The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 86


| TBBOTOF | 86

In Tang Xu's view, it was perfectly normal for a married ger to visit his parents' home regularly, even if it was only every few days.

But in the eyes of outsiders, the saying "a daughter married is like water poured out" applied to gers as well.

Once you're married, it's best not to visit your maternal home unless necessary.

Not only would your in-laws suspect you of bringing back good things to support your maternal family, but your maternal family might also worry that you were unhappy in your marital home and came back to complain.

Of course, there were those who believed in maintaining good relations with their in-laws after marriage. They thought it was better than completely cutting ties with their maternal family after getting married.

Some parents even hoped for their married children to come back home, willingly providing financial support. This situation was more common among wealthy families and rarely seen in the village.

The first time Tang Xu returned to his parents' home, many people noticed, and there was some gossip as well.

However, as Tang Xu's visits became more frequent, the gossip in the village increased. Instead of constantly belittling Tang Xu, they began to envy Tang Erhu, saying that his son was truly filial and always brought good things back to his maternal family.

People only spoke ill out of jealousy. Tang Erhu was always happy to see his son and son-in-law return home.

But when he saw how much they brought back each time, he would furrow his brows and say, "Why did you bring back so much again?"

Wei Xi got off the cart first and helped to place the baskets on the ground.

Wei Dong then untied the quilt and rope wrapped around Tang Xu. Tang Erhu finally noticed his state and said helplessly, "Why are you wrapped up like this? Aren't you hot?"

Tang Xu felt much relieved when the layers were removed. He sighed and said with a resigned expression, "He said he was afraid I would catch a cold."

Tang Erhu looked at him happily and patted his back, "You need to take extra precautions now that you're pregnant. Dongzi did the right thing."

"You didn't see the expressions on the faces of those who saw me like this when we were coming here," Tang Xu shot Wei Dong a sideways glance, then hooked his arm around Tang Erhu's affectionately, asking with a smile, "Dad, did you miss me?"

Tang Erhu nodded while carefully watching the path ahead for any obstacles, kicking away a large stone he spotted. "Of course, how could I not miss you? I'm just worried about your health. How have you been lately? You seem much better than last time I saw you."

"I've been much better. I don't throw up much after eating these days, just occasionally before bed," Tang Xu replied as they entered the courtyard. Seeing his siblings approaching, he waved eagerly. "Ah Li, Ah Yang!"

Tang Li and Tang Yang already knew about their older brother's pregnancy. They ran over excitedly to hug him but were stopped by Tang Erhu.

Tang Yang held Tang Xu's hand and looked up at him, "Big brother, I miss you so much! It's been so long since you last came back!"

Tang Li also moved closer, and Tang Xu patted her hair bun, "Ah Li and Ah Yang have grown taller."

"Big brother, I am very amazing now. I can write lots of characters now and even teach Sister Li how to read," Tang Yang said proudly, shaking Tang Xu's hand. "Where's Brother Xi?"

Wei Xi laughed from behind, saying, "Ah Yang, I'm here! Didn't you see me?"

Tang Yang turned around abruptly, eyes widening in surprise. "I thought Brother Xi didn't come!"

"Of course I came. I brought books, ink, and paper," Wei Xi stepped forward, taking Tang Yang's wrist and pulling him closer. He whispered to him, "Has your older brother come back?"

Tang Yang paused, then nodded. "He's back. He's been here for several days."

Thinking of his older brother who did nothing but laze around in his room all day, except for coming out to eat, Tang Yang frowned. "He even criticized my handwriting, saying it lacked style and strength. I've just started practicing writing, so being able to write straight lines and strokes is already good enough, right?"

Wei Xi nodded repeatedly, comforting him. "I've just started practicing writing too. Ah Yang, let me see the characters you've written recently. Let's compare."

Children always liked to compare with each other to see who did better.

Tang Yang eagerly nodded, saying, "Sure, let's go to my room later. I've kept all the characters I've written. We can compare them."

As they chatted behind, Wei Dong walked at the back, carrying the baskets. He dismantled the cart and let the mule into the courtyard.

"Brother-in-law!" Tang Li greeted Wei Dong.

