It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 33


IETSTSMLARA | The Rising Movie Emperor | 33

“That's right. Zhou Xintang wasn't anything special before. The movies he made were terrible, yet as soon as he left Kang Shang, he immediately got big film deals and won awards. It seems like he left Kang Shang because he found a big sponsor."

"Those awards are just shallow. They invest billions directly to make him the lead actor. This big sponsor is no ordinary person. How much money did they spend in one night?"

"I admit that 'Future' was well-made, but Zhou Xintang's acting skills are just average. How many stunt doubles did he use behind the scenes? Disgusting."


Not all of Zhou Xintang's rapidly growing fan base consisted of praise. There were some who simply didn't like him, and of course, there were others who came to criticize him from various places. His sudden rise to fame and the high number of screenings for his films inevitably blocked the paths of some people.

What started as a sudden occurrence quickly evolved into a meticulously planned smear campaign, spreading obscure through covert language into people's minds.

"Could he really be kept as a kept man?"

"It's one thing for women, but it's disgusting for men to use the back door..."

"So what if it's disgusting? There's no evidence."

These were all just speculations, but they spread uncontrollably. The only thing Zhou Xintang could do was to adjust his mindset.

But the situation didn't stop because of his patience. On the contrary, it escalated further, with a flood of insulting and vulgar terms appearing in large quantities.

Lin Su was very busy. He needed to finish his studies, arrange various schedules, and approve auditions and shooting locations.

He had already done a lot for himself. Zhou Xintang didn't want to bother him with such matters, but the emotional pressure was increasing day by day.

"Brother Zhou, the studio temporarily can't suppress those remarks. You might be targeted," Cheng Luozhu comforted him, "Brother Lin has already instructed people to investigate the people behind the scenes. Don't worry, and don't speak out for now."

If the person behind this isn't identified, it's likely that the current situation will repeat itself over and over again.

"I understand," Zhou Xintang smiled, "Don't worry."

His schedules weren't as frequent as before, and with Lin Su arranging for the new drama to start soon, not having to go out meant facing less risk.

"Brother Zhou, even if we clarify this matter, it might not be convincing enough. They don't have evidence but can still accuse us, and we don't have evidence to prove our innocence either. Relax, Mr. Shi Wei and Brother Lin will help you," Cheng Luozhu called during his free time.

Although he and Zhou Xintang weren't together every day, he knew how strong Zhou Xintang's relationship with Lin Su was. Zhou Xintag being kept by Su Sheng? That's just wishful thinking.

However, he still felt something was off because the studio hadn't provided any concrete support or response to the blackening remarks. Although Lin Su was busy, he shouldn't disregard Zhou Xintang's situation.

"I know," Zhou Xintang smiled, "Go on and get busy. Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Okay," Cheng Luozhu hung up the phone with a heavy heart.

From dawn to dusk, Zhou Xintang sat in the darkness, watching various news updates. Rumors from strangers, past scandals confirmed, and someone capturing a man entering his place with him.

Zhou Xintang knew it was Lin Su, but others didn't see it that way. Speculations and demands for explanations flooded in, each straw adding to the burden.

As night fell completely, the room was shrouded in darkness. Zhou Xintang still hadn't seen any response from the studio or heard from Lin Su.

He threw his phone aside, surrounded by total darkness.

Could Lin Su also have such misunderstandings? But he didn't know anyone from Su Sheng Studios.

Lin Su, where are you?

He used to be able to support himself alone, not caring about such things, but after having a loved one, it seemed like even his heart had become fragile.

Zhou Xintang lay back on the sofa, his arm covering his eyes, so he didn't hear the sound of the door opening until a warm hand suddenly landed on his face, and a man's voice came from above: "Why are you sleeping here? Aren't you afraid of catching a cold?"

When Zhou Xintang moved his arm, his eyes felt a bit sore due to the light, but upon seeing the person leaning over with concern, he couldn’t hold back anymore. He sat up abruptly and without any trouble, straddling the person's lap and hugging him tightly.

Resting against that solid chest, his wandering heart suddenly felt secure as if it had found a harbor in an instant.

