It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 76


IETSTSMLARA | The Assassin is Not so Cold-Blooded | 76

The detonation of the aircraft did not inflict much damage on the warship, but this crisis made the bodyguards extremely uneasy; after all, they were the ones who had let him in.

The group lined up in a row, with Abu and Cha Wei at the front, bowing their heads: "Boss, we know we were wrong."

They also knew how much Tang cared for his long hair, and naturally noticed his action of cutting it off. This crisis was fraught with danger at every turn; mishandling it could endanger everyone's lives.

"One reason such a thing happened is because the former Leader of Fire Scorpion herself is more formidable than you all, which is understandable." Lin Su wasn't grim-faced, but this atmosphere made everyone feel more guilty than if he had been, "The second reason is because your operational abilities are inadequate. Familiarizing yourselves with everyone around me is a duty every bodyguard should fulfill. Since there was a mistake, there must be punishment. Abu, you handle it yourself. I don't want such a thing to happen again."

"Yes," Abu said, bowing his head.

Although they had recently recruited many hands and there were frequent personnel changes, it was indeed their neglect not to know everyone.

Even with the use of electronic monitoring, such things were easily stolen, rendering electronic devices useless.

In the end, it was their negligence.

Tang did not interfere with the discipline of his subordinates recently; Lin Su's actions were somewhat different from internal destruction, but he had his own principles.

When everyone dispersed, Lin Su pulled his hair, which was now uneven in length, and said, "It will take some time to grow back. How about trimming it for now?"

Tang had no objections to trimming, but...

"Is there a hairstylist on the aircraft?" Tang didn't want just anyone wielding scissors near his hair.

"I'll do it for you," Lin Su chuckled.

Tang really didn't want to look at him suspiciously, although the man seemed capable of many things, it seemed unreasonable that he could even cut hair. "...You can?"

"I can learn," Lin Su smiled, a reply that seemed completely unreliable.

Tang hesitated. "Shouldn't we wait until we get back?"

"Didn't you say you trust me?" Lin Su sighed lightly.

Tang: "..."

This trust seemed different from the usual kind of trust. Deciding between a terrible haircut and rejecting Lin Su's request was definitely the hardest decision ever. Well, if it didn't turn out well, he could always get it fixed when they returned.

In the end, Tang sat in front of the mirror with a courage akin to burning bridges. The hair-cutting tools were very basic, hardly professional; even the hair clips were borrowed from a female bodyguard.

Tang's doubts grew as he sat there, but once on the chopping block, he could only allow Lin Su to wield the scissors over his head. Lin Su's movements were gentle, the sound of the scissors softly snipping through hair delicate. 

Normally, even when causing internal destruction, Tang would be on high alert if anyone approached him with scissors, especially to trim his long hair. Yet now, with Lin Su holding the scissors, the sound occasionally near his ear, Tang knew this man wouldn't harm him.

In his memory, his mother's face had become blurred, leaving only the image of her long, flowing black hair. His tall father stood behind her, carefully brushing it with a comb, a gentleness that resembled his memories but was also somewhat different.

Those memories and feelings from that time had already faded, but Lin Su's presence felt intense to him, enveloping him completely.

Lin Su worked quickly, and by the time he finished cutting and styling, Tang's hair, which had been slightly damp, was now half-dry.

The strands fell gently over his shoulders, giving a soft sensation that felt just right despite the recent trim.

"Is it good?" Lin Su asked from behind him.

Tang nodded slightly. "Is there anything you can't do?"

He had been wanting to ask this question for a while; this man seemed almost omnipotent.

"There are many things I can't do. Even if I learn them, if I don't use them for a long time, I might forget," Lin Su said, placing a hand on Tang's shoulder. "But asking like this shows you're satisfied."

Tang nodded again.

The assassination attempt did not end there. He immediately leaked the news of the assassination of the former leader of Fire Scorpio. In an instant, the already divided and crumbling Fire Scorpio Group faced imminent collapse.

