It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 13


IETSTSMLARA | The Vicious Support Male Lead is a Bit Sweet | 13

The young master's new car would naturally be taken care of here, so Lin Su sat in the driver's seat and drove away directly. The speed at which he left made the young master feel like his brother hadn't had enough of showing off yet.

But that didn't stop him from expressing his admiration for Lin Su.

"Big brother, where did you learn to race? You're so amazing, surpassing the second place racer by so much. In a real international race, you might even come in first."


"Those people must be jealous to death. Just thinking about it makes me feel so happy. Brother, can you teach me how to race in the future? That steering technique... blah blah blah..."

The young master truly didn't understand how to read people's expressions well. However, throughout his life, the only person's expression he needed to pay attention to was his father's. 

What did it matter to him whether others were angry or not?

Lin Tang was shaped by their environment, and along with being pampered, he also had a streak of stubbornness.

The car suddenly stopped in a pitch-black place. Lin Tang looked around and saw nothing but the dark road, making the surroundings feel desolate in the night.

"Brother, aren't we home yet?" Lin Tang finally reacted to his surroundings. According to the horror movies he had watched, being in a dark, deserted place with just the two of them was making him cautious. He cautiously glanced at Lin Su's face and asked, "Brother, what's wrong?"

It was truly a bit scary.

The trembling tone of the young master tickled Lin Su's heart, but he maintained his stern expression.

"If you had lost, would you really have let him do whatever he wanted to you?" Lin Su asked, looking ahead. With the lights off in front, it was even harder to see his expression.

But Lin Tang belatedly felt that he must be angry. "No..."

"Tangtang, last time I arrived in time and nothing happened, this time was just a coincidence. But what about next time?" Lin Su's tone carried a hint of helplessness, making the young master feel a bit heavy in his heart.

He wanted to say he wasn't that foolish. If it weren't for Luo Fei's reminder earlier, he might have not thought of it.

Moreover, it was evident that Hu Jie came prepared, and if it weren't for Lin Su's arrival, he would have lost miserably.

"I..." He wanted to say a lot, but nothing came out.

In the pitch-black environment, the hand suddenly resting on his neck was strong, leaving him stunned. He could only face the slightly warm breath and the soft touch on his lips.

His eyes widened as the fingers behind his neck lightly pinched, and the kiss deepened, as if it wanted to take away all his breath, leaving Lin Tang's mind in a daze.

Who was he? Where was he? What was he doing?

He didn't know when the touch left. In the overly quiet environment, all he could hear was the rapid breaths and his own fast heartbeat.

"Tangtang," Lin Su's slightly hoarse voice sounded.

"Mmm," Lin Tang murmured softly.

"I don't want to just be your big brother," Lin Su said.

There was a hint of irresistible dominance in his voice, before Lin Tang could say anything, the warmth behind his neck vanished, and the car started up again.

The headlights dispelled the darkness, but they couldn't dispel Lin Tang's panic. As the car drove on, the scenery outside flew by. He sneakily glanced at the man driving, only to find that he seemed to be the only one nervous, while the man appeared calm as if he hadn't just passionately kissed and confessed to him.

How did it come to this? He kissed his brother, wouldn't that be incest? 

But they weren't blood-related, but, but... Oh no, but he just got a big brother and didn't want to turn him into a lover, but that kiss just now seemed... it was his first kiss...

Lin Tang's thoughts jumped from one point to another, repeatedly pondering into a tangled mess.

Naturally, Lin Su noticed his restless state.It would be really troublesome if he really calmed down after a kiss and slapped him.

The mechanical voice of System 06 chimed in: 【Host, were you really angry earlier?】

It seriously suspected that it’s host intentionally distorted the facts to prevent the young master from revealing the truth, all for the sake of that relationship-breaking kiss.

Lin Su chuckled lightly, saying: 【What do you think?】

This statement was tantamount to confirmation.

But according to Lin Su's plan, it was time to break the news now, before the young master truly saw him as a big brother. It would be much better to break it before genuine affection was established, at least without the feeling of betrayal.

The rest of the car journey was silent, the car entered the Lin residence and came to a stop. 

The young master swiftly opened the door with a click and almost ran inside, leaving Lin Su with only his departing figure.

System 06 was puzzled: 【Aren't you going after him?】

Lin Su replied, 【In Lin Tang’s case, pushing too hard might backfire.】

 Although Lin Su hadn't been in a romantic relationship so far, he had observed countless others' relationships and had learned quite a bit.

Lin Tang had hoped that entering the Lin residence and seeing his father would clear his mind and save him, but when he stepped inside, the servants informed him that his father was away on a business trip and wouldn't be back soon.

"Um, I'm really tired. I'm going upstairs to sleep," Lin Tang didn't even want to stay in the living room. But even after locking himself in his room, the feeling of unease didn't subside.

For example, the sound of Lin Su entering the house downstairs, even when talking to the servants, he was very polite and courteous, showing no signs of arrogance.

Ah, no, he shouldn't listen! Lin Tang covered his ears with a pillow.

But when it became quiet, he seemed to hear footsteps passing by his bedroom door, the sound of polished leather shoes, the long legs wrapped in a suit...

Was he infatuated?!

Lin Tang sprawled out on his bed in self-defeat, his eyes seemingly fixed on the door. Maybe Lin Su would come and knock on his door later to be attentive. Men were all wolves in sheep's clothing.

But as the entire mansion quieted down, no one came to knock on his door.

