The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 64


| TBBOTOF | 64

Originally, Tang Xu planned to talk to Wei Zhonghong about the matter of making liangpi (cold skin noodles), but due to the rain when he returned that day, he couldn't make it.

The rain continued for seven or eight days afterward. People from the Fuyun  restaurant side came and suggested suspending the liangpi business for a while. 

Firstly, fewer people dined out in bad weather, and secondly, with the temperature dropping, it wasn't as hot anymore. The restaurant owner was afraid of buying too much and not being able to sell it.

Tang Xu thought the suggestion was reasonable and agreed.

However, he told them that they could switch the cold pot skewers to hot pot skewers instead. After all, the soup base was probably the same, just with the additional step of frying the oil seasoning. He told the person who came from the Fuyun restaurant, and the person nodded, assuring him that they would relay the message accurately to the owner.

Tang Xu didn't have much idle time in the following days. He first took advantage of a break in the rain to go to Wei Zhonghong's place. He apologized to her solemnly, and she said she completely understood. She even mentioned that it was a good move, as it would at least prevent them from causing trouble for them in the future.

Tang Xu then told her about the liangpi matter, and Wei Zhonghong was very surprised. Her reaction was similar to Luo Pingping's; it was like being hit in the face with a big meat pie. Anyone who didn't take advantage of this opportunity would be foolish.

At Wei Zhonghong's kitchen, Tang Xu taught her how to make liangpi. Wei Zhonghong was already accustomed to kitchen work, so after seeing Tang Xu do it once, she understood what to do. After trying her hand at making a few sheets of liangpi herself, she mastered the technique. 

They agreed that once they received notification from the Fuyun restaurant side to start preparing liangpi, they would begin business. Of course, he made it clear that she needed to protect the technique and discuss profit sharing. 

Similarly, Tang Xu would receive two coins for each sheet of liangpi.

After Wei Zhonghong saw Tang Xu off, her eldest daughter-in-law asked why "Xu Ge'er" had come, and Wei Zhonghong promptly shut her down with a couple of words.

That night, as the couple lay on the kang, Wei Zhonghong told her husband about the liangpi business. He didn't say much, only remarking that Tang Xu was a good person.

The days continued with continuous light rain. Not only did the small food stall business suffer, but even Tang Erhu and his group felt uncomfortable working in the fields.

When it didn't rain, they hoped for rain every day, fearing the crops in the fields would die from drought. Now, with daily rain, they feared the excess water would drown the crops that hadn't yet matured.

Fortunately, the rice in the paddy fields was growing well. Tang Yang came over twice to deliver small fish and shrimp to Tang Xu, saying that Dad was in good spirits recently but worried about his elder brother's health.

That day, Wei Dong went to Tang Erhu's place and told him about Tang Xu pretending to be sick. The next day, despite the rain, Tang Erhu came over and gave Tang Xu a good scolding before leaving. Tang Xu, acting spoiled, stubborn, and pretending to be wronged, managed to get his father to leave with just a slaughtered chicken.

"Brother-in-law!" Wei Xi suddenly called out, bringing Tang Xu's wandering thoughts back.

He blinked and looked down at the kitchen knife in his hand, then glanced at the roughly cut radish strips. He sighed. 

"What's wrong, brother-in-law?" Wei Xi asked, puzzled, as he held his face in his hands. "Were you lost in thought just now?" 

Tang Xu murmured in agreement, sweeping the radish strips into a basin before continuing to chop. "I was just thinking about when the weather will clear up so we can continue our business."

"What business? Are you still going to sell skewers?"

"No, I was worried about Ah Li's business and the liangpi business," Tang Xu replied, his eyes drifting towards the corridor that had been erected using bamboo. Even with the rain, Wei Dong hadn't forgotten to have someone come to build the corridor. A group of similarly aged young men had been busy in the courtyard for five days, finally finishing the corridor and even setting up a barbecue stove for Tang Xu.

Speaking of the stove, he turned to Wei Xi. "Has it been enough time?"

"Enough," Wei Xi nodded, sniffing slightly. "I just wanted to ask if those egg tarts are ready. I smelled something delicious." 