"Is this group insane? Provoking Earl Carl at a time like this seems like they've lost their minds."

"I heard this group leader feel in love with Earl Carl, she probably turned to hatred after unrequited love."

"Earl Carl is inseparable from Tang; there's no room for her to meddle. Maybe it was just a rumor."

"Who knows, powerful people always like to compete for influence. These days, killing isn't even a crime; it's all about whose fist is harder."

"Well, that's the fist of Destruction Mercenary Group, after all."

Lin Su smoothly returned to Tiffany and, after settling in, immediately arranged meetings with heads of state from various countries.

For a mere Earl to have summoned heads of state previously might have been seen as foolish. 

However, this time, leaders from all nations eagerly accepted the invitation, gathering on the once abandoned land of Tiffany.

Lush greenery, willows providing shade, and the gentle flow of clear springs; at a glance, fields of sunflowers made the place resemble paradise.

In this era of turmoil, encountering such a place truly evoked deep emotions. Heads of state from various countries gathered together, whether allies or adversaries, none were allowed to bring warships; they could only land here using aircraft. Each arrival elicited similar sentiments.

Compared to the devastated landscapes of their respective countries, this place was remarkably beautiful.

Naturally, this meeting drew immense public attention, including from major mercenary groups like Destruction.

Once the rules of the world changed, they too would experience various degrees of impact, as only times of chaos enabled their rapid development.

Jiang Heng was also following the progress of these events. "What outcome do you hope for from this meeting?"

Lu Yan replied, "People must evolve with the times. If one mode of operation no longer works, it's necessary to switch to another. Useless resistance against the era will only lead to self-inflicted suffering."

If the current world order no longer permits mercenary groups to operate outside the law, then they must go underground and present a whitewashed facade on the surface.

Lin Su was a very intelligent man. He focused on comprehensive peace but wouldn't casually interfere in minor disputes. If all nations became subject to his unilateral decisions, he would inevitably become a target of criticism.

The Emperor of the Weike Empire felt somewhat uneasy when he met Lin Su again. However, being a politician, he quickly dispelled his apprehensions and embraced Lin Su directly. "Oh, my dear Earl Carl, it's been a while."

"It has indeed been a while, Your Majesty," Lin Su replied politely.

Under the sunlight, his golden hair and blue eyes exuded an almost gentle brilliance, causing the President of the Bert Federation, who had come with his wife, to momentarily regret her decision. "He truly is a gentleman. I wish I had married later," remarked the President's wife.

The heads of state praised Lin Su's appearance, despite their various doubts and suspicions about him. They couldn't deny that he possessed a charisma bestowed by heaven itself. Coupled with his elegant demeanor, it was no wonder he had captivated so many people.

However, what made them wary was not his appearance but what he held in his hands: a mere Count with no real political power, a businessman who had never dabbled in politics before. Yet, his eloquence in front of them was far from the crude simplicity they had expected.

Even when the President of the Solar Alliance bluntly demanded that he hand over the weapons he possessed, Lin Su calmly responded, "Do you want the entire Rising Sun Alliance to collapse?"

It was a threat, but it was effective enough to make the President of the Rising Sun Alliance, who dared to shout at heads of state, turn red-faced and flustered, resembling a squawking chicken.

However, the other heads of state looked at him as if he were almost a fool.

"Aren't you afraid of becoming a target of criticism?" the president asked.

Lin Su smiled, "Before me, Your Excellency would probably have been the one to face criticism."

In this age where might makes right, the strength of one's words depended on the backing behind them.

The meeting convened as all the heads of state arrived, none willing to risk their own countries to test the power of Lin Su's weapons. However, the proposed peace treaty at the meeting sparked heated debates among the nations.

"All disputes should cease... Except for national forces, all killings are illegal..."

