The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 37


| TBBOTOF | 37

Wei Dong sat on the kang, recalling the conversation with his eldest aunt. In fact, they didn't chat for long, but he felt something was off after thinking about it a few times.

Was it because she cared about him that she asked like that?

But his eldest aunt didn't seem to suggest he should marry early either. Instead, there was a hint of satisfaction in her eyes.

Was this satisfaction directed towards Tang Xu?

Wei Dong pondered for a long time, feeling a tightness in his chest but unable to figure out what was going on. Forget it, he decided not to think about it anymore. He needed to sleep because he had to get up early to go into the mountains to find old ginseng. 

As for the Wu family, Wei Zhonghong had finished washing up and was ready to sleep. But just as she lay down, there were two knocks on the back window.

Their house didn't have a backyard; behind the house was the village road. When they divided the property and built this house, they didn't have enough money, so they didn't buy a larger plot of land. When they later saved up some money and wanted to buy the land behind the house, it was already partly taken by other families. Even if they bought it, they couldn't build a house there, so they bought a piece of land in front instead.

Wei Zhonghong got up from the kang and went to the window to look outside. She saw her troublesome third son standing outside, beckoning to her.

Wu Qiang was already snoring on the kang. Wei Zhonghong muttered under her breath, "Get lost!"

Wu Weiming didn't leave. He clung to the window and whispered, "Mom, come out, let's talk."

Wei Zhonghong felt an itching in her teeth looking at his smug face.

She knew what her son wanted to say. When they came back from the fields in the afternoon, this little brat went to the kitchen to bother her.

With so many people in the house, she didn't say anything. Wu Weiming also knew it wasn't the time to talk. So he suppressed the itch in his heart and waited until everyone in the family had gone to bed before sneaking around to the back of the house to knock on the window.

Why didn't he knock on the front?

Because his mother's room was next to his eldest brother's and second brother's rooms, if he went over there, he would probably be noticed by his sisters-in-law.

"Mom, mom, mom, mom, mom."

Wei Zhonghong gritted her teeth and cursed softly, then got off the kang to put on her shoes. When she opened the door to go out, she looked around like a thief and then glanced left and right.

After Wei Zhonghong glanced around, she clicked her tongue.

As soon as she opened the door and stepped into the courtyard, she saw her third son outside. Without saying a word, Wei Zhonghong raised her foot and kicked him. "You little brat, I told you not to knock." 

Wu Weiming got kicked in the leg and whimpered softly in pain.

"I think you've gone mad, what are you doing staying up instead of sleeping?"

"Mom, aren't you just asking knowingly? Can't you guess what I want to do?" Wu Weiming rubbed the spot where he got kicked, muttering, "I'm in a hurry."

Wei Zhonghong was annoyed by his pathetic appearance and slapped him twice. "How did I give birth to such a useless thing!"

"I can't be shoved back in, can I?" Seeing his mother about to raise her hand again, he quickly put on a flattering smile and hugged her shoulder, saying, "Mom, you love me the most. Tell me quickly, what did Dong ge say?"

"It's similar to what you told me, everything is good." Wei Zhonghong glanced at him, "But I feel like your eldest brother is also interested in that ger. Is it appropriate for you to intervene?"

Wu Weiming frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "Since Dong ge didn't say it directly, I'll say it first. You go find a matchmaker and propose."

"Propose?" Wei Zhonghong frowned. "You're interested in him, but is he interested in you? If I send a matchmaker to propose and they reject it, our family will be laughed at."

Wu Weiming squatted on the ground with a troubled expression. "What should I do then? I really like him!"

"What exactly do you like?" Wei Zhonghong couldn't help but kick her son again. "Apart from his looks, what else do you see in him?"

Wu Weiming shrugged, grumbling, "Looks are all that matter. Look at those matches they tried to set me up with before, boasting about being able to work hard, being capable both inside and outside the house, and having a gentle personality. They said they would be obedient and filial after marriage. But when you ask about their appearance, ah, mom, I'm not saying this, but if they don't look good, even if they're not filial, can they get married?"

Wei Zhonghong's mouth twitched, her temples throbbing with anger. She waved her hand and slapped his head while scolding, "You little scoundrel, ruining the reputation of other families' good girls!"