Tang Xu put down the knife, wiped his hands, and stood up. "Let's go, let's check them out."

The barbecue stove was set up in the corner of the kitchen, and as they entered, the scent of milk wafted towards them. It was so fragrant that Wei Xi couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Instead of using cow's milk, they used goat's milk. There were a few households in the village that raised goats for milk, and they usually sold goat milk to families with newborns who lacked breast milk. When Wei Dong went to buy it, he was even asked if someone in his family had given birth.

Later, Wei Dong taught him how to handle such inquiries. He had hesitated for a long time before finally saying that they were planning to use it to make desserts.

Tang Xu chuckled at the memory and removed the protective cover from the front of the stove. Using a large pair of tongs, he carefully lifted out the egg tarts, each in a small bowl shape.

"Try one, but be careful not to burn yourself," he said, using a small bowl to serve one to Wei Xi.

Wei Xi held the bowl, enjoying the sweet aroma wafting from it while feeling his mouth water.

The egg custard had already solidified, and the outer pastry was slightly soft to the bite.

Tang Xu felt that the texture wasn't quite right. He placed a dozen or so egg tarts on the stove, murmuring, "They should be crispier when they cool down." Meanwhile, Wei Xi blew on his tart as he ate, humming contentedly.

Tang Xu chuckled, poking his cheek. "What's with the humming? Are you trying to be a little piggy?"

"Brother-in-law, these are so delicious, sweet and fragrant!" Wei Xi's lips were bright red, and his eyes sparkled.

Tang Xu couldn't help but find his enthusiastic reactions amusing. "Well, you can have another one later, but don't eat too much, or you won't be hungry for lunch."

"I want to share some with Ah Li and Brother Yang," Wei Xi said, not forgetting his friends even as he enjoyed the treats himself. Such delicious things should definitely be shared.

Tang Xu thought for a moment and nodded. "Alright, when your brother returns from town, we'll go there for a visit, and we'll have lunch there."

"Okay, great!" Wei Xi exclaimed happily.

Wei Dong had gone to town to sell prey meat. For the past month, he had been going into the mountains every day, but the harvest wasn't good. It was only yesterday evening that he had a sudden idea to visit Xiaoyu Mountain, and unexpectedly encountered two stray wolves.

Tang Xu didn't inquire about the fierce battle process. When his husband returned, aside from some wolf blood and a few scratches, he didn't have any other injuries.

 Early in the morning, Wei Dong dragged the two wolf carcasses into town, saying he would be back before lunch. As they were talking, there was a commotion in the backyard.

Tang Xu asked Wei Xi to continue eating as he went to check. He saw Wei Dong about to dismantle the cart and stopped him. "I've made some egg tarts. Wei Xi said he wants to give some to Ah Yang and Ah Li to try. Let's have lunch there, and I'll prepare some meat. We can make dumplings when we get there."

Wei Dong nodded. "Alright."

Tang Xu asked curiously, "How much did you sell those two wolves for?"

Wei Dong raised two fingers.

"Two hundred taels?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"That's quite a high price," Tang Xu remarked.

Wei Dong clicked his tongue. "I think it's cheap."

"What's cheap about it? Besides the wolf pelts, there's nothing else worth selling. It's not even as good as wild boar; at least you can eat the meat." Tang Xu patted his shoulder. "How much longer do you think this rain will last?"

Wei Dong looked up at the sky. Although the rain had stopped for now, the dark clouds overhead had yet to disperse, so it would probably rain again later. "Rainy days are cooler. Don't you like it?"

Tang Xu shrugged and said, "It's delaying my money-making. If it keeps raining like this continuously, by the time autumn arrives, the liangpi business will probably suffer."

"No, it won't. It'll be even hotter in autumn," Wei Dong reassured him, pulling him into a hug and rubbing his chin against the top of Tang Xu's head. "And I believe that even if you don't have liangpi, you'll find other ways to make money."

Tang Xu thought for a moment and nodded. "Yes, there are other ways, but it may not be suitable for everyone to earn together."

He intended to support Tang Li's side. The young girl was both clever and capable, and it was essential for her to save up some money on her own. 

