The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 13



The themed activity officially began, with a host guiding the proceedings on the main stage. Popular animated characters appeared one after another, accompanied by classic background music, eliciting exclamations of awe from the children in the audience. They watched with wide eyes, completely immersed in the spectacle.

Meanwhile, the parents all tacitly stood at the back, giving space for the children to play and frolic.

"Brother Nian, can you find Ye Ye?" Xu Mu asked.

On stage, there was something about hero capes and super helmets being distributed, with each child receiving one as if they were being handed out wholesale. The robotic attendants even helped them put on the gear, arranging them neatly into rows and seating them side by side.

With a group of children all looking similar with their rounded heads, it was difficult to distinguish them just by their backs.

Bai Nian held a camera and said uncertainty, "The one on the far right in the third row... I think."

"Shall we go take a look?" Xu Mu suggested.


There were quite a few parents with the same intention, bending down to try and spot their child's face, or even just lying flat on the ground.

"Daddy..." Ye Ye innocently looked up, showing a gap-toothed smile as he raised his short arms, giggling.

"Come on, sweetie, look at the camera," Bai Nian smiled, capturing a photo of Ye Ye's cuteness.

Ye Ye obediently looked over and when he saw Xu Mu, his smile became even brighter. "Daddy!"

"Mm," Xu Mu adjusted his helmet. "You look really handsome."

Ye Ye's eyes lit up as he tugged on his cape. "Saiyan! I'm Saiyan..."

Xu Mu immediately praised, "Yes, just as handsome as Saiyan."

Bai Nian asked, "Where's your previous little hat?"

Ye Ye tried to understand, taking about a minute before he slowly pulled the hat out from his backside. "Hat."

Bai Nian said, "I'll keep it for Ye Ye, alright?"

Ye Ye nodded.


The joint event organized by the organizers was carefully tailored to fit the plot and characters of the animated series. 

The activities were fun and engaging, keeping the children excited and noisy throughout the entire event. 

However, for the adults, it was a bit boring.

Xu Mu leaned against a pillar, arms crossed, lost in thought.

"...Alright, I'm sure all you little heroes have witnessed the amazing skills of our great heroes, Saiyan and Flying Whale. With just one move, they can defeat their enemies and claim the final treasure. Do you know what the treasure is?"

All the children chorused in unison, "We don't know."

"Drumroll, please! The super treasure of the cave—the Sword of Courage! Do you want it?" 

This time, the enthusiastic shouts seemed to almost lift the roof off.

"We want it!!!"

Xu Mu watched Ye Ye's little face, flushed with excitement and covered in sweat. Meanwhile, Bai Nian occasionally stepped forward to wipe his face, give him water, and gently remind him to be careful of his throat and to jump slowly.

Sometimes Ye Ye got too excited and tripped over himself, falling down. But he didn't cry; he quickly got back up and continued shouting.

Bai Nian quickly checked Ye Ye's knees, finding nothing serious before stepping back. He didn't scold or reprimand Ye Ye for being careless, just gently reminding him to be careful next time.

He's really a good dad. Xu Mu looked away. Children raised in such families, even if they are raised by single parents, can still be happy.

The host on stage had been building up anticipation for a while and finally announced how to obtain the "Sword of Courage."

Through a competition.

It was a competition between parents.

Xu Mu's mouth twitched. So, the "parent-child" aspect of the activity was reflected here.

"Daddy, I want it!" Ye Ye looked up and whispered softly.

"Alright, Daddy will try his best." Bai Nian hugged him. "But Daddy might not necessarily win."

After some thought, Ye Ye said to Xu Mu, "Dad! I want it!"

Xu Mu replied, "...I'll try."

He listened for awhile, these competitions were no different from mini sports events, with lots of running and jumping, really testing one's stamina and endurance.

— He wondered if his body could handle it.


"Ah Mu, how are you holding up? Are you okay?" Bai Nian slightly furrowed his brow, asking with concern. "If you're feeling tired, I can take over—"

"No need." Xu Mu stood up expressionlessly, although his calves were trembling slightly. He steadied himself. “Brother Nian, it's just running and jumping."