Lin Su stroked his hair and asked, "What's wrong?"

"So many people are cursing at me," Zhou Xintang muttered. He wasn't devoid of grievances; it's just that when he was alone before, he could only bear it himself, and speaking out wouldn't get him any understanding. But now, there was someone who would feel sorry for him, who would comfort him.

The barriers he had erected collapsed in front of this person, disregarding his image and dignity, leaving only complete vulnerability.

"You're so busy, you didn't even call me, and the studio hasn't clarified anything," Zhou Xintang poured out his grievances.

Lin Su patted the back of his head, lifted his chin to look at those slightly reddened eyes, knowing that the person in front of him was truly upset. "I didn't deliberately not call you. I've been investigating something recently. Originally, I didn't want to tell you until I had results, but now I can't find any more clues."

"About?" Zhou Xintang furrowed his brows slightly, the grievances that weren't being cared about initially dissipating due to Lin Su's explanation.

"It's about you," Lin Su pondered for a moment. "Do you have any information about your biological father?"

Zhou Xintang's face went pale instantly. "Why are you suddenly asking about this?"

In the entertainment industry, his file stated that he was an orphan; his parents died in a car accident when he was young. But that was only on the surface. The truth was that his adoptive parents died in the accident. He had only told one person about his biological parents, Zhao Yan.

"Don't blame Zhao Yan. I asked him," Lin Su touched his cheek. "I want to protect you, so I have to prevent many unexpected things from happening. Zhao Yan told me about your biological parents, and I've been investigating. This attack on you isn't sudden; someone wants to completely ruin you. I haven't clarified things because if your biological parents appear at this time, it'll be difficult for us to handle."

Most parents love their children, but there are always exceptions, and Zhou Xintang is one of them. In the original timeline, his complete collapse was accompanied by his biological father accusing him of being unfilial, calling him a heartless white-eyed wolf.

Celebrities can rise to great heights, earning admiration from many, but sometimes a single stain can utterly destroy them. Lin Su has always been wary; he could locate his own birth mother, but couldn't determine where Zhou Xintang's biological father was. 

This is because Zhou Xintang was forced to leave home in desperation, wandering around before being adopted. His adoptive parents were kind to him, but unfortunately, they died in a car accident.

It was because of this experience that certain scenes in his first film were so vividly portrayed, as he had climbed out of hell and then enjoyed the love from heaven.

During those dark days, it was Zhao Yan who lifted him up, propelling him to fame.

"I don't know where he is," Zhou Xintang lowered his head onto Lin Su's shoulder, trembling when recalling that person, "He might not even show up."

But saying this felt like lying to himself.

"What did he do to you that made you leave home at that time?" Lin Su held him tightly, asking, while the person in his arms continued to tremble lightly, not because he wanted to, but as if his body instinctively feared, "Can you tell me?"

Zhou Xintang didn't speak, and Lin Su didn't press further, until the trembling in his arms subsided a bit. Zhou Xintang attempted to speak, but his voice was hoarse to the extreme, "He used to beat me many times. My mother, my biological mother, left because of his repeated drinking, gambling, and domestic violence, so she left with another man. 

He suspected I was the illegitimate child of my mother and that another man, he beat me with a whip, hit me with a chair, wouldn't let me go to school, and when I ran away, he would bring me back and continue beating me. Sometimes the pain was so unbearable that I almost felt like I couldn't go on living. 

Later, I finally managed to escape when he wasn't home, and I met my adoptive parents. They were very kind to me, giving me hot meals, singing lullabies to me, giving me new clothes and shoes, and sending me to school. They were really, really good to me..."

Lin Su's shoulder was slightly damp; he knew Zhou Xintang was crying. He didn't cry when recalling the abuse, but when reminiscing about the warm memories with his adopted parents, he couldn't stop.

This was his inner pain, hidden beneath a facade of strength.

"Do you hate him?" Lin Su gently asked, stroking his head.

"Hate!" Zhou Xintang's word was filled with resentment and immense hatred. Lin Su had no doubt that if his biological father were in front of him, Zhou Xintang would stab him without hesitation.