Every provision indicated Lin Su's determination to end this era of chaos, but the nations, none willing to be inferior to others, were not so willing.

"Then let's vote on it. Who disagrees?" Lin Su asked with a smile.

He seemed to be seeking their agreement, but at such a time, no one dared to refuse.

Lin Su was a man who valued efficiency. Three days later, all rules were set, directly announced online. Each nation also issued announcements. Even though many were dissatisfied, this move heralded the end of a century-long era of turmoil.

What pleased the heads of state was that Lin Su also adhered to these rules; he had to lead by example within them. Otherwise, they could use their national powers to punish him, undermining the credibility of the newly established rules.

With the rules publicized, a small minority harbored dissatisfaction, but the majority immediately voiced their support.

"This is great, can we really live without the constant threat of murder?"

"Long live the Earl Carl!!!"

"You're so stupid, he's a Duke now."

"What about those who committed murder before?"

"No retrospective actions, it's written in the rules."

With this provision in place, those who had been worried about their situation were reassured. 

As the era of chaos ended and peace began, there were attempts to challenge the rules, but national interventions quelled any restless activity. When a mercenary group was intervened by the military and pursued by various countries, many of the restless individuals settled down.

The first month was chaotic, but people soon discovered that things around them were indeed calming down. They could freely go out without constant fear, seek employment to sustain their livelihoods, and not worry about their workplace being bombarded by sudden artillery fire.

Lin Su's status ascended from Earl to Duke, and the territory of Tiffany expanded once again. 

He even gained practical control over Tiffany's territory, a power granted directly by the Imperial Parliament of the Weike Empire.

【Sometimes money isn't as useful as fists,】 remarked System 06.

【Both are effective when used appropriately,】 Lin Su smiled.

In some places, power may not necessarily be more effective than money. Driven by interests, people willingly comply. Excessive oppression of power can sometimes lead to backlash.

With real power in hand, Lin Su initiated sweeping reforms in Tiffany's territory, focusing primarily on environmental regulations and provisions for future settlers. While other places focused on security, here he mandated strict rules such as prohibiting littering, with violations resulting in expulsion from the area.

He spared no expense, pouring countless funds into Tiffany. When images of Tiffany's scenery appeared on the internet, everyone was stunned. The picturesque landscapes with azure lakes, sprawling flower fields, and numerous shaded flower trees during blossom season created a scene akin to romantic perfection.

"If I could get married in such a place, I would definitely be able to experience the Duke's happiness!!!"

"I just want to go there and see the Duke, seeing his castle would be perfect."

"It's practically a tourist paradise, I really want to go!!!"

"Sisters, stop dreaming. Tiffany just announced regulations limiting annual visitors to 10,000. If you want to go, you need to book well in advance, and all spots are already filled. So sad."

"Why limit visitors? Such a beautiful place, they could make so much money!"

"The Duke said Tiffany was built for Tang. Allowing people to visit is about sharing, not money."

"I’m not short of money or anything."

"This is a f*cking pile of dog food."

"Before, I thought the rules about strict enforcement against littering were excessive there, but now I think it's quite romantic. After all, beautiful places need upkeep. Living in such a place, even throwing away trash feels like a sin. I envy the people who live there."

"I envy Tang. Such true beautiful love still exists in this world."

"But not for me, sigh!"

Under the flowering tree, Tang's hair once again reached his waist, and petals fell on his shoulders but were not brushed away.

Familiar footsteps approached from behind, and someone embraced him around the waist. The man asked at his shoulder, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm quitting being an assassin. What should I do next?" Tang knew his abilities were limited; he might not be able to help Lin Su much.

"Be a lifelong bodyguard, always ensuring your husband's safety and maintaining distance from irrelevant people," Lin Su chuckled.

Tang found such a prospect... appealing.

"Everything now feels like a dream," Tang took a deep breath.

Everything here feels like it's from a dream. He thought his life would be in ruins since losing his parents, but he never expected to meet this person.

