her to speak.

Chen Xiufen thought for a moment. She knew what was going on. Over the years, her daughter had a good relationship with those unlucky-in-life relatives, always helping them out in one way or another. But she never saw her daughter help her own family, the nerve! 

With these thoughts, her tone turned unfriendly and straightforward, "Wei Dong has made your second sister-in-law sick, they spent quite a sum of money on treatment. Even though she's awake now, she can't get out of bed. 

Wei Dong has to compensate! Your second brother is very honest, saying it's okay, and doesn't  blame him. But if it's not his fault, then whose is it? Your father and I are here to demand money from him!"

Wei Zhonghong almost rolled her eyes at her mother. She really had to bring this up.

"Mom, you two don't need to go. Even if you go, it's useless. Dongzi won't give any money." After all, she was her mother; she couldn't be too harsh.

But Chen Xiufen didn't think she wouldn't get any money. She had heard that Wei Dong was rich now, very rich. She didn't believe that if she and her husband went to his doorstep, he wouldn't give them money!

Wei Zhonghong tried to dissuade them, but they didn't listen. Watching them leave, saying they were going to confront someone, she thought for a moment, then called her youngest son over and gave him some instructions.

Wu Hong, the youngest son of the Wu family, hesitated after listening to his mother's words and said, "Can I just tell my cousin directly like this?"

What did his mother say?

She said, "You go down the mountain path and wait for your cousin. They're probably going up the mountain. You intercept him and tell him that your grandparents are here and want to demand money from him. Make sure he doesn't give it. If he can avoid it, then he should. They're getting old, don't let him really anger them to death."

Wei Zhonghong raised her hand to smack him on the back of his head and scowled, "What's wrong with you? Hurry up and go, don't miss the opportunity again."

Wu Hong rubbed the back of his head, muttered an acknowledgment, and ran off.

Up on the mountain, after digging up quite a few bamboo shoots, Tang Xu and his companion found a patch of wild chrysanthemum flowers. Many of them were still in bud, perfect for picking. Tang Xu immediately started picking them, relishing the crisp sound of the stems breaking.

Just this patch of wild chrysanthemums alone could fill a large sack. Tang Xu wasn't the least bit reserved, ensuring that wherever his hand reached, it practically guaranteed a fruitful harvest.

"Are you planning to sun-dry all of these?" Whenever the sun was shining brightly, Tang Xu's family would have various large bamboo curtains covered with gauze in their courtyard. There was nothing they couldn't sun-dry if Tang Xu thought of it.

This was the first time Wei Dong had heard of using gauze to cover things when sun-drying fish. He also noticed that Tang Xu had sewn two hanging sun-drying nets, three layers each, during the time they were drying fish. It attracted a swarm of flies during the fish-drying process, but the flies couldn't get through the gauze.

"Your gauze nets are really clean."

Tang Xu didn't even lift his head, just made a light snort, "I plan to go back and make a few fly traps. We need to put more of them near the chicken coop; otherwise, there will be too many flies."

It was a common problem when raising livestock and poultry at home—too many flies buzzing around, which could be quite annoying.

"How do you make them?" Wei Dong asked.

"You cut down a thicker piece of bamboo. I'll try it out when we get back," Tang Xu replied. He had made fly traps using plastic bottles before, but this would be his first time trying it with bamboo tubes. He wanted to give it a try first before deciding.

Tang Xu casually grabbed some grass and leaves, weaving them into a grass hat and plopping it onto Wei Dong's head. Wei Dong shook his head, looking disgusted, took it off, and Tang Xu placed it back on Wei Dong's head.

"You wear it, I won't. It's a hassle," Wei Dong said.

Tang Xu clicked his tongue, sliding his fingers down Wei Dong's face and pointing out, "Look, it's all oily. You're already sunburnt from the oil, you know?"

Wei Dong grunted and picked up the cloth hanging around his neck, casually wiping his face, "I'm used to the sun. If you can't stand it, you wear it."

Tang Xu sighed, "Fine, I'll wear it. After all, I'm delicate and tender."