Ye Ye hugged Bai Nian's leg, shouting enthusiastically, "Daddy! You're awesome! Go, go, go!"

Xu Mu smiled at Ye Ye, but his controlled breathing momentarily faltered.

His lips twitched, and there was a slight ache in his lungs from the overexertion.

— He swore to himself that he would exercise properly when he got back this time. No more slacking off!

Bai Nian hesitated, "Really? Ah Mu, don't push yourself too hard."

Xu Mu wiped his face, "I'm not pushing myself, I'm really fine."

With that said, he turned around to join the next activity.

Before this, he had already earned ten victory badges. He only needed three more to exchange for the "Sword of Courage."

Half an hour later, Xu Mu was panting, his throat burning.

"Ye Ye," he handed over a beautifully decorated box. Ye Ye took it with a delighted cry, unable to contain his excitement.

"Dad is awesome!" Ye Ye awkwardly held the sword, carefully leaning forward to plant a kiss on Xu Mu's cheek.

Xu Mu:!

He touched his cheek in a daze, while Ye Ye shyly hid behind Bai Nian.

Bai Nian smiled gently, "Ye Ye wants to express his gratitude to you."

Xu Mu snapped out of his daze, clearing his throat lightly, "Oh, I see."

At that moment, the animated theme song on the stage paused, and the host returned to the platform.

"...Undoubtedly, many young warriors have already obtained their 'Sword of Courage.' However, for those who haven't, don't be disheartened. In addition to collecting victory badges through our challenges to win prizes, you can also visit various entertainment projects in the amusement park, complete the corresponding tasks, earn achievement points, and exchange them for your 'Sword of Courage.'"

"Of course, there are not only the 'Sword of Courage' but also other generous rewards, such as derivatives of the animation series and so on..."

Xu Mu's heart skipped a beat as expected. Sure enough, Ye Ye once again exclaimed in excitement, his eyes filled with innocent longing.

“Daddy—” He stumbled over to Xu Mu, grabbing onto him, “Big dolls! So cool!”

Ye Ye pointed at the large holographic screen in front of the exhibit, which displayed a series of photos of the prize items. At the top, the grand prize was prominently displayed—a life-sized figure of the main characters, Saiya and Flying Whale.

"The grand prize requires one hundred and fifty achievement points. If you wish to redeem it, please scan the barcode in the top left corner with the light brain, and apply for a quota at the amusement park center platform..." Bai Nian murmured thoughtfully.

Xu Mu felt like he couldn't breathe properly, and his lungs were throbbing with pain.

But faced with Ye Ye's remarkably bright eyes, he gritted his teeth. "Alright, Ye Ye, let's go collect achievement points."

"Also that one!" Ye Ye pointed at the screen, where a heroic mount, the Fire Dragon, was displayed in all its glory. "I want that too!"

"Okay, we'll get both," Xu Mu said, scanning the code and browsing through the required achievement points. Each person could redeem up to three items as prizes.

He then asked Ye Ye, "Are there any other prizes you want? Besides the ones from the cartoons, there are also plush toys, trains, castles..."

He paused, his gaze subtly flickering.

"No, I don't want anything else," Ye Ye said earnestly. "I want Saiya and the dragon!"

Xu Mu nodded. "Alright, no problem."

Bai Nian asked, "Are the achievement points earned from all the game projects the same?"

"Each project is different, generally calculated based on difficulty," Xu Mu explained, having just finished reading the rules. "Easy projects like coffee cups, carousels, and Ferris wheels yield relatively low achievement points, typically around 3 to 5 points per play. 

Competitive projects offer higher achievement points, such as archery, bumper cars, and shooting balloons, starting at a base of 8 points per play and increasing with the game's score. The better the performance, the higher the achievement points."

Bai Nian thought for a moment. "How about we split up and play separately? That way, we can collect points faster."