Being in an environment like this all day, and being loved, this kind of life was something he never dared to imagine before. Sometimes he feared the day he might wake up, alone in a cold corner, waiting for the best moment to complete a mission.

"Then just never wake up," Lin Su chuckled, "I'll extend this dream to last your whole life."

The length of a lifetime is difficult to determine; in times of hardship, it feels endlessly long, while moments of happiness seem fleeting.

Perhaps at this moment, Tang still worried that he might end up like some people, experiencing the happiest moments but unable to make them last.

But ten years, twenty years passed, and this man became more mature and stable, yet he still hadn't woken Tang from his dream.

The world gradually moved towards peace step by step, changing its ways of operation. Jiang Heng was able to leave that place, continuing to deepen his research in the future. The leader of destruction also embarked on a long and difficult journey to win back his wife.

"Was it you who suggested for Lu Yan to let Jiang Heng go?" Tang still kept an eye on news about the Destruction Mercenary Group, especially about his boss.

Lin Su rubbed his chin, "Distance creates beauty. If you push too hard, they will only run faster."

Tang lay on his lap, "You were so skilled at handling me back then."

Lin Su's fingers touched his Adam's apple, "Indulging you was the hardest part, I was afraid you'd run off, it fried quite a few of my brain cells."

Tang pursed his lips, turned around to face away from him, and smiled softly.

Technology continued to advance in this era of peace and competition. With enough drive from technological development, humanity crossed from one planetary belt to another star region in just a few years. While the deterrent of "destruction" still existed, the crisis of annihilating all humanity in a single moment had passed.

Yet humanity remained grateful for the era of peace that Lin Su had brought them.

"I hope 'peace' would never have to be used one day," Tang hoped.

"Decades ago, His Royal Highness had already developed 'Peace'. Do you think there are even more powerful weapons now?"

"That's for sure."

"Today is another day to envy His Royal Highness's love."

As technology spread across the stars, Lin Su still managed to present Tang with the latest discovery—a diamond star—as a gift for their golden anniversary. This gesture continued to evoke envy among many.

"Not all men are heartless. His Royal Highness is a prime example."

"It's not about the value of the gift, but the sentiment behind it."

"If it weren't a diamond star, you wouldn't say that," some would still sourly remark.

"But during their silver anniversary, His Royal Highness gave Tang a battleship he personally crafted, starting from its design to its successful construction, piece by piece, taking a whole year. What do you say to that?"

"Others give diamond rings; he gives diamond stars. It's enough to make anyone jealous."

"Watching them enjoy a sweet life together, I can chew on this candy for a lifetime—how fortunate."

In the interstellar era, human lifespans extended, but even after over a hundred years, they still reached the end of their lives. Regarding the weapon 'Peace', Lin Su locked away its information in a specially secured safe within Tiffany's Military Museum. 

This place operated almost independently of the Weike Empire, having developed its own means of functioning, beyond anyone's ability to influence it.

When Lin Su departed, he said 'Peace' would open when it was most needed. Since then, no matter how many spies or military geniuses each country dispatched, none could open that safe.

Hundreds of years later, as interstellar warfare erupted once more, the sealed safe automatically opened, directly destroying a star system that could never be inhabited, and once again bringing peace among nations.

【System Assessment: Mission completed, S-rank evaluation. 

Task 1 earned 5 million star coins, Task 2 earned 5 million star coins, with an additional bonus of 10 million star coins, totaling 20 million deposited into the account. 

Extra bonus reason: Ending chaos, fulfilling the protagonist's wishes, and saving countless lives.】

Most people died in times of chaos; it truly is a great deed

Lin Su, leaning back on the sofa without speaking, seemingly resting his eyes. 

When System 06 prompted him upon opening his eyes, he asked, 【Is being in love tiring for the host?】

【Both loving and being loved are not exhausting tasks. It's just that preserving peace took quite a bit of effort,】 Lin Su replied.