"When we go to the county again, I'll buy you a copper mirror," Wei Dong said, taking out a big package from his basket and taking a bite, "Do you want some?"

"I'm not hungry. I steamed two pots of buns this morning and told Wei Xi we wouldn't be back for lunch. We took the buns and went straight up the mountain," Tang Xu replied.

The mule, attracted by the smell of food, trotted over. Tang Xu glanced at it and warned Wei Dong, "Don't give it any."

Wei Dong grunted and pushed the eager mule away, glaring at it. The mule snorted discontentedly and stomped at the ground.

"You go eat grass over there. There's plenty of fresh grass for you," Tang Xu pushed it towards the other side.

The mule snorted again.

Tang Xu tilted his head and asked Wei Dong, "Did you notice? Its voice is much lower when it's talking to you compared to when it's talking to me." 

Wei Dong, with a big bun in his mouth, finished it and grabbed another one, nodding in agreement. 

Tang Xu cast a sideways glance at the stubborn mule, ignoring it, and continued picking wild chrysanthemums. Meanwhile, Wei Dong checked a few traps and returned somewhat disappointed.

"No big prey, just two rabbits and two mountain chickens," he reported.

The rabbits were caught in traps, while the mountain chickens were shot with a slingshot on his way back.

Tang Xu shoved the half-eaten bun into Wei Dong's mouth and chuckled, "The weather's too hot. They've probably gone to cooler places early. Don't be discouraged. Maybe we'll catch them again in a few days."

Wei Dong raised an eyebrow, chewing on the delicious bun. He wanted to say that there were indeed few big prey animals in Yuanbao Mountain, but there should be traps on the other side of Xiaoyou Mountain. 

However, Tang Xu had been excitedly picking fruits just now, so he didn't go there.

Wei Dong was thinking that when he escorts Tang Xu back, he can come back up later to see if there were any prey, After all, his family had a particularly cold cellar now. They could put the catch in there to freeze overnight, and then sell it the next day.

They had quite a haul. As they descended the mountain, they ran into several village women who said they had come to dig bamboo shoots. Tang Xu pointed in a direction and said there were plenty of bamboo shoots over there; they had just dug up quite a few.

When he said "quite a few," he meant it. Both of their large bamboo baskets were filled to the brim, all loaded onto the mule's back.

They also had a large sack of fruits, another sack of wild chrysanthemums, various mushrooms in Tang Xu's backpack, and the two rabbits and two mountain chickens in Wei Dong's backpack.

They had a fruitful half-day. The village women who had come up the mountain were all very envious. 

"When we go back, I'll fry some mushrooms with sauce.” They can last for a while in the cellar without spoiling.

"It looks like most of the crops in the field are ready for harvest. We can blanch and freeze the green beans and such. Did you check the cellar this morning? Is the area we cleared out freezing well?"

"We'll clear out the ice when winter comes. Once it snows, we can freeze things outside directly. The cellar needs to be warmer. What should we use for heating in our house during winter? Corn cobs or wood?" Tang Xu muttered to himself as he walked, while Wei Dong occasionally responded with "yes" or "okay."

"We'll use both. Whatever is available. If it's not too cold during winter, we'll only need to burn something when we sleep at night. But Wei Xi's room needs to be heated constantly. We should start stocking up on firewood soon. I'll clean out the woodshed and store more," Tang Xu calculated. With so many rooms in the house, they needed to utilize them properly. They couldn't let Wei Dong's tools take up all the space.

Wei Dong grunted in agreement.

Tang Xu walked with his head down, muttering to himself as he went, "Didn't I ask Ah Yang to help catch small fish and shrimp? But lately, he's been busy earning money with Ah Li and hasn't had time to go to the river to catch them. Should I ask the two grandsons from aunties's family to help instead? But I'm worried they might get into trouble at the river. If something dangerous happens, I'll regret it."

"Or maybe you could..."

"Brother Dong!"

Tang Xu was interrupted mid-sentence. He looked up and blinked, wondering who it was. Why did they look so familiar? He squinted his eyes, carefully examining the person. The more he looked, the more familiar they seemed.