Otherwise, if Tang Erhu really married another woman in the future, he wouldn't trust how sincere the newcomer would be towards Tang Li.

When a stepmother enters the picture, there's usually a stepfather as well. This wasn't just a saying; it was often depicted in television dramas. After all, they say that drama plots come from real life.

Lost in thought, Tang Xu realized that he had been daydreaming a lot lately. He patted Wei Dong's arm and asked him to let go, saying, "Let's go. I'll get those things." He went to the cellar and brought up a ham, then went to the kitchen to pack the egg tarts in a basket, with Wei Xi reaching out to help.

"Cover it with some oil paper, so it won't get wet if it rains on the way," Tang Xu reminded. Wei Xi nodded obediently and fetched a piece of oil paper to cover the basket.

As the three of them arrived at Tang Erhu's house, Tang Yang happened to be coming out of the yard with a small bucket in his hand.

Seeing them, Tang Yang exclaimed with delight, "Big brother! Why are you all here?"

"What are you up to at this hour?" Tang Xu got off the cart, hugged Tang Yang who had rushed into his arms, and patted his shoulder. "Is Dad at home?"

"Dad just got back. Sister is going to steam steamed buns, and I have nothing to do, so I was planning to go to the ditch to catch crabs." He tilted his little head back, staring at Tang Xu with bright eyes as he spoke.

Wei Xi approached, holding an egg tart in his hand, and waved it in front of Tang Yang's face. "Brother Yang, look at this."

 Intrigued by the aroma, Tang Yang turned his head and opened his mouth, and Wei Xi directly stuffed the egg tart into his mouth. "Mmm!" 

Taking a bite, Tang Yang squinted his eyes in delight. "It's delicious!" 

Wei Xi pulled his hand and headed towards the yard. "Let's go find Sister Li and let her taste it too."

"Sister is in the kitchen." The two of them entered the yard, and Tang Yang shouted, "Dad, Sister, Big Brother is here!" 

Tang Erhu was in the main room drinking water, and when he heard Tang Yang's shout, he quickly put down the bowl and came out. Wei Dong dismantled the cart, and the big mule shook its back fur before walking in through the door. 

Tang Xu took down the basket from the cart, and Wei Dong reached out to take it. They entered the yard, and Tang Erhu also came over to greet them.

"What brings you two over at this time?" It was almost lunchtime, and judging by the temperament of his son, there must be something going on. 

Tang Xu smiled and said, "Nothing much, I just missed Dad!”

Tang Erhu teased him, "Hmm, looks like you really missed me, bringing such a big pork leg over." 

Tang Xu grinned mischievously, "I'll go cook with Ah Li and make steamed buns. Dad, you can chat with Wei Dong." 

Tang Erhu patted his head, "Alright."

In the kitchen, Tang Li had just finished kneading the dough and was about to start cutting it when Tang Yang and Wei Xi came in. Wei Xi put down the basket he was holding and said to her, "Sister Li, Brother-in-law said he wants to make buns, so you don't need to steam mantou."

Tang Li nodded and was about to go out to greet Tang Xu when her brother came in.

"Brother, I was going to wait for Tang Yang to catch some river fresh before going to your place with him." Tang Li was surprised to see her brother carrying such a large pork leg. "But why did you bring such a big pork leg? We can't finish it in one meal."

"If we can't finish it, we'll eat it tomorrow. Ah Yang sent me so many small fish and shrimp, and the ducks and geese are getting fat. I brought this pork leg to thank him." Tang Xu said with a smile.

Tang Yang, hearing that it was his contribution, immediately straightened his back and said, "Then I'll catch even more small fish and shrimp for Brother in the future, and also snails!"

"Great, thank you." Tang Xu's gaze swept around the kitchen and noticed an extra clay pot. He exclaimed in delight, "This pot will be perfect for stewing bone soup. Ah Yang, take Wei Xi out to play for a while, and come back later."

The kitchen was small, and with four people busy inside, it felt a bit crowded.

Tang Yang handed a custard tart to Wei Xi, then they walked out hand in hand. 

"Don't go too far!"

"I'm taking Wei Xi to the stream to catch fish. We won't go far!" 

