The Gentle Man Next Door is a Rabbit - 34



"Ye Ye, is it just you today?" Xu Mu stepped out and found Ye Ye already geared up, carrying a small backpack, obviously waiting for him.

With his chubby face, Ye Ye stretched out his arms. "Daddy, hug."

"Ah, come here." Xu Mu complied, then asked, "Where's Brother Nian?"

"Daddy... He's gone," Ye Ye obediently replied.

"Gone," Xu Mu repeated. "Okay, let's go to school."


Their footsteps gradually faded away, and with a "ding," the elevator doors closed automatically.

In the Classroom

"Morning, Xu Mu!" Upon entering the classroom, Lou Haoyu waved to Xu Mu from afar.

Xu Mu hesitated for a moment before walking over and sitting beside him.

"Morning," he replied.

Lou Haoyu twirled his pen and casually remarked, "The hood of your down jacket is buttoned incorrectly."

Xu Mu touched it and realized that Ye Ye must have played with it while in his arms.

"Okay, thanks," Xu Mu politely replied.

After that, the two didn't speak much. Xu Mu and Lou Haoyu weren't really close, but they got to know each other through group assignments. They could barely strike up a conversation and exchange nods, belonging to the category of classmates who could greet each other and sit next to each other, but didn't have much to say.

The classroom was sparsely populated at eight in the morning, and it wasn't until close to class time that more students started streaming in. Most of them lived on campus, so they habitually timed their arrival to the classroom. Once seated, they would immediately immerse themselves in the virtual world, silent and still.

As for Xu Mu's usual habit during these spare moments, he would typically play some offline mini-games, like the mindless matching of blocks.

[Congratulations on your victory! The next level, 582, will start in five seconds~]

However, Xu Mu chose to close the game instead of proceeding to the next level. Instead, he opened the chat page. The list was quite empty, with a large blank space below it.

At the top of the list was a sky-blue doodle icon, followed by the words "Brother Nian" in small black font.

The last conversation was from yesterday morning at 7:56—

A smiling emoji sent by him.

And the one before that was an emoticon of a rabbit sending a flying kiss.

"Ring," signaling the start of class, filling the classroom with the shuffling of footsteps. Xu Mu pursed his lips and shut down his laptop.

"Phew, that was close, just in time—" Nian Yueyue gasped for breath as she rushed into the classroom, pulling along Zou Ning, who was struggling to catch her breath and seemed to be spacing out.

"Lou Haoyu, move over!!!" Nian Yueyue pushed him aside disdainfully.

Lou Haoyu clicked his tongue. "Don't be so rude, be gentle."

He deliberately moved around slowly, teasingly.

Nian Yueyue rolled her eyes and elbowed him in the back sharply.

Lou Haoyu pretended to cry out in pain.

Nian Yueyue ignored him and greeted Xu Mu with a smile. "Good morning, Xu Mu."

"Good morning, class monitor," Xu Mu nodded slightly.

Zou Ning waved lazily as if to complete the greeting, then slouched into her seat.

With one eye half-open, she gazed eerily at the front of the classroom, it was inexplicably unsettling.

Xu Mu glanced at her several times, sensing that something wasn't right.

"Are you feeling unwell?" he hesitantly inquired.

Zou Ning blinked slowly. "Ah, no, I'm not sick."

Nian Yueyue smoothly flipped the pages of the e-textbook for Zou Ning and casually remarked, "It's okay, Xiao Ning is always like this, her sloth-like habits might be affecting her."

Zou Ning nodded slowly again. "Yeah, it's not too serious, just occasional drowsiness, probably because I stay up late."

Xu Mu nodded understandingly. "Alright, I understand."

He probably understood that Zou Ning liked staying up late, so she often lacked sleep. No wonder there were several times online or offline when he saw Zou Ning dozing off.


"Class dismissed, we'll continue with the second class." The teacher wasted no time and signaled for everyone to take a break as soon as the bell rang. He then sat down, opened his thermos, and took a sip of water to soothe his throat.

"You have four classes in your major, right? Who are the class monitors for each class?" He cleared his throat lightly and addressed the students through the microphone.

Nian Yueyue, who had been yawning, mimicked Zou Ning and slouched down for a nap. But at the teacher's words, she jolted upright.

"Teacher, over here!"

One by one, the other three class monitors also stood up.

The teacher smiled warmly. "Find some strong boys from your classes to go to Classroom T6 on the second floor to carry the model teaching materials."

Nian Yueyue asked, "Teacher, how many do we bring back?"

"Three medium-sized storage compartments per class."

"Alright, teacher," Nian Yueyue nudged Luo Haoyu with her foot. "Go on, time to work."

Luo Haoyu, being playful, said, "Oh, you need me? Come one, say something nice and beg me."