"I was thinking the same thing," Xu Mu agreed.

Bai Nian added, "You've already exerted quite a bit of effort just now. You can take Ye Ye to play less competitive games."

Xu Mu didn't immediately agree. "Brother Nian, have you ever played bumper cars, archery, or similar games before?"

Bai Nian hesitated. "No, I haven't."

"I'll give it a try, they shouldn't be too difficult," Xu Mu said confidently.

"Are you sure?" Xu Mu hesitated. "My aim is pretty good. I usually score high in games like balloon shooting, archery, and basketball."

Bai Nian remained silent. "Let's give it a try first, and we'll see how it goes. If it doesn't work out, I'll switch with you." 

He glanced at Xu Mu's hand, noticing the red marks from the previous activity, with even a hint of bruising around the knuckles.

He wanted Xu Mu to take a rest and not rush into doing intense activities. 

Xu Mu didn't want to dampen Bai Nian's enthusiasm, so he nodded and said, "Alright, I'll take Ye Ye to play first. If I can't score well, you let me know, and we'll switch."



"Little kitty, meow meow..." nestled in Xu Mu's arms, Ye Ye hummed along with the music of the carousel, looking innocent and carefree.

Xu Mu held Ye Ye securely, occasionally checking the messages on the light brain, feeling a bit distracted.

He wonders how Brother Nian is doing…

The achievement points steadily increased, gaining a few points each time, more than the activities he did with Ye Ye. Then the data stagnated for a while before increasing by a few points again after some time.

With the accumulation of these small gains, coupled with Xu Mu's achievement points, the total amount obtained was quite substantial.

After the carousel ride ended, Xu Mu lifted Ye Ye off and asked with a smile, "Ye Ye, do you want to go find Daddy?"

Ye Ye wrapped his arms around Xu Mu's neck and elongated his voice, "Yeah! Find Daddy—find Daddy!"

"Okay, let's go." Xu Mu sent a message on the light brain while asking Ye Ye, "Do you want some ice cream?"

The midday sun was scorching, heating up the ground until it shimmered, and the hot air seemed to steam one's brain.

Ye Ye's forehead was beaded with sweat, so Xu Mu casually wiped it off for him.

"Eat!" Ye Ye wriggled around, feeling the wiping was too rough and hurt his skin, so he refused to let Xu Mu wipe him.

Xu Mu sighed, "Oops, my bad for being too rough. I'll learn to be gentler like your dad, okay?"

Ye Ye stopped moving, closed his eyes, and said in a childish voice, "Daddy is gentle, but Daddy is not."

"Alright, alright. I'm not gentle, but Daddy is the gentlest," Xu Mu indulged him.

"Daddy good, Daddy bad!"

Xu Mu: "..." Well, he's the bad one.

"So we..." he paused, then continued, "No, I need to ask Brother Nian if you're allowed to have some first."

Ye Ye understood and pouted.

"You said it, Daddy good, Daddy bad," Xu Mu soothingly patted his back, "So Daddy cares about your health, right? If you eat less chocolate normally, you can have more of other snacks."

Ye Ye muttered something, but Xu Mu didn't catch it. "What?"

Ye Ye grabbed Xu Mu's ear and opened his mouth wide, "Didn't... eat... much!"

Xu Mu winced, "Is your throat a drum?"

[Xu: Brother Nian, where are you now?]

[Xu: I want to buy ice cream for Ye Ye]

A few minutes later, he received a reply.

[Bai: He can have some, but not too much.]

[Xu: Have you finished playing other activities?]

Xu Mu paused his steps and sent a message.

[Xu: I’m almost done. I'm coming to find you.]

This time, the other party's response was a bit slow. As Xu Mu finished buying ice cream for Ye Ye, the chat box remained silent.

"Eat!" Ye Ye pushed the strawberry-flavored ice cream towards Xu Mu's mouth.

Xu Mu looked up and lightly patted his hand, "I'm not eating, Ye Ye can eat it himself."