Tang Xu watched them leave through the courtyard gate, then returned to the kitchen where Tang Li was busy trimming the meat from the pork leg.

"Brother, do we need to split this big bone?" 

"No need, let your brother-in-law do it." Tang Xu shouted to the main room, "Husband, come help!" 

Wei Dong's movements were nimble as he grabbed a bone and snapped it effortlessly. Tang Li shuddered as she watched, her heart pounding.

Her brother-in-law is really strong.

Tang Li went to the yard to chop a cabbage, washed it, and brought it back to the kitchen.

Tang Xu was chopping meat, and Wei Dong, finding nothing to do, glanced at the nearby water tank, which was also full. "I'll go back to the room and chat with Dad."

"Go ahead." Tang Xu nodded. Since the last time Wei Dong scared off Liu Xiangxiang, Tang Erhu and his husband had built a particularly good relationship. 

Every time he went over, the two of them would chat for a while. 

"Here, take these over for you two to enjoy while you chat." He handed over a plate of six custard tarts.

Wei Dong lowered his head to give Tang Xu a kiss, then carried the plate out of the kitchen.

Tang Li stood outside with a blush on her face, waiting for Wei Dong to leave before entering. Then she said to Tang Xu, "Brother, I see you and Brother-in-law get along really well."

"Well, it's alright." Tang Xu pursed his lips modestly, then turned to put the soaked bones into the ceramic pot, covering it with a lid to stew.

"Wait until you have a husband in the future, take good care of your life together, and your relationship will also be good." 

Tang Li heard this and felt it might be a bit too early.

"What? Are you already thinking about what kind of husband you want in the future?" Tang Xu didn't hear her speak, so he turned to look at her and, seeing her embarrassed expression, teasingly asked.

Tang Li licked her lips, wiped her hands, picked up a custard tart, took a bite, and didn't look at Tang Xu. After finishing one custard tart, she said, "I don't want to get married."

Tang Xu was taken aback, nearly losing his grip on the knife in his hand. "Why? You're only ten years old; it's too early to think about that."

"No, it's..." Tang Li shrugged her shoulders, pouting unhappily, "Ever since I started running a small stall to earn money, there have been quite a few people who came to talk to Dad about arranging my marriage. I overheard them."

Tang Xu frowned, "What did Dad..."

"Dad said I'm too young, that it's too early to talk about marriage now. Then someone said we could make an agreement first, but Dad refused, saying we should wait until I'm older to discuss it." After Tang Li finished speaking, she saw Tang Xu sigh with relief, but then she added, "But Brother, I know many girls in the village who got married at fourteen or fifteen. It won't be long, I'm almost eleven."

Tang Xu's face darkened. Although he knew that girls in the village got married early, the thought of his sister marrying so young, having children, and taking care of a big family was something he couldn't accept.

"Tang Li, don't worry about it. I'll talk to Dad. If you want to get married, you can, but if you don't, you can wait a few years. However, never getting married definitely won't work. You can have your own choice instead."

Tang Li asked excitedly, "Really? Can I really wait until I'm seventeen before getting married? Will Dad agree?"

"I'm not sure," Tang Xu sighed, "but I'll give it a try. It's better than saying nothing. Besides, Dad will definitely consider your feelings more. If you don't want to get married, he won't force you."

Tang Li nodded vigorously. "Okay! I'll think about it carefully. Thank you, Brother!"

The girl's face brightened with a smile. Ever since she heard about the marriage proposals, she had been carrying a heavy burden in her heart, but now she felt much lighter.

Since the dough was already prepared, all they needed to do was mix the filling, so the steamed buns for lunch were quickly made. Tang Yang and Wei Xi also returned just in time, surprisingly with a catch.

"Brother, look at all the little crabs I caught!" Tang Yang ran over with a bucket, filled with crabs wrapped in mud. They were about the size of half of his palm, dark green and black, and quite lively.

"I found a lot of snails and shells," Wei Xi said, holding up his small bucket for Tang Xu to see. "I didn't dare to catch crabs, I was afraid they would pinch me. Brother Yang is so amazing, he knows how to find crabs from under the rocks."

Tang Xu raised an eyebrow, praising them one by one, "You're all great. Go wash your hands, we'll eat soon."