"Who is it?" Tang Xu nudged Wei Dong.

Wei Dong glanced back at him and said, "It's Wu Weiming's younger brother, Wu Hong." Tang Xu opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

No wonder he looked familiar; the two brothers did have a resemblance.

Wu Hong ran over, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He grinned at Wei Dong, but when he saw Tang Xu, he visibly froze for a moment, his eyes darting around, his expression showing a hint of nervousness.

Tang Xu raised an eyebrow, finding the situation quite amusing. He flashed a friendly smile at Wu Hong, causing Wu Hong's face to instantly turn red. Wei Dong glanced at Tang Xu, his gaze cold and sharp.

Be careful! No flirting around.

Tang Xu was speechless. He didn't flirt? He had only greeted Wu Hong innocently.

"Did you come here specifically to find me?" Wei Dong asked Wu Hong, taking a step to completely block Tang Xu behind him. 

Wu Hong snapped out of his daze and quickly nodded, "My mother asked me to wait for you at the foot of the mountain, but I wanted to come up and try my luck." Wei Dong nodded, prompting him to continue.

Wu Hong clearly understood Wei Dong's demeanor and got straight to the point.

"Grandpa and Grandma have come. They said they're going to your house to ask you for money. My mother suggested that you avoid them, so as not to run into them," Wu Hong explained. 

When he saw that Wei Dong remained indifferent with no reaction, Wu Hong added, "My mother is worried that you might anger them."

Tang Xu chuckled and poked Wei Dong's back playfully.

Wei Dong reached out and grabbed Tang Xu's hand that was causing mischief, nodding at Wu Hong. "Got it." 

Wu Hong was puzzled. Was that it? Was Wei Dong agreeing to avoid them? It didn't seem like it. 

Wei Dong tugged on the rope in his hand, prompting the mule, which was grazing, to lift its head, and then he continued downhill. 

Wu Hong scratched his head, unsure of what to do. Should he go back and tell his mother?

They descended the mountain quickly. Tang Xu kept his eyes lowered, lost in thought. If those two elders insisted on confronting Wei Dong, how should he respond to scare them away?

After all, as Wei Zhonghong had said, they couldn't really anger them.

Considering Wei Dong's stubborn nature, if he did get involved, those two elders might end up lying on the ground in tears. Then they'd be the ones accused of causing trouble.

With this in mind, Tang Xu's eyes gleamed. If those two elders tried to cause trouble, he could turn the tables on them! After all, he was a delicate and weak ger who couldn't handle farm work.

Oh, how cunning~


The two men walking ahead suddenly heard a eerie chuckle and instinctively turned to look. They saw Tang Xu squinting his eyes, lips curved into a mischievous smile. 

Wu Hong inexplicably felt a chill running down his spine, shivering involuntarily.

Wei Dong understood Tang Xu well enough to know that whenever he had that mischievous look, he had some idea in mind. He didn't ask; after all, whatever mischief Tang Xu had planned wouldn't affect him directly. He let Tang Xu do as he pleased.

At the front gate of the Wei family mansion, because the two elders had been knocking on the door since early morning and waiting at the gate all morning, many people had seen them. At noon, when they thought the elders had left after not seeing anyone, they didn't expect them to return.

Many people secretly peeked, whether from behind walls or from their own back windows, stealing glances now and then, afraid of missing anything interesting.

However, while they were curious, no one went over to ask or chat with them. 

After all, everyone knew that Wei Dong had severed ties with these two elders.

To sever ties meant having their names removed from the family ancestral hall and the family tree. From then on, Wei Dong and Wei Xi had no connection with Wei Xiaoyuan's branch of the family.

It was only six or seven years ago, but Wei Dong's actions back then were too extreme. He firmly stated that even if he and his brother starved to death, they would never set foot in the Wei family's home again.

It wasn't just because Wei Xi fell ill and they refused to help. There was also their indifference towards their parents before their deaths. One could even say that they were indirectly responsible for their parents' deaths.