Nian Yueyue wrinkled her nose in disgust and rubbed the goosebumps on her arm. "Stop fooling around, get up."

Xu Mu glanced at his tablet, slid his finger to the chat page, found no new messages, and returned to his previous activity.

"Class monitor, I’ll go too," Xu Mu said.

"Okay, thank you," Nian Yueyue quickly expressed her gratitude.

Zou Ning leaned against Nian Yueyue's shoulder. "Me too."

Nian Yueyue replied casually, "Great, now we have four people, so I don't have to beg everyone in the group chat."

Xu Mu smiled.

Nian Yueyue and Zou Ning walked ahead, while Xu Mu and Luo Haoyu walked side by side behind them.

The two girls chatted while the guys followed silently.

"Xiao Ning, how's the rehearsal for the mythology story in your club going?"


"Has the program list for the Snow God Festival come out? When will you guys be performing?"

"I heard from the club president that it's on the fifth, but it's not confirmed yet."

"We'll be there to cheer you on when the time comes!!!"

"I don't have much of a role... just lying motionless on the tree."

"Oh, every expression counts as acting, I'll take beautiful photos of you! You'll be the most beautiful sloth in the world!!!"



Xu Mu was lost in thought. He couldn't help but touch his light brain repeatedly, causing the screen to light up and then dim again.

Knowing there were no messages, he still clicked into the chat page.

Luo Haoyu noticed something was off. He wasn't snooping, but the angle was just right, capturing everything in his sight, he tried to avoid looking.

But Xu Mu wasn't the type to chat, so there didn't seem to be anything to avoid.

He asked, "What's up? Are you waiting for a message or something?"

Xu Mu snapped out of his daze and instinctively replied, "No."

Luo Haoyu rubbed his chin and leaned in to gossip, "Is it a romantic interest?"

It took Xu Mu a few seconds to react, "No."

"It shouldn't be like that, buddy, you're so handsome." Luo Haoyu's eyes flickered, lowering his voice, "Then you must be chasing someone?"


Luo Haoyu didn't quite believe it, putting on the appearance of an experienced person, "I get it. Back when I was chasing after my goddess, I was also like this, fretting every day, always on my light brain to view the flowers on my tattered wallpaper."

"I’m really not," Xu Mu said helplessly.

"..." Such a stubborn mouth, the chat window might as well be rotting away, it's almost worn out from tapping.

Luo Haoyu sighed inwardly, then suddenly asked, "Have you ever been in a relationship?"

"...No." He’s been single for nearly thirty years.

Luo Haoyu understood. Okay, he's a rookie in love.

A rookie with a hard shell to crack.

"Keep it up!" He gave a thumbs up. "You can do it."

Xu Mu choked up, suddenly realizing he was speaking a different language.

Forget it, there’s no need to explain.


Xu Mu had a full morning of classes. As soon as noon struck, he headed straight for the school gate to pick up Ye Ye from kindergarten.

Ye Ye's enthusiasm was as usual, rushing over and affectionately calling out "Daddy".

Xu Mu carried him and walked along the sidewalk.

"Ye Ye, do you want to eat chocolate?"

Ye Ye's eyes sparkled, and before answering, he planted a kiss on Xu Mu's cheek, speaking with a hint of a little waxy tone in his voice.

"Want~ Daddy~ Good Daddy~"

Xu Mu remained composed, looking like he was about to enter the store to buy some.

Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks, and said solemnly, "No, I need to ask Brother Nian first, to see if you've had too much this week."

Ye Ye pouted, "I haven't..."

"Well, I'll just ask." Xu Mu quickly opened his light brain and skillfully entered the chat box.

[Xu: Brother Nian, I want to buy chocolate for Ye Ye. Has he been eating a lot recently? Can I buy it for him?]

The message was sent, and within a minute, he received a reply.

[Nian: You can buy it.]

Xu Mu lowered his gaze, tapping the screen lightly with his fingertips. After waiting for a while and not receiving any more messages from the other side, he pursed his lips. He had just typed "okay", but then deleted it.

[Xu: Classic smiley face emoji.jpg]

His light brain remained silent, no new notification sound rang out.

Xu Mu rubbed his fingertip against the screen, the curve of his lips drooping slightly.

The sixteenth day—

He didn't receive the emoticon rabbit's flying kiss.

On the other side, Bai Nian stared at the screen intently, his fingertips hovering in mid-air, hesitating.

He tapped on the smiling face emoji, and the image enlarged. He released it, and it shrank back down. Tapping again, it enlarged once more. Back and forth several times, until Bai Nian finally stopped and turned off the screen.

"Brother Bai, are all the RU Design II drawings being sent back for revisions?" 

Bai Nian looked up. "Yes, all of them."