"I didn't go around spreading rumors," Wu Weiming ducked and covered his head. "I was wrong, I was wrong, mom, please stop hitting me. Help me propose instead, I'm not afraid of rejection."

"I won't go. If you really have that intention, go ask for yourself. If they agree, I'll immediately contact the matchmaker." Wei Zhonghong was annoyed by his pestering and waved her hand. "If they're not interested, don't force it, you hear me?"

Wu Weiming's eyes lit up in the darkness of the night, shining brightly.

What a stubborn person.

Wei Zhonghong couldn't bear to look at him anymore and turned to walk into the courtyard.

Wu Weiming tossed and turned on the kang all night, too excited to sleep. He planned to go to the neighboring village as soon as dawn broke to find Xu Ge'er. He wanted to confess his feelings and was confident he could persuade him to agree to marry him!

He didn't know when he finally drifted off to sleep in a daze. When he opened his eyes again, the sun was already high in the sky, its rays streaming in through the window, shining directly on him.

Wu Weiming suddenly woke up, sat up hurriedly, and rushed out of the house. "Mom!"

Wei Zhonghong was feeding the chickens in the yard. She heard his shout and her hand trembled, almost spilling the feed. "Why are you shouting again!" Wu Hong was also in the yard, watering the vegetable garden.

Seeing his third brother rushing out of the house and towards their mother with a pan in her hand, she kicked him as he approached. "Why are you up so late?"

"I overslept," Wu Weiming scratched his head. "Mom, why didn't you wake me up? I have something to do!"

Wei Zhonghong felt a headache coming on every time she saw him. Irritated, she shooed him away. "Go away, go do whatever you want, don't bother me here." Wu Weiming turned around and ran off.

Wu Hong blinked, looking puzzled. "Mom, why did Third Brother run out without washing his face? Is there something urgent?"

Wei Zhonghong sighed. "...He's in a hurry to seek excitement!" What a troublesome guy, running off to find someone in that state, he'd just be rejected! 

Standing in the courtyard, peach blossoms flutter outside the gate.

However right now.

Tang Xu looked at the disheveled figure standing in front of him, with eye gunk in the corners of his eyes, hair as messy as a bird's nest, probably didn't brush his teeth in the morning, emitting a heavy odor without realizing it, and constantly blabbering, causing splatters of saliva to fly out, making him a sloppy man.

If he wasn't mistaken, this seemed to be the guy he met yesterday, the handsome young man with a righteous face and thick eyebrows. How did he suddenly become like this overnight?

What is he talking about?

What does he mean by not being able to forget you after seeing you once, thinking about you all the time, wanting to be with you, and really liking you a lot, begging you to marry him, promising to make your life better?

Who are you? Do I know you?

Tang Xu took two big steps back to avoid the saliva splatter from the person's mouth, he held his head with one hand and gestured him to stop with the other. "Stop, shut up!"

He held his head with one hand and patted his chest with the other, his heart pounding, feeling annoyed. Wu Weiming was stunned by the angry shout of "shut up" from Tang Xu, standing there with a slightly dumbfounded expression, looking at Tang Xu.

Two hours ago, Wu Weiming rushed out of the house with the intention of confessing his true feelings to Xu Ge'er and asking him to marry him. He was ready to engage a matchmaker as soon as Xu Ge'er agreed.

He ran along the village road in a hurry until he reached the gate of the Tang family's courtyard.

Not only that, Wu Weiming stood outside the gate panting for a while, waiting for his rapid breathing to calm down before brushing off the dirt on his clothes, putting on a bright smile, and knocking on the door.

Knock, knock, knock.

"Who is it?"

The voice came from inside the courtyard. With a nervous and excited heartbeat, and while anxiously and nervously shifting his feet, Wu Weiming watched as the courtyard door was pulled open. He was about to see him!

The one he had been thinking about day and night, the one who haunted his dreams... Who was this little guy? 

"Who are you?" It was Tang Yang who opened the door.

Normally, at this time, Tang Yang would have already been out running around like crazy. But yesterday, after Tang Xu said he should be sensible at six years old, this kid didn't go out after breakfast and instead was pulling weeds in the vegetable garden.

