The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 4



Bai Nian was also very lucky.

When he jumped from the balcony of his young neighbor to his own balcony, he was able to reverse his mimicry.

Bai Nian also felt a little weak in his limbs, the wound on his calf throbbed faintly, he leaned on the cold railing to rest for a few minutes before gradually recovering.

Pitter-patter—slight footsteps sounded.

It was Ye Ye.

"Daddy..." Ye Ye clumsily ran over and hugged Bai Nian tightly.

Bai Nian's lips were slightly pale, but he still reached out to touch his head, saying gently, "What's wrong? Ye Ye, were you good at home by yourself?"

Ye Ye nodded heavily, "Good... playing with Kaduo..."

Bai Nian smiled, "Okay, I know Ye Ye is a good boy."

Ye Ye looked up, trying hard to reach for Bai Nian's face, "Daddy, touch."

Bai Nian leaned his face closer, "Like this?"

"No, the other... side."

Bai Nian turned his face to the other side, "Like this?"

Ye Ye shook his head, "No... the other..."

Bai Nian pondered for a moment, then gently pressed his forehead against Ye Ye's small hand, patiently asking, "Like this, right?"

Ye Ye smiled, "Yes... Daddy good."

Bai Nian chuckled.

He regained some strength and lifted Ye Ye up in his arms.

"Let's go, Ye Ye, it's time for a bath, okay?" 

Ye Ye buried his head in Bai Nian's neck and softly responded, "Okay."

After Bai Nian finished bathing Ye Ye, he accompanied Ye Ye to play by the bed for a while. 

The mechanical dinosaur in Ye Ye's hand flashed its lights, and its battery gradually ran out. 

He yawned, his chubby cheeks rosy, "Daddy... sleepy." 

Bai Nian gently stroked his forehead, "Then let's go to sleep. Come on, give me the dinosaur." 

"It's called Mi Lie," Ye Ye quietly retorted.

Bai Nian couldn't help but smile, "Alright, Ye Ye, would you like to entrust your good friend Mi Lei to me?"

"Okay, i'll give it to Daddy." Ye Ye closed his eyes and muttered softly, "Good night..."

Bai Nian also leaned down and planted a kiss on Ye Ye's forehead, "Good night, sweet dreams."

The suspended lamp in the room dimmed, adjusting to a suitable brightness for sleep, and the carved patterns on the walls became blurred.

Bai Nian tiptoed out of the room.

He returned to his own room, turned on the light screen, and prepared for his upcoming job at the new company.

When things settled down, he also prepared to sleep. As Bai Nian lay on his pillow, getting ready to drift off, the face of the young man suddenly flashed through his mind.

—-He recalled where he had seen the young man before. In the morning, when he entered the elevator, the young man had lent him a helping hand.

He's really kind,  Bai Nian sighed, feeling moved. Though a bit too enthusiastic, and a bit overwhelming.

As the history unfolded, with the evolution of the civilization of the beastmen, the animalistic behaviors preserved by mimicry decreased, and their interactions became more cautious. 

Unlike the unclear boundaries in human interactions, which require some time to explore, when one is willing to reveal their mimicry, it often signifies an intimate gesture.

However... the young man might have seen him injured, which could explain his excitement.

It seemed like the young man was still a student, studying at night.

—-Indeed, a kind-hearted kid.

Actually, leaving without saying goodbye today was quite impolite. Once his body was feeling better, he would personally visit to express his gratitude...

Bai Nian slowly pondered, his thoughts drifting away, and once again, the scene of the young man tightly embracing him floated into his mind.

In an instant, all drowsiness vanished, replaced by an indescribable sense of embarrassment washing over him.

Too strange...

Bai Nian silently curled up, realizing that indeed, losing control over his mimicry was really terrible.

He had to visit the hospital several more times, hoping that the magnetic wave therapy would have some effect.


As Xu Mu stepped out, he saw Nadis standing respectfully at the door of the room.

