The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 75


| TBBOTOF | 75

With someone helping out, Wei Dong didn't hesitate to direct Second brother Pan and Fourth brother Pan, taking them to the backyard to assist in weaving straw mats and renovating the livestock shed. Originally, these tasks were meant for him and Tang Xu to handle, but with extra hands, Tang Xu could take a break.

Despite Wei Dong not being very skilled at weaving baskets, he managed with the straw mats. At least, once the mats were woven, the straw wouldn't scatter when standing upright.

As the three men worked and chatted, Second brother Pan spoke more, with Fourth brother Pan chiming in occasionally, while Wei Dong nodded along, occasionally acknowledging with an "Hmm."

"Why are you making so many straw mats, Dong ge? Didn't you buy cotton to make quilts?" Second brother Pan asked, feeling a bit uncertain after posing the question. 

He glanced at the sturdy mule nearby, leisurely chewing on bean cakes, and clicked his tongue. "You're not making these for it, are you?"

Wei Dong responded with a grunt, standing up the straw mats and using the woven straw ropes to enclose the perimeter of the shed, leaving only enough space for the mule to enter and exit.

When the two wild mountain goats initially found themselves enclosed, they were quite frightened, emitting bleats of alarm. However, once they realized that the enclosure reduced the wind blowing in, they immediately quieted down.

Wei Dong patted the sturdy muscles of the mule's butt. "Get in."

The mule flicked its tail and stepped inside. After pacing around the shed, its large face poked out from a gap above, indicating that the enclosure wasn't sufficient.

Wei Dong glanced at Fourth brother Pan, who handed him the unfinished straw mat he was holding.

After blocking off one side, the mule's face poked out from another gap.

This process repeated three times until it was completely sealed off.

Wei Dong gave the enclosure a final push, feeling satisfied with how securely it was bound.

The aroma of simmering beef fat wafted over on the breeze, causing both Pan brothers, who were weaving straw mats, to inhale deeply. Then, they exchanged surprised glances.

Why did it smell so good?

"Why does our oil smell fishy?" one of them asked.

"It does have a fishy smell, but it's not unpleasant," the other replied.

They both turned to look at Wei Dong.

Wei Dong, still weaving the straw nest, looked up and said calmly, "It'll smell even better later."

As his words trailed off, the fragrance in the air intensified, becoming so enticing that it distracted them from their work.

As Tang Xu poured the dried chili peppers into the oil pot, the three men in the backyard simultaneously swallowed their saliva.

Yes, all three of them.

Wei Dong particularly enjoyed spicy food when eating his cold and hot skewers, so the aroma of the spicy beef fat made him even more restless.

Tossing aside the weeds in his hands, he stood up and headed towards the kitchen.

Tang Xu was just scooping out the fried celery and onions from the pot. These shouldn't be fried for too long, or they would easily burn.

He then scooped out and used it to mix it to the vegetables, they tasted equally delicious.

Hearing footsteps behind her, Tang Xu turned his head and smiled, asking, "Why are you covered in bits of grass?"

Wei Dong stepped back through the door, patting the grass off his body, then walked over to Tang Xu's side, peering into the basin and then at the pot. Unable to resist, he asked, "Can I have some?"

"What?" Tang Xu was puzzled for a moment, then glanced at the bowl placed nearby. "You want to eat this?"

"It smells so good, I need something to munch on." Wei Dong picked up a piece of celery with chopsticks. It didn't have much flavor but carried a delightful aroma of oil.

Tang Xu chuckled, initially wanting to refuse him and kick him out, but he didn't say anything.

Because he saw the two brothers peeking in at the door of the kitchen, along with Wei Xi, who had been lured over by the fragrance.

Well, it seemed they all had a craving.

"Wait a moment." Tang Xu scooped out the fried chili peppers from the pot and put them in the basin. Then, he poured in a bowl of previously fried peanuts, sprinkled some salt, and mixed it all together. 

He added some ground Sichuan peppercorn powder and continued mixing. Next, he tossed the celery and onions from the other basin with salt as well. Seeing Wei Xi eyeing him, he added more peanuts into the mix.

"Go ahead, take them out to eat. There's mantou over there, grab one each and munch on it. No need to save any for me." Tang Xu handed both bowls to Wei Dong, instructing him to take them out.

Without worrying about how the four of them would share the two bowls of mixed dishes, Tang Xu continued pouring spices into the oil pot. When the color and aroma matched what he was familiar with, he extinguished the fire in the stove.

The fragrance was so enticing that it made him salivate uncontrollably.

