It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 22


IETSTSMLARA | The Vicious Support Male Lead is a Bit Sweet | 22

As their fathers introduced them, Sun Chun was graceful, and Lin Su politely greeted her. The two of them standing together looked very compatible, and Lin Tang even managed to bend the fork in his hand successfully.

Lin Tang reminded himself that this was just a formality; dancing was something anyone could do, whether they were friends or lovers. However, before he could calm down, the people around them started adding fuel to the fire.

"It looks like the union between the Sun and Lin families is going to happen..."

"A match made in heaven. It’s rare to see such a pleasing sight."

"Although he's an heir, he's still an adopted son. The Lin family's fortune won't go to their own children in the end. The Sun's family is quite lucky."

"What do you know!"

As the music began playing, Lin Su took Sun Chun's hand and entered the dance floor. The two of them danced the waltz quite skillfully, appearing to be quite compatible.

But precisely because they were so compatible, Lin Tang felt annoyed. Hmph, scumbag! He already had him, yet he's dancing with other women!

Looking at the woman's expression, it wasn't like she hadn't set her sights on him. Her eyes were practically glued to his boyfriend.

The more he thought about it, the more Lin Tang noticed that many people looked at Lin Su with admiration in their eyes. It wasn't just women; there were also men, including that Luo Chen from the Luo family that Luo Fei had mentioned before. 

He always had a delicate and pitiful appearance, as if he could faint at any moment. If he's not feeling well, he should just go home instead of joining in the festivities. His boyfriend wouldn't like someone like that.

Although Lin Tang's jealousy was not unfounded, in fact, Sun Chun did have feelings for Lin Su.

It wasn't exactly love at first sight, but she was definitely attracted to him. She had a naturally strong personality, having never lost to men since she was young. But even though she seemed strong on the outside, deep down, she still had the dreams that girls like to indulge in. However, those men who were not as strong as her couldn't hold her down at all. What she wanted was a man strong enough to suppress her.

But when she actually encountered one, she found that she might not be able to handle such a man. She couldn't control him.

"Can we keep in touch as friends in the future?" Sun Chun asked gracefully, maintaining her elegant dance steps.

There was no sign of the man speaking, and Sun Chun didn't want to miss this rare opportunity due to any female restraint.

"I'm sorry," Lin Su smiled apologetically, "but I already have someone I like."

There were two apologies implied here: one for attending the blind date despite already having someone he liked, and the other for not being able to be friends.

The nature of their relationship after the blind date was quite clear. Regardless of what kind of friend Sun Chun might be, as the other party in this blind date, she wasn't suitable to be friends with anymore.

Sun Chun was slightly surprised at first, but after a moment, she smiled. "Mr. Lin, your honesty is truly rare. I accept your apology."

Someone who already had a partner was no longer within the realm of choice. And with the disappointment of not being able to control this person gone, she unexpectedly felt relieved.

But this scene didn't sit well with Lin Tang. They were just dancing, why were they chatting so happily?

The vinegar in his heart kept rising, bubbling and fizzing. Just as Lin Tang was planning to settle the score tonight, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind him: "Young Master Lin, is there something wrong with the fork?"

The voice that Lin Tang used to detest so much made him reflexively look over. Bai Xiuran was standing beside him, holding a wine glass, his impeccably tailored suit blending perfectly into the banquet. Unlike before, he seemed much more comfortable in this attire. 

However, that was Lin Tang's own perception. In Bai Xiuran's eyes, breaking free from those stereotypes, Young Master Lin in his little suit really did resemble an innocent little prince, without too many thoughts, and one could see through him at a glance.

Lin Tang no longer felt anything towards Sheng Hong, nor did he dislike him as much as before. 

He even occasionally felt like his past provocations against Bai Xiuran were foolish, but of course, he couldn't let the party involved know about it. "Do you need something?" he asked.

"Nothing much, just came to say hello," Bai Xiuran stood naturally beside him, casually glancing towards Lin Su in the center of the dance floor. "I must say, I've never realized how handsome your elder brother is."

Lin Tang's indifferent attitude instantly turned wary. "What do you want?"

Bai Xiuran swirled his glass, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "What do I want? Well, I want to make use of your connections, get to know your elder brother. Who knows, maybe I'll even become your sister-in-law."

"You can forget about it!" Lin Tang glared at him. This guy was trying to compete with him again.

Tit for tat, huh?!

Bai Xiuran took a moment to assess Lin Tang's sulking expression, then suddenly burst into laughter. "So, falling in love with someone else does exist after all. Congratulations."

To make the young master, who was so stubborn, fall in love with someone else—apparently deeply in love at that—Lin Su must indeed be quite remarkable.

Lin Tang frowned. "You're not here to steal someone else's lover, are you? Are you... here to spy on me? Are you planning to tell everyone?"

"Of course I won't tell everyone. How could I use it as leverage if I did?" Bai Xiuran found teasing this kid surprisingly enjoyable.

But the next moment, a large hand landed on Lin Tang's head as he was about to explode in anger. Lin Su smiled politely. "Mr. Bai, don't bully him."