Jin Fei asked cautiously, "Should we revise them partially or..."

"I've written down annotations, just follow them."

"Oh, okay," Jin Fei's voice lowered.

Bai Nian paused for a moment. "If there's anything you don't understand, feel free to ask me."

Jin Fei immediately nodded, "Got it, Brother Bai." 

Bai Nian continued to draw without saying a word, bowing his head in concentration.

Halfway through the layout plan, he checked it over, circling a few areas out of habit, intending to make changes later. He saved the progress, exited the drafting software, and went to the tea room.

"Ah, so suffocating..." Jin Fei sighed, collapsing onto the desk, eyes vacant. 

Tang Wanwan adjusted her glasses, "Did something happen to Brother Bai? He seems not in a good mood today."

"Not just not good..." Lu Yao grabbed a candy and popped it into her mouth, "It's downright depressing, like dark clouds looming." 

Jin Fei vigorously nodded, patting her chest with lingering fear, "I dare not slack off. When I talked to him just now, my voice was trembling."

Lu Yao teased, "Come on, didn’t you say Brother Bai has a good personality and is gentle? Just because of a little low pressure, and you're so afraid of him?"

Jin Fei said softly, "Firstly, Brother Bai is my superior, and secondly, the gentler someone is usually, the scarier they are when they lose their temper. Don't you get it?"

Lu Yao burst into laughter.

Tea Room

The automatic dispenser whirred and bubbled, filling the cup with steamy coffee. Bai Nian leaned against the window, gazing into the distance, hands clasping the cup, lips absentmindedly touching the rim, eyes unfocused.

It wasn't until the slightly bitter taste of coffee touched his tongue that he snapped out of his thoughts.

Bai Nian also took a deep breath, then sighed heavily.

He thought about last night's events. He bit his lip, his fingers curling up.

Ah Mu... what does he really think of him...

Bai Nian's mind replayed the image of Xu Mu's wet hands, followed by the scene of him repeatedly sniffing his hand.

He struggled to recall the expression on the young man's face at that moment but came up empty-handed.

Was it disgust? Or contempt?

He must think he's frivolous and promiscuous.

Finally, he handed him a basin of water to wash... was it because he thought he was dirty?

Bai Nian closed his eyes, heavy emotions pressing on his heart like a raging river.

He should have left then, realizing he couldn't control himself, or else...

It wouldn't have ended up in such a embarrassing scene.

But another voice quietly emerged in his mind:

You're overthinking it. He's your boyfriend, some intimate contact is normal.

Bai Nian's eyelashes fluttered. Is it normal? It's only been half a month, would it seem like he's too eager? 

After all... like Shi Lun said—

"Be reserved, be steady, don't just throw yourself at him like that. Men, especially those young and immature, the easier they get it, the less they'll cherish it, the easier they'll get bored! You agreed too quickly in the first place, you should've played hard to get... but oh well, it's too late now that you're already together. Just remember, you can't always bend to his will! Don't micromanage everything, being a motherly type of lover is the most lethal!"

Bai Nian furrowed his brows. What should he do? It seems like he's made every mistake.

He swallowed the coffee, bitterness lingering in his mouth.

Let’s watch a movie tonight... and see Xu Mu's reaction.


"Master, are you going out?" Nades was surprised. "It's so late, and why are you wearing so little?"

Xu Mu frowned, "Really? I don't think so."

Nades looked him up and down, Hmm, a thin knit underneath, patchwork design on the coat, washed denim jeans, and he even styled his hair.

"You look like you want to wrap yourself up like a ball..."

"Stop. I'm just going to Brother Nian's to watch a movie, I’m not going out," Xu Mu interrupted.

"..." Nades black eyes shifted. "Oh~"

Xu Mu: ?

Nades: "Wishing you a pleasant movie."

"..." Strange.

Xu Mu mused to himself, unable to deny the subtle, indescribable feeling that arose when he thought about watching a movie with Bai Nian. 

It felt like there was a little dancer inside him, every step hitting his heart just right. 

It was strangely nerve-wracking.


"Brother Nian."

"Ah Mu, you're here." Bai Nian opened the door, smiling gently.

Xu Mu stood up straight. "Mm." 

He glanced at the hallway. "Is Ye Ye asleep?"

"Yeah, he usually sleeps early."

Click—the pendant light in the living room dimmed instantly, leaving only a few soft, warm lights.

"Are we... watching in the living room?" Xu Mu stuttered.

"Yeah, in the living room." Bai Nian hesitated. "Or do you want to watch in my room?"

Xu Mu: !!!

No way!

He didn't!

"Just in the living room, not going to the room," he said, feeling uneasy, then added, "I didn't mean to go to your room."

Bai Nian smiled. "Okay."

