It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 15


IETSTSMLARA | The Vicious Support Male Lead is a Bit Sweet | 15

Father Lin's injuries were not severe. After the surgery, he was directly transferred to a regular ward. Since his life was not in danger, the news of his injury should be made public, allowing for opportunities for others to show their courtesy in the business world. 

The visits didn't last long. They simply left their gifts, exchanged a few pleasantries, and hurriedly departed. If Father Lin had been interacting with people under normal circumstances in the past, Young Master Lin would have disappeared without a trace

However, this time he stayed obediently in the hospital room. Though he wasn't adept at socializing, his behavior earned nods of approval and compliments for being sensible and filial from these old foxes.

After all, Father Lin's son had never been associated with these two words in the past. 

Moreover, his appearance, the only thing worth praising, couldn't be casually complimented after his sexual orientation was made public. Saying that a man looked good basically implied that he was effeminate in front of Father Lin's face. In short, the most comforting way to praise someone was through formal means.

The visitors came and went, finally confirming that no one else would be coming today. Lin Su sorted and classified the various gifts, keeping the valuable ones and planning to give away the cheaper ones.

Meanwhile, Ling Tang slouched directly on the bedside, exuding an air of exhaustion, at least in Father Lin's eyes.

To Lin Su, however, the sight of his young master, with his slightly loosened collar revealing delicate pink skin and flushed cheeks, seemed like an unwitting sacrifice, tempting and alluring. Though he knew he shouldn't be thinking about such things at a time like this, men were inherently visual creatures, easily swayed by beauty.

Quickly refocusing his thoughts, Lin Su concealed the fleeting desire in his eyes. He knew better than to make advances on Ling Tang in front of Father Lin. The time and place was wrong. Thoughts were one thing, actions were another.

For Lin Su, reporting on the company's recent situation was a breeze. His father's coma following the accident wasn't prolonged, and the affairs of the company wouldn't be thrown into complete chaos just because he was absent for a day.

Lin Su felt that organizing and managing the company's affairs was straightforward. However, in his father's eyes, while there were many capable individuals in the Lin family, those who could truly rise to his position and effectively command were scarce. Lin Su possessed this rare quality, and Father Lin recognized it.

The exceptional abilities of the Lin family's offspring were a good thing, but Lin Su's non-biological status was the only regret for Father Lin. Sometimes, blood ties didn't necessarily mean closeness, but they inherently bound them together.

Seeing Lin Tang, who looked weary after a day of receiving guests, beside him, his father couldn't help but sigh inwardly. This child was undoubtedly the proverbial "unable to lift a finger."

However, despite Lin Tang's shortcomings, he was at least obedient. On the other hand, Lin Su seemed to be a prodigal son. If Lin Tang was allowed to ascend to power he would be destined for failure.

Although his father was disappointed with Lin Tang's lack of ambition, he wouldn't reprimand him outright. Instead, he merely praised Lin Su verbally.

Lin Tang was initially tense and anxious, he had been too preoccupied to dwell on his previous worries. Now, hearing his father's praise, he instinctively snorted in response.

Once again, Lin Tang found himself at the receiving end of his father's favoritism. Always praising Lin Su for his stability, practicality, and immaculate attire, unlike Lin Tang himself, who seemed to always wear mismatched and unkempt clothes, with even the holes in his pants being criticized.

It used to be tolerable, as his father knew when to hold back. But now... Lin Tang observed Lin Su's figure, draped in a suit, and couldn't help but acknowledge what his friends had said. He did indeed look good, his posture impeccable in the suit.

Feeling a sense of agitation within, Lin Tang's restless fidgeting on the unstable bedside began to emit rapid, rhythmic sounds.

As their father continued speaking, intending to ignore the noise, it only grew louder and more intrusive. Finally, he turned to his younger son, whose legs were shaking uncontrollably, and remarked, "Can't you sit still properly, instead of fidgeting like a nervous wreck?"

Lin Tang was already feeling restless, but now the compliments and scoldings formed a clear contrast only heightened his agitation. He was about to retort, but seeing the needles still attached to his father's hand, he swallowed his words and stormed out of the room.

"Lin Tang, this child..." Lin Tang's father furrowed his brow and sighed heavily.

When everything is going smoothly, time seems abundant. But when adversity strikes, time rushes by mercilessly, sparing no one.

He could feel the age in his body. Even if it wasn't apparent on the outside, it couldn't match the energy of a young man. He felt powerless in trying to change Lin Tang's stubborn nature.

System 06 reported: 【Host, Sheng Hong has arrived. According to Young Master's planned route, the two will encounter each other.】

“I'll go check on him,” Lin Su said to his father.

"This child doesn't know any better. As the older brother, you should keep an eye on him," Father Lin waved his hand dismissively.

Lin Su would naturally keep an eye on him. However, unlike his father, he saw Lin Tang's temperament as quite admirable—frank and pure, untouched by the world's corruption. There was no need to force him to conform to conventional standards.

Lin Su paused at the door, as if remembering something, and turned back to say, "Father, if possible, you could also praise Lin Tang. Criticism may bring pressure, but praise can be motivating."

