Puppet Notes (Wearing Book) - 2


| PN | Record | 2

Qi Chao hadn't cried many times in his life. 

At twenty-eight, he had faced all sorts of challenges; even when he was tricked into a pyramid scheme, he hadn’t been afraid. But this time was different.

Seeing the golden-haired doll locked in that small cage, still smiling sweetly at the person who had hurt him, seemingly unaware of the horrible things done to him, would break anyone’s heart. Qi Chao felt it even more deeply.

He was a puppet craftsman, having worked in the field for thirteen years and created thirty puppets. 

Each puppet was like his own child. Imagining his cherished creations being treated this way made Qi Chao's eyes sting with unshed tears, and he felt an intense urge to commit violence against the abuser.

Despite his tears, Qi Chao didn’t forget that the doll was still locked in the cage. He found the key on the coffee table, but his hands trembled so much that he struggled to insert the key into the lock.

During this time, the golden-haired puppet kept staring at Qi Chao's face, seemingly puzzled about why his master was crying. 

The puppet tilted his head, causing his golden curls to flutter. When the cage finally opened, the puppet slowly crawled out. 

As he stood up, he wobbled and fell to the left.

Qi Chao was about to reach out to support him, but the puppet had already fallen to the ground. 

Sitting there, the puppet looked around in confusion, seemingly dazed by the fall. When he looked up and saw Qi Chao, a look of surprise and joy spread across his face. 

The golden-haired doll clumsily stood up and hugged Qi Chao's waist, rubbing his fluffy head against Qi Chao's stomach, his soft voice soothing, "Master, don't be sad."

From Qi Chao’s perspective, all he could see was the doll’s fluffy golden hair, and his tears flowed even more fiercely.

He crouched down and hugged the puppet, his voice hoarse, "Son, daddy’s not sad."

Qi Chao's heart, already burdened with the weight of an old father’s worries, completely broke down.

Despite being beaten and abused, the little puppet didn't hold a grudge. 

Instead, when his master was sad, he not only didn't bear any resentment but even tried to comfort his sad master after falling down. What kind of angel is this?

Due to his position, Qi Chao didn't see that when the puppet heard the word "dad," his expression turned icy cold. 

The puppet hugged the man's neck, his fingers subtly measuring around the man's neck, seemingly considering from which angle to snap his neck, completely shedding his previous innocent and comforting demeanor.

‘Ahh, the host is finished!’ The system screamed silently in Qi Chao's mind. It knew all too well how dangerous this world was. 

It regretted not intervening sooner; it should have stopped the host from meeting the puppet while still in the flying vehicle!

Would the host die before even completing the process? Was it about to break the record for the shortest mission failure time in the bureau’s history? No way!

Panicking, the system hastily canceled the mute program and spoke up: 【Host, according to the data, the puppet’s hunger is rising. You should go to the kitchen to prepare some energy stones.】

At the very least, it needed to separate the host from the demonic puppet for now. 

The puppet required energy replenishment. The last time the little puppet ate was a week ago. 

A week ago! Damn it!

Qi Chao was taken aback for a moment but then quickly stood up.

His movements were too sudden, startling the golden-haired puppet, whose deep blue eyes widened slightly.

"Sorry, sorry, didn't mean to scare you," Qi Chao quickly apologized, soothing the puppet by gently patting its head. Watching the puppet squint with comfort like a contented cat, Qi Chao felt his heart melting.

So adorable, so obedient.

Ah, truly an angel.

He lifted the puppet and placed it on the sofa. Before leaving, he ruffled the puppet’s fluffy head once more. "You stay on the sofa, kiddo. Dad will make something delicious for you."

Afterward, Qi Chao deliberately turned on the projector, playing the most popular animation from Blue Star. Satisfied to see the doll smiling softly at him, Qi Chao left the spacious living room.

Only the cheerful sounds of the cartoon filled the room now. Qi Chao, on his way to the kitchen, had no idea that the docile puppet was fixedly watching his retreating figure.

The puppet’s gaze was chillingly sticky, like a hungry python hunting its prey, considering where to strike.


【Host, why did you call yourself 'dad'?】

Upon entering the kitchen, Qi Chao heard the system's question and paused briefly. "Can't I call myself that?"

【Well, it's not that you can't,】the system silently pondered, 【but did you see how 'happy' the puppet was when it heard you call yourself 'dad'?】

Qi Chao turned on the faucet to wash his hands, not thinking much about it. "I've taken over as the guardian of the puppet from the original owner. Calling myself 'dad' will make us feel closer."

His answer was rather nonchalant.

The system, relieved that the puppet hadn't actually taken action, didn't press further.

【Host, are you ready to proceed now? Currently, you've only received a third of the original owner's memories.】The system saw Qi Chao starting to busy himself in the kitchen and quickly prompted him to continue with the process.

Judging by the host's appearance, he won't last long. The system doesn't allow breaking records on its own, and even if it wants to set a record, it must at least wait for it to complete the process, otherwise it would be too embarrassing!

