It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 65


IETSTSMLARA | He Wants a Mermaid | 65

The matter between Ye Jingfan and Cheng Qi was settled quickly. The two of them had strong feelings for each other and shared the same views. 

Although they occasionally had minor disagreements, they were both willing to compromise, leaving no other significant issues.

Before leaving, Ye Jingfan quietly asked Jiang Tang, "When do you plan to propose to him?"

Being mutually in love with a mermaid but leaving the mermaid in a state of extreme insecurity is an irresponsible thing to do.

When Jiang Tang talked to him, he didn't have the same unease he felt when facing Lin Su. He calmly replied, "I'm preparing for it."

"Well..." Ye Jingfan found his attitude somewhat novel. "Weren't you always avoiding mermaids before?"

"Weren't you too?" Jiang Tang glanced at him.

"Different paths, same destination." Ye Jingfan adjusted his hat and said, "Good luck."

Jiang Tang nodded with his hands in his coat pockets.

Jiang Tang was indeed preparing for the proposal. Since it was his first time doing something like this, he wanted everything to be perfect.

Would Lin Su be willing to marry him? Although he always seemed gentle, Jiang Tang occasionally couldn't tell where his heart lay.

The Star Network could be accessed using a wristband or through holographic projection. Lin Su, proficient in its use, seemed to be waiting for someone in a holographically simulated private lounge while sipping calorie-free coffee.

Qin Yue entered using a password, knocking to signal his presence as he came in, seeing Lin Su look up. 

They had met a moderate number of times, but each time Qin Yue was struck by the unique aura and exceptionally stunning appearance of the mermaid.

He didn’t seem like a mermaid just stepping into human society. Without a fishtail, he sat there with his legs crossed, he looked more like a top-tier noble.

"Have you been waiting long?" Qin Yue asked with a smile as he sat down.

"You’re right on time; I arrived early." Lin Su didn’t play coy with him and asked directly, "How did the investigation go?"

"Just as you said, we found a base, but it was destroyed. They seem to have special information channels; an important personnel escaped beforehand, and we couldn't find anyone," Qin Yue said, his expression darkening.

When Lin Su first entrusted him to investigate the black-market organization researching mermaids, he hadn’t taken it too seriously. After all, the Empire’s citizens were inherently protective of mermaids. 

However, as he followed the leads, he was shocked to discover such an organization indeed existed, one that cruelly harmed mermaids.

The few captured members revealed their goal was to study mermaids because of their scarcity. They sought to develop technology that would enable mermaids to reproduce in large numbers and to transform ordinary humans into mermaids.

If it were just ordinary research that didn’t harm mermaids, their goals might have been seen as positive. However, they dissected living mermaids, cutting open their soft, beautiful bodies, leaving them bloodied and struggling, unable to die. 

Among the victims was even a natural-born mermaid, making the scene even more horrifying.

If he hadn’t discovered this, and if it had been exposed later, it would have caused turmoil throughout the entire Empire. 

The Star Alliance might have taken all the natural mermaids away to protect them, and Cheng Qi and Lin Su wouldn’t have been allowed to stay.

"I will continue investigating. Such actions must not be tolerated," Qin Yue said. "I appreciate the information you provided to the Empire earlier, but I want to know where you got this information from. If I remember correctly, you’ve only been on land for a short time."

Lin Su smiled, "As a deep-sea mermaid who came ashore, isn't it natural to pay attention to whether there are forces in this country that might harm mermaids? Not all mermaids participated in the initial agreement with humans, which is a well-known fact, isn’t it?"

"You know of their existence, too. Of course, you come from there." Qin Yue accepted this explanation, believing that a mermaid like Lin Su must have been a leader even among the initial deep-sea mermaids.

They might not have appeared before humans, but the mermaids had certainly done their homework when initially making agreements with them. 

According to the research ship from back then, Cheng Qi was accidentally captured, while Lin Su voluntarily chose to return with them.