The two kids ran off to wash their hands, while Tang Li brought out the steamed buns. Tang Xu sprinkled chopped green onions and coriander on top of the bone soup he had stewed, adding a pinch of salt.

After tasting it, it was just right.

His soup-making skills were getting better and better.

The family sat together for the meal, enjoying each other's company. Tang Yang and Wei Xi each held a large bun, their faces covered in oil from biting into them.

Tang Erhuo and Wei Dong held their bowls of soup and buns in the same manner, taking big bites. Wei Dong's bun was half gone with just one bite, and despite the heat, he didn't slow down.

"Slow down," Tang Xu sighed, "Why do you always eat so quickly?"

Tang Xu noticed that he's always had this habit, eating like he's being chased by a monster. He takes two big bites of such a large bun, and he's afraid of him choking.

Tang Erhuo laughed, "You, on the other hand, eat so leisurely."

Wei Dong nodded, "Yeah, not only leisurely but also eats less."

"I call it chewing slowly and swallowing carefully. Eating too fast makes my stomach uncomfortable," Tang Xu said as he scooped soup with a spoon. He looked at Tang Erhuo and asked him, "Dad, can we harvest the rice field?"

Tang Erhuo paused, then nodded, "Another half month, why? Are you planning to make rice wine?"

"Yes, I want to brew some," Tang Xu replied.

Tang Erhuo and Wei Dong both looked at him in surprise.

"You know how to brew wine?" Tang Erhuo was amazed. "My son, you seem to know everything." Wei Dong shared the same sentiment, feeling that his wife was quite remarkable.

"Um... I wouldn't say I'm skilled at it, but I want to give it a try. Wei Dong doesn't have sorghum rice, so I remembered you planted an acre of rice and wanted to ask." Tang Xu gnawed on the bun, his cheeks bulging. "Give me a bag when it's harvested. If I can brew rice wine, our family can have another source of income."

Tang Erhuo nodded. "Alright, I'll send it to you after the harvest." As a father, he naturally had to support his own son when he wanted to do something. After all, he had great faith in his child.

As they were eating, there was a knock on the courtyard door.

At this time, it was usually lunchtime for everyone, so it was unusual for someone to come knocking.

Tang Yang got up and ran out to ask who it was.

The person outside the door said, "It's your eldest brother!"

Tang Yang was taken aback and went to unlock the door.

Tang Rui stood outside with a book box on his back, frowning at him. "Why is the door locked during the day?"

Tang Yang pursed his lips and didn't say anything, turning back to run inside. He entered the main hall and said, "Big brother is back."

Not only Tang Xu was stunned, even Tang Erhu was surprised.

Calculating the date, it wasn't the time for a break from farming, so why did he suddenly come back? Just as they were wondering, Tang Rui had already come in.

His face didn't look good. After seeing everyone in the room, he greeted Tang Erhu, "Dad, I'm back," then looked at Tang Xu. After a pause, he called out, "Big brother."

Tang Xu smiled at him, pointing to Wei Dong and Wei Xi, "This is your brother-in-law, and this is Xiao Xi." 

Tang Rui nodded at Wei Dong, "Brother-in-law," then smiled at Wei Xi, "Hello, Xiao Xi." 

Wei Xi, feeling a bit nervous, stood up abruptly, "Hello."

"Go wash your hands and come to eat," Tang Erhu said sternly, without asking much.

Tang Rui turned and left, but soon came back and sat down silently to eat.

Tang Xu had a gut feeling that something was wrong, but Tang Rui was like a stranger to him. He signaled to Wei Dong and Wei Xi to eat quickly and leave once they were done.

The brothers understood his meaning and bowed their heads to eat.

Tang Li glanced at Tang Rui with a hint of reproach.

Tang Xu scooped a bun into her bowl and whispered, "Stop daydreaming and eat." 

Tang Li pursed her lips and took a bite of the bun.

During the second half of the meal, no one spoke. They all ate in silence, and the atmosphere was oppressive.

"Dad, when you're ready to harvest the rice, let me know, and I'll help you with Wei Dong," Tang Xu said to Tang Erhuo after they finished eating. 