Back then, Wei Dong insisted on having their names removed from the family ancestral hall and the family tree. Many people in the Wei family criticized him privately, but Wei Dong was too stubborn. Since he didn't treat them as family, there was no need for them to consider these people as blood relatives either.

Wei Zhongcheng and Wang Juan, before they were married, were like the family's workhorses. They not only faced disdain and verbal abuse from their parents but also were not favored by the two elders. After the division of the family, they built a house of mud at the foot of the mountain with the smallest share of the family's assets. Although life was harder, they felt content.

Unfortunately, their happiness didn't last long. Due to Wang Juan's health issues, she finally conceived their second child after much difficulty, only to be told that her life might be at risk because of this pregnancy.

Initially, Wei Zhongcheng didn't want this child, but Wang Juan insisted stubbornly. Even though she suffered immensely during her pregnancy and had to drink medicine all day, she was determined to give birth to the child.

As the months of pregnancy progressed, Wang Juan's health deteriorated. With insufficient money in hand, Wei Zhongcheng returned to the old house to borrow money, but they greeted him with criticism and anger, and his elder brother eventually kicked him out of the house.

Later, the child was born, but Wang Juan's life was already coming to an end.

Afterwards, unable to bear the blow of losing his beloved wife, Wei Zhongcheng's attitude towards his youngest son became conflicted. He started drinking heavily, and his health deteriorated further.

These were the details that Tang Xu learned from Wei Dong.

At this moment, seeing the two old people sitting on the bricks in front of the gate, wiping sweat and drinking water, Tang Xu showed no emotion whatsoever. 

He even glanced at the people nearby who were eagerly waiting to gossip, a faint smile appearing at the corners of his mouth.

Wei Dong and Wu Hong also noticed them, and the two old folks turned their heads upon hearing the sound.

Their old eyes were dim, and they felt dizzy and confused from the scorching sun. When they saw the tall figure approaching them, they didn't react at first. In their memory, Wei Dong was still the same as a few years ago, skinny and short. 

But the man now not only appeared exceptionally tall but also had a robust physique.

The muscles exposed on his arms startled them.

Wei Xiaoyuan grabbed his wife and asked her hoarsely, "Fen, is that Wei Dong?"

Chen Xiufen frowned and looked carefully, but she wasn't quite sure. "How would I know if it's that debt collector or not!"

Wei Dong leaned forward, but Tang Xu grabbed his arm and signaled him with his eyes. Then, he approached them himself, wearing a gentle smile and asked the two elderly, "Grandpa and grandma, are you encountering any difficulties at my doorstep? Do you need some water?"

Wei Xiaoyuan was momentarily dazzled by Tang Xu's smile, staring blankly at him without saying a word.

Chen Xiufen pushed Tang Xu away and scolded, "Where did this little vixen come from? Even flirting with such old folks, truly despicable!"

Tang Xu staggered back as she pushed him, clutching his arm and raising his voice as if he was genuinely startled, "Ouch! Grandma, who are you? Why are you so unreasonable? I kindly asked if you needed help, and you pushed me and cursed at me. I don't even know you!"

Regardless of other factors, Tang Xu's face and his frail body were perfect for portraying a delicate and fragile demeanor.

Those who were spectating gnashed their teeth, secretly cursing the elderly couple for their malicious intentions, capable of laying hands on such a pretty ger.

Chen Xiufen had never encountered such a situation before. Over the years, she had been accustomed to exerting her dominance at home, and when dealing with her daughter-in-law, no one dared to talk back. Physical punishment was not uncommon.

But now, Tang Xu's words had ignited her fury, and she raised her hand as if to slap him across the face, all the while spewing curses.

Wei Xiaoyuan hurriedly pulled her back, scolding, "What are you doing? He kindly asked you a question, and you suddenly resorted to violence!"

Chen Xiufen was momentarily stunned, turning her head to look at her husband in disbelief.

Immediately, she wailed and rushed forward to pound him, "You old lecher, you can't take your eyes off a handsome young ger, can you!"