Was he really as naive and foolish as people thought?

Of course not.

"I'm sorry for asking such a question," Qin Yue said. "But please believe I have no ill intentions. It’s just that decades ago, a country did use mermaids to steal the Empire’s secrets. That country has since been stripped of the right to have mermaids."

"If I wanted to steal secrets, wouldn’t using the same face I show Jiang Tang be more convenient?" Lin Su blinked, his originally deep eyes turning completely innocent and pure. 

A slight smile from him was enough to gather all the starlight. "Your Majesty, would you trust your life to me?"

Qin Yue’s heart trembled, and he almost blurted out a positive response. He took a deep breath to calm himself before smiling, "If you weren’t interested in me, you shouldn’t have made me interested in you."

The unknown is always mysterious and alluring, and Lin Su was full of the unknown. He was like a giant enigma—dangerous yet irresistibly attractive until one’s soul is scattered, realizing it too late.

"This is revenge for your baseless suspicion of me," Lin Su said bluntly. "I have no ill intentions towards the Empire; I just want to protect one person."

It was clear who that person was.

"Being protected by a mermaid is a human’s incompetence and shame," Qin Yue said.

"Mermaids are sexually amorous, have strong reproductive abilities, and are born in the deep sea as the top predators," Lin Su replied with a smile. "But the current mermaids are weak. Only natural mermaids have high fertility rates. Perhaps this is because humans have overprotected them. If you keep a bird in a cage, it will gradually lose its ability to fly. Don’t you think so?"

Qin Yue was aware of the current state of mermaids' lives being a vicious cycle, but Lin Su was the first to bluntly point out the root cause. Lin Su was also an S-grade deep-sea mermaid.

"With your insights, you should have the position of Empress to change the status of mermaids in this country," Qin Yue said with a smile. "Of course, it's not just your insights; but because I truly admire you."

"Sorry, I think we can be collaborators, but never lovers," Lin Su said as he stood up, nodded briefly, and took his leave.

He left without hesitation, which made Qin Yue feel somewhat defeated. He had never faced such a setback with anyone before. He understood the principle of retreating when faced with difficulty, but he was unwilling to retreat before everything was settled.

When Lin Su took off the holographic helmet, he saw Jiang Tang sitting across from him. Dr. Jiang, in his white lab coat, looked particularly aloof. 

The fruit platter he had just brought in and his direct gaze made him seem a bit...aggrieved.

Yes, that’s right, aggrieved.

"These are freshly delivered Yura fruits, they are very good for a mermaid's health," Jiang Tang said, pushing the fruit platter forward. "Eat them while they're fresh. I'm heading back now."

Even though he felt aggrieved, he didn’t express it directly. 

As Jiang Tang got up to leave, Lin Su said, "I went to see someone. Don’t you want to know who it was?"

"Who was it?" Jiang Tang didn't turn around.

He knew Lin Su had countless choices until everything was settled. He couldn’t stop him; he could only hasten his own preparations.

Lin Su smiled, "It was Qin Yue. But I didn’t go on a date with him; I discussed some cooperation. The specifics of the cooperation can’t be shared with you."

With Jiang Tang's capabilities, he might be able to handle the assistant's betrayal, but dealing with the black-market mermaid organization was beyond his scope. 

How could an assistant who loved mermaids and was dedicated to researching their welfare bear to destroy Jiang Tang's years of research? 

Lin Su naturally suspected there was a more powerful force behind it, and only the most suitable person could investigate such a force.

Lin Su didn't want to tell Jiang Tang because such sordid matters shouldn't taint Jiang Tang's pure environment. Jiang Tang should remain in his pristine space, dedicated to his scholarly pursuits. 

Until everything was conclusively resolved, such information would only corrode his heart.

"Sorry, I was being petty," Jiang Tang said, lightly pressing his lips together. He turned around and hugged Lin Su. "Please forgive me."