While Tang Yang was pulling weeds, Tang Li watched for a while beside him, making sure her brother didn't mistake the vegetables for weeds. She was quite pleased and whispered to Tang Xu, who was boiling water in the kitchen, that Tanf Yang was doing a good job.

Tang Xu smiled and said, "You're all very smart. As long as you do things properly, you can accomplish anything."

"What are you boiling water for, brother?" Tang Li had already washed the dishes and tidied up the kitchen, so she couldn't understand why Tang Xu was busy again.

"I want to pickle some sour bamboo shoots. I need to boil water to soak the bamboo shoots." Tang Xu wasn't entirely satisfied with the big pot they had, mainly because they only had one pot. Even though it had been cleaned many times, he still felt like there was oil residue in it. Of course, this was just a psychological effect.

He always thought about the three big pots at Wei Dong's place, which made cooking much more convenient. Tang Li nodded in acknowledgment. She had never eaten sour bamboo shoots before, so she would listen to her brother's instructions.

She had left four bamboo shoots unpeeled from the ones they dug up earlier. She took them into the kitchen and sat on a small wooden bench to peel them.

As they were in the kitchen, they heard someone knocking on the courtyard door, so Tang Yang was asked to go and open it.

Tang Yang didn't recognize the person standing outside. He looked up at the person with curiosity. "Who are you? Who are you looking for at our house?"

"Is Xu Ge'er here? Could you please ask him to come out?" Wu Weiming's heart, which had been pounding fiercely, returned to normal, and he smiled at Tang Yang.

Tang Yang was startled by his smile and quickly turned around to run back, shouting as he ran, "Brother, brother! There's a man looking for you!"

Tang Xu, upon hearing his brother's words, thought it was Wei Dong who had come over early in the morning, so he felt happy. He wiped his hands on his apron and instructed Tang Li to leave the basin of hot water to cool down. Then he quickly walked out.

However, when he reached the door and saw who it was, he was puzzled.

Wu Weiming saw Tang Xu, wearing a deep blue cloth apron, with rosy cheeks and hurried steps towards him, causing his heart rate, which had just calmed down, to accelerate once again.

As the person approached him, Wu Weiming instinctively pulled him outside the courtyard gate and loudly exclaimed, "Xu Ge'er, I like you, will you marry me!" He quickly glanced around but found no one else around; they were all working in the fields.

Tang Xu shook off the person's hand and took a step back, asking in confusion, "Are we acquainted? I don't know you. Are you sure you've got the right person?"

Apart from the time they helped pick up the basin by the river, they had only met once yesterday. Yet, after hearing the words from the person's mouth, it seemed strangely familiar.

Tang Xu was then forced to listen to a heartfelt confession, and he began to feel increasingly convinced that the person wasn't fully awake and perhaps a bit out of their mind.

"I'm sorry, but may I know your name? How did you know where my house is?" The more he listened, the more suspicious he became. Tang Xu interrupted the person's blabbering, his brows furrowed as he stared at them cautiously. If he remembered correctly, this person was from the neighboring village, right? How did they know where he lived? Was his family so well-known that anyone could find them?

The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became, his eyes full of vigilance.

Moreover, after searching through his memory, Tang Xu couldn't recall ever having any interaction with this person, aside from the time they helped retrieve the basin by the river. At that time, Xu Ge'er had repeatedly thanked them with a sincere attitude, almost bending over ninety degrees in gratitude.

Why would this person suddenly come to confess their feelings? Could they possibly be a stalker? A stalker!

Just the thought of it frightened him, and Tang Xu tensed his body instantly, staring straight at the person. In case they tried anything out of line, he would be ready to escape at a moment's notice.

There were still his younger siblings in the courtyard, and he couldn't risk letting this potentially dangerous individual into their home!

Wu Weiming suddenly realized where the problem lay. He quickly pointed to himself and said, "My name is Wu Weiming. I live in the neighboring village. I have four brothers, and I'm the third eldest. I've seen you several times when you were washing clothes by the river. And then, without realizing it, I followed you back. Are you angry with me? I really like you. My mother said that as long as I can get you to agree, she'll immediately go find a matchmaker for us. You can rest assured that I'll be devoted to you. You're so beautiful and kind-hearted..."