"Why?" Lin Su asked softly.

Zhou Xintang lifted his head, tears tracing down his cheeks, his eyes red. He spoke slowly, each word heavy with emotion, "Because he was the one who killed my adoptive parents in a car accident. But it was regarded as drunk driving, not intentionally killing them. Even if he was imprisoned, he would still be released. Why? Why do good people die young while scum like him get to live on? Why?!!"

He pounded Lin Su's shoulder, his face full of sadness and grief.

That person had repeatedly destroyed everything for him, leaving him no choice but to hate.

No wonder in the original timeline he was extremely angry at Cheng Luozhu's death in a car accident, and no wonder he rushed to comfort Wang Qiang after he was hit by a car.

"As I've told you before, justice may be delayed, but it will never be absent," Lin Su lifted his bangs, using his fingers to wipe away his tears, "With this clue, it'll be much easier to track him down. But you must be prepared for his desperate actions."

"Why do you say that?" Zhou Xintang's thoughts were a bit confused, but being treated so gently by him, he instinctively chose to believe, "What will he do?"

"The power of public opinion is currently the strongest for you," Lin Su analyzed, "If he doesn't come to you for money, someone else will give him money. We've blocked many people's paths; they not only want to bring you down but also me. Xintang, do you mind if the things he did to you in the past are made public?"

“If it's made public, what will happen?" Zhou Xintang looked into his eyes and asked.

"He'll be condemned by everyone, with nowhere to hide," Lin Su replied earnestly, looking into his eyes.

"Then let's make it public," Zhou Xintang held his hand, saying, "You promised, so you have to follow through."

"Alright," Lin Su brushed his bangs aside, saying, "Take these days to rest at home. Don't worry about online matters; you'll soon get the results you want."

After saying this, Zhou Xintang believed him completely. He didn't know why he trusted this younger person more than himself, but some things didn't need reasons.

The online discourse kept changing, dragging Zhou Xintang's adoptive parents' matter into the spotlight. However, it wasn't in a positive light; it accused them of human trafficking and child abduction. What appeared glamorous was, in fact, despicable.

The slander dragged bystanders into it, some pitying Zhou Xintang, while others criticized him for being unfilial.

The studio remained silent, as if they had given up on Zhou Xintang, and Su Sheng Film and Television Company ignored all interviews, worsening the situation.

Cheng Luozhu canceled his work out of anger. When he arrived at Zhou Xintang's place, he almost got blocked by reporters at the entrance of the community, only managing to enter through the back door.

When he finally reached Zhou Xintang's home, he found him seemingly wearing an apron and tinkering with something in the kitchen.

Has he gone mad? Is he planning to become a chef instead of an actor?

"Haven't you seen the news online?" Cheng Luozhu asked with confusion once he entered.

"Nope," Zhou Xintang opened the door for him, then turned back to the kitchen, where he was making an omelet and humming a tune, as if the whole internet wasn't criticizing him for the past few days.

"You haven't seen it, and Brother Lin's side is staying silent too. I wanted to speak up for you, but even my official social media account was taken over," Cheng Luozhu said, visibly frustrated, "Could it be that he..."

Doesn’t love him anymore?

"Lin Su won't let me see it. He said it could dirty my eyes, and he advised me not to look too much into it. Just focus on myself, and don't say too much," Zhou Xintang said in a relaxed tone, even taking the opportunity to advise Cheng Luozhu.

"What, no," Cheng Luozhu took a deep breath, "Do you really trust Brother Lin so much? What if..."

"There's no 'what if'," Zhou Xintang stuffed a piece of the omelet into Cheng Luozhu's mouth, saying, "Help me taste it."

"Uh," Cheng Luozhu instinctively chewed, but the next second, his pupils dilated, and he hurriedly ran to the trash can to spit out what was in his mouth, even gagging involuntarily, "What kind of biochemical weapon did you put in this omelet?"

"Is it that bad?" Zhou Xintang frowned.

Cheng Luozhu nodded without hesitation, his idol filter almost completely shattered by now.

