It Turns out that I am Beautiful, Strong and Miserable [Quick Wear] - 194


ITOTIABSAM | Extra | 194

A new employee arrived at the maintenance department two days ago, tall and slim, with a striking appearance featuring dark hair and eyes, typical of East Asian looks. This newcomer was a "special recruit" offered by the Quick-Transmigration Bureau.

As the HR department was inputting the data, several employees in the office were busy and inadvertently overheard for a while. The next day, news about the new colleague spread throughout the entire headquarters:

In this day and age, with the Quick-Transmigration Bureau operating more maturely, there aren't many NPCs who can awaken self-awareness, especially those who, like the new colleague, have literally torn apart world consciousness with their own hand, such individuals are even more rare.

As for the maintenance department, despite its ordinary name and even somewhat mundane reputation, it is actually one of the most dangerous departments in the entire Quick-Transmigration Bureau. 

Most of the tasks they handle are prone to causing major troubles that could easily lead to the collapse of small worlds if not careful. Unruly plotlines, runaway characters, inexplicable bugs in the underlying code... all of these can make people hesitate.

Before making his wish, Gu Cong was already affiliated with this place.

In the main world, time flows steadily. Over the years, his name has long been forgotten from the top rankings, but there are still some old-timers who remember the gold-tier employee who once used up a million points in one go.

"So, did he really succeed?"

Adjusting his glasses, a handsome young man in a white lab coat asked. His hair was long, tied up in a high ponytail, and his fingers danced silently on a virtual keyboard, his eyes flashing with complex lines of deep green code.

—It wasn't that the contents of the monitor were reflected in his eyes, but rather his eyeballs themselves were special.

Leaning against the upgrade pod dedicated to the system, the spherical form of 0028 responded, "Yes, indeed. They've all come back, living together sweetly in the same room."

Today, it even said it would accompany the newly reported Xie Ye to familiarize himself with the environment, handing over the application for upgrade and change of appearance to 1101. Otherwise, in such a good time, it should still be sleeping deep in Gu Cong's consciousness.

"0006," it yawned boredly, "Anything new during my absence? Tell me about it."

The young man with the high ponytail—also known as 0006—didn't even lift his head. "No."

Cold and expressionless, as if even uttering one more word was a burden, vividly illustrating what it meant to be truly embodied data.

0028 was quite used to this appearance.

0006, one of the earliest systems deployed by the Quick Transmigration Bureau, currently responsible for all system maintenance upgrades, often appeared in human form because he had to work independently at headquarters. He worried about frightening other colleagues and causing unnecessary trouble, so he often appeared in the guise of a human.

The repair program that Gu Cong brought to the infinite world originally came from this individual's hand.

In the silence, the silver-white upgrade pod behind 0028 trembled slightly, emitting a "ding" sound. Then, with a clatter, the pod door opened and closed, and a fluffy white ball rolled out.

It probably hadn't yet adapted to its new body. Its short limbs were hidden in its long fur, and it struggled to move several times before finally managing to sit up straight.

Although to 0028, there wasn't much difference between the creature standing and lying down.

Unable to find the scientific name of the fluffy ball in the database, 0028 floated over to it with some difficulty. "Did you encounter a bug?"

1101, who had spent several nights drawing diagrams, immediately bristled. "This is my carefully designed creation!"

The exterior is soft and cute, with a first-class feel that will surely make the host love it.

Finishing work, 0006 also chimed in, "Don't doubt my skills." If it were just those common template images from the store, they could be directly applied. There's no need for a special visit to him.

After carefully observing for a few seconds, 0028 responded, "Alright, alright, I don't doubt it."

【How is it going to walk like this? 】

"Using it’s feet," 0006 replied succinctly with a disdainful look, as if they were about to pack 0028 back into the upgrade pod in the next second. "Of course, rolling is also an option. It's faster and cleaner."

The newly-acquired fluffy ball immediately experimented with its new image, jumping out of the upgrade pod and rolling around on the office floor.

Not having seen such a mischievous junior for a long time, 0028's brow twitched. Unable to resist, it asked softly, "Having fun?"

【You'd better pray that what just happened will never be known to Xie Ye.】

【From what I know... he seems to be quite clean freak.】


Two flowers blossom, each showing its own beauty.

On the 11th floor of the Quick Transmigration Bureau headquarters, several meters away from where Xie Ye had just finished setting up his new workstation, he inexplicably felt a slight itch at the tip of his nose.

Compared to typical professions in reality, the working hours of Quick Transmigration agents were quite flexible. Administrative tasks were handled by dedicated personnel, and apart from handing over missions, they rarely appeared at headquarters.

The Repair Department, marked privately as "high risk" and "blacklisted," was even more desolate than usual.

But this was the environment that suited Xie Ye best. Regardless of which world he was in, he couldn't be considered outgoing. Meaningless social interactions were a hassle for both him and others.

Choosing the Repair Department, Xie Ye naturally returned to his old profession. Just as Gu Cong  had mentioned before, they not only shared an office but also adjacent seats.

"ID cards are all sorted out," came two light knocks as Gu Cong pushed the door open. "It's almost lunchtime. Shall we grab a meal at the cafeteria before heading home?"

Nodding, Xie Ye set down the miniature spray bottle in his hand. On the tidy desktop, aside from a thick stack of mandatory Quick Transmigration agent regulations, there was also a pot of tender green, cute-shaped succulents—a "welcome gift" Gu Cong had picked up this morning on their way to headquarters.

Just like in the small world, the counterpart in the main world also enjoyed growing plants. 