Qi Chao nodded, and the fluctuating electronic sound by his ear quickly made him understand what was going on.

In short, the Craftsman System organizes craftsmen who have passed away from various planes, and assigns them tasks in different dimensions to promote the spirit of craftsmanship.

【Your task is to create an SSS-class puppet.】The system continued, adding: 【The Central Bureau will also randomly issue side tasks. Completing side tasks can earn rewards.】

The original owner’s memories didn't have much knowledge about puppets, but basic information was known. 

For example, S-class puppets are extremely rare on Blue Star, not to mention SSS-class, which are legendary existences.

Qi Chao paused. He couldn't help but admit that such a task could greatly arouse the interest of a puppeteer.

The system glanced at the notebook, self-assured that the process had been completed, and immediately entered a lazy mode. As long as it finished the process, that was all it cared about, it perfunctorily said: 【Do you have any more questions, host?】

If not, it would withdraw.

"You brought me here, but where did the original body go?" Qi Chao touched the scar on his right hand, smiled as if casually asking, without much concern.

The system shrank in Qi Chao's mind and cautiously replied: 【This question is confidential. I can only tell you that this body is yours, and you don't need to worry about anything else.】

Considering this world is extremely dangerous, the system didn't think the host could survive. Out of respect for him as its first host, it didn't mind giving a harmless little information to the host.

The body belongs to him?

Qi Chao was stunned for a moment, then pondered slightly."

This statement could mean two things.

First, the original owner is still alive and using his own body. Perhaps it was taken away by the System Central Bureau or some other force beyond control. It seems it is not on this plane.

Second, the original owner is dead, and the body is too damaged to use.

Thinking of how he woke up in the private box, Qi Chao ruled out the second possibility. He suddenly felt a little regretful. How could that scumbag not have died?

But on second thought, it's good that he's not dead. In the future, there's a chance to meet him and beat up the original owner.

Qi Chao smiled and thanked the system, “If it weren't for you guys, I would have died long ago. Thank you. I really like this plane.”

Upon hearing Qi Chao's liking, the system's body flashed with green light, seeming a bit guilty. It forced itself to calm down and said, 【As long as you like it. I need to return to the Central Bureau now to coordinate with other craftsmen for missions. If you need anything, just think of my ID, 01.】

Qi Chao nodded, realizing the electric current sound in his ears had completely disappeared. He tentatively asked, “System, are you still there?”

No response.

So quickly?

As Qi Chao sighed, he took out a large energy stone from the kitchen drawer, as big as an adult's fist.

But size didn't matter. Its color was dull and it was shriveled like a piece of coal. This red energy stone was the lowest grade, containing very little energy. He could buy a pound of it for three star coins.

Puppets are born from mother stones and given bodies by puppeteers' hands, and powered by energy stones to walk in the mortal world.

For puppets, energy stones are like three meals a day for humans. Skipping one or two meals is fine, but if they go without energy for a long time, the puppet's heart will crack, dry up, shatter, and fall into eternal sleep.

Qi Chao grinned and swung down his knife towards the energy stone.

The original owner was such an idiot to even forget about this.

For a whole week, the little puppet hadn't received any energy.

Or perhaps, he simply didn't care about the puppet at all. Otherwise, how could he use such a low-grade energy stone? Even that weird regulator cost tens of millions.

"Qi Chao couldn't help but suspect if the original owner was on the verge of bankruptcy. 

He didn’t have any time to buy anything else; he could only make do like this. He sighed and placed the energy stones in a plate, then turned and left the kitchen.

In the living room, the puppet was attentively watching the projection screen, swinging its legs back and forth, softly humming along to the theme song of an animated series.

Qi Chao's heart melted instantly.

So obedient!

"Lan Luo, come eat. After you finish eating, you can watch again," Qi Chao said as he walked towards the sofa.

Lan Luo was the puppet's name.

The blonde puppet heard his voice, turned its head towards Qi Chao, and his blue eyes curved into crescents.

It was another sweet attack. Qi Chao controlled his itchy hand.

 He placed the plate on the table, "Lan Luo, make do with this for today. Tomorrow, Dad will make you something delicious."

"Okay." Lan Luo's voice matched his appearance—soft and obedient, with a hint of crispness. He smiled at the plate, and in the next moment, there was an imperceptible pause.

Seeing the puppet not moving, Qi Chao thought for a moment and explained, "Dad chopped the energy stones into small pieces so it's easier for you to eat it as a little snack."

The energy stones were especially large, too big for the puppet's hands to hold. So Qi Chao chopped them up in the kitchen, filling a whole plate.

Anyway, cutting them wouldn't dissipate the energy, and it was quite easy to chop, it was like cutting potatoes.

If he wasn't in such a rush, and if the puppet wasn't starving, Qi Chao could even carve them into decorative shapes; he was quite skilled in this regard.

Lan Luo: "..."

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