"Wait, wait, wait..." Tang Xu interrupted his long string of words, finally catching on.

He swallowed hard, sizing up this unkempt youth. It seemed like the youth was just an overly enthusiastic teenager with a somewhat mature appearance?

"Your name is Wu Weiming ? Your father's surname is Wei, no, your mother's surname is Wei, and your father's surname is Wu???"

"Yes, you're so smart!" Wu Weiming's eyes sparkled.

Tang Xu covered his face with both hands, taking a while to process the situation.

The reality was that the future mighty general, leading armies to victory, was currently just a juvenile with an overactive imagination, prone to tracking others, and easily infatuated by appearances.

‘O heavens, why are you doing this to me! My image of the mighty general in my mind has completely collapsed!’

"What's wrong, Xu Ge'er? Why do you suddenly look so pale?" Wu Weiming, seeing him covering half of his face and remaining silent, asked with concern, "Shall I help you into the house to rest?"

As he reached out to grab Tang Xu's arm, Tang Xu quickly dodged and shook his head frantically, "No, no, no, no, no, no."

"...", Wu Weiming, with his hand extended, was hit in the face by this string of refusals. Even as a somewhat love-struck, passionate, and overly dramatic teenager, he realized that something was off at this moment.

Tang Xu just wanted to grab him and shake him hard, trying to shake the moisture out of his brain! Dude, we barely know each other! Not only do I not know you, but you don't know me either!!!

He finally understood why there were no memories of Tang Xu ever mentioning this Wu general in the original book. It's not that Tang Xu had no heart, but because Tang Xu had no idea this person even existed!!!

To think that there were rumors about Tang Xu rejecting the general's proposal. It was probably because this unkempt person showed up unannounced and got scolded by Liu Xiangxiang! Tang Xu felt a headache coming on.

This was such a huge mess! He had to hit his head hard to even begin to process it. Wu Weiming saw Tang Xu's silence and felt a tiny bit of relief.

He reassured himself that maybe he had caught Tang Xu off guard by showing up so suddenly, which might have scared Tang Xu and caused him to reject his touch. It's okay, he understands.

Tang Xu saw through the thoughts that Wu Weiming was conjuring up. He couldn't help but feel annoyed at Wu Weiming's overly self-satisfied expression. He wished he could slap some sense into him to wake him up.

What was the reason behind all this?

Shouldn't a general's character be composed of words like steady, serious, calm, composed?

What did he see?

Who was this person full of immaturity, recklessness, impulsiveness, and rashness, someone who acted without thinking?

Could it be that he was really rejected by his beloved, suffered a severe blow, then decided to leave home and wander, growing through difficulties, overcoming various challenges, and finally becoming the mighty general who shook the entire Xia Dynasty???

Tang Xu's mind was filled with five big words at this moment.

I! Am! Him!

I am so great!

What a lunatic!

Tang Xu felt like he was going crazy. With a mind full of chaos, Tang Xu managed to maintain a calm demeanor on his face, despite being on the brink of losing it.

The negotiation skills he had honed came in handy at this moment. With a gentle tap of his finger in front of the other person's eyes, Tang Xu managed to bring Wu Weiming’s wandering thoughts back.

Before Wu Weiming could utter any more outrageous words, Tang Xu raised his hand and gestured for silence. "Please quiet down and listen to me for a moment."

Wu Weiming nodded, focusing intently on Tang Xu's face, his eyes glazed over, his expression even hinting at a touch of infatuation.

Tang Xu couldn't bring himself to look directly at the very earnest face before him. Instead, he focused on the disheveled hair that hadn't been combed since waking up, and spoke expressionlessly, "We don't know each other, and your visit today and what you've said have surprised me, to say the least. It really startled me. You don't need to apologize, and I appreciate your affection. 

However, I can tell you definitively that I don't have any feelings for you, not even the slightest. I won't marry you, even if you offer me mountains of gold and silver. We're not compatible. Besides my face, what else about me do you find appealing?”