"Good morning, Nades," Xu Mu greeted.

Nades's pitch-black eyes shifted, "It should be good afternoon master."

“Aren't you the one who said you wouldn't sleep in anymore?"

Xu Mu felt guilty and averted his gaze. "I didn’t mean to."

Nades emitted a mechanical laughter.

"..." Quite creepy.

Nades said, “Did you forget something when you came back last night?'"

Xu Mu sighed softly, "I know, I forgot to go grocery shopping, I'll do it today."

Nades bowed, "I feel immensely relieved. Lunch is ready for you."

Xu Mu yawned, "Just a moment, I'll go wash up first."

"Very well."

After finishing his first meal of the day, Xu Mu didn't idle. He went out directly. Before leaving, he asked Nades, "Besides what's on the list, is there anything else we need at home?"

"There isn't a single home that doesn't lack something; it depends on the homeowner's wallet," Nades said tactfully. "Right now, you have more worthwhile investments to make."

Xu Mu: "..." That hurt his heart


At the Automatic shopping supermarket center.

"Cabbage, check. Next is... pepper."

Xu Mu lowered his head, considering which one to pick and then ticking it off the list.

"Wow, there are so many varieties of pepper," Xu Mu exclaimed, astonished. Hundreds of pepper samples were neatly displayed on the showcase.

He could look at whichever sample he needed. Once he made his selection, he could confirm it directly on the shopping board, and it would be paid for altogether later.

Offline shopping has its advantages, prominently allowing consumers to understand each item clearly in terms of its appearance and quality. But for Xu Mu, it was purely about saving money.

In this world of advanced technology, with a 99% prevalence of robots, it doesn't mean that labor is cheap. Livestock have disappeared, replaced by inanimate objects that don't need rest. 

This is done to save costs for capitalists, creating more profits. It doesn't mean that capitalists don't want to earn more money.

Online shopping offers precise one-on-one service, with high-intelligence robots accompanying the process, providing immersive holographic simulation scenes.

Premium robot services require higher fees, making human labor comparatively cheaper.

Xu Mu randomly picked a type of pepper and moved on to the next item on his list. He strolled leisurely, and after about ten minutes, he had almost completed his purchases and was ready to pay and head home.

The supermarket's bright incandescent lights, smooth floors, and shiny surfaces seemed to vividly reflect the shadows of people.

Suddenly, Xu Mu stopped in front of a screen displaying an advertisement.

"More suitable feeding equipment for infants and toddlers..." he murmured.

Huh? Are they selling animal feeding kits?

Curious, Xu Mu entered a keyword into the shopping board.

Various images of animals appeared densely on the screen. He randomly scrolled through them and then added the word "rabbit" in the search bar.

"Do they only sell equipment for infancy?" Xu Mu wondered.

He scrolled down several pages but couldn't find any items such as climbing frames, grass racks, cages, footpads, or other products for adult rabbits.

"Your bill number is 7979! Please proceed with payment," the voice reminded him.

Xu Mu snapped back to attention and quickly made the payment using his brain interface.

"Do you need a small storage compartment, or have you brought your own?" the voice inquired.

"I've brought my own," Xu Mu replied.

"Alright, please place it in the designated location."


"Your electronic receipt has been sent to your brain interface. Thank you for your patronage, and we look forward to your next visit."

"Okay," Xu Mu nodded, took the storage compartment, and headed towards the exit.

"Next, please," the voice called out as Xu Mu left, and the person behind him stepped forward.

"Welcome, please show your shopping order number~," the attendant greeted.

Bai Nian also entered a few numbers into the light screen. With a beep, the machine started working. He glanced in the direction the young man had left, his lips pursed.

Just now... it was him, right?

Bai Nian thought uncertainly as the tall, slender figure disappeared without a trace. Looking again, it seemed like an illusion.

"Daddy... it moved," Yeye nudged Bai Nian's leg with his small arm, opening his mouth wide and making a few sounds.