Standing on the desk next door with a nameplate reading "Gu Cong" was also a pot of succulents, nourished with nutrient solution. Compared to Xie Ye's, it had a similar shape but was colored in a soft, girlish pale pink.

 The pot was designed to resemble a dog, and when viewed from different angles, it could be turned around to be closer with the cat-shaped pot beside it, creating a cute scene.

In short, anyone with eyes could see they belonged together.

The overall layout was similar to that of a typical company, with the Quick Transmigration Department's cafeteria located on the third floor. Given Xie Ye and Gu Cong's current positions, they needed to take the elevator to get there.

Unexpectedly, just as the elevator doors opened, a white round ball suddenly rushed towards Xie Ye.

Gu Cong reacted quickly, grabbing the long fur at the top of the object and lifting it up skillfully.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!" The new body, which could be dataized at any time, was sturdy enough. 1101 pretended to be hurt, complaining with a pitiful look towards Xie Ye, "It hurts, it hurts. I'm going to be bald!"

【Host, your boyfriend is bullying me.】

Gu Cong greatly appreciated the way the other referred to him. He raised an eyebrow and, feeling generous, changed his posture and placed the football-sized furball into his own arms.

However, 1101 showed no gratitude whatsoever. With a kick of its four paws, it darted towards the left side.

Xie Ye instinctively reached out and caught the furry creature.

The dense, soft touch felt smooth and warm, very pleasant to touch. It reminded him of someone from the interstellar world who transmigrated into a dog. He skillfully stroked the pure white fur.

With contentment, 1101 turned over, revealing its soft belly that needed careful observation to distinguish.

After all, a fluffy ball of fur, entirely snow-white, was quite difficult to distinguish various parts, including its four paws, at first glance.

In an instant, Gu Cong felt a bit neglected: ...

What's the big deal about being furry? In the little world, he had transformed into a wolf and even into a silver-throated long-tailed mountain finch, and Xie Ye had liked it too.

Silently recording the silly appearance of the host being jealous of a rogue system, 0028, floating in the air, chuckled. It felt both childish and, at the same time, like Gu Cong when it first met him.

Originally, the host still had concerns about his parents and the harm his accidental death had caused to his relatives and friends. But when Gu Cong had enough points to return to the original world and successfully avoided the accident, staying by his parents' side until they grew old, 0028 noticed that his spirit had weakened.

His outgoing and cheerful personality had also become more mature and stable.

Even though the other party wasn't giving up on himself, and even managed to climb to the top of the rankings in a short period, in 0028's eyes, its own host seemed to just exist in this world, barely alive.

There was no taste to it, and he didn't care about the danger. Every time he went on a mission, he always seemed to disregard the importance of life and death.

When Gu Cong made his wish to give Xie Ye a chance to start over without interference from the Quick Transmigration Bureau, and later decided to let go of everything and pursue him by sealing his memories, 0028, who was observing the whole process, originally didn't approve:

The risk was too high. To a system, love was truly ephemeral. What if Xie Ye had a heart of stone, or if he chose someone else? It would be like drawing water with a bamboo basket, wasting effort and experiencing heartbreak for a lifetime.

Now that everything has settled, seeing the host so lively, which could be described as "living again," and completely contrary to his age, 1101 suddenly feels somewhat glad that it didn't use pure analysis of pros and cons to stop him.

Perhaps love itself requires the courage and sincerity to take a leap of faith.

"Don't give me that strange look," Gu Cong says quietly as he steps into the elevator with Xie Ye. "Acting all mature, like an old father."

For a moment, 1101, who rarely gets sentimental, is puzzled: Looks? It's a ball of light, where would the eyes come from?

【Right, right, your boyfriend's system is full of vitality, so much so that you can't even get a word in,】 0028 retorts, switching to a encrypted channel, sarcastic and merciless: "Fantastic, truly fantastic.】

The first task completed and a hefty sum earned, 1101's small treasury quickly filled up, and now it's chattering away, showing off to Xie Ye and even planning to buy gifts for him.

Gu Cong quietly watches this scene filled with fireworks and doesn't retort, only smiling. "Yeah."

【Fantastic,】 0028 comments sarcastically, even though jealousy is hard to swallow, it still leaves a sweet aftertaste. Irrational. Hopeless.

0028's data tingles with acidity, unable to help but remark, 【The condition for opening the illusion is that Xie Ye falls in love with you, willing to stay with you in every life. Have you ever thought...】

【Never crossed my mind,】 Gu Cong replies unequivocally. "I'll stay by his side in every life until he falls in love with me."

Since the day he decided to end the punishment task, seal his memories, create illusions, and use new bodies to chase after his star, he has only accepted one outcome.

No matter how long the wait, it doesn't matter.

As long as it's Xie Ye in the end.

【So, you should thank Xie Ye and I for falling in love so smoothly, and naturally,】 he adds, turning the conversation around. "Otherwise, you'd have to guard the illusion for a few hundred more years."

The timing to send out the "gift" and awaken each other's memories, Gu Cong entrusted his original body and left to 0028 to handle, that was sleeping in the infinite game illusion.

0028 snorted disdainfully: "Cut it out."

【Mr. Gu, let me remind you, you're no different from a peacock displaying its feathers in full bloom】He always tries to feed those around him with dog food - including the system.

The handsome man with a calm expression replied, "My pleasure."

Xie Ye glanced at the man's slightly upturned mouth through the reflection in the elevator car and asked, "What are you smiling at?"

"Nothing," he said, raising his hand and gesturing to his empty ring finger. Gu Cong drawled slowly, "Just thinking... How about chasing after you again?"

"The kind that leads to marriage?"



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