Tang Erhu waved his hand dismissively, "It's fine if Dongzi helps me, but you can forget it. Even the rice stalks are taller than you." 

Tang Xu: "..." He felt a bit insulted for not being tall enough!


After they left with the donkey cart, Tang Erhu went to Tang Rui's room. He saw his eldest son sitting in front of the desk arranging books and pens. "It's not the farming break, so why did you come back now?" Tang Erhu asked.

Tang Rui froze in his movements, keeping his mouth shut. 

Tang Erhu frowned, "What's wrong? Did that master of yours teach you not to talk to your dad?"

"I'm not refusing to talk," Tang Rui said with a tense face. "I'm not going to study anymore. I won't study from now on."

Tang Erhu looked at him in astonishment, his voice raised significantly, "What did you say? You're not going to study anymore? You just paid the tuition for this year's tuition, why are you quitting?"

"They all look down on me, they all laugh at me!" Tang Rui shouted at him.

Tang Erhu was stunned for a moment, then he became furious. He grabbed his son's collar, "You're supposed to study, not compete with others! We've invested so much in your studies!"

Tang Rui's face flushed red. He was trembling with fear from his father's anger, but he stubbornly insisted that he would not study anymore.

"I'm not studying anymore, I won't listen to anything. I'll stay at home from now on."

Tang Erhu was infuriated. He slapped Tang Rui across the face.

Tang Rui couldn't believe his father had actually hit him. He shouted, "I don't have money to study! My classmates get twenty taels of silver from their families every month as pocket money! They buy books and attend gatherings without me! They call me poor and a country bumpkin! They all look down on me!"

"You didn't used to get twenty taels of silver every month," Tang Erhu retorted angrily, laughing in disbelief. He shook Tang Rui off and threw him to the ground. "Fine, since you don't want to study, then come with me to work in the fields."

With that, he turned and left. In no time, he returned carrying a hoe and a pickaxe. He grabbed Tang Rui's arm and dragged him outside. Tang Rui couldn't break free from his father's strong grip.

Tang Xiu and Tang Li watched them leave with dismay. Both siblings had grim expressions on their faces.

Tang Yang held his sister's hand and shook it gently. "Sis, did Big Brother just say he doesn't want to study?"

Tang Li nodded, holding her brother's hand. "Do you want to study?"

"It's okay, I don't feel particularly eager to study, but Dad said he would support me if I wanted to study," Tang Yang replied after some thought. "But I think Big Brother will eventually go back to studying."

Tang Li snorted. "Yeah, I think so too."

Tang Rui returned as if he were looking for trouble. He was dragged by Tang Erhu to work in the fields for two days in a row. He couldn't even hold on until the third day. Early in the morning, when Tang Erhu went to his room to drag him out again, he found no one inside!

He was taken aback for a moment, then turned to see his daughter coming out of the kitchen. He asked, "Where's your big brother?"

Tang Li replied expressionlessly, "He left."

"Left?" Tang Erhu glanced back into the room, noticing the empty desk where the books and pens had been placed before. "When did he leave?"

"Not long ago. I was just making pancakes, and Big Brother came over asking for a few of them. He also took some pickled radishes and vegetables and left, saying he's going back to school, and he won't be coming back for the farm break. He wants to stay there to study." Tang Li said with a hint of frustration in her voice. 

After finishing, she looked at Tang Erhu and asked, "Dad, do you plan to let Big Brother continue studying?"

Tang Erhu:“Yes, I asked someone about it. Reading at the county school, plus living expenses, would cost about ten taels of silver a year. Our family's current situation can still afford it. After studying for so many years, he should at least pass the imperial examination to become a scholar." 

After saying this, Tang Erhu sighed and glanced at his daughter, asking, "Ah Li, your father wants your younger brother to go to school. What do you think?"

Tang Li exclaimed, "Really? Let Ah Yang study too?"

"Yes, but you know our family's situation best. It's definitely not feasible to send him to the county. There's an old scholar in the village who runs a private school. Let him study with him next year. If he does well, we can save up some money and then send him to the county."

Tang Li thought this decision was acceptable and nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to dad."