"Okay, forget it," Zhou Xintang dumped the omelet into the trash can without tasting it himself, "I won't let Lin Su eat something so terrible."

Though he might not be the brightest, at least he couldn't let Lin Su bear the burden of his culinary experiments.

Cheng Luozhu: "..."

Then why did you make me eat it?

Cheng Luozhu didn't leave until the next day because some paparazzi had even begun to lurk near Zhou Xintang's villa. With all the curtains tightly shut, they couldn't capture anything, but once they stepped outside, it would be a different story.

"Looks like Brother Lin won't be coming back today," Cheng Luozhu sighed.

"Yeah," Zhou Xintang replied, immersed in reading the script. Whenever he found an interesting section, he would improvise, even inviting Cheng Luozhu, "Do you want to rehearse with me?"

This drama was Lin Su's creation, and Cheng Luozhu was also involved. They had gone through the script multiple times. Rather than focusing on the troubling matters online, rehearsing together seemed like a better option. "Sure," Cheng Luozhu agreed.

Cheng Luozhu didn't leave Zhou Xintang's house the whole time. The next day, various news began to spread like wildfire again. Among them, it was revealed that Zhou Xintang and Cheng Luozhu were actually partners who lived together.

Clips of their collaboration flooded the internet, with countless onlookers, but most were hurling insults.

When the wall collapses, it seems like everyone can climb onto the moral high ground and kick someone down.

"When will the net be closed?" Shi Wei sounded somewhat anxious over the phone.

"The situation hasn't reached its peak yet," Lin Su remained composed and calm. "It's just a little more."

Shi Wei sighed. "Can you really escape unscathed?"

"If you don't trust me, you can withdraw now," Lin Su chuckled. "But Cheng Luozhu might feel you're ungrateful later."

Shi Wei: "..."

"Rest assured, not only will we hit everyone's faces, but we'll also take them to the next level," Lin Su said.

The final moment he awaited came swiftly. It was an interview with a man with gray hair and rough skin, looking pitiful. He spoke to the camera, "I am Zhou Xintang's biological father. His original name wasn't Zhou Xintang but Nannan. He was the apple of my eye, a son we struggled to have, only to be taken away by the heartless couple from the Zhou family. 

When I demanded they return him, they denied ever taking my son. I had no money or power. Who would have thought that after drinking, I accidentally killed them? Truly, the wicked will eventually face retribution. It's not that I didn't try, but the time wasn't right."

"Did your son not care about you?" someone asked.

Tears streamed down the man's face. "I ended up in jail. My son treated me like a thief, thinking I killed his parents. He wanted to kill me. Nannan, I am your biological father."

His endless paternal love touched the viewers, making them sad and tearful. At the same time, it fueled the public's condemnation of Zhou Xintang to its peak.

However, just as everyone was spewing venom, two videos were posted on Zhou Xintang's studio's official social media page. Those who came to hurl abuse were shocked beyond words, unable to calm down for a long time.

The videos were straightforward. One showed a man beating a child. The footage was somewhat outdated, seemingly captured by a low-quality phone. 

The man appeared young, but it was unmistakably Zhou Xintang's supposed biological father. 

He was dragging a young child, continuously hitting and scolding them, his words making listeners feel disgusted.

"Born from a wh*re..."

"...I'll beat you to death..."

"...Just like your dead mother..."

Despite the blurry footage, viewers could still see the horrifying wounds on the child's body, and they recognized that face from their childhood to adulthood.

"Is that Zhou Xintang..."

"How could this be?"

"Could it be fabricated?"

"Not sure, but can a real father beat his child like that?"

Their previous insults were now stuck in their throats, their mood heavy from the disturbing scene. The shift in narrative came with the second video.

This video was clear. Viewers could see the man with gray hair obsequiously taking money, nodding and bowing in a despicable manner. "Don't worry, don't worry. Those idiots online don't know anything. They believe whatever I say. They don't even realize they're being used as pawns."

The vile demeanor in this video was completely different from the tears of before, yet it was undeniably the same person.