Tang Xu's eyes lit up, moving to intervene while shouting, "Please, Grandma, don't resort to violence. This Grandpa is old; don't hurt him anymore. Besides, causing a scene like this in front of my house is unjust!"

Chen Xiufen, furious, turned and pushed him while cursing, "You wretched vixen, I..."

"Ouch! It hurts!" Tang Xu cried out, deliberately falling to the ground and clutching his waist.

This cry seemed to pierce the heavens, prompting Wei Dong to rush over immediately. He bent down, intending to lift him up.

As Tang Xu pretended to sob, he used his hand to pinch Wei Dong's arm hard a few times while crying, "Husband, it hurts so much. I think I've injured my back. What should I do? She... waaah!"

He cried, tears streaming down his face, making a dramatic scene. Whether his tears were real or fake didn't matter; the main point was to appear delicate and fragile, with a touch of beauty.

The contrast between Tang Xu's delicate demeanor and the aggressive behavior of the elderly couple, who were cursing and hitting, became stark.

Now, the onlookers couldn't resist anymore and began running over from their homes.

Even if they were far away and couldn't hear clearly, they could still see clearly when the elderly couple pushed Tang Xu.

As they approached and heard Tang Xu crying out in pain, they were all taken aback.

"What's going on? Is Tang Xu okay?"

"Quick, call the herbalist!"

"Did he hurt his back? Hopefully, it's not serious!"

"What's wrong with this old woman? Coming to someone's doorstep to cause trouble, pushing Tang Xu down and then cursing!"

Chen Xiufen was stunned, never expecting so many people to suddenly rush over.

She grumbled and shouted at the crowd, saying she had come to demand compensation from Wei Dong!

Someone in the crowd retorted, "You're here to demand compensation? You're the one with no reason here. Tang Xu can't even move after falling." 

Tang Xu covered his face with one hand, while the other gently pinched Wei Dong's arm, signaling him to cooperate.

Although Wei Dong knew he had to cooperate, he wasn't sure what to do, so he just kept a stern face and remained silent. 

Wu Hong was bewildered, and when he met Wei Dong's gaze, he hurriedly turned around and ran back home. Something had gone wrong, and he needed to bring his mother over!

Inside the courtyard, Wei Xi heard the commotion and opened the door. At the sight of Tang Xu, who was sitting on the ground with tears streaming down his face, he was terrified and rushed over to hug him, bursting into tears. 

While Tang Xu wasn't hurt from the fall, Wei Xi's sudden embrace inadvertently pressed on his leg.

Gritting her teeth and maintaining her posture, Tang Xu quickly hugged the crying child, patting his back while enduring the pain in his leg. He whispered softly to comfort him, "Xiao Xi, I'm fine, don't cry. Stand up first."

Wei Xi struggled to get up and tried to pull Tang Xu's hand, but found that he couldn't move him. He panicked and urged, "Brother Xu, please get up."

"I can't get up," Tang Xu emphasized the words, hoping that Wei Xi would understand that he was pretending.

However, Wei Xi was genuinely frightened. With a cry, he threw herself into his brother's arms again and started crying.

As the herbalist rushed over with his medicine box, he saw a crowd gathered in turmoil. Tang Xu was sitting on the ground, Wei Xi was being held by his brother, and the other two elderly individuals were being blamed by others. 

Wei Xiaoyuan had a flushed face and couldn't say anything, while Chen Xiufen was cursing at the surrounding people.

There were quite a few onlookers, mostly middle-aged and elderly women, and they couldn't resist retorting back at Chen Xiufen's ugly face.

The herbalist felt overwhelmed and quickly squeezed into the crowd, asking, "What's going on with Brother Xu?"

Tang Xu wiped away his tears, looking pitiful with red eyes and tear streaks on his face. He spoke softly, "That old lady, I don't know who she is, she suddenly pushed me down. It seems like I hurt my waist and it hurts badly. I dare not move."

The herbalist was taken aback and quickly asked, "Where does it hurt now?"

Tang Xu thought to himself that apart from the pain in her leg from being pressed by Wei Xi earlier, his buttocks were a bit sore, but nowhere else hurt. 