Xu Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

"There's popcorn and cola." Bai Nian had already adjusted the screen and started the movie.

"Uh..." Xu Mu sat stiffly on the couch, holding a cup of cola. It was at room temperature but still had bubbles, obviously poured not long ago.

"Is the heating warm enough?"


"We have plush dolls, do you want to hug one?"

"Th-th-that's okay."

"And blankets."

"I don't need one."

Bai Nian smoothly withdrew, "Okay."

Xu Mu took a sip of cola, feeling the small bubbles popping on his tongue.

He placed his hands on his knees, eyes fixed ahead, wishing he could imprint the movie's opening trailer in his mind.

"This movie..." Xu Mu felt a sense of familiarity.

Bai Nian whispered, "I remember, last week you mentioned being interested in this game-themed movie, am I right?"

Xu Mu blinked, "Yeah."

Bai Nian chuckled softly, "That's good then."

His tone lifted slightly, like a hook.

Xu Mu's palms, pressed against his knees, began to sweat, his mind wandering involuntarily:

So, did he bring this movie back because he mentioned wanting to watch it?

His heartbeat started to pound louder, blood rushing through his veins like a flood, pulsating vigorously. A strange emotion flowed through his heart.

Xu Mu's throat felt dry, and he couldn't help but swallow.

He refocused his attention on the movie.

Slowly, Xu Mu became engrossed in the thrilling plot.

Suddenly, Bai Nian spoke softly.

"Actually... watching it in a holographic simulation at the cinema might be more exciting, but it's still in its release period, so the holographic online was not an online option."

A warm breeze brushed Xu Mu's ears.

For a moment, Xu Mu's thoughts froze. "Ah, it's okay, this is fine too."

Bai Nian softly murmured a "Mm."

The living room's heating was sufficient. At first, Xu Mu only felt comfortably warm, but as time passed, his hands and feet started to burn with heat, as if on fire.

He couldn't bear it and took off his jacket.

"Is it too hot?"

The scent of jasmine lingered in the air, starting from a faint aroma and gradually intensifying as the temperature rose, becoming more prominent.

"It's... okay..." Xu Mu's Adam's apple bobbed.

Bai Nian reached out, gently touching Xu Mu's face, feeling a slight dampness.

Xu Mu hesitated, his hand feeling slightly cool compared to his burning cheeks.

"You're sweating," Bai Nian's voice softened, "why didn't you say anything? I'll lower the temperature."

"Mm..." Xu Mu's voice became heavier.

After a few minutes, Bai Nian sat back.

"Ah Mu."

"What—?" Xu Mu stiffened, holding his breath, "What's wrong?"

The movie was nearing its end, with a classic "happy ending" conclusion.

Bai Nian leaned against Xu Mu's shoulder, seemingly casual but actually testing the strength.

"Were you... unhappy last night? Or do you think... there's something wrong with me? Did I do something wrong?"

Last night? Xu Mu's mind was a mess, and he instinctively responded, "No."

"Really?" Bai Nian asked softly.

"Really..." Xu Mu couldn't think of why Bai Nian was asking these questions, the movie on the screen now just a blurry mess of colors.

The weight on his shoulder became all too clear, accompanied by a numbness spreading down his arm.

Bai Nian tilted his head, speaking softly, "What about today? During dinner, you seemed a bit unhappy."

"I...," Xu Mu began, but halfway through, a gentle breeze brushed against his cheek, followed by a hand gently nudging his head to the right.

Bai Nian tilted his head towards him, staring straight at Xu Mu. "Ah Mu, tell me the truth."

Xu Mu's mind went blank, his thoughts blocked. "What... truth?"

"Were you unhappy today?"

"I—" Xu Mu struggled to understand the question, piecing together fragments of his thoughts.

In a moment of clarity, a thought flashed through his mind, and he blurted out, "Yes."

Bai Nian's wrist flicked, his voice softened as he coaxed, "What is it? Ah Mu, tell me, okay?"

Xu Mu's pupils reflected Bai Nian's face.

The slightly curled long eyelashes, cheeks tinted by the warmth, soft and glossy lips.

"The rabbit's flying kiss emoticon..."

Bai Nian froze. "What?"

Xu Mu's rationality barely returned, realizing what he had said, he wanted to cut off the conversation, but another impulse surged out.

His voice was heavy, revealing a hint of emotion. "You didn't send me the rabbit flying kiss emoticon today."

"You've always sent me one before, but not today."


Bai Nian stared at him blankly, completely caught off guard.

Xu Mu repeated seriously. 

"The milky coffee-colored rabbit that blushes as it spins in circles, and sends flying kisses."

"You didn't send it to me."

"Can you tell me why?"

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  1. I’m gonna lose my mind. Tho to be fair I over analyze texts I receive too. Thanks for the updates!!


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