Such a weapon of destruction was manageable in his hands. However, in the hands of someone with ill intent, it would undoubtedly cause immense disaster. But letting the weapon disappear without a trace wasn't cost-effective either; destroying technological progress without reason would be a setback for the era.

 In old age, one should enjoy retirement, yet he still had to worry about such matters. Even Lin Su had his moments of weariness.

【Well, in the past, Tang would comfort you when you were tired. Can I take over now?】System 06 eagerly proposed.

Lin Su stood up and said, 【I've rested enough just now】, he politely declining the system's offer.

Feeling somewhat rejected, System 06 mused that perhaps its appearance didn't fit human romantic aesthetics, yet among the mechanical group, it was handsome and popular.

It seemed its popularity stemmed from having a good host that other systems envied.

He is reliable and capable and never lets the system worry

【Do you need to rest for a bit?】 asked System 06.

【No need, just find a more relaxing world next,】 Lin Su chuckled.

【Alright, no problem,】 assured 06.

【System 06 alert, world loading, memory transfer in progress...】

This time, Lin Su woke up still on a bed, surrounded by patterns on the canopy indicating a feudal society, with materials of considerable value used in its construction.

There was a taste of poison lingering in the air; the original body was likely poisoned. This method of death was preferable to being stabbed, sparing him much pain during recovery.

Lin Su exchanged for an antidote to understand the poison. As his vision, initially blurred, gradually cleared, memories flooded his mind the moment he sat up. 

He wiped traces of blood from the corner of his mouth and remarked, 【This world is indeed quite relaxing.】

System 06's mechanical voice analyzed, 【With money and servants, this world is definitely classified as an easygoing one.】

It seemed to expect praise.

The tags for the mission world weren't as detailed; they sought challenges brought by the unknown.

This body did indeed possess wealth and servants, but it was all remnants from a previous dynasty.

What did 'previous dynasty' mean? It referred to a dynasty that had already fallen, and now Lin Su was a descendant of that dynasty, which had been extinguished for a hundred years.

The money left behind by a dynasty, if managed frugally, could sustain him for the rest of his life, allowing him to live comfortably and peacefully. 

However, unfortunately, not only did he have a group of subordinates, but these subordinates clamored daily for the restoration of their dynasty.

 Their daily activities consisted of urging the original body to shoulder the burden of restoring the dynasty and occasionally assassinating emperors of various countries.

Yes, various countries.

After the collapse of the Qi Dynasty, warlords vying for power, coupled with various peasant uprisings, led to a situation where the Liang, Xiao, Chen, Li, and Nan five nations emerged, each holding its ground, with no trace of the Qi Dynasty remaining.

As descendants of the old dynasty a century ago, if they kept their heads down and didn't reveal their identities, they could have lived their lives peacefully. 

In an era of numerous countries, no emperor would foolishly hold a grudge against someone from a previous dynasty.

Alternatively, they could truly exert their influence, build armies, conquer the north and south, and restore the Qi Dynasty. 

However, this group only thought about assassinating royal families every day, and everywhere they proclaimed their identity as descendants of the old dynasty, yet they lacked the strength to confront the armies of various countries. The original body was poisoned here, likely by someone angered by such talk.

【It seems quite easy for now,】 Lin Su asked, 【What are the tasks in this world?】

【System 06 issues tasks: 

Task 1, survive as the original owner. 

Task 2, change the fate of the supporting male lead Li Yuan,】 replied 06.

In this world where various countries stood independently, cautious in their dealings whether in war or peace, they preserved their strength and did not exhaust their resources, lest other countries take advantage of their weakness.

Among the five nations, Liang was the strongest, followed by Li. The protagonist's position in the Southern nation ranked third in strength, allowing some confidence against the other two nations but feeling somewhat inadequate against Liang and Li.