He poured all the oil into a jar, ready for scooping out a spoonful when needed.

He was preparing lunch.

Originally, Tang Xu had planned to make spicy hot pot, but considering the hearty appetites of the two brothers, making hot pot would consume a lot of ingredients and might not even be enough to satisfy everyone. So, he decided to stew some meat instead.

Using the base oil in the pot, he made some spicy water-boiled beef slices. Then, he slaughtered a chicken to stew with mushroom noodles. 

The noodles were ones he had made before, drying plenty of noodles made from sweet potatoes and regular potatoes. Additionally, he stir-fried some vinegar-glazed cabbage with minced meat and sour green beans, and steamed eggplant with meat sauce.

He cooked a pot of mixed grain rice and mixed grain mantou to accompany the dishes. To balance out the richness of the meat and vegetables, he also made a tomato and egg soup.

"Dinner's ready!" After busying himself for over an hour, with all the dishes prepared, Tang Xu shouted towards the back window of the kitchen.

Wei Dong was the first to come in, followed by Wei Xi, and then the two Pan brothers.

They had cleaned their hands and brushed off the dust and grass clippings from their bodies. They strode in with bowls and plates in hand, their demeanor as if they were about to go to battle, yet solemn.

Tang Xu, sweating from his efforts, waved them to start eating first and went to wash his face.

After washing his face and returning to the main hall, he found the four of them waiting at the table.

Tang Xu sat down and smiled at them, saying, "Dig in."

Wei Dong brought out the sorghum wine brewed by Tang Xu and poured a glass for each of the Pan brothers. The aroma of the wine mixed with the scent of the food, intertwining and wafting into their nostrils.

Second brother Pan couldn't resist any longer. Initially, he intended to hold back a bit, considering they were guests in someone else's home. 

Even though they had shared several meals of grilled meat together in the mountains before and knew that Tang Xu was skilled at cooking, he couldn't hold back now.

With his bowl in hand, he first picked up a piece of the most aromatic water-boiled beef slices. The bright red chili flakes were soaked in oil, and as he lifted a chopstick, it caught both the beef on top and the bean sprouts underneath.

White steam rose from the bowl.

Second brother Pan reached out to pass the bowl, not afraid of the heat. He blew on it a couple of times before eagerly bringing it to his mouth.

The fresh and spicy aroma, the tender slices of meat, the crisp bean sprouts, and the chewy tofu soaked in the broth... 

Mmm, so delicious!!!

Second brother Pan experienced what it meant to be moved to tears by a single bite.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

Tang Xu watched as his expression changed, finding it amusing. Especially when he saw the redness around his eyes, as if he was about to cry. He quickly said, "Did you burn yourself? Spit it out, spit it out."

Second brother Pan shook his head. Not only did he not spit it out, but he also continued to pick up three more mouthfuls, stuffing them into his cheeks until they bulged. 

Only then did he stop, squinting his eyes and chewing with a look of enjoyment and intoxication.

To be honest, the expression looked quite lecherous, and it was a bit overwhelming to look at.

Tang Xu turned his head to look at Wei Dong beside him, who, although didn't stuff his mouth like Second brother Pan, also moved his chopsticks in a rapid manner, swiftly picking up food and putting it into his bowl.

Tang Xu was glad he had foreseen this and kept a small pot aside.

He stood up to bring the small pot from the kitchen and said to Wei Xi, "Let's eat this one. Let them fight over that pot."

Wei Xi nodded obediently, occasionally glancing at the large pot of water-boiled beef slices.

Perfectly embodying the phrase "eating what's in the bowl while watching the pot."

Tang Xu chuckled and asked, "So, do the two pots taste different?"

"Not really," Wei Xi's lips were slightly swollen and reddened from the spiciness, but even so, he continued to pick food from the small pot. "I just see they have more meat over there."

Tang Xu burst out laughing and quickly turned his head, waving his hand. "Then, you should join in the competition too. They say the food you fight for always tastes the best."

Indeed, it did taste the best. Wei Xi's mouth curved into a satisfied smile as he savored a tender and succulent slice of beef that he managed to snatch.

In the Wei family mansion, there was an unwritten rule: Tang Xu cooked, and either Wei Dong or Wei Xi did the dishes, along with tidying up the kitchen. 

Meanwhile, Tang Xu sat at the table in the main hall, munching on some melon seeds and sipping on sugar water, or he went inside to rest on the kang.

For Wei's family trio, there was nothing wrong with their way of interacting. However, the Pan brothers couldn't help but stare in disbelief.