"You, you're becoming more and more like your brother," Tang Erhu looked at her for a while and said, "Did you discuss the marriage arrangement with Xu Ge'er?"

Tang Li nodded. Knowing that Tang Rui suddenly returned that day, and Tang Xu had left early, he must not have told dad about her marriage. So she brought it up herself.

"My brother said that if I'm willing, I can postpone marriage for a while," she nervously squeezed her fingertips and looked up at Tang Erhu, "Dad, I don't want to get married so early. I'm scared."

Tang Erhu took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, reaching out to pull her into his arms. "If you don't want to get married, then don't. Dad won't force you."

He knew that his affair with Liu Xiangxiang had a significant impact on the children at home, so when Tang Li said she didn't want to get married early, he didn't see it as a problem.

"You don't need to worry about me taking another wife in the future," Tang Erhu's voice was very low, feeling Tang Li stiffen in his arms for a moment. He smiled and patted her back. "Dad knows what you're worried about."

Tang Li burst into tears, burying her face in her father's chest, crying heavily.

She was scared, especially scared.

Tang Erhu didn't say anything, just held her gently and patted her back.

Tang Li sniffled, feeling a bit embarrassed as she pulled away from his embrace, wiping the tears from her face. "Dad, it's not that I don't want you to remarry. I'm just not prepared for it."

Tang Erhu smoothed her hair and said, "I know. Your grandmother has asked me a few times already to remarry early, but I told her to wait two years, when you and Ah Yang are a bit older."

Tang Li didn't say anything, just nodded.

"Alright, go on, I'll go work in the fields." Tang Erhu patted her shoulder and turned to leave. 

Tang Yang poked his head out from the side and called out, "Sister?" 

Tang Li turned to look at him, "I made some pancakes, come over and eat."

At the Wei family mansion, Tang Xu slept in late, and by the time he woke up, it was already bright outside. He got off the kang and went to the kitchen, where a pot of porridge and pancakes were being kept warm.

The pancakes were huge, he couldn't finish even one.

"Brother-in-law, you're awake." Wei Xi came in from outside, carrying a tray of feed for the chickens and ducks. "My brother has already fed the pigs, he said you slept late yesterday, so he didn't want to disturb you."   

"Ah," Tang Xu nodded. Whenever he and his man in the family engaged in physical activities, they tended to be particularly restless, not stopping until late at night. After numerous occurrences, he no longer felt embarrassed in front of Wei Xi. "He went up the mountain again?"

Wei Xi nodded. "He said he's going to take a walk around Xiaoyu Mountain." 

Tang Xu frowned. "Did he say anything else?"

"He won't be back for lunch. He took some pancakes and pickles," Wei Xi sighed. "My brother said he hasn't caught any prey recently, so he wants to go take a look. He also said that if he doesn't move, his body will stiffen up, so he needs to get moving."

Just hearing this made Tang Xu worried all day.

Finally, before dinner, Wei Dong returned, covered in blood once again.

Tang Xu's face changed color, but Wei Xi remained calm, as if he had become numb to seeing his brother return injured. He quickly went to the medicine cabinet, grabbed some hemostatic powder and medicinal pills, and while bandaging his brother's wounds, he also made him swallow the pills.

Tang Xu stood by in shock, unable to help at all.

Wei Dong had a deep scratch on his chest, as if he had been swiped by some wild beast's claws.

His exposed arms also bore green and purple bruises, looking quite frightening.

Before Tang Xu could ask, Wei Dong spoke up.

"I went to Dayou Mountain."

Tang Xu sucked in a breath of cold air. "Are you out of your mind? Our family isn't lacking in money, why would you go to Dayou Mountain?"

Wei Xi furrowed his brow, disapprovingly looking at his brother. "Brother-in-law is right, our family isn't lacking in money. Brother, you shouldn't do such dangerous things in the future."

Wei Dong glanced at Tang Xu, seeing him biting his lips with a pale face, and reached out to hold his hand.

Tang Xu was furious but couldn't say anything at this moment. He allowed Wei Dong to pull him forward, taking a step closer. "I can't stay idle," Wei Dong said hoarsely. "Idleness makes me anxious."

Tang Xu was taken aback. "You..."