The protagonist, Kang Boyu, was the legitimate son of the Duke of Kang in the Southern nation, talented in both civil and martial arts, and handsome—a promising candidate for achievements. 

However, during a palace banquet, he caught the eye of Emperor Yuanhe. This world can allow others to marry a man as concubines, and Emperor Yuanhe directly took him into the harem as a consort.

Upon entering the palace, he was bestowed with the title of consort, a clear sign of the emperor's deep affection. 

However, this marked the breaking of Kang Boyu's wings as he had to struggle for survival and power within the harem. 

The more the emperor favored him, the more hostility he faced from the other women in the harem. He teetered on the brink of life and death several times. Fortunately, Li Yuan, who was the empress dowager at the time saved him and was also a male, sympathizing with him due to their shared gender.

Unfortunately, Empress Dowager Li Yuan was not originally from the Southern nation but was the youngest legitimate son of the Empress Dowager of Li, he was originally a candidate for the throne. 

However, due to an alliance between the two countries, he was sent to the Southern nation to become the Empress to the late Emperor, when he was only twelve years old. 

The Southern Emperor had no interest in men, especially a child who hadn't even matured yet, and coupled with old age and frailty, he passed away when Li Yuan was fifteen years old. 

The young Empress was then elevated to the position of Empress Dowager, and he was able to help Kang Boyu a few times, but he was ultimately isolated and vulnerable. He tragically perished amid the conflict between the two nations.

According to the current timeline, it was the coronation of the new Emperor of the Southern nation to ascend to the throne, and Kang Boyu had not yet encountered the trials of his life.

The tasks were announced, and System 06 analyzed the data, its mechanical voice betraying unease: 【Host, it seems this world seems to be a pit.】

Without the second task, the host could have lived peacefully and comfortably. But now, with the second task and a group of subordinates who created pitfalls for their master...

The original owner had already succumbed to poisoning, unnoticed by anyone now.

In the original timeline, the organization aspiring for restoration did not last long after the original owner's death. Without their leader and position, they naturally fell apart.

But now that Lin Su was here, he would likely have to navigate through a wave of loyal subordinates offering their advice.

Just as Lin Su was pondering, a knocking on the door accompanied by inquiries sounded from outside, "Lin Su, Lin Su, are you awake yet? My father is about to arrive, and if he sees you still in bed, he'll surely reprimand you."

The voice outside was filled with familiar affection. Lin Su rose, tidied his sleeves, and picked up the fallen cup from the ground, sniffing it at his nose before tucking it into his sleeve. The jug on the table didn't have the scent of poison. Wiping the blood from his lips, Lin Su said, "Come in."

The door swung open, and a youth, dressed in simple, practical attire, jumped in, holding a sword at his waist. He approached Lin Su in a few strides, saying, "You've been napping for a long time. Come on, let's go practice swordsmanship. Otherwise, if my father sees you still lying here, he'll scold you again."

He grabbed Lin Su's arm, trying to pull him up, but a stern and authoritative voice suddenly sounded from the doorway, "Lu Ning, do not be disrespectful to the young master. What kind of behavior is this?"

The young man stiffened at the sound, and when he turned around, he instinctively lowered his head and hunched his shoulders, speaking in a barely audible voice, "Father..."

"Pathetic," the man said, glaring at Lu Ning with evident frustration. "I've never seen a son so scared of his father."

Lu Ning mumbled under his breath, "I've never seen a father as fierce as you."

His words were barely discernible, and if Lin Su didn't have keen hearing and wasn't close by, he might not have caught them. However, the middle-aged man who had entered clearly heard every word, his face darkening as he said, "Speak up. Are you a woman, mumbling like that?"

"No, I'm not!" Lu Ning responded loudly this time.

The middle-aged man paused, then sighed and decided to ignore Lu Ning, turning directly to Lin Su. "Young Master, are you feeling fatigued today?"