Tang Xu's tone was stern, "You said I'm kind. Where have I been kind? I never hesitate to kill fish or chicken. Is that kindness? Truly kind people wouldn't even step on an ant; they'd walk around it! When I see a mosquito, I can't wait to squash it with my foot, fearing it might bite my toe."

Tang Xu glanced at him and thought he might have been too harsh. But there was no other way; if he didn't push him to the brink of leaving home, what if he failed to become a general? The world would be in chaos again.

Feeling anxious, Tang Xu hardened his heart and added, "Your appearance doesn't meet my preferences. I'm so beautiful; how could I marry someone who isn't good-looking? “ Sure enough Wu Weiming looked like he was struck by lightning for a moment, and his eyes widened.

Tang Xu added fuel to the fire again, “Besides, you have nothing. Even if you were to marry someone else, you may not be able to do it. The man I want to marry must be very capable, my big hero. You just don't fit those standards!"

"Waaah!!! Please stop talking!!!" Wu Weiming let out a wail, turned around, and ran away, crying loudly. His eyes were red.

Tang Xu was frightened by him, but he was relieved that he was gone. He patted his chest and muttered, “Is it easy for me? It’s really difficult for me!” he sighed, turned around and opened the courtyard door.

The two siblings were standing behind the door. They were about to turn around and run away as if they were afraid of being caught for eavesdropping.

Tang Xu glared and said angrily, "You two have finished your chores yet! If I catch you eavesdropping like this again, I'll beat you both!!!"

Tang Xu sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. It wasn't easy for him. For a moment, he let out his frustration.

Wu Weiming hurried back home, fortunate that most villagers were busy in the fields at this time. His disheveled and frantic appearance went mostly unnoticed. Even if someone did see him, he was too ashamed to show his face, so he covered it with one hand while running, ensuring no one recognized him.

After running through half the village, he gradually calmed down and slowed his pace on his way back home.

His mother, Wei Zhonghong, was preparing lunch when she saw him return, knowing immediately that he had failed. She didn't bother asking. Already facing disdain when he left, now it was even worse.

Ignoring him, she simply gestured for her daughters-in-law to set the table for lunch. Wu Weiming hung his head in disappointment as he retreated to his room, wrapping himself in a thin blanket and pretending to be asleep.

As the rest of the family returned from the fields, Wei Zhonghong's eldest daughter-in-law asked about Wu Weiming's whereabouts.

"He's in the house," Wei Zhonghong replied dismissively. "Don't mind him; he has no appetite."

"Why?" the eldest daughter-in-law asked curiously. "Did you and Wu Weiming go out last night?"

Wei Zhonghong gave her a sharp look. "Why are you so concerned? If you have nothing to do, go hurry up and give birth to a child for the eldest son instead of bothering about Wu Weiming." The eldest daughter-in-law was taken aback and left the kitchen, rolling her eyes, to serve the dishes.

Wu Weiming slept fitfully, his dreams haunted by Tang Xu's words about needing to marry a capable man, a hero. He realized he wasn't good enough.

Upon waking up, he sat up straight on the kang bed, determination flashing in his eyes. "I've made up my mind! I'm going to make something of myself!"

Wei Zhonghong pushed the door open and entered the room, standing by the kang bed and looking at her son. "What are you yelling about now? How long do you plan on lying there? Your father and the others are out working in the fields. Why aren't you?"

"Mother, I have an idea," Wu Weiming said, locking eyes with his mother. "I want to go out and make something of myself."

"You have an idea? You still need to work in the fields," replied Wei Zhonghong, grabbing his pants leg. "Come down."

"Mother, listen to me, I really have an idea," Wu Weiming said, holding onto his pants tightly, afraid his mother would pull them off. "I want to go out and try my luck."

Wei Zhonghong let go and looked at her son as if he were a fool. "You're sixteen years old, yet you still want to go off on your own? You got rejected, and now you don't want to stay at home?"

Wu Weiming felt his mother's words hit home and pursed his lips.

"Look at yourself! If I were that Tang Xu, I wouldn't want you either. A grown man like you encounters a problem and instead of finding a solution, you want to run away. Is that how I raised you?" Wei Zhonghong was furious, raising her hand to smack his calf.