"Alright, I forgive you," Lin Su said, hugging him back with one arm and playfully touching his nose. "You need to trust me, too."

Though it was the mermaid who hugged him back, it felt like Jiang Tang was the one throwing himself into Lin Su's arms. "..."

Maybe it really was due to their height difference.

"Of course I trust you," Jiang Tang said. He just didn’t trust those humans who pursued mermaids.

Those people put on respectable facades in front of mermaids but were ruthless when dealing with their enemies, earning them the title of scum in the eyes of their foes.

Jiang Tang's proposal came swiftly. 

The weather was perfect that day. When Lin Su was leaving school at noon, Jiang Tang came to pick him up, saying he wanted to take him out on the sea.

He feigned calmness as if nothing special was happening, just a casual outing, but unfortunately, his fingers fidgeting in his pocket betrayed his nervousness.

The surprise lies in the unknown. If everything were guessed immediately, it would make the preparer feel that all their efforts were in vain. 

Lin Su naturally wouldn't let Jiang Tang’s efforts go to waste, and he was genuinely curious about what kind of proposal Jiang Tang, being who he was, would prepare.

The yacht anchored at sea was bright and clean. As Lin Su was guided onto it, he asked, "Why did you suddenly want to come out to the sea today?"

Jiang Tang's fingers tightened, and it was clear his mind was racing to find a reason. "Didn't you think the swimming pool was too small? You can swim here freely."

"That’s right," Lin Su smiled, following him up and leaning against the railing, enjoying the sea breeze. "Aren't you afraid I'll jump into the sea and never come back?"

Jiang Tang’s steps faltered. "Would you not come back?"

Lin Su propped his head on his hand and smiled, "With you here, where else would I go?"

Jiang Tang felt that his mermaid was really good with words. Each sentence could make his heart race and each word tasted sweet.

"I'll go get you a drink. Wait here for me." Jiang Tang took a deep breath and left.

Lin Su knew he was going to prepare something and of course, wouldn’t disrupt his plan. He stood there, enjoying the sea breeze, watching the shimmering surface until large coral-colored words appeared on the blue sea.

"Lin Su."

The words seemed written out but gradually lost their color in the water.

The letters were enormous, spreading across almost the entire sea surface.

"I’m Jiang Tang."

"I want to tell you that I love you deeply! I am willing to use all my strength to love you, to make your life free and happy."

"Will you marry me?"

"Lin Su!" This time the voice came from the sea. Lin Su looked out and saw the man emerging from the water.

The man who couldn’t swim wasn’t wearing any protective gear. His skin, having spent years in the lab, was translucently white under the sunlight. He floated on the water, looking up at the boat, and said, "Your Highness, will you marry me?"

He had to keep moving constantly to stay afloat, and behind him, Lin Su saw a faintly visible fish tail.

The seawater and the small, wet mole at the corner of his eye stripped away his usual aloofness. 

At this moment, he truly resembled a mermaid emerging from the sea, using all his strength to pursue someone he loved deeply at first sight.

This was like the story of the Little Mermaid's story.

Except in that story, the prince did not reciprocate the love of the mermaid who adored him. Lin Su, however, jumped from the railing without hesitation. Even without transforming into his mermaid tail, he could swim effortlessly in the water.

With a splash, Lin Su quickly found Jiang Tang floating in the sea. He wiped the water off Jiang Tang's face and kissed him directly.

The kiss in the sea rippled with the currents. One could never fathom the immense power hidden beneath the calm sea surface unless they were within it. 

Jiang Tang instinctively tightened his embrace around Lin Su's waist, deepening the kiss.

When they finally parted, Lin Su reached out and touched his fish tail, saying, "The Little Mermaid's proposal succeeded. Where’s the ring?"

"Here," Jiang Tang blushed at the nickname but produced the ring he had been gripping tightly.