The viewers who had been initially hurling abuse were now disgusted. The video spread rapidly, swiftly changing the tide.

"Damn it. I just dislike unfilial people, but today I'm being disgusted by this kind of father."

"Zhou Xintang was so pitiful when he was young. No wonder he ran away."

"I was Zhou Xintang's classmate when he was young. His adoptive parents treated him so well. We even met his parents at PTA meetings. We all thought they were his biological parents. We never expected his biological father to be this kind of person."

"My poor Tangtang, I was almost driven crazy before. I kept saying he wasn't that kind of person."

"I'm not expecting those people to apologize now. At least go curse out that dog of a father, okay?"


The situation continued to escalate. Sharp-eyed netizens directly spotted Kang Shang's logo in the corner of the second video, along with a Kang Shang employee ID. This ignited the fire even more.

Kang Shang's official social media accounts were almost instantly overrun. How could a company capable of such deeds be allowed to remain in the entertainment industry?

"Doesn't this mean defamation? Shouldn't Zhou Xintang's studio sue them?"

"Yeah, sue them. My poor Tangtang, I'm sorry."

Numerous apologies flooded Zhou Xintang's official social media accounts, but he remained silent. Instead, his studio posted lawyers' letters and court summons.

A stone stirred up a thousand waves. Chaos erupted within Kang Shang. Despite the apologies flooding their Weibo posts, each one was still heavily criticized.

"The second video can be explained, but where did you get the first one from, so many years ago?" Shi Wei was shocked by this twist but also worried that the blurry video might be fake.

However, it was indeed fake, but it came from the system's hand, something impossible for the people of this world to decipher. Therefore, Lin Su could confidently reply, "Provided by a kind-hearted person. Don't worry, it's not fake."

"That's quite a reversal," Shi Wei frowned, "What about Su Sheng? Are you really going to disclose your relationship with Zhou Xintang?"

"I'm his agent and also his investor. Supporting him is perfectly normal," Lin Su had no intention of revealing their relationship now. Otherwise, the consequences would be unpredictable.

While most people were focused on Kang Shang's future, Su Sheng’s official social media account posted a financial news update. The photo attached featured the man in question, Lin Su, the agent of Zhou Xintang's studio. 

Simultaneously, Lin Su's social media account was verified as the founder of Su Sheng and posted a message: "What's wrong with supporting my own artists?"

If the first message left some people puzzled, the verification and statement left no room for doubt. In everyone's mind, two words flashed: "Holy cow!"

"People said he was an agent, and now he's suddenly a big CEO!"

"Wow, he's so handsome. I want to work as an assistant in the studio too."

"The rise of Su Sheng is truly a miracle. He’s now worth billions, is this really an agent?"

"Some people may look like agents, but in reality, they are sponsors. I am begging for favors."

A lot of attention shifted towards Lin Su. Countless revelations emerged on the trending topics, but all the entertainment companies focusing on this matter knew that the battle against Zhou Xintang had been settled. The winners were Zhou Xintang and Lin Su.

The buzz continued. The paparazzi in front of Zhou Xintang's house were forcefully removed by the police. This time, no one accused him of feeling guilty like a thief. Everyone felt sorry for him and didn't want their idol to be disturbed.

Kang Shang was under severe attack, with some even sending dog feces. With Su Sheng's aggressive acquisition, a group of people started calling Lin Su "Daddy."

Just when Lin Su's image as the national agent was solidifying, another headline emerged: Zhou Xintang's biological father was found dead. His body was severely mutilated, clearly beaten to death and abandoned in the wilderness, ravaged by crows.

Some felt it was just retribution, while others believed such matters should be left to the law. Regardless, these revelations couldn't shake Zhou Xintang's position anymore.

Lin Su returned home while the police were hunting down the murderer. As soon as he walked in, he was greeted by Zhou Xintang, who was looking at him with concern. "Are you okay? The news..."

"It wasn't me," Lin Su said, lowering his head to kiss him on the forehead. "He had gambling debts before. When things went south and he didn't get the money Kang Shang promised, those people found him and didn't spare him."

He wanted to live a peaceful life here and wouldn't touch anything beyond those boundaries.