Bai Nian lowered his head and softly replied, "Okay, I saw it."

Ye Ye reached out and made a grasping motion, laughing, "Woo—there are colorful lights."

Bai Nian touched Ye Ye's head.


Back home, Xu Mu handed the storage compartment over to Nades.

"Did I get everything?"

Nades's black eyes emitted a beam of red light, scanning the storage compartment. After a few seconds, he said, "Master, everything is correct."

Xu Mu responded with an "Oh," then headed towards the kitchen.

Nades asked, "Do you want me to cook?"

"No, I want to cook vegetable soup."

"Are you sure?"

Xu Mu pursed his lips, "Absolutely sure."

"Well, your taste is really unique, you obviously find it unpleasant yet still persisting."

Xu Mu thought to himself: Isn't it because the food you make is too "standard"?

He prefers his meals to be sour and spicy, likes sweet food, but Nades strictly adheres to scientific proportions, never willing to add more chili peppers, and limits the amount of sweet food.

—He just wants to drink some hot and sour soup, what's wrong with that!!!

Xu Mu worked quickly, washing and cutting several kinds of vegetables before tossing them all into the pot. Then he added water, seasoned the sauce, covered the pot, and when the time was up, he poured it into bowls.

It was very simple, with the most crucial step being the seasoning.

"What's the difference between this and eating instant rice?" Nades sighed, "It's better to buy nutritional fluid and pair it with a sensory device to deceive your taste buds, and it's healthier."

Xu Mu shrugged, "Robots don't understand the deliciousness of hot meals."

Nades said, "Well, I wish you could afford to eat delicious hot meals in the future."

Speaking of which, Xu Mu complained, "Well, having money doesn't necessarily mean you'll eat well. That fancy restaurant takeout I had two weeks ago was also awful."

Nades commented, "From not eating anything to becoming a gourmet connoisseur, what a huge leap you made."

Xu Mu thought to himself, "..." He didn't expect that, but little robot your master has a different soul.

He complimented, "You're better than most fancy restaurants, Nades."

Nades clenched his right fist against his chest, "Thank you for your praise. Nades is dedicated to serving you and providing you with a perfect home."

After dinner, Xu Mu diligently studied and played games to earn money.

From initially feeling uncomfortable and tense to now being effortlessly adept, he sighed, "Habit is really a good thing."

"Nades , you don't need to tidy up my gaming area next time. Some of the ornaments have been moved around, and I'm not comfortable moving around," Xu Mu casually remarked.

"Alright, master," Nades replied.


Xu Mu had just finished bathing, feeling comfortably lazy all over.

Steam billowed out of the bathroom, resembling swirling white mist as it slowly dissipated into the air.

It was still early, and today he deliberately reduced his study workload to adjust his schedule. However, Xu Mu couldn't fall asleep as he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling.

Suddenly, he remembered something he had been thinking about all afternoon.

A rabbit nest...

A small smile formed on Xu Mu's lips as he spread his hands, flipping them over.

The soft, fluffy sensation lingered faintly in his memory, the chubby paw pads particularly comfortable to rub.

Ah, that adorable little rabbit.

The more Xu Mu thought about it, the more excited he became. He opened his Light Brain and accessed the world's most famous online shopping platform, entering "advanced equipment for raising young rabbits."

Congratulations, it's not just for young rabbits anymore.

Xu Mu chose the highest-rated store and directly selected the most comprehensive set available.

At the moment of payment, he felt no remorse, but instead was filled with indescribable joy.

Even though he didn't have any rabbits now, what if he did in the future?

If he waited until he had them, would the rabbit be able to wait?

—He couldn't wait, so he should buy now.

Hmm, this purchase was definitely worth it. Xu Mu was extremely satisfied, and he could always eat a little less next week.

For some reason, he felt a connection with the lop-eared rabbit from last night. He had a premonition that he would definitely be able to raise this rabbit in the future.

