The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 7



Xu Mu's hands shook like a sieve, and the lop-eared rabbit in his arms remained silent, tears silently streaming down, dampening the fur around its eye sockets.

He cautiously asked, "What's wrong... please don't cry first, did I hurt you?" 

He gently placed the lop-eared rabbit back on the cushion, holding his breath, blaming himself, "Was it uncomfortable when I hugged you just now? Or did I pull your fur? Was I too rough when I pinched your tail?..."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, please don't cry, it makes me feel bad too... I'm sorry, little rabbit, please don't cry, next time I won't touch you casually, please don't cry..."

Xu Mu kept apologizing, trying to make the rabbit feel his sincerity. He genuinely felt sorry, reaching for tissues to wipe away its tears, but afraid of startling it.

Rabbits are intelligent animals. Although they can't understand language, most of the time, they can comprehend simple commands and perceive the emotions conveyed by their surroundings and people.

Xu Mu lowered his voice, repeating, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I won't hug you casually anymore, okay?"

Bai Nian also turned his head aside, not wanting the young man to see his face, feeling embarrassed.

He was at least a dozen years older than the other person, yet he cried because his deformity was revealed...

"Don't cry, I know you're upset, it's my fault. If you're unhappy, you can kick me, push me—" Xu Mu met the lop-eared rabbit's gaze, bringing his face close and saying softly, "You can scratch me with your claws too. Here, my face is right here. Let it out if you're angry, don't cry, don't hold it in, it's not good for your health if you keep it all in."

——He would rather have the rabbit throw a tantrum, even bite, than let it stew in its own anger.

Rabbits, cute as they may seem on the surface, actually have strong tempers and can get so upset that they refuse to eat and end up starving themselves.

Xu Mu once had a friend whose rabbit, usually silent, inexplicably shed tears and fainted. His friend thought the rabbit was simply enduring pain, toughing it out, and ended up fainting from the pain.

When they took it to the vet for examination, the doctor found nothing wrong with its health—it was perfectly healthy. It was likely upset, holding a grudge, and had literally fainted from anger.

Bai Nian: "..."

He adjusted his mood and looked at Xu Mu as if observing a lunatic.

Xu Mu saw that the lop-eared rabbit had finally stopped crying, simply turning its back silently. His suspended heart eased a bit.

He thought for a moment, then cleared his throat—

In the past, when his rebellious child stomped their feet in anger, as long as he deliberately spoke coquettishly, they would stop stomping.

It's strange, rabbits seem to like coquettish voices.

"I'm sorry, please don't be angry. It's my fault for not being able to resist when I see a rabbit. I know I shouldn't casually hug or touch you, but the way you are right now, you're really cute. I couldn't control myself. Can you forgive me?"

After Xu Mu finished speaking, he muttered softly again.

"...But it's not entirely my fault either. I don't know why I like rabbits so much. I can't resist hugging them when I see them... I don't feel the same way about other furry animals like cats, dogs, or hamsters..."

He stared earnestly at the lop-eared rabbit, "It's not right to have a hobby like loving rabbits. I will reflect on that. Don't be angry with yourself."

Bai Nian raised his head stiffly, wondering how Xu Mu could make such a peculiar hobby sound so refreshingly innocent.

Xu Mu leaned in closer again, "You can hit me if you're angry, or stomp your feet, or yell at me, but don't cry by yourself."

He was afraid the rabbit would faint from anger.

Bai Nian: "..."

Unable to resist, Bai Nian's hand reached out, wanting to hit him.

Xu Mu was surprised. Did the rabbit understand his words?

He eagerly brought his face closer.

Bai Nian also was on the verge of laughing from anger.

He told himself to endure it. After all, the other person was young and still in school. It was normal to have some odd hobbies—-

No, who would be so perverted as to do this to someone else mimicry?!

"You're not going to hit me?" Xu Mu asked.

Bai Nian ignored him, silently grooming his fur.