Fourth brother Pan, being of a more steady temperament, rarely voiced his doubts, but of course, he wasn't foolish. 

When he did ask questions, it was in a place where Tang Xu couldn't hear.

In the kitchen, Wei Dong was ladling warm water from the pot into a large basin containing bowls and chopsticks. 

When he saw Fourth brother Pan come in, he casually remarked, "Scoop some ash from the stove into the basin. I'll use it for washing the dishes. There's a lot of oil on them today."

Even if Fourth brother Pan had a poker face, Wei Dong's words still stung him, causing the injured half of his face to twitch involuntarily several times.

Wei Dong noticed the twitching of his scarred face and said disdainfully, "You're about to get married soon. Can't you pay a bit more attention? Get yourself a mask to cover that half of your face."

It was rare to hear Wei Dong say so much, except in front of Tang Xu. He tended to keep quiet around others. When they first met, Fourth brother Pan even thought he was mute.

His eyes were filled with astonishment and disbelief as he looked at Wei Dong. 

At this moment, the tall and robust man was sitting on a low wooden stool, wearing a pink apron embroidered with white plum blossoms. Seeing that Fourth brother Pan hadn't scooped the ash as requested, he stood up and went to do it himself.

Even with guests in the house, they still needed to maintain some dignity.

Although the apron had already compromised his dignity, Wei Dong still liked it very much. He had even once boasted to Wei Xi about it.

The expression on Wei Xi's face at that time was similar to Fourth brother Pan's expression now.

Wei Xi back then indicated that he had nothing to say.

Fourth brother Pan looked around and didn't see anyone else. He squatted down and watched as Wei Dong efficiently washed the dishes. Finally, he asked, "Is this house still under your management, Dong ge?"

Wei Dong was puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Pan Lao Si asked the question he had prepared earlier.

During the meal just now, they had instinctively followed Wei Dong's lead, waiting for Tang Xu to arrive before starting to eat. This was the treatment of a household head!

"Um, I just feel...," Fourth brother Pan originally wanted to say that Wei Dong was elevating Tang Xu's status too much, but when he saw Wei Dong's expression, he changed his words, "I feel like you're being too good to Tang Xu, waiting for him to eat and helping him with the chores."

Wei Dong calmly withdrew his gaze.

"He was busy for so long. What's wrong with me waiting for him to eat and helping him wash dishes?" Wei Dong's voice was even.

"When your mother is busy at home, don't you also help her with chores?" 

Fourth brother Pan was stunned, a momentary daze appearing on his face.

Indeed, when they were at home, they would routinely do these chores. Even though they didn't cook, they would still go into the kitchen, help their mother with washing the dishes and cleaning, which were all regular tasks.

Why would helping their own spouse make Wei Dong seem like he's not in charge at home?

Fourth brother Pan fell silent for a moment.

It seemed like his mindset was changing.

Ever since they had some money in their hands and arranged marriages and built houses, with the money, many tasks could be outsourced by hiring help. 

So, the tasks they originally had to do were divided up. When they had free time, they felt like there were some things they originally didn't have to do, and they could just spend a little extra money to get them done.

It wasn't just him; all of his brothers were also like this.

Their mindset had indeed changed, and it couldn't be said to be wrong. However, Fourth brother Pan suddenly realized that if things continued like this, they might drift further and further away from Wei Dong.

Fortunately, he realized it early.

Fourth brother Pan scratched his head, staring at the clean ground with lowered eyes, and said in a low voice, "I was wrong, Dong ge, please forgive me."

Wei Dong just made a sound of acknowledgment without lifting his head, focusing intently on washing the dishes.

Fourth brother Pan squatted down without a word and started helping with the dishwashing.

Wei Dong didn't stop him either, handing over the dishwashing duties. He took a cloth and began wiping the stove and pots.

"I understand that you and your brothers have struggled for many years, and suddenly having money in your hands, you don't want to lift a finger for anything anymore," he said solemnly, his voice heavy as he wiped the only iron pot lid with the cloth.

He hadn't wiped this lid clean much before, there used to be a layer of black stuck on it. 

After Tang Xu married into the family, everything in the house had been cleaned and scrubbed once over. 

Wei Dong never explicitly ordered him to do anything; if you had the vision and a heart to help out, it would make him happy. He spoke softly, and if you didn't want to do anything, he wouldn't say anything about it either.

But as he wiped the lid clean, it made his heart feel lighter just by looking at it. Naturally, he would also be inclined to help maintain this cleanliness.