Tang Yang quickly followed suit and called out.

Tang Rui hesitated for a moment upon hearing the commotion in the courtyard, but eventually decided to step out of the house.

As Tang Xu was about to reach the door of the main hall, Tang Rui emerged from the other side.

Seeing his younger brother, whom he rarely saw, Tang Xu was taken aback for a moment before smiling at him.

Tang Rui bowed slightly. "Brother, brother-in-law."

"When did you come back, Ah Rui?" Tang Xu tried to make small talk, sensing that his younger brother might not appreciate inquiries about his studies. "I brought back some frozen dumplings. You can cook them when you get hungry from studying."

"Thank you, brother. I'll go back to my room to study now. Please feel free to enjoy yourselves," Tang Rui replied with a nod before turning back to his room.

Tang Erhu sighed inwardly at the sight of his eldest son, feeling troubled. Even though Tang Rui had come back and apologized to him this time, tension still remained.

"Ignore him," Tang Erhu patted Tang Xu's arm. "Go inside and sit on the kang. Don't catch a cold from the wind."

"Why are you also being so cautious, Dad? I'm really fine, and it's not windy today," Tang Xu entered the house and quickly took off his cloak, draping it over his arm. Tang Li then took it from him and hung it up.

"Dad, I hope the snow won't affect the crops we planted in our fields," Tang Xu asked with concern.

"It's okay, burying it deep will keep it from freezing, and if the snowfall is heavier, next year's harvest will be good." Tang Erhu invited him to sit on the heated brick bed, then turned to Tang Li and said, "Make some honey water for your brother."

"I don't want to drink sweet stuff. Just make me some hawthorn tea," Tang Xu smiled at Tang Li, "Thank you, Ah Li."

Tang Li nodded with a smile, "Sure, I'll make plenty and add some jujubes. I bought quite a few sweet ones. Brother, since you're expecting a baby, you should eat more. The herbalist said eating more jujubes can nourish the blood."

"Alright, then I'll eat more jujubes from now on." Tang Xu looked at the slightly taller girl and noticed that from the time that he hadn’t seen her. Not only had she grown taller, but her appearance had also matured, and her complexion had become fairer.

Wei Dong put down the backpack and handed the basket to Wei Xi.

Wei Xi handed the basket to Tang Yang, pulling him along, "Let's go to your room."

The adults were having a conversation they couldn't join in, so they might as well go and play.

Tang Yang looked at Tang Erhu, who nodded, and the two young boys happily left the main room.

Tang Xu stretched his legs, propped himself up with his arms, feeling a bit uncomfortable. He simply pulled out a quilt that was on his chest and put it against the heated brick bed.

He pinched the quilt and frowned, "Dad, didn't I tell you to make a new quilt? Why are we still using the old one?"

Tang Erhu sat with Wei Dong at the table, drinking hot water. He looked up and said, "What's wrong with this quilt? The cotton has been washed and fluffed. It's very warm."

Tang Xu pinched and rubbed the quilt, finding it quite soft, not in that stiff state that comes with long-term use.

"Brother, here's your water," Tang Li came in with a bamboo tray, handing the bowl to Tang Xu and placing the other two bowls on the table. Then she asked, "Brother, are you going to eat here?"

"Yes," Tang Xu pointed to the basket beside him and then turned to Tang Erhu, "Dad, I'm worried that the snow might be too heavy on the first few days of the new year, making the road difficult to walk through. So I bought the New Year goods over to you first. If there's anything missing at home, don't go to the town to buy it. I've stocked up quite a bit on my side."

"If you've stocked up, just keep it for yourself. I have plenty here. Besides, we have a cart, so going to town is convenient," Tang Erhu's face relaxed, a smile appeared in his eyes, "Many people have been going to town to buy New Year goods recently. I've driven the cart there for people a few times, and each round trip has earned me quite a few copper coins."

Tang Xu noticed the hint of pride in his tone and asked, "How much did you earn?"

Tang Erhu held up three fingers.

"Three taels?" Tang Xu exclaimed.

Tang Erhu glared at him, "Thirty wen."