The ring was simple and ancient, yet it looked exceptionally beautiful on Lin Su's finger. The mermaid carved on it seemed almost alive, a true gift from the sea.

"Here is all my research results," Jiang Tang's voice was slightly choked, but his tone was unprecedentedly serious. "And all my assets can be accessed with it too, Lin Su, it's all for you."

Men who study science are generally not romantic, but when they are… it can be overwhelming.

Lin Su stroked the small mole at the corner of Jiang Tang's eye and said, "Hold your breath, open your eyes, and follow me."

Jiang Tang instinctively held his breath. He felt the strength around his waist, and the next moment, when he opened his eyes, they were in the depths of the ocean.

Lin Su swam beside him, the grip on his waist so tight that even though he feared water, being in the deep sea didn't seem so terrifying.

The sea is magnificent, its beauty hidden beneath the surface, revealing a myriad of colorful fish, coral reefs as large as mountains, and massive whale pods. Their sounds were vast and timeless, echoing from ancient times.

Jiang Tang couldn't speak underwater, so he followed Lin Su, swimming until they reached a point where they ascended. 

When he saw the surface again, the scenery on the shore was entirely different.

"Where is this?" Jiang Tang asked, taking deep breaths as he looked at the towering coconut trees and soft sandy beach.

"This place hasn't been touched by humans," Lin Su explained. "It's an isolated island."

Lin Su floated to the surface, lifting Jiang Tang from the shallow waters. The silver-white mermaid tail Jiang Tang wore shimmered beautifully under the sun.

Jiang Tang realized something about their position felt off, but his curiosity overshadowed this. "Why did you bring me here...?"

"Of course, to find a secluded place to hide my little mermaid," Lin Su chuckled softly.

He laid Jiang Tang down on the beach, leaning over to kiss him under the shade of the trees. "This way, you can't run away anywhere."

"What? What do you mean?" Jiang Tang was utterly bewildered.

But soon, everything spiraled out of his control.

On the beach and in the sea, there wasn't a place where Lin Su couldn’t express his affection. 

Despite their intimate encounter, Lin Su cheekily shifted the blame to Jiang Tang, saying, "It's all your fault for making me wait so long."

Jiang Tang's S-level physique was exceptionally resilient, capable of enduring high-intensity work for seven days and nights. Other activities, such as their passionate love-making, could last for three days and nights without issue.

Given such a long duration, it was hard to blame Lin Su. 

Though he was usually very restrained, what he had mentioned to Qin Yue about mermaids was no lie. They truly loved to reproduce, and once they started, it was hard to stop until they were completely satisfied.

Jiang Tang lay sprawled on the back of a sperm whale, watching Lin Su sit beside him, occasionally flicking his tail to direct the whale. He finally realized what had been wrong before.

This mermaid had never intended to be conquered; instead, he had always planned to sleep with him!

The silver mermaid tail Jiang Tang had worn was now long gone. He was now dressed in Lin Su's previous clothes. 

As he moved slightly, Lin Su noticed the change in his breathing and approached, saying, "You're awake. You got a bit injured and can't be in the water. I've arranged for us to be carried back."

"Did you plan this from the start?" Jiang Tang's voice was hoarse as he spoke.

"Did I do something wrong?" Lin Su lay down beside him, raising his hand to show the ring. "Aren't we engaged? Isn't it normal for engaged couples to do this?"

Indeed, it was normal for engaged couples to be intimate, but their position was highly unusual. 

Moreover, this mermaid's innocent demeanor now was entirely different from his previous aggressiveness.

"You lied to me... talking about height differences..." Jiang Tang glanced at Lin Su's tail. 

Previously, he found it incredibly beautiful and felt touching it would be blasmephy. Now, he felt an urge to bite it out of frustration.

Lin Su chuckled, finding Jiang Tang's attempt to hold him accountable without hitting the mark rather endearing. 