Wu Weiming looked miserable. "I want to find a solution too, but he won't give me a chance."

Wei Zhonghong softened her tone a bit and sat down on the kang bed. "What did you two talk about?"

"I told him I liked him when I went to see him, but he said he didn't know me and asked for my name," Wu Weiming explained, looking at his mother. He had intended to offer some comfort, but her expression seemed rather grim, almost like she was gritting her teeth.

"He said he didn't know you, but how did you know where he lived?" Wei Zhonghong's voice rose.

Wu Weiming shrank back and moved away. "I, I followed him home a few times. I didn't go inside; I just watched from outside."

You scoundrel, I'll kill you!"!” Wei Zhonghong shouted, pouncing on him and pressing him onto the kang bed. She punched him left and right, pounding on his body. "You still want to go in? I bet you want to go in and eat prison food! What were you thinking? Do you know what kind of behavior this is? Aren't you afraid of being beaten to death by his family for sneaking around like a thief?"

Wu Weiming screamed as he was beaten, rolling and dodging. "Mother, I was wrong! Please stop beating me, or you'll kill me!"

"I'd be better off if I did!" Wei Zhonghong gasped angrily, her chest heaving heavily as she sat on the kang bed.

Wu Weiming lay on the kang bed, whimpering. "I don't want to stay at home anymore. I want to do something big!"

"Get out, get out, get out! I'll live ten years longer if I don't see you!" Wei Zhonghong angrily got off the kang bed and stormed out of the room.

Wu Weiming couldn't just leave like that. After all, he had no money. If he ran away penniless, he wouldn't be able to accomplish anything big. He thought for a moment, then got off the kang bed and put on his shoes. He followed his mother outside. "Mother, can you give me a few taels of silver? I want to go to the county and do some business."

"Mother, can you give me some dry food to take with me? I'll go out and find work to earn money!"

"Mother, if that doesn't work, can you tell my eldest brother to take me into the mountains to catch wild animals to sell?"

"Get lost!"

Wu Weiming squatted under the eaves, feeling dejected as he watched the ants pass by.

How could he accomplish something big?

He was so frustrated.

Ten days passed in the blink of an eye. Tang Xu went up the mountain every few days to dig some bamboo shoots. Not only did he go to the bamboo forest, but he also went to the other side of Xiaoyu Mountain. Once, he didn't cross the mountain ridge, he just looked over there from the mountain, and the jungle was dense, with some green fruits hanging from the trees. He couldn't see clearly what kind of fruit it was from afar, and Tang Xu felt a bit itchy.

But he had a clear understanding of his current small physique. He knew deep in the mountains was not a place to casually wander. Without someone familiar with the mountains to guide him, he would likely get lost if he rashly entered. Getting lost wasn't the main point; the main point was encountering a wild boar, which could be dangerous. 

He counted on his fingers and realized that he hadn't encountered Wei Dong at all recently. Could it be that he didn't go into Yuanbao Mountain?

Tang Xu felt a bit uneasy. He wanted to see that man, but he didn't have a direct excuse to visit. He worried for several days until suddenly he slapped his forehead.

His gaze fell on the bamboo basket he brought back from Wei Dong's house that day. The bamboo basket he used to carry fish and the basket he used to carry the elm money were both from Wei Dong's house. Why hadn't he thought of returning them?

"If the mountain doesn't come to me, I'll go to the mountain!" Forget about being reserved, he decided to go and search for love!

"Mother!" Tang Xu shouted towards Liu Xiangxiang, who was picking vegetables in the yard, then he slung the basket on his back and walked out. "I'm going out for a bit. Don't wait for me for dinner."

Liu Xiangxiang hadn't caused any trouble recently, but she always used words to pressure him. Her meaning was simple: since he had already found someone he liked, he should hurry up and get married, and not waste food at home.

Tang Xu dismissed her words as nonsense and continued to warmly smile at Liu Xiangxiang every day, which irritated her so much that she had two days of angina.

When she heard he was going out again, Liu Xiangxiang stood up and retorted, "Where are you going again? You're always out and about, this home isn't enough for you anymore, right!"