"Isn’t that too little?" Tang Xu shrugged, "Going out in such cold weather and only earning thirty wen."

Tang Erhu was furious, raising his hand as if to slap him.

Tang Xu quickly pulled his legs back, "What's wrong? It's hard-earned money anyway. Dad, you must have not counted their New Year goods as valuable."

Tang Erhu was momentarily stunned, then responded, "Are New Year goods as valuable as money?”

"Of course," Tang Xu sighed, "Dad, even though they're all from the same village, it's not unreasonable to charge a small fee for driving someone to town. Let's say, two wen. But when they come back with so much New Year goods, how can you not charge them? Those goods aren't light, and our old cow has to exert a lot of effort. Next time, just tell them: two wen for the ride to town, but if they come back with a basket full of goods, charge them an extra wen. It's still being generous."

Tang Erhu sighed, "You, always focusing on making money. They're all neighbors, why raise the price?"

"If you're not willing to raise the price, they'll be willing to take advantage of you. They might even call you foolish behind your back," Tang Xu felt sorry for his father going out in the dead of winter, and also for the old cow having to work so hard. The money earned was barely enough for a bottle of liquor.

Thinking of liquor, he quickly added, "Dad, I brought you a small jar of sorghum liquor and a small jar of grape wine. Try them."

Tang Erhu had been angry just a moment ago, his anger immediately dissipated upon hearing about the liquor

Wei Dong watched his father-in-law's expressions change and thought if his father-in-law really did start hitting his husband, he'd have to jump in to help his husband endure the beating. But with just three sentences from his husband, his father-in-law's mood shifted as if he hadn't been glaring at him just now.

Impressive. His husband had his cheap father perfectly under control.

Tang Erhu waved to Tang Li, "Bring the basket over."

Tang Li had almost rushed over when she saw her father about to hit her brother earlier, but seeing her brother swiftly dodge, she withdrew her outstretched hand.

Lifting the heavy basket, Tang Li muttered, "Brother, how much stuff did you take?"

"A lot. There are also two pieces of floral cloth at the bottom for you to make skirts with. Make yourself a nice outfit for the New Year," Tang Xu lifted his chin, indicating for Tang Li to take everything out. "

Take the meat outside to freeze, and don't forget to cover it with a basin and a stone to keep the rats and weasels from getting to it at night."

"Brother, you've given us too much," Tang Li looked at the displayed ham, two large pieces of meat, and plenty of frozen dumplings, all unmistakably filled with meat. "We already have meat at home."

"It's for the New Year. It's good to have a bit more meat to celebrate. I was even thinking of slaughtering a chicken, but my hens have been laying eggs so well recently, I couldn't bear to slaughter them," he finished, looking at Tang Li with hopeful eyes. "Ah Li, have you slaughtered a chicken?"

Tang Li: "...” Suddenly, she felt like her brother hadn't brought as much meat as she had initially thought.

But if her brother wanted chicken, she would slaughter one to stew at noon.

Tang Li nodded, "I'll go slaughter a chicken and stew the fattest one for you, Brother."

Tang Xu nodded with a smile, "When spring comes, I'll bring back a few more from my side to raise. My hens have hatched quite a few chicks themselves."

Tang Li smiled back, agreeing, and then she took the meat and dumplings outside to freeze.

Tang Erhu had already opened two small jars of liquor, tasting a bit from each. He quite liked the sweet and sour taste of the grape wine. "Ah Li and Ah Yang can drink this."

"Well, I didn't put too much alcohol in it. Dad, you should drink less; this liquor packs a punch," Tang Xu noticed his father's face turning red and couldn't help but remind him.

Tang Erhu nodded repeatedly, then took a piece of the small pastry Tang Xu had brought and chewed on it, looking thoroughly satisfied.

"Dongzi," he patted Wei Dong's shoulder several times, sighing, "You are very blessed to marry our Xu Ge’er!"

Tang Xu: "..."

Wei Dong: "..."

Dad is already drunk before we've even eaten. What should we do?

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  1. Thanks for the chapter!

  2. this family is hilarious and precious.. I hope they stay the same always.. thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾

  3. Thanks for the update!! 😁😁😁


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