The middle-aged man, named Lu Yang, was well known in Lin Su's memories. He was the most vocal and strict advocate for the restoration efforts and also Lin Su's mentor. He had raised Lin Su and Lu Ning together, teaching them how to read and write, though he was somewhat rigid in nature.

Towards Lin Su, he maintained a respectful demeanor, often admonishing but never outright scolding like he did with his own son, Lu Ning. 

The difference between treating someone as one's own child versus a master was evident. Despite his harsh words and actions towards Lu Ning, there was a different kind of affection in his eyes compared to his treatment of Lin Su.

Since Lu Yang insisted on being a subordinate, Lin Su wouldn't elevate him unnecessarily and give himself another elder to worry about. Lin Su didn't even rise but instead placed the cup he had been holding onto the table and said, "It is not laziness but rather that today's wine was poisoned. I was alarmed and anxious but I lack the power to discover the perpetrator."

"Poisoned?!" Lu Ning was clearly shocked. "What kind of poison?"

Lü Yang's expression also changed slightly. He picked up the cup, thought for a moment, and then pulled a silver hairpin from Lu Ning's head to test the liquid. Sure enough, the hairpin showed signs of blackening.

Lu Ning had intended to make a remark about the hairpin being taken from his head but fell silent upon seeing the darkened hairpin. "What kind of poison is so potent?"

"It is the crane's crown red," Lü Yang said gravely. He suddenly looked up at Lin Su. "The wine in this cup, Young Master... you didn't..."

"Crane's crown red seals the throat upon contact with blood. If I had ingested it, I would have already perished and wouldn't be speaking with you now," Lin Su explained.

Despite having been poisoned, he remained calmer than anyone else, a demeanor that made Lu Yang both nervous and somewhat satisfied. "The young master now shows a bit of the composure befitting a leader. If the young master can shoulder the great task, our grand ambition might be realized sooner," Lu Yang said.

Lin Su did not comment on this, only saying, "I still need to trouble Master Lu to quickly find the culprit. If this person fails once, they might try again. I may have escaped this time, but I can't always be so lucky."

Although he spoke in a calm tone, the underlying message was clear: if Lu Yang could not find the culprit, he would be held accountable.

Lu Ning stood to the side, dumbfounded. It was the first time he had seen his usually timid friend, who wouldn't even dare to lift his head when scolded by his father, dare to give such orders. He was frantically making eye signals to his friend, almost straining his eyes in the process.

Though his father would not treat the young master as harshly as he did him, hitting and scolding at the slightest displeasure, he was still known to strike hands when necessary.

His friend had taken an afternoon nap, gone through a poisoning incident, and suddenly grown more audacious.

He was brave indeed.

However, to his surprise, his father, who never tolerated being disrespected, bowed and said, "Rest assured, young master. I will thoroughly investigate this matter and ensure you are not endangered again. But young master must also diligently practice martial arts and not neglect your studies."

"I understand," Lin Su replied with a slight smile. "Thank you for your trouble, Master Lu."

Lu Yang found himself unable to utter the words he had prepared, feeling that his usual admonishments might offend the current young master. "Yes," he replied instead.

Lu Yang truly cared about Lin Su's safety, but before leaving, he gave Lu Ning a stern look, causing the young man who had been making faces to lower his head immediately. Lu Yang then hurried away.

Once the intimidating figure had left, Lu Ning sat down on the bench opposite Lin Su and scrutinized him for a long while. 

Lin Su let him stare, calmly pouring water and handing him a cup. "Say what you want to say," Lin Su prompted.

"You seem like a completely different person. Before, whenever you saw my dad, you were like a rabbit seeing a wolf, eager to run away without looking back," Lu Ning said.

"Like you just did?" Lin Su sipped his water with a smile.

"No need to point that out," Lu Ning scratched his cheek. "What's really going on?"

Normally, when someone familiar suddenly acts differently, people assume they might have been through something traumatic rather than immediately suspecting their soul’s were different. 