Suddenly, Xu Mu remembered a widely recognized method among many pet owners to bond with their rabbits: which is licking their fur.

In the rabbit world, the rule was for lower-ranking individuals to lick the fur of higher-ranking individuals, symbolizing submission.

Bai Nian retreated cautiously, what Xu Mu was up to this time?

Xu Mu naturally sensed the lop-eared rabbit's avoidance.

He said, "Don't be afraid, I'll ask before I hug you next time."

Bai Nian relaxed slightly, but the next moment, he was gnashing his teeth internally. Was this even a question of asking?

It was a question of whether he should be doing it at all!

Xu Mu moved in the direction of the lop-eared rabbit and tentatively asked, "But why were you crying?"

The rabbit ignored him.

Xu Mu said, "How about I guess? If I get it right, you look at me?"

The rabbit still didn't respond.

"Is it because your wound hurts? You're unhappy to see me? Did the hug make you uncomfortable? You don't like being held by others? Did I hurt your tail when I pinched it? Was I close to your belly that made you uncomfortable?..."

Xu Mu guessed everything he could think of, but the lop-eared rabbit still kept its head down.

He knew deep down that the rabbit might not understand, and the so-called "questions" were more like him trying to figure things out for himself.

Xu Mu furrowed his brow in contemplation, then suddenly had a realization, "It's because of your body—"

Bai Nian stiffened, his hands curling up involuntarily, his back arching as he retreated uncontrollably.

Xu Mu murmured, "No wonder..."

He speculated that it might be due to the presence it’s deformities, which had led to unpleasant experiences in the rabbit's group encounters, such as being mocked or bullied by other rabbits, instilling a sense of fear and inferiority about its own body.

"I didn't mean to look at that area on purpose, it really was an accident," Xu Mu said, noticing the lop-eared rabbit's twitching nose. His voice grew softer, "And I don't think there's anything wrong with it. If anyone mocks you because of it, it's their problem."

Bai Nian stared at the young man in astonishment.

Xu Mu's heart melted as he was being stared at, his grey-blue eyes seeming to possess a magical allure.

"You're the cutest rabbit I've ever seen. I really like you. If they don't like you, it's because they have no taste. I think you're special. Don’t be unhappy, okay?"

Bai Nian fell silent. He awkwardly looked away, feeling a mix of emotions.

It's impossible to say that he didn't care at all about his deformed body. Otherwise, he wouldn't have cried when the other person noticed it. As easy as it might be for mimicry to lead to emotional instability, ultimately, there was a barrier in his heart.

But after all these years, having grown into a mature adult, he couldn't get past this barrier. He couldn't remove it; he could only pretend it didn't exist.

Bai Nian also remained silent for a while, then suddenly reached out and lightly touched Xu Mu's hand before quickly pulling back.

It was like saying 'okay.'

Xu Mu was pleasantly surprised. The sensation of the rabbit's paw pad was fleeting, but there was still a lingering sensation.

He clenched his hand, suppressing his excitement. "Do you want to step on it again? Your claws are so soft..."

Bai Nian: "..."

Despite Xu Mo’s cold demeanor, the words spoken were not much different from what a pervert might say.

He just couldn't understand why a seemingly normal young man, who appeared no different from others on ordinary days, would have such strange fetishes...

Obsessed with mimicry rabbits?

Xu Mu wasn't disappointed when the rabbit ignored him.

"Are you still going out to the balcony?" He stood up and closed the balcony door.

Upon returning, Xu Mu squatted down again. "It's dangerous to go out through the balcony. If you don't want to stay at my place, you can leave through the front door."

Bai Nian also blinked in surprise.

Xu Mu smiled. Although he really liked this lop-eared rabbit, he knew that it didn't like being confined and wanted to be a free rabbit.

Perhaps it would come back to him the next time it got injured.

"Will you come back to see me in the future?" he sighed softly.

Bai Nian: "..."

He didn't need to think about it; his mind automatically translated it into—

"I really like your mimicry. Can you show it to me again in the future?"

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