Xu Mu was about to shut down his Light Brain when he received a message from the seller on the shopping platform.

[Xiaoqi: Dear customer, what we sell are emotional comfort kits for adult rabbits~ Are you sure you didn't order the wrong item? Could you please double-check? If everything is correct, we will dispatch it as soon as possible~]

Xu Mu found it strange but still replied politely.

[Xu: Yes, that's correct.]

[Xiaoqi: Hmm, alright then.]

After some thought, Xu Mu decided to send another message.

[Xu: Do you specifically ask because many people often buy the wrong item?]

[Xiaoqi: Yes indeed, dear customer~ The adult rabbit facilities kits we produce are more suitable for adult rabbits with mental depression, emotional issues, or those in heat. They are not exclusively for young rabbits~]

Xu Mu thought to himself: Do they really differentiate so precisely here?

[Xu: Does the rabbit have to meet the conditions you mentioned to use it?]

[Xiaoqi: Dear customer, we specialize in research and production in this area, and we have many patents. The company's original intention was to create a good living environment for such rabbits and alleviate both physical and psychological pressures~]

[Xu: So, normal adult rabbits can't use it?]

[Xiaoqi: Dear customer, are you buying it for personal use?]

Xu Mu found this response odd, but upon careful consideration, it made sense. After all, he intended to use it for raising rabbits.

[Xu: Yes, I'm buying it for raising a rabbit.]

On the other end, the customer service representative, Xiaoqi , felt a shiver run down their spine as they read the message.

"Oh, damn, I've encountered a weirdo."

Meanwhile, another representative, Xiaoping, yawned and leaned over, asking, "What weirdo?"

"Raising rabbits and using them?" she wondered, "What is this person up to? Playing some kind of *adult game?"

"I don't know, it can’t be used to keep someone captive," Xiaoqi shuddered, "It's creepy. Who in their right mind would lock up a normal person and keep them in a cage?"

Xiaoping said, "Maybe they're talking about role-playing. You know, like couples getting into a cage together for some fun? Isn't role-playing *popular these days?"

Xiaoqi was half skeptical, half unsure, "Is that really it?"

"Why don't you just ask?"

"But what if it backfires?"

Xiaoping rolled their eyes, "You're such a coward, I'll do it."

[Xiaoqi: Dear customer, what is the relationship between you and the rabbit you're raising?]

[Xu: The relationship between raising and being raised...]

Xiaoping furrowed their brows, while Xiaoqi beside them took in a sharp breath.

"I told you, this person is a weirdo! Maybe they're one of those super creepy types who keep others captive under the guise of being partners!"

Xiaoping pondered, "It does seem like it."

Xiaoqi, nervous, suggested, "Should we call the police?"

Xiaoping replied, "No, let's wait and see first. It would be bad if it turned out to be a misunderstanding."

[Xiaoqi: Dear customer, did the rabbit you're raising agree to go into the cage?]

Xu Mu was puzzled. What's going on? Are there people nowadays who force pet rabbits into cages at home?

If the rabbit didn't want to, he would definitely release it back into the wild. Who could force it to stay in a cage?

—That would be weird.

[Xu: Of course it agreed. Otherwise, how could I force a rabbit into a cage?]

Both Xiaoping and breath Xiaoqied a sigh of relief simultaneously.

Xiaoping said, "See, it's for couples' fun!"

Xiaoqi said, "Phew, thank goodness it's not a weirdo."

Xiaoqi added, "But that was pretty close, though."

Xiaoqi  said, "Indeed, being put in a cage—hiss, is it because of possessiveness? Not wanting their partner to see anyone else?"

Xiaoping said, "Don't try to understand the thoughts of a weirdo."

Xiaoqi shivered.

[Xiaoqi : Alright, dear customer, we'll ship your order as soon as possible~]

"Master, aren't you supposed to sleep early?" Nades suddenly spoke from the corner.

Xu Mu cleared his throat lightly, "Yeah, I'm going to sleep now."