"That's good," Zhou Xintang said, relieved. He didn't even ask about the man's condition because the deceased person was no longer important. "You must be busy these days."

"Yeah, busy missing you," Lin Su said, closing the door and pressing him against the wall for a kiss. Even the slightest resistance became part of their passion.

When their lips parted slightly, Lin Su looked at Zhou Xintang's flushed cheeks and asked, "What? Don't you want me anymore?"

"It's not that," Zhou Xintang replied, not pushing him away forcefully, but when he tried to explain, he was kissed again.

How could he not want him?

Lost in thought, just as they were immersed in their kiss, someone coughed behind them. "Ahem, I'm still here, can you wait a bit longer with the kissing?"

Zhou Xintang's heart was pounding explosively. He buried his face in Lin Su's chest, while Lin Su turned to glance at the embarrassed Cheng Luozhu standing there. He lifted Zhou Xintang and carried him straight into the bedroom, closing the door with a bang and leaving Cheng Luozhu awkwardly standing there. 

Before leaving, Lin Su added, "Help prepare dinner, make it light. Thanks."

The door closed with a thud, and Cheng Luozhu could no longer hear anything from inside.

Cheng Luozhu opened his mouth to speak, then gritted his teeth and swallowed his words. 

Finally, he angrily called Shi Wei: "Honey, can you check the time for me?"

Shi Wei, who always listened to his wife, replied, "It's 7:20 in the morning."

Cheng Luozhu chuckled. "Yeah, who wants to eat dinner at 7:00 in the morning?"

Shi Wei could tell that something was off with his wife's mood even though his emotional intelligence was low. "Are you at Zhou Xintang's place?"

"Yeah..." Cheng Luozhu replied, feeling frustrated. "They were showing off their lovey-dovey stuff to me as soon as Lin Su came back, they wanted me to help prepare dinner."


This friend is hopeless!

"How about you come over to my place?" Shi Wei took the opportunity to lure him away. "No one can boss you around here."

"No need," Cheng Luozhu smiled. "Honey, you come help prepare dinner, and that's enough."

He also wants to show affection!

Go back and show them off to death!

Today was also a failed day for CEO Shi in luring away his wife.

Ignoring the results of their display of affection, Cheng Luozhu didn't want to say anything anymore when Zhou Xintang lazily sat on the sofa with his hands on his waist in the evening.

Looking at that spring-like affection, that radiant face, they couldn't even show off their love—they were already overflowing with it.

Of course, Cheng Luozhu showed his affection too, although it ended in failure, his spirit of perseverance in this matter was admirable. One failure doesn't mean permanent failure.

When everyone had left, Lin Su finished tidying up and came out to see the movie emperor lounging on the couch playing with his phone. As he approached, he received an especially warm smile.

【Warning, the smile ahead is 100% fake, danger level 100%.】Reported swiftly by System 06.

Lin Su didn't back down, facing it head-on. "I'm sorry."

The speed of his apology exceeded Zhou Xintang's speed of attack.

"I haven't even said anything yet," Zhou Xintang's rhythm was disrupted, finding it both amusing and confusing.

"Everything is my fault," Lin Su smiled from behind the couch, facing him. "So, what are you thinking about now?"

"Do you remember what you said before? 'Justice may be delayed, but it will never be absent.' Why did you say that?" Zhou Xintang asked nervously.

Lin Su raised an eyebrow. "What do you think?"

"You even know about my alternate account," Zhou Xintang's face blushed with embarrassment. "How did you find out?"

"I can edit videos, is it strange that I know about your alternate account?" Lin Su leaned in closer to him and whispered in his ear.

Zhou Xintang knew exactly what he was referring to, but the feeling of being observed and admired by this man made him feel inexplicably happy. "Did you figure it out when you were in the hospital? Why did you check my alternate account?"

"I took a liking to you," Lin Su pinched his nose playfully. "I had bad intentions because I found you cute."

Zhou Xintang blushed, his gaze wandering around, as if he wasn't the one being teased.

The thought of being watched and admired by this man for a long time filled him with joy.