He nestled closer to Jiang Tang, saying, "Fine, let's say I deceived you. Let's say I had ulterior motives and seduced you. Do you want to leave me because of that?"

"Why are we even discussing this..." Jiang Tang looked up at him, his eyes a bit dazed due to his temporary inability to control his expressions. "We promised to always be together."

The vows he made during his proposal remained unchanged. His mermaid belonged to him and no one else could take him away. 

No matter how excessive Lin Su's actions were, they must solve the problem first. Discussing separation at the first sign of problems was unacceptable.

"Jiang Tang," Lin Su called his name softly.

"Yes," Jiang Tang replied, his voice muffled.

At this time, the setting sun no longer glared, and the sound of the gently rising and falling waves alongside the whale lulled Jiang Tang into a comfortable drowsiness. “We won’t separate,” he murmured.

“Good,” Lin Su kissed his forehead and smiled. “Do you know the taste of ginger and brown sugar?”

“Sweet,” Jiang Tang replied.

“You’re even sweeter than that,” Lin Su laughed.

“You’re such a liar,” Jiang Tang rarely allowed himself to lean into Lin Su’s embrace like this. 

Despite the turbulent sea, he felt an indescribable sense of safety. The mermaid’s body temperature was cool, but it effectively shielded him from the wind.

On the StarNet, people only described him as an ice block, a poker face, a workaholic... never with the word ‘sweet’. But hearing Lin Su say it made his heart feel warm.

Ginger and brown sugar—how sweet must that be?

“You’re wronged me. When did I lie to you?” Lin Su chuckled. “Did I ever say I’d be on the bottom?”

He really hadn’t said it, but this was something that was normal in their current times.

“Besides, we don't need to have children. It doesn’t matter who’s on top or bottom, right?” Lin Su grinned. “This way, we don’t even need to use birth control.”

“Stop talking. You...” Jiang Tang now fully understood that Lin Su had planned for this all along, but he seemed to make sense.

He wasn’t particularly fond of children, but if they were Lin Su’s, he would be very excited.

“I only like you. I don’t want children to interfere with our world,” Lin Su said, wearing an innocent smile. “Mr. Jiang, do you agree?”

Jiang Tang couldn’t resist this expression of his, even though he felt like he was trapped on a pirate ship. “Yes.”

“Then shall we go back and get married?” Lin Su asked.

Jiang Tang naturally agreed. “Okay, I’ll make the preparations.”

“I’ll handle the preparations. You just rest,” Lin Su released his embrace, sitting up to look into the distance. “It looks like we’re almost at land. We’ve been missing for three days; they must be worried sick.”

Jiang Tang really wanted to pinch the face of this mermaid. Why did he sound so casual to be missing for three days? 

The people of the empire were in a frenzy. Three days ago, their Dr. Jiang proposed to the mermaid prince and got a yes. This news was so heartwarming and heart-wrenching at the same time. 

No matter what, the fact that the mermaid prince was willing to marry a human and stay on land might mean there would soon be little mermaids, which was a cause for celebration.

But then the mermaid prince abducted Dr. Jiang and disappeared for three days without a trace. 

There were all sorts of rumors flying around, but most of them were about how worried everyone was. No one wanted to believe that their beloved mermaid prince would harm the empire.

Ships searched the sea repeatedly, and even the StarNet was involved in the search.

"A mermaid appearing in unprotected areas without a protector, wouldn't other countries target them?"

"I believe no country would use deep-sea mermaids as spies. Once exposed, they would lose the right to own mermaids forever."

"I fear that the mermaid prince will be coveted by villains. That would be terrible."

Qin Yue received the news quickly. Besides ordering a search for Lin Su and the others, he also ordered the most thorough investigation of the dark organizations.

With three days' time, a lot could be done. They could eliminate all the dirty creatures lurking underground and remove an assistant from Jiang Tang's laboratory.