[Xu: Alright, thank you for your hard work.]

After replying to the message, Xu Mu shut down his Light Brain, turned off the lights, and nestled under the covers.

"Nades, good night."

"Good night, my dear master."


Xu Mu's spirits have been quite good lately. Compared to the emaciated figure he saw in the mirror on the first day, he had a bit more flesh on his cheeks, his eye sockets were no longer sunken, and his ribs were not protruding.

He still managed to find time for exercise amidst his busy schedule of earning money and studying. Of course, it had only been a week, so claiming any significant progress would be exaggerated.

But perseverance is key. Xu Mu aimed to regain the eight-pack abs from his past life, and it would likely take quite some time.


Xu Mu halted his steps, his breathing slightly labored from running. He picked up the ball at his feet and handed it to the boy.

"Oh, it's you," he recognized the boy from next door.

The boy, Ye Ye, tilted his head and opened and closed his mouth, sending shivers down Xu Mu's spine.


"Hey hey hey, my little ancestor, don't call strangers that randomly," Xu Mu panicked, glancing around like a thief.

Ye Ye hugged the ball and fell silent.

Xu Mu asked, "Kid, where are your guardians? Oh wait, you have a guardian robot, don't you?"

Ye Ye blinked, "Kaduo."


Just as the boy finished speaking, Xu Mu saw a robot emerge from behind the bushes.

"I'm here, my young master," Kaduo said as he took the boy's hand.

Ye Ye pointed at the robot and said to Xu Mu, "Kaduo."

Xu Mu smiled, "Alright, I got it."

He greeted the robot, "Hello, Kaduo."

The robot nodded in a human-like manner, "Hello, sir."

"You have fun playing, bye bye," Xu Mu ruffled the boy's hair and continued his jog.

Ye Ye loosened his grip on the ball and waved to Xu Mu, "Bye..."

A few minutes later, a gentle voice sounded.

"Ye Ye?"

Ye Ye's eyes lit up, and he dropped the ball, running towards Bai Nian with a hop in his step.


Bai Nian smiled as he lifted him up, pinching his nose. "Ye Ye is so good. Did you have fun playing with Kaduo and the ball?"

Ye Ye nodded.

Bai Nian's smile deepened. He asked, "Do you want to keep playing or go home?"

Ye Ye tugged at Bai Nian's collar. "Go home."

"Alright, let's go home," Bai Nian said. "By the way, we'll go meet our new neighbor later."


"Right, our new neighbor."


Ding dong, ding dong—

Xu Mu wasn't quite sure. "Nades, is that the doorbell ringing?"

Nades replied, "Yes, master."

Someone was actually at the door... Xu Mu was surprised as he walked steadily towards the entrance.

Wait, could it be a friend of the previous owner?

Xu Mu's heart raced. It couldn't be, it couldn't be. The previous owner was such a recluse, and withdrawn. ‘His’ online friends list was clean, where could a friend come from?

"Hello, sorry to disturb you."

Just as Xu Mu opened the door, before he could fully see the person, he heard a smooth, melodious voice, like a gentle stream flowing, soothing and soft.

Xu Mu felt inexplicably nervous. "Hello."

It was a fair and gentle man with glasses.

His hair had a hint of brown in his hair, fine strands of bangs fell over his forehead. He had a pointed chin, pale lips, an extremely slender neck, and distinct blue veins.

"I'm your new neighbor from next door, Bai Nian. Nice to meet you."

The neighbor from next door...?

Xu Mu thought of that little boy.

Bai Nian offered a box of cookies with a gentle smile and said softly, "Actually, I should have come over a few days ago. Thank you for your help last time, otherwise..."

Help? Xu Mu was puzzled. When was that?

But... he couldn't help but stare directly at the box of cookies. He could almost smell the buttery aroma.

He had just finished his run and hadn't had breakfast yet—

He was so hungry.

He actually didn't catch what the other person said afterward; his attention was completely drawn to the cookies.