"Oh." Ye Ye also stopped trying to feed him and bowed his head to eat slowly.

[Xu: Are you okay, brother Nian?]

Xu Mu was worried that something might have happened to the other party.

[Bai: I don't know where I am. If you're not in a hurry, you can continue playing some interesting activities with Ye Ye.]

Xu Mu found it strange that the other party seemed to not want him to go and find them—

So what exactly happened?

The sunlight overhead grew more intense, the light becoming increasingly glaring and hot, causing people to sweat profusely. Most pedestrians were either holding automatic umbrellas or using objects in their hands to fan themselves for relief.

Some even went to the extent of carrying portable air conditioners, so when they passed by, one could feel the cool breeze brushing against their necks.

Xu Mu walked under the scorching sun for ten minutes, feeling only a slight sweat on his back and forehead, but otherwise not feeling overheated.

He himself found it quite miraculous. What kind of constitution did this body have? Was it too ethereal?

Is it because his body is cold all the time, so it's not easy to feel hot? 

Instead, Ye Ye in his arms was like a big stove, with his little face under the fisherman's hat turning rosy. The breath he exhaled was extremely hot, and even the ice cream cup he held couldn't cool down the temperature.

"Let's find a place to sit first," Xu Mu suggested. He couldn't just wander aimlessly, so he spotted a cold drink shop and prepared to go in.

"Dad!" Ye Ye suddenly exclaimed.

Xu Mu was taken aback, "Where?"

Ye Ye's chubby little hand clenched into a fist, "There, Daddy!"

Xu Mu followed his gaze and saw only a slender figure standing in front of an outdoor shooting range, holding a toy air gun. The back of the neck was fair, and the spine was straight.

There were quite a few people gathered around, or rather, the number of people was a bit above average.

Ah, it's Brother Nian.

Xu Mu quickly walked over, squeezing into the crowd with Ye Ye.

At this moment, Bai Nian loaded the magazine, raised his hand, aimed, and with a bang, a silver dot shot past—

All the balloons remained unharmed.

Next, he fired twenty-four shots in a row, without exception, all missing.

Perhaps by accident, he managed to burst one of the blue balloons on the far left.

In front of the booth, the robot pressed the touchscreen, displaying the score—"1".

The robot asked, "Would you like to play another round?"

Bai Nian had already played three rounds. He nodded, "Yes, please, another round."

The screen flashed, confirming the payment.

Bai Nian picked up the air gun with a full magazine and continued shooting balloons.

Xu Mu: "..." So, those scattered achievement points came from this.

He checked his account's achievement points and unsurprisingly saw the addition of "+1".

—For the same activity, playing multiple times doesn't accumulate basic achievement points; only the achievement points obtained from scoring are recorded.

In this round, Bai Nian's bullets flew wildly, missing countless shots. In the end, he luckily burst two balloons, earning him 2 achievement points.

The screen displayed a large red number—2.

Bai Nian sighed, wondering why he couldn't hit as many balloons as others could in a single round, even when shooting randomly.

He had thought he found an easy way to earn achievement points, but it turned out that luck was also necessary.

The robot asked, "Would you like to play again?"

Bai Nian pursed his lips, "One more time."

"Alright." The robot confirmed the bill and handed him a magazine full of pellets.

Bai Nian twisted his sore wrist and aimed at the target balloon again.

Suddenly, a shadow fell over him, accompanied by a voice.

"Brother Nian, you shouldn't just throw money away like this," the voice said.

Bai Nian stiffened.

Turning around, he saw Xu Mu with a smile on his face.

"I thought Nian was up to something..." he teased. "Don't you know where you are? It's so obvious, isn't it? It's the booth where you shoot balloons."

Bai Nian felt embarrassed, his ears turning red.

He had boasted in front of Xu Mu that he would give it a try.

In fact, he really wasn't good at it, especially these competitive activities. He could only earn basic points and a few scattered achievement points.

However, some high-altitude activities offered quite a few achievement points, as much as 10.