Under the comprehensive search, the appearance of the sperm whale in the nearby sea was definitely a huge target. As the rescue ships approached, Lin Su patted the whale's back, soothing its slightly restless demeanor.

“Mr. Jiang, we're going back now. Do you want me to carry you, or do you want to carry me?” Lin Su asked with a smile.

Being carried back by a mermaid was definitely one of the least suitable ways to take care of a mermaid as a protector.

Jiang Tang climbed up from the whale's back and patted it gently. "Thank you."

A deep, ancient voice resonated from beneath him, carrying a hint of loneliness, but clearly responding to Jiang Tang's voice.

He was just tired, not completely spent. As the rescue ship approached, Jiang Tang lifted Lin Su, who was reaching out his arms, and stepped onto the waiting vessel. 

Onboard, Qin Yue looked at the mermaid, seemingly vulnerable in Jiang Tang's arms, and remarked, "Looks like I missed my chance. The matter was handled thoroughly, but there were some unexpected developments."

The scene of Jiang Tang carrying the mermaid back from the whale's back caused another uproar across the StarNet.

"They must have done it!!"

"This is too romantic. Three days and three nights, what exactly did they experience?"

"The mermaid prince can't even swim now; he needed a sperm whale to bring him back. They must be exhausted."

Yes, they were exhausted, but perhaps not in the way others understood.

"I am looking forward to the birth of little mermaids! They're sure to be incredibly beautiful!!!"

The chatter on the StarNet abruptly ceased, but Lin Su still had to deal with the aftermath.

After they bathed and changed clothes, sitting across from Qin Yue, Lin Su seemed fine, but Jiang Tang was puzzled. "What exactly did you cooperate on? Should I leave?"

"Dr. Jiang, please stay," Qin Yue stood up and bowed to him. "I'm sorry, but during our operation to expose the black organization researching mermaids, we arrested an assistant from your lab. In a moment of desperation, he activated the terminal destruction key for all the lab's data, and I couldn't save your research data."

That key should never have been touched lightly. It was only meant to be used in the most dire circumstances to prevent the leakage of core data, destroying all saved data and backups. The key and password were originally only accessible to Jiang Tang, but somehow, that assistant had obtained them at some point.

"The black organization and my assistant, who are they?" Jiang Tang asked.

He had previously investigated everyone in the lab, only catching one with dirty hands but he never imagined there would be someone connected to a black organization researching mermaids.

Harming mermaids was an unforgivable crime. Before entering the lab, Jiang Tang had thoroughly studied all measures and laws regarding the protection of mermaids. 

He had also learned about the cruel practices of such organizations in other countries. Those acts were horrifying and served as a constant reminder to him. Regardless of the obstacles encountered or the achievements sought, nothing could justify harming mermaids.

Yet, there was a member of a black organization in his own lab.

"That person's name is Zou Lu," Qin Yue said. "He had remarkable abilities to infiltrate your lab. Initially, he was full of enthusiasm when he entered the lab. However, when your lab's major project stagnated, he was swayed by the organization, stealing your research data to advance their own research. While your data was destroyed, theirs was preserved. I hope you can handle this data with a rational mind, and also..."

His decades of hard work were destroyed in an instant. Qin Yue didn't know what to say to comfort him. It wasn't just Jiang Tang's personal loss; it was a loss for the empire as well.

"If you're talking about all his data, I have a copy here," Lin Su, who had remained silent until now, spoke up, lifting the ring in his hand. "He gave it to me as a proposal gift."

"Really?" Qin Yue's initial joy turned into astonishment. It was truly a recovery! 

But upon further thought, he looked at Jiang Tang with a studying gaze. "Before, the empire spent a huge sum to purchase Dr. Jiang's core data, which you refused to sell. Now, you used it for a proposal gift... is quite the twist."

He didn't know what to say, feeling a lump in his throat. Especially when he felt the palpable tension between Jiang Tang and Lin Su, he knew exactly where he had lost.