He understood Wei Dong's meaning. Since they got married over two months ago, Wei Dong had been by his side almost every day. Even when he went to the mountain, he would only wander around a few traps, never actually hunting.

As a hunter, even though he had saved up a lot of money, he felt useless because he wasn't hunting in the mountains. Tang Xu lowered his eyes and asked him, "Can you stop risking your life in Dayou Mountain?"

"It wasn't intentional," Wei Dong's wounds were already bandaged. He sat up straight, pulling Tang Xu closer, and reassured him, "I was chasing after a deer herd, and accidentally shot a deer, which attracted a tiger."

Tang Xu was shocked. "A tiger?"

Wei Xi was also surprised. "Brother, did you kill the tiger?"

"No, I didn't." Wei Dong forced a bitter smile. "It almost swiped me to death."

If it weren't for his speed, he'd probably end up like that deer, becoming the tiger's meal. Tang Xu raised his hand and punched him. "You're just asking for trouble!"

"I injured its paw. Tomorrow, I'll go to the town and get some help to go into the mountains with me," Wei Dong's eyes flashed with determination. "I won't be satisfied until I kill it."

Tang Xu really didn't know what to say to him.

"With your injuries, how are you going to the town tomorrow? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"

"I'll be fine. I'll sleep it off and eat some meat to recover," Wei Dong waved his hand, very determined. "I have to go early, or else it'll run deeper into the mountains, and it'll be harder to find."

Tang Xu took a deep breath, then turned and walked out.

He went to the cellar to get some ribs and meat, then started cooking.

As for his stubborn husband's insistence on going into the mountains to hunt a tiger, he couldn't stop him, so he could only follow along.

The next morning, Wei Dong got a taste of how difficult his husband could be.

When Tang Xu went to bed at night, he didn't mention anything about going to the mountains with Wei Dong. It wasn't until Wei Dong was about to catch the cart to the town that Tang Xu, holding a prepared basket, sat on the cart.

Wei Dong: "..."

Tang Xu crossed his arms and lifted his chin towards him. "Let's go. I've already told Xiao Xi that he'll have to cook for himself these couple of days. I've also brought enough pancakes and pickles. We shouldn't starve in the mountains for three days." As he spoke, fearing that Wei Dong wouldn't believe him, he even lifted the oil paper covering the basket to show him.

Tang Xu, seeing him remain silent, said coldly, "What's wrong? Are you going to kick me off the cart?"

Wei Dong sighed, "Dayou Mountain is too dangerous, you can't go."

"You can drag your half-injured body there, so why can't I go? I'm not slow either," Tang Xu said. "Besides, I can climb trees pretty fast. If we really encounter a ferocious beast, I can climb up a tree."

"Being in a tree isn't safe either!" Wei Dong said with a stern face.

Tang Xu raised an eyebrow. "Is that so?" 

Wei Dong reached out and lifted him up. "Be good, don't go."

"If you go by yourself today, I'll go back to my parents's house today," Tang Xu stood on the ground, sneering. "The day after tomorrow, I'll remarry!"

 Wei Dong's breath stalled. "..."

Tang Xu chuckled. "What do you think?"

Wei Dong regained his breath, reached out, and lifted him back onto the cart, his face cold. "You win, but you have to listen to me in everything." 

Tang Xu grinned at him, fake-smiling. "Sure, if you're right, I'll listen to you." 

Wei Dong sighed, feeling exhausted.

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  1. Thanks for the chapter!

  2. hahaha stubborn Tang Xu..
    thank you for the update.. 🐾❤️
    yay! waiting for some thrills..

  3. If your friends are only your friends when you have money then they are not the type of people that are really your friends. Same with lovers. I wonder if there is a platonic word for gold digger? Other than fair weather friend. I hope this leads to some character development in the eldest son. In the prior timeline he was a lost cause.

  4. Why are they still supporting that ungrateful bastard😑
    Also why the MC wasting his time selling in the village cheaply while he can open a shop in town and start his food business

    1. I think mc said he didn’t like the bigger city? He was from a farm/village before the transmigration(would be nice if it were a reincarnation). And also don’t plan to invest in bigger city/town/county. Something about being away from the emperor.


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