However, he pretended to be ill, as anyone would in this situation, and replied in a low voice, "It hurts everywhere. Moving my leg hurts, and my back hurts too. I hope I won't be paralyzed."

The herbalist reached out to massage his leg but was stopped by Wei Dong.

"Don't touch him," Wei Dong's voice was cold, his eyes sharp.

The herbalist was startled by him and hurriedly said, "If I can't touch him, how will I know where he's injured?"

Wei Dong didn't let go. With no other choice, the herbalist said, "Then you touch him. If he says it hurts, you stop."

Tang Xu glanced at Wei Dong, his face tense, as the man reached out and pinched his leg. Tang Xu frowned in pain, looking like he was really hurting. 

Then Wei Dong started patting him elsewhere on his body, and Tang Xu's expression became even more complicated. He seemed uncomfortable and conflicted. You were asked to check for injuries, not take advantage of the situation. Could he stop touching him so lecherously!

Wei Dong pinched him a bit harder, with a hint of punishment in his actions. He had indeed been startled by Tang Xu earlier, and even though he later realized Tang Xu was faking it, he still felt annoyed.

Tang Xu sniffled and whimpered, "Husband, it hurts~"

"See if you can help him sit up," the herbalist said. Tang Xu gave Wei Dong a meaningful look and reached out.

The man simply lifted him up into his arms. Tang Xu cried out in pain, like he had no bones, and leaned into him, saying, "I can't, I can't use my leg."

"This won't do, take him to the town and have him checked out, don't let him get injured again."

"Yes, yes, quickly get your donkey cart out and take Xu Ge'er to the town for a check-up."

Chen Xiufen, upon hearing they were going to the town, quickly exclaimed, "He's just pretending! I didn't use any force at all!"

Tang Xu, with red eyes, said to her, "Madam, don't you dare leave. If I go to town for treatment, you'll have to pay me silver. You pushed me down, it's unreasonable not to compensate me."

As soon as this was said, people around chimed in.

"That's right, keep an eye on her and don't let her run away!"

"Isn't that Wei Dong's grandmother! No, they're not a family anymore." 

"Why are they both here? Let's see what they're up to." 

"Make way, make way, Wei Zhonghong is coming!"

Wei Zhonghong hurriedly pushed through the crowd, startled when he saw Tang Xu's miserable state. He asked, "Xu Ge'er, how are you? Where does it hurt??" 

Tang Xu held his breath and pinched his own thigh, tears starting to flow again from the pain.

"Auntie, wuwuwu, I was pushed down by this woman, and now I can't even stand up. I kindly asked if they needed any help, but she came up and cursed at me, and even pushed me. Auntie, I'm so wronged, wuwuwu~~~"

He cried while apologizing to Wei Zhonghong in his heart, thinking, I'll definitely apologize to her face to face after this. Wei Zhonghong was stunned, then turned to look at her mother.

"Mother, why did you push Xu Ge'er!" She hadn't expected this at all, that Xu Ge'er had suffered in front of her mother. 

Chen Xiufen shouted, "Why can't I push him? He's seducing your father! Such a despicable slut, shameless!"

With just these words, everyone around, who had been watching the commotion, burst into laughter.

"Old lady, have some shame, will you? A young and handsome ger like him, can he really be interested in your old man? He's not blind!"

"You must be crazy, thinking he would seduce your old man when he's in a good relationship with his own man. Are you sick in the head?"

"You're shameless, spouting nonsense with such thick skin."

"Hurry up and compensate him, don't delay Xu Ge'er's treatment!"

Wei Zhonghong's face also turned pale and then red, feeling utterly embarrassed. "Mother! Stop talking nonsense! You pushed Xu Ge'er down and injured him, you apologize quickly!" 

Chen Xiufen dragged Wei Xiaoyuan and sat on the ground, crying loudly.

But no one paid attention to her cries.

Tang Xu was carried into the courtyard by Wei Dong. After a while, he came out from the backyard, lying on the cart with a peaceful expression. Just now, his man had sternly smacked his butt a few times in the courtyard, saying they had to act convincingly and take him to the town to see if he was really injured from the fall.