He loved this mermaid dearly, wanted to have him, and wanted to spend his life with him. But asking him to give up everything was something he couldn't do.

He was accustomed to leaving himself an escape route, to maintaining a degree of independence. 

He couldn't be completely tied down by another person's influence. Truly loving someone to the point of entrusting one's life to them was difficult...

"Are you envious?" Lin Su chuckled, planting a kiss on Jiang Tang's cheek with a hint of pride. "Envy won't get you anywhere."

Jiang Tang just murmured a response, keeping his gaze lowered.

Qin Yue suddenly felt like he was showing off. He stood up. "Forget it, all's well that ends well. Let's consider this matter closed. But Lin Su, have you ever suspected that I might be behind the destruction of this experiment's data?"

Destroying Jiang Tang would have been easy; he loved his work, and destroying all his efforts would likely have left him devastated.

"If you really wanted to destroy him, you would have pinned the assistant's actions on him," Lin Su laughed. "Although I don't want to be with you, I believe in you."

A person who could sit so firmly in the emperor's position, leading the empire to prosperity step by step, wouldn't resort to such underhanded methods.

"I'm not as kind as you think, but thank you for trusting me," Qin Yue shrugged and left. But before leaving, he sent a parting shot to Lin Su, "However, I think you should explain the entire situation to your fiancé first."

While he wouldn't resort to underhanded tactics, he didn't mind causing a bit of trouble for the mermaid who dared to so boldly capture his heart.

When Lin Su looked at Jiang Tang, he smiled. "Darling, let me explain."

Jiang Tang didn't storm out with a "I won't listen!", he just calmly looked at Lin Su. "Hmm, go ahead, explain."

His demeanor seemed to convey one message: Let's see how you spin this tale.

Overextending trust was never a good idea, and in Lin Su's history of blunders, this was perhaps the most severe, yet also the most easily resolved.

As long as everything was laid out on the table, many problems could be resolved easily.

Lin Su sat up and pulled Jiang Tang into his arms, despite the latter's initial reluctance. "My initial intentions were truly pure. I wanted to protect you. Think about it, if those people had succeeded, so many mermaids would have suffered, right?"

Jiang Tang nodded. "You're right. I understand that you wanted to shield me from the dark reality. “ He raised his hand and pinched Lin Su's face and said, “But what I want now is an explanation for the two faces you show, both in public and in private. You're not some innocent mermaid!"

The audacity of someone daring to pinch its host's face had System 06 on the verge of snapping a photo.

Indeed, Lin Su wasn't some innocent mermaid.

"People have a thousand faces. Of course, in front of someone they like, they would want to show their best side. I don't even bother pretending in front of Qin Yue," Lin Su laughed. "If you're still upset, feel free to hit me."

"How could I hit you?" Jiang Tang rubbed his face. "Stop pretending in front of me. Aren't you tired?"

Lin Su's pupils contracted slightly, then he leaned in to kiss the corner of Jiang Tang's lips. "Seeing you happy makes me not tired."

Loving someone wasn't about how perfect they were, but about caring whether they were tired behind that perfection.

He has experienced countless lifetimes, accompanying someone for a lifetime, perhaps what he pursued was the feeling of being loved like this.

For now, it felt pretty good.

"I want to make you happy," Jiang Tang said, as he had during his proposal. He wanted Lin Su to live in happiness for the rest of his life, though he doubted his own ability to make that happen.

"You've already made me very happy," Lin Su mused. "What was that you used for the proposal on the sea?"

"It was pearl powder, colored with edible dye," Jiang Tang explained.

The powder wasn't difficult to obtain, but gathering it into such a delicate display on the sea surface took considerable effort. He had wanted to propose with something from the deep sea, but he couldn't gather a beautiful school of fish, so he used pearls instead.

"When did you learn how to swim?" Lin Su chuckled. "Did you secretly practice somewhere without me knowing?"