It's like if a family dog suddenly starts barking; a normal person would just tell it to stop barking rather than suspect a paranormal event.

Lin Su put down his cup, rubbing its rim thoughtfully. "If you were poisoned with the Crane's crown red, what would you do?"

Lu Ning thought seriously for a moment and replied, "I'd probably drink it all down and then drop dead."

"Walking on the edge of life and death can make you realize some things," Lin Su said with a smile. "If I continued to be as muddled as I was before, I might actually get killed one day without even knowing why. I can't always rely on your father."

"Oh..." Lu Ning thought Lin Su's words were suddenly profound, which he interpreted as Lin Su being temporarily affected by the poisoning.

 After all, if he were poisoned, he would probably question his life too and might even spout deep thoughts... and then be back to normal after a good sleep. 

Simply put, Lu Ning considered this state temporary, remembering all the grand vows Lin Su had made in the past—like finishing a book before sleeping, which he almost never accomplished.

【Host, it seems he doesn't quite believe you,】 said System 06.

Lin Su smiled. 【He'll believe me eventually.】

Given his current status, surviving wasn't difficult, but completing the second task was far from achievable. With his current abilities, he couldn't infiltrate the heavily guarded harem of the Southern Kingdom to rescue the Empress Dowager, nor could he live freely in this world. To live well and achieve his goals, he needed subordinates who would follow his orders, not friends who might cause trouble.

Lu Ning comforted him with a few words and then left without asking him to practice martial arts together.

While Lu Yang investigated the poisoning, Lin Su was also sorting out the current state of the world. Five countries coexisted with varying degrees of strength: Lian was the strongest, and Chen was the weakest. Strong nations had their arrogance, while weak nations had their survival strategies. 

In this turbulent era, being a subject of any country was unstable. The goal was to become the emperor and end the chaos, a purpose that coincidentally aligned with Lu Yang's ambitions.

However, Lin Su wasn't going to achieve this by simply assassinating royalty from various countries. The royal families were intricate and deep-rooted; killing one emperor would just bring another to the throne. With numerous royal descendants, killing a few thousand or even tens of thousands was impossible, even for someone as capable as Tang.

To achieve great things, one needed an army, wealth, and prestige.

This world does not permit powers that surpass the current era, such as firearms or forces like "peace" that could utterly destroy everything. Such forces would challenge the world's very foundation and cause it to fracture.

In times of chaos, the common people suffer the most. The roads are lined with corpses of the starved, and families resort to cannibalism. To build an army, it is most practical to start with these people, as they are likely just seeking enough food to eat. They are the easiest to satisfy and the most likely to offer their loyalty in dire times.

Lin Su diligently worked on his plans, repeatedly refining them based on the intelligence provided by his subordinates. Occasionally, he would cross out some ideas and add new ones, his desk becoming cluttered with densely written pages.

【  Sorry, I made the host work so hard,】 System 06 said, feeling an unusual pang of guilt as it watched Lin Su burn the midnight oil.

【If I truly needed rest, I would just return to the original world. Why would I come here to complete tasks?】 Lin Su replied without a hint of reproach.

Having already arrived, blaming his partner was pointless. Besides, this world was indeed much easier than the previous one. At least he didn't have to face constant unexpected assassination attempts, and as System 06 mentioned, he had money and didn't need to worry about food or clothing.

If he chose not to pursue the second task, he could simply endure the ear-splitting lectures and still be served loyally by his subordinates for the rest of his life.

But such a life would be utterly boring.

System 06 felt somewhat comforted. 【  If there were an award, you'd surely win the Best Host Award.】

【Besides, without wealth and power, even if I found someone I liked, I can’t bring them back just to endure lectures with me, right?】 Lin Su said with amusement.

System 06: 【...】

So all this effort is just to win over a beauty?

Please return the rare sentimentality to the system.


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