Bai Nian wasn't afraid of heights, but after playing a few in a row, he couldn't handle it very well. He earned a few dozen points and then looked for another activity to play.

"Can we switch players for this one?" Xu Mu asked the robot.

The robot replied, "Yes."

Xu Mu said, "Brother Nian, let me give it a try."

"Oh, okay." Bai Nian awkwardly took a step back and took Ye Ye into his arms.

Xu Mu stood casually, squinting his eyes to focus. The air gun in his hand was relatively small, about 10 centimeters in length.

He aimed quickly, and with a press of his thumb, there were a few bangs, and several balloons burst in response.

Ye Ye cheered, "Wow," and immediately applauded.

Xu Mu didn't stop for long, continuing to shoot.

With more bangs, several balloons in a row burst open.

Ye Ye became even more excited.

Bai Nian couldn't help but glance at Xu Mu. Xu Mu's peaked hat obscured his eyes and eyebrows, with most of his face hidden in shadow. His jawline was sharp, like a sheath hiding a blade, revealing a sharp edge.

Xu Mu's posture was relaxed, effortlessly hitting all the targets, making his previous actions seem somewhat comical.

"Congratulations! You scored full marks in this round! 25!" announced the robot, simulating fireworks and applause, with the colorful "25" displayed on the screen.

Xu Mu rubbed his nose. "Accumulating points like this seems pretty simple."

He calculated that if he kept winning like this, he could easily redeem the prize.

Bai Nian snapped back to reality and said, "You can only earn basic points and full marks achievement points once per activity."

Xu Mu sighed, "I see."

They bought another round of attempts from the robot. Just like before, bang, bang, bang, the balloons burst in response.

Xu Mu, mindful of the limit for earning points, was ready to stop. "Alright, adding the achievement points you won earlier, there are no more achievement points to be earned in this activity."

"Okay," Bai Nian smiled. "You're really good at this, Ah Mu."

Xu Mu's mind stirred slightly. "Brother Nian, would you like me to teach you?"

Seeing that Bai Nian didn't give up even after shooting dozens of shots, Xu Mu figured he must be determined.

Bai Nian hesitated.

Xu Mu said, "Anyway, there are still a few shots left. It would be a waste not to use them."

He handed the air gun to Bai Nian.

Bai Nian nodded. "Okay, I'll give it a try."

Xu Mu walked around Bai Nianye. "Brother Nian, you're standing too upright. It's hard to exert force like that. Bend your arm slightly. You can focus on the second row of red balloons. Aim, no, your aiming point is too close. According to your angle—"

Standing behind Bai Nian, Xu Mu lowered his head, simulating Bai Nian's field of vision. "You should aim a little lower."

A warm breeze sprayed onto the back of his neck, swirling into his clothes. For a moment, their chests touched as Xu Mu quickly withdrew, raising his hand and lightly resting it on Bai Nian's wrist, pressing it down.

"Like this, can you see the red balloon?" Xu Mu almost enclosed him in his arms.

Bai Nian remained silent, his Adam's apple moving ever so slightly. The breath of another person flowed into his nostrils, carrying a refreshing scent of soap.

His fingertips trembled, and for no reason, he remembered that night when the youth embraced him in his mimicry form, affectionately rubbing his cheek with his nose, breathing on his neck. The warmth of his curved arms exuded a comforting aroma.

"You went too high," a deep voice drifted past his eardrums. "Brother Nian, can't you see the position of the red balloon? Or are we not looking at the same one? It's the seventeenth one from the left in the second row."

Immediately after, he heard the young man sigh again. "Why did you move back? Relax your shoulders, bend your arms, don't stiffen your waist. Adjust your posture according to your target. Hey, don't move your head, or your aim will be off track even more... Okay, your arms are right... Wait, why is it wrong now?"

Xu Mu realized that the more he spoke, the more the other's movements went awry. It was as if they were perfectly fine, then automatically distorted.

It was quite strange.

He couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to correct it himself, but at the moment of reaching out, he remembered something and withdrew his hand.

"Brother Nian, would you mind if I help adjust your posture?" Xu Mu explained, "It seems like you're having trouble finding the right position. I won't touch you for too long, just a quick adjustment, then I'll let go immediately."

Bai Nian's throat felt dry, and he uttered a low "hmm."

Xu Mu immediately began adjusting his posture. First, he tried to separate Bai Nian's legs using his toes, but it didn't work. So, he bent his knees and pushed apart the tightly closed legs.

"Brother Nian, stand with your feet in a wide stance. If you stand too straight, it'll be awkward for your upper body to exert force," Xu Mu instructed.

Bai Nian's whole body was extremely tense. "Okay..."

Xu Mu then moved Bai Nian's shoulders, straightened his head, pressed down his arms, and signaled for him to bend slightly at the waist.

"Here, try shooting now."

Bai Nian flicked his wrist, pressed his fingers, and missed again.

After he finished shooting he immediately let go.

"Before you shoot, your aim was off," Xu Mu pinpointed the problem. "Only your fingers moved, not your entire arm. Try again."

Bai Nian nodded. "Okay."

—The other's politeness, restraint, and stopping at a certain point seemed to exist only when he was not in his mimicry form.


Xu Mu helped Bai Nian aim again and reminded him, "Okay, this time, don't move. Just press down—"

But he still missed.

Xu Mu sighed. "Brother Nian, you moved again."

Bai Nian was a bit flustered. "I..."

"It's okay, let me do it for you," Xu Mu said, abandoning the guidance and taking matters into his own hands.

He covered Bai Nian's hand with his palm, their arms close together. His fingers replaced Bai Nian's position on the gun, then he took a step forward, leaning slightly against Bai Nian's back.

Xu Mu tilted his head slightly, his lips almost touching Bai Nian's ear, and whispered softly, "Alright, Brother Nian, focus on the red balloon. Three, two, one, bang—."

The next moment, the red balloon burst.

Xu Mu chuckled softly. "See, that's how you hit it."

His slightly lowered voice carried a husky texture, like an electric current sliding over his skin, setting off nerve endings with a sizzling sound.

Bai Nian's heart raced for a moment. He wanted to say something but found himself speechless. His lips parted slightly, and his tongue involuntarily peeked out, moistening his lips before retracting against his palate. A slight tingling sensation made him shudder.

"Here, give it a try," Xu Mu said, releasing his hand.

Bai Nian steadied his arm. "...Okay."

"You try aiming yourself, try the yellow balloon next to it. Hey, that's right, your arm is in the right position, just press your shoulder a bit more, aim, and shoot!"

Bai Nian pressed down and hit the blue balloon next to it.

"Not bad, just a little off," Xu Mu smiled. "Your hand didn't move just now, so it must have been the aiming that wasn't accurate."

Bai Nian's mind went blank, and he instinctively explained, "Maybe it's because of the lighting..."

Xu Mu looked up. "Hmm, the sun is indeed glaring. It's still so intense even though it's almost autumn, and the temperature difference at night is large."

He took off his peaked cap and placed it on Bai Nian's head. "Try to shoot now."


There was no response.

Xu Mu felt puzzled. "What's wrong? Is the sun still shining on you?"

Bai Nian stiffly shook his head. "No, it's not shining on me anymore."

"Okay, try aiming at the yellow balloon," Xu Mu said.

Bai Nian awkwardly adjusted the hat on his head. Despite the intense sunlight, he could still feel the warmth lingering from Xu Mu's touch.

Taking a deep breath, he focused his attention and followed Xu Mu's instructions to aim—

"Perfect!" Xu Mu raised an eyebrow. "How about that, Brother Nian? Hitting the balloons is pretty easy, right?"

After a while, Bai Nian responded softly. "...Yeah, it's quite easy."

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  1. Got me kicking my feet and giggling while I’m 20 minutes late to class 🥰 Thanks for the updates!!


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