Tang Xu couldn't be bothered to deal with her, but he replied, "I'm just trying my best to get myself married off and reduce the time I spend annoying you."

He walked out following the same route as last time. As he passed by a field, he saw a busy figure amidst the greenery and shouted, "Father!"

Tang Erhu straightened up and turned around, seeing his son waving to him from the embankment. "What's the matter?" 

Tang Xu waved vigorously, "Come over here!"

Tang Erhu put down the hoe in his hand and walked over. "Why did you run out?"

"I'm going to return the basket to Wei Dong," Tang Xu took out a snack wrapped in meat floss and a bamboo tube with a lid from his basket. "Father, take a break. I filled the bamboo tube with mung bean soup, it's refreshing. The weather has been hot lately, so it'll be more comfortable to drink some."

Tang Erhu felt pleased and accepted it, placing it aside. He directly ate the steamed bun wrapped in oil paper and asked, "Did Wei Dong ask you to come over?"

"No, I haven't seen him for several days. He must be busy," Tang Xu smiled and watched his father take big bites of the snack, then asked, "Is it delicious?"

"Yeah, you made this meat floss really well," Tang Erhu looked at him smiling happily and couldn't help but scold, "Which family's son is like you, always wanting to go to a man's house?"

"I'm just going to communicate with him. Mother also wants me to get married early, so I have to make some effort," Tang Xu shouldered his backpack again. "I’m heading out, I'll have dinner over there tonight."

Tang Erhu: "..." Forget it, it's useless to say anything. He couldn't control him, and he couldn't lock him up at home.

"Off you go, come back before dark."

"I know, Father, be careful when you're working, don't hit your leg with the hoe again."

Recently, Tang Erhu was working and accidentally hit his shin with the hoe. Although it didn't bleed, it turned purple over a large area, and it had been uncomfortable to walk for a while.

After Tang Xu left, a middle-aged man working in the nearby field came over to rest. Seeing Tang Erhu drinking water from the bamboo tube, he casually asked, "Did your wife bring you water?"

"No, my son Xu Ge'er came over for a visit and brought me mung bean soup because he was worried I'd get hot," Tang Erhu said cheerfully. "Do you want some?"

"That's so thoughtful of him. I'm feeling really hot," the middle-aged man took the bowl from him, and Tang Erhu poured him half a bowl. The man said, "Xu Ge'er is really filial. My son never remembers to bring me water."

Tang Erhu nodded with a smile, not saying anything.

"Does Xu Ge'er have someone in mind? How about my second son? He's very capable and strong, he is doing well in the fields," the middle-aged man asked.

"He has someone in mind. I reckon he'll be engaged soon," 

The man replied. "Which family's son is so fortunate to marry Xu Ge'er?"

Tang Erhu waved his hand, "You'll know when the time comes. Rest up, I still have some grass to clear." 

Tang Xu walked along the path towards the back of the village. As he approached Wei Dong's house, he encountered a woman carrying a water bucket on the road. The bucket seemed heavy, and the woman set it down to massage her shoulder.

Tang Xu hurried over.

Recently, Wei Zhonghong's constant quarreling with his third son had caused him to fall ill. Just a few days ago, he was still weak. With so much work to do in the fields during busy farming times, both his son and daughter-in-law had gone to work in the fields, leaving only her at home.

When the water in the water jar ran out, she thought about going to fetch water with a bucket. 

However, halfway there, her arms began to ache, and she felt dizzy. Planning to rest for a while before continuing, she heard hurried footsteps behind her. She didn't pay much attention, but then the footsteps stopped beside her.

"Auntie, do you need help carrying the water bucket back? You don't look too good," Tang Xu offered sincerely, always ready to lend a hand when he could.

Wei Zhonghong was struck by the appearance of the person speaking to her.

She had never seen such a handsome young man!

There was a hint of red between his eyebrows, and the color of his mole was redder than any she had ever seen. His features exuded charm, and when he spoke, both his eyes and lips curved gently, giving off a very tender feeling.

She stared at him, feeling a bit dazed, and the name "Xu Ge'er" unconsciously popped into her mind.

"Auntie?" Tang Xu noticed the woman's slightly dazed expression and gently called out.