In the quiet of the morning, Young Master Lin's mind was clear, showing no signs of falling asleep, and he maintained this state until the moment the sun rose.

As soon as there was a hint of movement in the Lin residence, the young master hurriedly got up, ignoring changing clothes or washing up, and grabbed a suitcase, stuffing a bunch of clothes into it. He stormed out with determination.

"What are you doing up so early, young master? Breakfast will be ready soon," asked Zhang Mama, who was preparing breakfast.

"The school requires us to stay on campus," Lin Tang paused to say, but as soon as he stopped, he heard the sound of a door opening upstairs. 

Instantly, like a startled rabbit, he dashed out with his suitcase, saying, "I'm leaving first, bye."

When Lin Su came out, he didn't even see a sight of a suitcase.

There was a hint of gloating in System 06's mechanical voice: 【This time, he didn't hide, he just ran away.】

【He won't be able to stay at school for long,】 Lin Su replied without a trace of nervousness, eating breakfast as usual, even exuding a hint of leisure in his behavior.

System 06:【Why not?】.

According to recorded data, people in love tend to have lower IQs, they become worried and fretful, and those who can navigate through it effortlessly are either genuinely insincere or scoundrels.

【He's not accustomed to that kind of environment,】 Lin Su replied as he got up to return the tableware to the kitchen.

The young master was pampered. Even if they were to share a room at that so-called prestigious school, it would be enough to make the young master, who was used to sleeping on a memory foam mattress, extremely uncomfortable.

As Lin Su had anticipated, when Lin Tang walked into the dormitory and saw his designated bed, he almost choked. His dorm mates had already treated his bed board as another table, leaving behind some less-than-pleasant marks.

There was no way Young Master Lin could stay there. Hurriedly dragging his suitcase out of the school, he headed straight for a five-star hotel. 

As soon as he checked in, not only did Lin Su receive a message, but so did Father Lin.

"Why are you staying in a hotel?" Father Lin asked directly.

In the past, Lin Tang would have filed eight hundred complaints to drive that guy Lin Su out, but now, he couldn't seem to say it, and the words stuck in his throat. "It's nothing, just experiencing life," he managed to say, unable to come up with a better excuse at the moment.

Of course the young master had other villas to stay in, but why should he? That guy stayed in his house, and he stayed in another one. Besides, staying in a hotel was a different matter altogether.

"You're experiencing life by staying in a $20,000 per night presidential suite?" Father Lin was almost angry to death. "You have three days to return home, stop causing trouble, or I'll freeze your card."

"You always resort to threatening me!" Lin Tang shouted in frustration, only to be hung up on mercilessly.

This was the pitiful plight for the pampered young man. Once his source of income was cut off, it was cut off, and... ah, he couldn't say it. He needed to rebel... but he didn't dare.

At least he had three days. Lin Tang decided to use these three days to think about where he would live in the future.

Excluding Luo Fei, that guy was now Lin Su's loyal follower. If he went to Luo Fei, he would immediately report back to Lin Su. 

If he tried to hide, why should he hide anyway? 

Damn it!

However, Lin Tang was adamant about not letting Lin Su find him.

When Lin Su received the message, he replied with only one line: "Just keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't cause any trouble."

If Lin Su were to chase after him, he feared he would only run further away.

Lin Tang felt anxious and fearful, his mind raced with a thousand thoughts. But after three days passed without any disturbances, he felt unsettled. No one had come to find him.

This made him feel quite uneasy. Lin Su had said he didn't want to just be a big brother, but now it seemed like he didn't care about him at all. If he couldn't even find him for three days, it was clear he wasn't taking it seriously.

"So, do you want Brother Lin to find you or not?" When Luo Fei was called over, he looked puzzled. Listening to the young master's complaints felt like gossiping with a girlfriend, which felt very unreal.

"Of course I don't want him to find me. If you dare to tell him, I'll end our friendship," Lin Tang threatened.

Luo Fei swore, "I won't tell him. If I do..."

"No need to swear. Making such ominous vows isn't good," Lin Tang interrupted, turning away.

Luo Fei suddenly understood. Although he was shocked by the drastic change in the relationship between the two Lin brothers, since there was no blood relation between them, and idols could handle it, why should he be scared?

As soon as Luo Fei left, he reported the situation to Lin Su, who thanked him and promised not to expose him, showing true camaraderie.

Luo Fei was truly touched, feeling that their brotherhood was touching. For the sake of this brotherhood, he would help Lin Su fend off those rotten friends and bad luck in relationships.

While Lin Tang waited anxiously for Luo Fei to leave, he didn't see anyone come. He wasn't planning to accept Lin Su, but he felt he should make it clear that he liked Brother Hong, and why should he leave home? If anyone should leave, it should be that guy.

With these thoughts in mind, Lin Tang waited until evening, but when he finally went downstairs with his suitcase, he saw the man standing by the car, smoking.

The man was wearing a sharply tailored suit, the cigarette held between his fingers partially obscured his face. Unlike the pretentious demeanor of a grown man putting on a show for a young boy, Lin Su's relaxed movements exuded a sense of masculinity, the kind that stood tall and firm.

When he noticed his gaze, Lin Su extinguished the cigarette and tossed it into the trash can, seeing that he had been spotted. Lin Tang clenched his teeth and walked over, his head down. "Why are you here?" he asked.

This scene reminded him of a moment outside Shengshi Group, but his state of mind was now vastly different.


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