Jiang Tang's earlobes turned slightly red as he replied earnestly, "I've been learning."

His merman was so healthy, he was the king of the sea, and Jiang Tang didn't want to always stand on the shore watching him. He wanted to be with him, no matter where they were.

Lin Su could easily see through Jiang Tang's thoughts. It was precisely because he understood people so well that this kind of affection was so precious. "They all say Dr. Jiang is incredibly smart, but why do I see you as a little silly?" he teased.

"No, I'm not," Jiang Tang straightened his back, not feeling silly at all.

Lin Su chuckled softly. "Mr. Jiang is truly a little bundle of joy."

Jiang Tang felt that this description was becoming increasingly inappropriate, probably a linguistic misstep from when he first learned the language. 

As a human who tolerates mermaids, he couldn't easily expose his misuse of words, which could hurt their fragile hearts. - Famous saying from the Star Network: "Pursuing mermaids involves careful word choice."

While the destruction of the dark organization happened silently, Jiang Tang and Lin Su were clearly stuck in the limelight. 

After all, disappearing for three days and then returning on a whale, and carrying a mermaid back—it was hard to believe nothing had happened.

Although they couldn't openly fantasize about mermaids, cars kept passing by, hinting at something. 

Even Cheng Qi couldn't resist his gossiping nature, coming over discreetly to ask, "Did you really just go for a swim in the underwater world?"

Lin Su smiled at him. "Do you and your Marshal sleep under the blankets everyday?"

Cheng Qi blushed even more than Jiang Tang did. "We're legal fiancés. We're both adults, so it's normal," he retorted.

"You see, you said it yourself," Lin Su shrugged.

It was just that being the one sleeping and being slept with were different, but there was no need to broadcast that fact everywhere.

Cheng Qi still wanted to chat about those private topics between mermaid besties, but his conversation was abruptly cut off by Lin Su without any mercy.

Cheng Qi: "..."

He just wanted to discuss feelings or anything. Back in the boys' dormitory, they talked about anything and everything. Lin Su was being too stingy.

If System 06 knew what he was thinking, he would surely tell him with great seriousness: The Host is doing this for your own good.

The process of marrying a mermaid was carried out according to military procedures by Ye Jingfan. This grand wedding was attended by numerous high-ranking military officers, and even someone as bold as Cheng Qi was moved to tears by various emotions.

When the emcee asked how many babies he wanted to have, the mermaid didn't hesitate at all, boldly declaring, "I want to have a whole soccer team!"

The cheers from the audience almost pierced the heavens, and even the Marshal himself looked stunned.

Blessings flooded the Star Network.

"Ninety nine!"

"Give birth to a lot of babies, give the Marshal lots of little mermaids!"

"We'll keep count!"

"A mermaid's words cannot be taken back."

"Look at how surprised the Marshal is, haha, that's how grooms should be."

Bold declarations sounded great at the time, but when it came to toasting, as Cheng Qi raised his glass to Lin Su, he was interrupted by Jiang Tang, who took the glass and solemnly stated, "Mermaids can't drink alcohol."

Cheng Qi was left speechless.

Lin Su could easily tell he had something to say, so he beckoned him over. "Go ahead, say what you want."

"Brother, I regret saying I wanted to have a whole soccer team. What should I do?" Cheng Qi muttered quietly.

Impulsiveness was the devil. He regretted it now, and here he was talking about having a whole soccer team. He should've thought it through.

Now only the big boss could save him from this crisis.

Lin Su's hand rested on his wrist, and responded back with a smile to Cheng Qi's puzzled expression, he said, "It's too late. You're pregnant with triplets."

"Impossible!" Cheng Qi exclaimed, "We always take precautions. It was just one time... one time. No way..."

Even penalty shots weren't this accurate.

Lin Su hit him with a question that struck deep into his soul, "Have you ever looked into the pregnancy rate of deep-sea mermaids?"

Cheng Qi felt like crying.

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