Wei Zhonghong snapped out of her reverie, nodding, "Thank you, my house is just ahead." 

Tang Xu smiled and nodded at her, picking up the wooden bucket. "Let's go."

Wei Zhonghong walked while sizing up Tang Xu, thinking to herself that with a face like this, not only would her third son want to marry him, but even the people in the county would go crazy if they saw him.

Too stunning.

"How old are you? I haven't seen you in the back village," Wei Zhonghong asked curiously.

"Seventeen. My family is from the front village. I came to a friend's house to return a basket," Tang Xu replied calmly, even as he carried a full bucket of water. His recent recovery had significantly increased his strength.

"Have you set your eyes on someone?" Wei Zhonghong asked with a gossiping face.

Thinking of Wei Dong, Tang Xu smiled shyly, giving away that he had someone in mind. "Not yet, but there's someone I find appealing, although nothing has happened yet."

Wei Zhonghong couldn't help but think who could be so lucky to be favored by such a perfect young ger. Unfortunately, it wasn't her son. "When I came over just now, I encountered several young men, but none of them offered to help except you." 

Tang Xu remarked. "It's just a small gesture, not much effort. Auntie, are you feeling unwell?"

"I had a bad spell a few days ago, but I'm feeling better now," Wei Zhonghong sighed, thinking about her son moping around at home.

Tang Xu replied, "Illness comes like a mountain, but goes away like a thread. Especially with the weather changing so often these days, it's important to take care of yourself. Otherwise, if you fall ill, things at home will be in chaos."

"You're right. These days, my daughter-in-law has been managing the household well, but I still find everything bothersome," Wei Zhonghong expressed helplessly. "If only I could have a thoughtful child-in-law like you."

Tang Xu just smiled and didn't respond to that comment.

Tang Xu heard the voice behind him and turned around in pleasant surprise.

Wei Dong stood at the intersection, and upon seeing the woman beside Tang Xu, he hesitated for a moment before calling out, "Auntie." 

Tang Xu turned his head to look at the auntie and asked, "Auntie?"

Wei Zhonghong nodded at him and pointed to Wei Dong, "He's my nephew. Do you two know each other?" 

Tang Xu nodded.

Wei Dong walked over, naturally taking the wooden bucket from Tang Xu's hands, and asked, "Why are you here?" 

"To return the basket," Tang Xu replied, giving him a sly glance. "I was afraid you might not have enough." 

Wei Dong swallowed his words and instead asked, "Auntie, why are you out here?"

"Yes, I came out to fetch water and got tired halfway. Xu Ge'er saw me and offered to help me carry it home," Wei Zhonghong smiled and nodded. "Since you're helping, why don't you carry it back for us?"

Wei Dong nodded and looked at Tang Xu, "You go back first."

Tang Xu wanted to suggest going together, but Wei Dong's expression was too serious, so he obediently nodded, "Oh, then I'll go first. Auntie, take care of yourself."

From auntie to elder auntie, it only took one Wei Dong.

Tang Xu turned around and headed straight for Wei Dong's large mansion. After watching his retreating figure for a moment, Wei Dong withdrew his gaze and continued walking with the wooden bucket.

Wei Zhonghong hurried to catch up with him, smiling as she asked, "You and Xu Ge'er seem very close, huh?"

Wei Dong: "...".

Wei Zhonghong added, "That kid is a good person. If you're interested, you should keep him to yourself. Don't wait until someone else marries him and then regret it."

Wei Dong pursed his lips, still not saying anything, his eyelashes trembling slightly.

Wei Zhonghong frowned, realizing what was going on with her nephew. She advised, "If he wasn't interested in you, he wouldn't keep coming over like this. And if you weren't interested in him, you wouldn't let him into your home. He's almost twenty now, so be decisive."

Wei Dong finally murmured in agreement.

Meanwhile, Tang Xu arrived at the main gate of the large mansion and knocked on the big iron door handle, shouting loudly, "Xiao Xi!~~~ Xiao Xi~~~ Open the door quickly~~~" 

Wei Xi heard the voice and immediately sat up from the kang, "Brother Xu! Brother Xu is here!"

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