Tang Xu had no choice but to comply.

Now lying on the cart, surrounded by onlookers, he blushed and tried to smile at everyone, "Thank you for your concern. Don't let them make a fuss. Since it's auntie's parents, let them go back first. When we return from town, we'll go ask them for compensation."

Wei Dong glanced at the old couple crying at the door and said coldly, "Wait for me."

Chen Xiufen's body trembled slightly. After seeing him drive away with the cart, she quickly got up from the ground, pulling Wei Xiaoyuan and cursing as she squeezed her way out. She even took the opportunity to scold Wei Zhonghong.

Wei Zhonghong was furious, so she just waved her hand and didn't bother anymore.

However, as she was leaving, she angrily said, "You better prepare the money quickly, otherwise Dongzi definitely won't let it go!"

After saying this, she turned around and left.

Wei Xi, seeing his aunt leaving, quickly returned to the courtyard and locked the gate. He had already heard from his brother that Tang Xu wasn't actually injured; he had deliberately scared people.

He was genuinely frightened, his throat sore from crying. He needed to go back and drink more water, preferably honey water.

After Chen Xiufen and Wei Xiaoyuan returned home, they started blaming and cursing each other. Their eldest son, Wei Zhongguo, heard the commotion and came out of the house, wondering why his parents, who had been missing for quite some time, hadn't come back for dinner.

Chen Xiufen started crying as soon as she saw her eldest son. "Your father is a despicable old bastard! He saw that good-looking ger and couldn't take his eyes off him! Why is my life so miserable!"

Wei Zhongguo's face was puzzled. What was going on?

Wei Xiaoyuan was furious, his face red with anger. "You're spouting nonsense! You're the one who pushed him and hurt his back, what does it have to do with me?" 

Wei Zhongguo continued to look puzzled. What was happening?

The eldest daughter-in-law, Liu Guihua, came out of the house in a hurry and asked anxiously, "Who got injured? Are you two okay? Weren't you supposed to go to Wei Dong's house for money? Why are you back now?"

"It's that damn ger! Wei Dong's husband, that slut, was seducing your father right in front of me!" Chen Xiufen angrily cursed.

 Liu Guihua, like Wei Zhongguo, had a puzzled expression on her face.

"What are you talking about?"

"Who's seducing whom?"

They've heard that the guy Wei Dong married is so good-looking, there's no one better-looking for miles around. Look at their father's face, full of wrinkles, who could possibly seduce him?

Liu Guihua rolled her eyes speechlessly and said, "Mother, listen to what you're saying. It's ridiculous to think someone would be interested in father." Seeing that her mother was about to scold someone again, Liu Guihua quickly asked, "What about the money? Did you get it?"

"What money? I didn't even get a chance to say anything before he fell!" Chen Cuifen said angrily.

"How did he fall?"

"How else could he have fallen? It was your mother who pushed him!" Wei Xiaoyuan finally found a vent for his anger, pointing at the old woman and cursing, "He kindly asked if we needed any help, but you pushed him down! Now he's gone to the town for medical treatment. When he comes back, Wei Dong will definitely come asking for money!"

Liu Guihua's head buzzed with confusion.

"Wei Dong is coming for money?"

Wei Zhongguo finally understood and complained with a furrowed brow, "I told you not to go, but you wouldn't listen. Now, see what happened. Are you satisfied?" 

He pulled Liu Guihua back, muttering, "You deal with the mess you've caused yourselves. We don't have any money to pay for it!"

 Chen Xiufen was dumbfounded and angrily cursed, "Wei Zhongguo, you beast! I raised you for nothing!" 

Wei Zhongguo ignored her, only hoping that Wei Dong wouldn't come looking for them.

As for the rest, his parents are still relying on them for support now. Isn't this also repaying the favor of raising him? Without money, there's nothing to say. 



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  1. and the Oscar gies to............ tan tan tan... 🤣🤣🤣.
    oh so witty.. thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾


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