"You're invading someone's privacy," Zhou Xintang glared at him, lacking any real intimidation in his gaze.

"So I said I was wrong, and I sincerely apologize." Lin Su smiled. As for the matter of the alternate account being a public platform, arguing about it wouldn't benefit him, so he didn't bother wasting his energy.

"Well... this is quite serious, and I can't forgive you right away," Zhou Xintang hesitated for a moment, speaking softly as if afraid of being overheard. "Do you think I'm childish?"

Those words, expressions, and images that were originally harmless became extremely embarrassing once they were discovered.

"I told you, you're cute," Lin Su kissed him lightly. "Just thinking about those cute expressions you make, I just..." He paused for a moment, seeming to search for the right words, and finally said to Zhou Xintang with affection in his eyes, "I find you cute, I want to..."

Zhou Xintang pretended to hit him, but Lin Su pinned him down on the couch. The two of them were very close, locking eyes. Lin Su's eyes were full of affection as he said, "...Brother, do you want to..."

Zhou Xintang sensed his unspoken words faintly in his heart, but he didn't reveal it. This indescribable feeling of being unable to articulate it made him feel restless and uneasy!

"Keep flirting, but once you're done, let's see what you can do!" he threatened.

The world was vast, and news stories were constantly emerging. When the hype died down, filming for Lin Su's movie "The Road" began. Despite its artistic name, it was a suspense film featuring a cast of two male leads, with little emphasis on romance despite the presence of a female lead.

The commencement of filming sparked some interest, but afterward, fans could only rely on makeup and trailers to sustain their excitement. During the filming period, another incident occurred—not related to "The Road," but to another film directed by Lu, titled "Assassinate Qin."

"Assassinate Qin" was the sequel to "The Warlords," but Zhou Xintang's character, the emperor, was not the main focus. He played a supporting role, although his part was significant. Given Zhou Xintang's current status, he didn't need to take on such roles, but Lin Su had helped him secure it, and Zhou Xintang didn't object.

While Zhou Xintang's role was unproblematic, the main actor of "Assassinate Qin" faced issues. Despite having a decent image and attitude, he was caught in a cheating scandal. Director Lu, who detested artists with questionable morals, along with the approval of Shi Wei, immediately had the main actor removed from the project.

With the main actor gone, they had to find a replacement. However, after searching extensively, Director Lu wasn't satisfied with any of the candidates. In his free time, he wandered over to Lin Su's area and witnessed Lin Su directing a scene, which triggered a sudden idea.

"Xintang, you have to convince Lin Su to play the lead role in 'The Warlords.' He would be perfect for the role! You two could have a love-hate relationship," Director Lu is a person that follows trends.

Zhou Xintang felt like facepalming. "It's not that I don't want to persuade him, but he doesn't want to enter the entertainment industry. Besides, he doesn't need the money either."

Thinking about this, Zhou Xintang couldn't help but feel exasperated. Back then, he was worried that Lin Su wouldn't be able to survive without entering the entertainment industry, but now, Lin Su had become his sponsor. It felt like he was being kept.

Director Lu certainly knew that Lin Su wasn't lacking money, with such a large Su Sheng business, but he coveted Lin Su. "People from all walks of life can cross boundaries. It's not like he has to act all the time. Occasionally, acting once can be seen as cultivating one's sentiment. He doesn't have to enter the entertainment circle. Xin Tang, I think he will definitely listen to you," Director Lu said.

The director's eyes were so sharp; if he still couldn't see through the suspicious relationship between Zhou Xintang and Lin Su, what's the point of filming any romantic scenes?

Zhou Xintang: "..."

"If you can persuade him for me, I won't pursue the matter of you two dating on my set," Director Lu said with a smile.

Zhou Xintang found it hard to speak: "Then I'll try."

"Alright, I appreciate your effort," Director Lu said, very satisfied, as if he already had the male lead in his hands.

When you want to ask someone for a favor, you have to offer some benefits. But they often exchanged gifts. Ties, watches, cufflinks, suits, even sports cars and real estate could be casually given, and Lin Su truly lacked nothing.