At least the two brothers from the Wei family did things this way. They didn't think there was anything wrong with helping out in the kitchen and doing dishes. They even believed it was better to let the ger in their rest a little more.

Wei Dong was extremely satisfied with Tang Xu in every aspect. He is someone who has grown on the tip of his heart, with a status as high as Wei Xi's.

"But you also have to understand, if you forget the hardships you've been through, you'll never be able to appreciate the sweetness that comes after," Wei Dong said, surprising Fourth brother Pan with a loss of words. It wasn't like him to say something like that.

"I got it, Dong ge," Fourth brother Pan nodded, indicating that he remembered his words.

Wei Dong didn't want to say much more, he just spoke his mind.

As they tidied up in the kitchen, Wei Xi wiped the table clean. Seeing Second brother Pan heading to the backyard, he paused for a moment, then put on a thick coat and followed suit.

He hadn't seen how they had cleaned up the backyard while he was in his little study room practicing calligraphy. 

But as he turned around and went over, he noticed that only the pigsty was left; all the other enclosures had been surrounded with straw mats.

Wei Xi was surprised, his mouth hanging open for a moment. Then he took a few quick steps and walked directly into the chicken coop.

The straw mats dimmed the light a bit, but there wasn't as much wind. Two roosters strutted around the enclosure, their heads held high, occasionally pecking at the ground.

Wei Xi casually reached into the thick pile of dry hay nearby and retrieved three eggs. Then, he glanced over at the hen sitting on her eggs in the grass nest.

"Second brother Pan, thank you for your hard work," the young man said with a polite smile and a slight bow.

Second brother Pan was about to boast about his skills, but upon hearing this, his smug expression froze on his face.

Wei Xi put down his hand and didn't engage much with Second brother Pan, simply saying, "Second brother Pan, I see that you're busy. I'm going inside to study."

Second brother Pan nodded blankly, and once Wei Xi was out of sight, he sighed softly and scratched his neck, muttering to himself, "He's just like Wei Dong."

The thought of Wei Dong politely acknowledging his hard work made him feel uncomfortable all over!

With no more desire to show off, he found a spot out of the wind, leaned against the wall, chewed on a stalk of straw, and continued weaving the final straw mat.

As for Tang Xu, although he had originally planned to rest on the kang for a while before going out to help, he found himself dozing off, his body not fully recovered yet.

Tang Xu woke up to the sound of movement outside, realizing that the Pan brothers were about to leave. He hurriedly called out through the window, "Don't leave yet, wait a moment."

Rubbing his face, Tang Xu quickly got off the kang, put on his shoes, and grabbed the cotton jacket from the kang before rushing out the door.

"Take two jars of sorghum wine back with you. I noticed you were too focused on eating just now and only had one cup of wine. Take it back and drink it with Elder brother Pan and Third brother Pan. Consider it my way of showing respect," he said as he headed to the cellar, grabbing two small wine jars, each containing two and a half catties of wine.

The dark-colored wine jars were tied with small red ribbons and had red paper with the character "high" pasted on them, giving them a festive appearance.

Fourth brother Pan thanked Tang Xu for the wine, then Tang Xu handed another jar from the cellar to Second brother Pan, smiling warmly as he said, "This one is for Granny Pan. It's homemade preserved apricots made by me. Last time I visited, I noticed that she liked to eat some sweet and sour fruits. These apricots are appetizing, so whenever she feels like her mouth is bland or doesn't feel like eating, she can have a few of these to stimulate her appetite. If she likes them and finishes them, you can come back for more. I still have some left."

Second brother Pan expressed his gratitude repeatedly, even more eagerly than when he saw the two jars of wine earlier.

It's that time of the year when the weather changes unpredictably, and Granny Pan, who is in her fifties, has been feeling the effects. 

Despite usually being in good spirits, her appetite has noticeably declined. While others are preparing for winter by putting on some extra weight, she has been losing weight because nothing seems appetizing to her. With her already slender frame, this weight loss is concerning.

The brothers were worried about her and took her to see a doctor. However, the doctor attributed her condition to her age and suggested she take some medication at home to regulate her condition. 

However, Granny Pan is reluctant to take medication, insisting she's not sick and doesn't want to waste money on medicine that will only make her feel worse.

"I'm sure my mother will love it. She hasn't been eating much these days, and we brothers have been worried!" Second brother Pan happily held the small jar, looking at Tang Xu, "Thank you."

Tang Xu thought for a moment and said, "I also pickled some sour bamboo shoots with a hint of spice. They go well with porridge and are very appetizing. I'll give her a jar of that too."

Second brother Pan nodded repeatedly, thanking him profusely.