With just that one action and sentence, Bai Xiuran was astonished to find that the young master, who had been on the verge of exploding a moment ago, suddenly turned docile, his whole body seemingly soft and pliable. 

In an instant, he became someone you could pinch and mold, with his eyes even sparkling like little stars.

Lin Tang's natural change in attitude reminded Bai Xiuran of the similar expression he had seen when Lin Tang looked at Sheng Hong before, but back then, it was mostly filled with disappointment and resentment after being rejected.

Seeing someone with such adoration and admiration, as if they were their entire world, truly made them seem radiant.

This situation was both favorable and dangerous. If Lin Su could respond to Bai Xiuran's trust and enthusiasm, it would only lead to a blissful relationship. However, if Lin Su grew tired of it one day, Lin Tang might not be able to move on as easily as he did with Sheng Hong.

What Bai Xiuran could see, the man in front of him might not be blind to either, yet he chose to let it be.

"I am on the Lin Family's turf. How could I dare to bully Young Master Lin?" Bai Xiuran smiled gracefully, though his gaze met Lin Su's. "I'm just asking Young Master Lin to connect me with his eldest brother, nothing more."

Bai Xiuran's elegant demeanor didn't reveal any affection toward Lin Su. His words were probably just meant to tease Lin Tang.

After all, it was quite amusing to see someone as pretty as Lin Tang puffing up in anger.

"Too bad," Bai Xiuran raised his glass in a gesture of farewell and left without a trace of malice, even under the scrutiny of others.

Regardless of how others perceived Sheng Hong, Bai Xiuran left a good impression on everyone present. Unfazed by praise or criticism, someone who could remain composed like him would be trusted for future collaborations.

The host didn't need to be present throughout the entire banquet, so Lin Su took the sulking Lin Tang to the flower hall to let off some steam.

Lin Tang plucked a flower and scattered its petals on the ground, clearly fuming. If it weren't for not wanting to ruin Lin Su's introduction banquet, he would have rolled up his sleeves and confronted someone, even if it meant getting a lashing from his father later.

To let Lin Tang choose to simmer in his anger was quite an achievement for Lin Su.

"I'm so mad!" Lin Tang threw down the flower stem and paced around the flower hall, occasionally glaring at Lin Su. “You keep attracting too many bees and butterflies!"

"I turned down all of them," Lin Su said innocently.

Lin Tang knew that Lin Su had turned down all of them, but the fact that his man was being coveted by others made him very angry, even though he didn't know whom to be angry at.

He felt like hiding his man away, not letting anyone see him.

"In the future, if anyone pursues you, you have to reject them all," Lin Tang demanded.

"That's natural," Lin Su replied without hesitation.

Lin Su's straightforward response made Lin Tang quite happy, and he almost forgot he was still upset when he saw the corner of his lips lift.

"You can't be friends with Bai Xiuran either, even if he really likes you," Lin Tang felt uneasy inside.

Although Lin Su's attitude was firm, deep down, Lin Tang couldn't shake off the feeling that both Bai Xiuran and Sun Chun were better matches for him in terms of circumstances. When comparing himself to them, Lin Tang couldn't help but feel worthless and inadequate. He wondered what Lin Su saw in him.

"Okay," Lin Su agreed. As for whether Bai Xiuran actually liked him or not, Lin Su thought it was something Lin Tang would have to figure out on his own.

Feeling even more unsettled, Lin Tang kicked the ground and hesitated slightly before asking, "What exactly do you... like about me?"

System 06: 【He likes that you're good-looking.】

Unfortunately, Lin Tang couldn't hear these words, so there was a hint of unease and apprehension in his eyes as he looked at Lin Su. It was rare for the young master to lack confidence in himself.

While System 06's words were the most genuine answer, Lin Su wouldn't have replied like that unless he had a screw loose in his head. 

After seriously considering it, Lin Su looked directly into Lin Tang's eyes and said, "I like you for being your true self."

Lin Su had encountered many scheming individuals, most of whom suppressed their true nature and displayed only their perfect facade, including himself. But Lin Tang was different. He lived freely and unabashedly, like a child, until he experienced the trials of the previous worldline.

 Lin Su liked that purity in him.

Lin Tang blushed, feeling a warmth spreading through his body when he met Lin Su's gaze. He felt a bit embarrassed to look directly into Lin Su's eyes but couldn't bring himself to look away. 

He simply gripped the edge of his pants, feeling uncomfortable all over. "I... I'll try my best not to embarrass you," he said, his voice slightly strained.

Lin Tang had been reckless and defiant, dismissing anyone's words because he could easily get what he wanted without much effort. But at this moment, he suddenly wanted to become someone who could match up to Lin Su.

At least he wouldn't feel inferior when compared to others. In the future, when he proudly declared himself as Lin Su's boyfriend, he wanted Lin Su to feel proud too, instead of feeling like he only had a face.

"I've never felt embarrassed," Lin Su said, ruffling his hair and smiling.

System 06 chimed in: 【Because having a beautiful face is enough.】

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  1. Lmao the romantic scene is ruin by the systems remarks.. From pink bubbles it burst into a comedy 🤣🤣


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