Father Lin had intended to joke that if he praised that child any more, he'd ascend to the heavens. However, upon hearing Lin Su's words, he fell into unexpected silence. He waved his hand and said, "Alright, go ahead. Just make sure he doesn't get into any trouble."

As Lin Su left the room, he did so with calm and composure, showing no signs of urgency. The person he wanted to chase was about to encounter someone who might be his rival in love, and moreover, an admirer of the person he cared for in the past, would be an emergency of the highest order for most people. But Lin Su didn't see it that way. 

He believed that one instance of interference didn't necessarily mean there would be more. 

What he wanted, others couldn't take away. So, why not go and see what happens?

Meanwhile, Lin Tang hurried along, seething with anger. Though he knew he should be more obedient, his father's tone made it seem as if Lin Su was the real son, while he was nothing but a discarded item.

Damn it!

Whoever wants to be obedient, let them be obedient. He won't listen anymore!

He kept his head down and walked forward. The result of not looking ahead was bumping into someone's shoulder. Due to the unequal strength, Young Master Lin ended up sitting on the ground, which only added fuel to the fire.

But when he looked up and saw the person, he was stunned.

The person was none other than Sheng Hong  who had been coming frequently to check on them these days. The friendship between the Shengs and the Lins was not just business-related; it involved personal relationships as well. His frequent visits couldn't help but make people wonder.

After all, the whole upper class knew about Young Master Lin's pursuit of Shengshi's young master before. Lin Tang hadn't considered it before, but now that he ran into him, it felt somewhat awkward. Could it be that Sheng Hong really had feelings for him?


Lin Su's voice suddenly rang in his ears, but when Lin Tang looked around, he couldn't see Lin Su anywhere.

Sheng Hong reached out his hand to help him up, but Lin Tang awkwardly got up on his own, rubbing his ear. Whenever he saw Sheng Hong, it seemed like his mind automatically played Lin Su's words from that night.

Sheng Hong, slightly surprised by Lin Tang's reaction, withdrew his hand naturally. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"It’s nothing," Lin Tang tried to discreetly move away from him, but in Sheng Hong's eyes, his attitude seemed like avoidance.

"Can we go somewhere else to talk?" Sheng Hong's tone left little room for refusal. "I have something to tell you."

The events of that night suddenly felt chaotic again, with misunderstandings and apologies left unspoken.

"Sure, there's a café near the hospital," Lin Tang couldn't help but fidget with his pants cuffs.

As the two left, their demeanor didn't reveal much, but their departure alone was enough to spark discussions and debates. If nobody had seen them, it might have been fine, but unfortunately, many of the people in this private hospital had some connections to the upper circles. As soon as the two left the hospital, gossip started flying.

Was Lin Tang about to achieve his goals after withdrawing from the scene?

What's this about love being stolen at knifepoint, and Mr. Bai retreating under the tyranny of the third party?

Of course, Bai Xiuran also received the news, but he just glanced at it as if it had nothing to do with him and went back to his own business.

The café was quiet, a good place for conversation. However, Lin Tang only realized after they were alone that it might not have been appropriate for them to come out together. No wonder he felt like someone was watching him when they left the hospital.

Damn it! It feels like his third party's reputation can't be salvaged now. No matter which river he jumps into, he won't be washed clean.

"I'm sorry for last time. I was impulsive," Lin Tang sat further away from Sheng Hong.

The café table had four seats, and Lin Tang not only sat across from Sheng Hong but also chose a seat diagonally opposite him.

Even though he sat far away, his unease was genuine. If it was true what Lin Su said, then he would indeed be the one destroying someone else's relationship.

"It's okay. It was my fault," Sheng Hong felt a little stifled seeing Lin Tang's attitude, as if he wanted to sit as far away as possible.

Before, Lin Tang used to like sticking close to him. Although occasionally accommodating him could be troublesome, he secretly hoped that Lin Tang would behave more maturely. But now that Lin Tang was keeping his distance from him, Sheng Hong found it uncomfortable.

"I said something irresponsible," Sheng Hong looked at him and said, "I was serious back then, but it had been too long, and I've experienced too much. So I forgot. Lin Tang, can you give me a chance to make amends?"

"Huh?" Lin Tang was puzzled. "How can you make amends?"

He couldn't just say he liked a certain type and then reject him again, could he?

"Let's be together," Sheng Hong felt responsible for Lin Tang. Twelve years old was already an age of understanding. He had forgotten the promise he made, while Lin Tang had remembered it for so long. It was indeed his fault.

"Aren't you with Bai Xiuran?" Lin Tang should have been excited or jealous at this moment, but when he brought it up, there was no longer the sourness he used to feel. 

Instead, he remembered Lin Su's words about interfering in others' relationships and causing harm to them. If that was considered third-party interference, then what about Sheng Hong, who already had a boyfriend and still wanted to pursue him?

"Brother Hong, are you trying to step on two boats?" Lin Tang asked bluntly.

The corners of Sheng Hong's mouth that had remained unchanged for years twitched fiercely.

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