After the two brothers left in their ox cart, Tang Xu turned to ask Wei Dong, "What were you guys busy with in the backyard?"

Wei Dong raised an eyebrow, "Didn't you see?"

Tang Xu shook his head. He hadn't been to the backyard all day, so he wouldn't have seen anything.

Wei Dong chuckled and led him to the backyard. "I thought you saw them helping out today, so you decided to give them something."

Tang Xu replied, "They brought so many beans over, we couldn't just ask for them for nothing. Plus, the other day, Granny Pan gave me some delicious plums. Let me tell you, those plums were the best I've ever had. The thin skin, thick flesh, small pits, and so sweet with plenty of juice. Next year, you should go pick some too."

Wei Dong draped his arm over Tang Xu's shoulder, noticing his rare expression of interest in something. "In a couple of days, I'll dig up two trees and plant them on our half-hillside. If you want to eat, you won't have to run so far to pick them."

"Will they survive?" Tang Xu thought the suggestion was good. After asking, he turned his head and stopped in surprise. His gaze followed the circle of several enclosures surrounded by grass mats. "Impressive."

Not only were the animal enclosures surrounded, but even the yard was tidied up.

He felt he might have given too little earlier.

Wei Dong also found it good; at least, it looked much neater than before. "Second Brother Pan is quite efficient."

"Even if it's windy or snowing, they won't freeze," Tang Xu, like Wei Xi before him, entered a few enclosures to personally feel the temperature inside. Satisfied, he said, "Don't underestimate the grass mats; they provide good wind protection."

As he spoke, he heard two meows. Turning his head, he saw a furry head poking out from above the grass mats.

The orange cat met Tang Xu's gaze and started meowing more sweetly.

Tang Xu walked over and reached out his hand. The chubby cat jumped down, and he caught it steadily.

Tang Xu rubbed the furry head, pinched the chubby paws and thighs, and even the soft belly, sighing, "You're definitely putting on weight."

The chubby cat meowed and rubbed its head against him, enjoying the massage, purring loudly.

Wei Dong hated this chubby cat.

Every time he saw it being affectionate with Tang Xu, rubbing against his face and wrapping its tail around his arm, he wanted to grab it by the scruff of its neck and throw it out.

He had thrown it out before, but he got a glare from his husband.

Since then, Wei Dong knew that his husband couldn't stand seeing him bully this chubby cat.

"Mimi, you can't keep climbing up here. If you damage the straw mat, I'll deduct your meat snacks," Tang Xu pinched the cat's face and scolded it. "And you're not allowed to go into the chicken coop. If you scare the hens, I'll spank your butt."

The chubby cat didn't understand and just meowed.

Tang Xu carried the chubby cat outside and saw Wei Dong behind him. His husband's eyes were fixed on him—or rather, on the chubby cat in his arms.

"Don't be so petty. It's just a cat, being jealous of a cat is too narrow-minded. Be more generous," Tang Xu said, feeling dissatisfied with Wei Dong's attitude.

Tang Xu chuckled and kissed Wei Dong on the chin, coaxing him, "See, I didn't even let it roll around on our bed."

Wei Dong's eyes flashed with irritation. If it dared to roll on the bed, he'd stew it!

Sensing the threat of death, the chubby cat meowed and jumped out of Tang Xu's arms, scurrying away.

Tang Xu sighed helplessly and patted Wei Dong, "You scared it away."

Wei Dong, like a victorious rooster, strutted proudly, "Hmph, go rest for a while."

Tang Xu didn't want to rest, but Wei Dong forcefully pulled him back into the house.

He didn't sleep either, lying on the kang with his mind racing about what to do next.

As the weather turned colder, it was time to start storing many vegetables, especially radishes and cabbage. They also needed to take advantage of the good weather to sun-dry some dried potatoes and radishes, which could be soaked and eaten later.  

On the other side, the two brothers from the Pan family returned home with four small jars. Since their new house wasn't completely built yet, they were still living in the old one.

Seeing them return, Granny Pan wiped her hands clean. Before she could say anything, she was handed a small jar.

Second brother Pan grinned and said, "Mother, this is the preserved apricot Xu Ge'er brought for you, and that jar is the pickled sour bamboo shoots he made, he said you can have them with porridge."

Granny Pan's eyes lit up with joy and she said, "If the daughters-in-law you bring home in the future are as good as this young man, I'll be satisfied."


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  1. Thanks for the chapter!

  2. thank you for the update.. I'm waiting for some thrills..

  3. Thanks for the update 🤗 🤗


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