It was precisely because they exchanged gifts so frequently that he had no means of bribing him. But he still promised Director Lu to bring up this matter. When people panic, they tend to resort to desperate measures.

Cheng Luozhu felt somewhat lost when questioned on how to make his lover agree to something. He scratched his head and said, "Usually, when I ask for something, he'll do it."

"What if it's something he doesn't like to do?" Zhou Xintang sighed deeply. He should have resisted Director Lu's requests and threats earlier. According to Director Lu's character, even if he had refused, he wouldn't have exposed him.

Cheng Luozhu was silent for a moment. "Did you make him the bottom?"

Zhou Xintang replied, "Do you often demand to be on top?"

The two recipients were silent on the phone, instantly understanding each other's position in their respective relationships.

"Ahem, this kind of thing is simple," Cheng Luozhu naturally diverted the embarrassing topic, "just do things that make him happy, things he usually can't achieve. This way, the success rate of your request will be very high."

"For example?" Zhou Xintang asked.

Cheng Luozhu's voice lowered, "Can't you think of it yourself?"

"Can't." Zhou Xintang was cold and ruthless, completely devoid of the gentle and understanding demeanor he had as a supporting male lead in the original storyline.

Cheng Luozhu really wanted to fight him, but first, he couldn't win, and second, this guy's number one idol was now his. He was now hoping that one day his agent would realize his conscience and write him a script to act in. He absolutely couldn't offend these two.

"Heh, isn't this simple?" Cheng Luozhu thought hard, "You can actively request to extend the, uh, bedroom time. Isn't that something they love to do?"

For example, his own CEO often seemed unsatisfied, like a possessed teddy bear.

"He's not someone who indulges in that kind of thing," Zhou Xintang said firmly, "He knows when to stop."

Cheng Luozhu almost burst into laughter. He doesn’t know which couple went to ‘bed’ so early last time; he didn't know which married couple they resembled: "Then how long do you guys usually do it?"

This gossip was still worth digging into.

Zhou Xintang didn't avoid the topic with Cheng Luozhu, nor did he show any embarrassment: "One or two hours a day, with overtime depending on the situation. It might be three to five hours on weekends."

If they were in the mood, they could fool around in bed all day.

"Won't that wear you out?!" Cheng Luozhu felt like they were losing; "Are you just letting him have his way like that?"

"We both feel it's appropriate," Zhou Xintang clicked his tongue, "Listening to you, poor CEO, no wonder he's unsatisfied."

Cheng Luozhu: "...Let's get back to the topic."

If he dared to indulge him, he'd probably end up dead in that bed. That would be a real tragedy.

"Right, any other... good ideas?" Zhou Xintang chuckled.

Cheng Luozhu almost hung up the phone. Finally, he took a deep breath and came up with a crazy idea: "Actually, besides that kind of thing, there can be other fun ways to play. Brother Lin probably hasn't seen you dressed as a cat before, right?"

"Goodbye!" Zhou Xintang decisively hung up the phone. This friend of his was too obscene and not suitable for communication.

But what kind of reaction would that man have if he really appeared in front of Lin Su dressed as a cat? Would that calm and composed man unleash his wolfish side because of him? He said he was initially attracted by his cute appearance, maybe there really was a plush toy living inside him.

"What are you thinking about?" someone suddenly asked from behind.

"Cat costume," Zhou Xintang subconsciously replied, then sat up straight and turned his head slowly to look behind him at Lin Su, who had come over at some point.

He felt so damn embarrassed he could explode right there on the spot.

"No, Luozhu said he's going to wear it," Zhou Xintang laughed, betraying his good friend.

Cheng Luozhu sneezed heavily.

Lin Su locked eyes with the actor for a few seconds, then suddenly leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "I like cat costumes."

Zhou Xintang wearing a cat tail and cat ears would surely be especially cute and alluring.

Zhou Xintang didn't show any shyness; his expression was complex as he tentatively asked, "Do you want to wear it?"

Lin Su: "..."

Another moment of the host being overturned was promptly recorded by System 06.

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