Bai Nian noticed and smiled gently, pausing his speech. He opened the box and offered it, saying, "Why don't you have some first?"

Xu Mu's eyes lit up as he took a piece.


The cookies were soft, so much so that he didn't even need to bite; they melted in his mouth, leaving a silky sensation as he swallowed. And they were just the right level of sweetness that he liked.

While many people prefer less sweetness in their desserts, Xu Mu was different. He enjoyed a bit of sweetness.

He couldn't resist and ended up eating several pieces in a row. The box wasn't big to begin with, and it was quickly almost empty.

Suddenly, Xu Mu realized that he seemed to have forgotten to say something.

"Um, thank you, the cookies were really delicious," he said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Bai Nian waved his hand and smiled lightly, "You're welcome. If you like them, I have some freshly baked cookies at home. Would you like me to bring you some?"

Xu Mu's heart fluttered. At that moment, the scent of the cookies seemed to rush into his nostrils.

"Wouldn't that be too much trouble for you?" 

Bai Nian said, "Not at all, it's very close, just next door. Wait here."

"Okay, thank you."

Xu Mu watched Bai Nian's departing figure, feeling his tense shoulders relax slightly.

Suddenly, he felt a tug on his pants.

Lowering his head, his eyes made eye contact with a pair of small ones, and Xu Mu froze.

He hesitated before greeting, "Hi—?"

Ye Ye tilted his head and opened his mouth to shout, "Dad—"

Xu Mu: !!!

He was shocked and quickly covered Ye Ye's mouth.

But it was too late; that "Dad" echoed in his ears. Xu Mu looked over and saw a pair of feet beside the little boy's head.

Stiffening, he looked up and said, "Um, let me explain. I, I don't know his mom, he's just shouting randomly, we have no relationship..."

Bai Nian sighed helplessly. "Don't worry, I understand. This is Ye Ye's issue; he calls everyone 'dad.' You don't need to mind."

Xu Mu breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, I see."

It was a false alarm; his back was almost drenched in cold sweat.

Bai Nian handed over a box of cookies. "Thank you for liking the cookies I made, and also for helping me the other day."

Xu Mu coughed lightly. "No need to thank me, it's the least I could do..."

Huh? Wait, why doesn't he remember this?

When did he help the other person?

After exchanging pleasantries just now, he felt too embarrassed to ask directly, so he racked his brain for answers.

Xu Mu looked at Bai Nian's face, trying hard to recall any memories.

It couldn't be... Why was there no recollection? He might have left a trace after doing a good deed, but it was unlikely he'd have no memory of it... Especially since he rarely went out...

Could it be the girl who had the doll chain that day?

Xu Mu was uncertain, perhaps he was a cosplayer in female attire?

But it didn't seem likely.

But the other person's face did seem somewhat familiar.

It felt like he had seen it somewhere before...

He remembered!

Xu Mu tentatively asked, "Was it when we were downstairs...?"

Bai Nian curled his fingertips, a slight blush creeping up his ears. "Yes, that's right. It was me."

Xu Mu suddenly realized, feeling pleasantly surprised.

Wasn't it just him extending a hand to help out of the elevator? And yet, the other person came all the way to express gratitude so solemnly!

"That day was my first day moving in..." Bai Nian paused. "There was a lot going on, so I wasn't in the best state. Thank you."

Xu Mu smiled, "No problem, just a small gesture. I believe anyone would do the same."

Bai Nian remained silent, looking at Xu Mu oddly.

Xu Mu felt confused and hesitantly asked, "Isn't it...?"

Could it be that people in this world were so indifferent?

—It couldn't be.

Bai Nian's complexion had always been pale, almost devoid of color. But under Xu Mu's gaze, he felt his face flush, a sensation he hadn't experienced in a long time.

His gaze wandered, and he stumbled over his words.

"Yeah, you're right," Bai Nian replied.

But to receive such a warm embrace from a stranger—

Indeed, it was rare.

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