It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 112


IETSTSMLARA | The Top Student is Flawless | 112

"As your friend, I forgive your duplicity," Lin Su said with a smile.

Ye Huaitang felt a warmth in his heart, different from the usual resistance he felt. It was more like the kind of banter between classmates. "Who wants to be your friend?"

"You do," Lin Su smiled. "You may not admit it, but I know what you're really thinking."

"Are you a worm in my stomach? You know everything I'm thinking?" Ye Huaitang looked at him. "Then tell me, what am I thinking now?"

Lin Su tilted his head and thought for a moment. "You're thinking that you need to get back at me today."

Ye Huaitang: "..."

"Since you want to be friends with me, you'll be under my control. From now on, you'll be doing so many practice questions that you'll want to throw up," Lin Su said, looking up at the sky and pondering.

Ye Huaitang, who indeed had such plans: "..."

He hated it when others tried to pry into his personality, but this person didn't seem to care. After all, he had already seen him at his worst.

"Are we still playing games today?" Lin Su grabbed his arm and started walking towards his house.

"Study matters can't be delayed indefinitely. Since we plan to study hard, we should complete today's tasks today. Let's start studying seriously today," Ye Huaitang said with a smile.

 There was some ill intention in that smile, and it was obvious that he knew that no matter what he thought, and that he couldn't do anything about it.

"You can't be serious..." Lin Su drawled, "We're studying today? Let's ease into it. We need a ceremonial beginning."

"Today," Ye Huaitang withdrew his arm. "Although we are friends, don't touch me so casually. A bit of distance is good."

"Understood," Lin Su didn't try to grab him again.

Friendship requires respect. Forcing someone to accept something they dislike only creates a superficial friendship.

When Ye Huaitang made this request, he felt a bit anxious, but seeing Lin Su agree without any reluctance, he felt relieved. "Even if you're doing well, you still need to study. This was your idea, it’s not me forcing you."

"Alright, let's study. I'll give it my all," Lin Su clenched his fists, showing a determined attitude.

Seeing his reluctance, Ye Huaitang chuckled softly, suddenly finding that teasing someone could actually be quite enjoyable.

They walked together, the atmosphere relatively harmonious. However, when they saw the black car downstairs, both of their expressions stiffened simultaneously.

The car door opened, and a man in a suit stepped out. Seeing that it was someone he didn't know, Ye Huaitang felt relieved, but when he turned his head, he saw a cold, resistant look on Lin Su's face.

"Dad," Lin Su called out.

The man in the suit was quite handsome, with jet-black hair. Time had only given him an air of maturity and steadiness, without making him look old.

Lin Su's father looked at Lin Su, his gaze shifting from Ye Huaitang. "Who is this? Are you out messing around with your classmates again?"

Ye Huaitang's expression stiffened for a moment before he smiled. "Hello, Uncle."

Lin Su spoke up, "You can slander me all you want, but don't drag others into it. This is our class monitor, and he's the top student in our grade. The teacher asked him to tutor me. Don't scare him away."

His tone was cold, completely different from his earlier mischievous demeanor. Ye Huaitang found this side of him unfamiliar and instinctively said, "Yes, Uncle. Lin Su wants to study, and the teacher asked me to help tutor him."

Lin Su's father seemed more amiable towards Ye Huaitang. "Thank you. But he's quite playful, so don't let him lead you astray."

Ye Huaitang pressed his lips together and said, "I won't."

Even though his parents had high expectations for him, they never belittled him in front of others. What kind of father is this?

"What do you want from me? Did you just come here to belittle me in your spare time?" Lin Su asked.

If he wanted to ease the relationship, it would be a simple matter. However, the original Lin Su preferred to move out rather than stay in that house, unwilling to grovel for such familial affection. Respecting the original owner's feelings, Lin Su wouldn't deliberately go against his wishes in this regard.

Lin Su's father was clearly angry. "I came to see if you're alright."

"Thank you. I was fine before I saw you, but now that you're here, I might actually have a problem," Lin Su said coldly.

His words were sharp enough to wound his father. "You can still live here because I support you. Do you want me to cut off your card and throw you out?"

"As a minor, you are obligated to support me until I turn eighteen. After that, I won't want anything from you," Lin Su replied decisively.

His father stared at him, anger turning into a bitter laugh. "Fine. I could raise a dog for eighteen years and at least get a few barks. All you do is cost me money and bring me grief. I'll support you until you're eighteen, then you can get out of the Lin family!"

"Whoever doesn't leave is a coward," Lin Su retorted with a cold laugh.

His father took a deep breath, got back into his car, turned on the headlights, and drove off without looking back.

Lin Su stood there, watching the car leave, motionless for a long time.

Ye Huaitang stood beside him, his expression complex. The boy next to him resembled his father a lot, sharing at least seven parts of his looks. In fact, Lin Su was quite handsome, but his red hair gave him a somewhat brooding appearance.

"Are you alright?" Ye Huaitang didn't like to meddle in others' family affairs, but being treated like that by his father must be hard to bear.

Lin Su, of course, was fine. He turned and said, "I'm fine. Let's go upstairs."

"Fighting with your father like that isn't good for you," Ye Huaitang said.

School provided everyone with the opportunity for an education. If someone is a rich second-generation heir, they could live a life of leisure without studying, as long as they don’t bother others. However, without any skills or financial support, life could become very difficult.

Lin Su's academic performance wasn't great. If he couldn't get into college and lost his family's financial support, what could he do in the future?

Similarly, Ye Huaitang knew he couldn't afford to lose his family's financial support either. Without it, he wouldn't be able to survive independently.

They were both controlled by their parents under the guise of upbringing. Defiance could lead to unimaginable consequences.

"So, I need to study hard and make him regret his words today," Lin Su said, taking a deep breath. "But if I do get kicked out of the Lin family, I might not be of any use to you."

Ye Huaitang rolled his eyes. "Do you think I befriended you for some sort of benefit?"

Perhaps initially, there was a bit of that. But now, he realized he just wanted someone who could understand, respect him, and still be his friend despite knowing his worst side.

"Class monitor, you truly are beautiful inside and out," Lin Su said, moving closer with a smile. "Don't worry, those words won't defeat me. I might really need your help in the future. You have been entrusted with an important responsibility."

"You're responsible for your own life," Ye Huaitang said, his eyelashes trembling slightly. "I can help you for a while, but I can't help you forever. You need to be mentally prepared."

"Got it," Lin Su said as he quickly ascended the stairs. "Come on, let's go study."

"How about taking a break today and adjusting your state of mind?" Ye Huaitang suggested, worried about Lin Su's mental state.

"Class monitor, who was it that said 'never put off till tomorrow what you can do today'?" Lin Su replied, raising an eyebrow.

Ye Huaitang: "..."

"Don't go easy on me because of this. If I end up on the streets after being kicked out, it'll be your fault," Lin Su joked.

He didn't seem affected at all. Either he genuinely didn't care, or he was already used to it.

Ye Huaitang sighed, "Alright, since you insist, don't blame me for being strict."

To teach someone with no foundation, he couldn't just give them pages of formulas to memorize. They wouldn't understand them, let alone use them.

To teach effectively and achieve quick results, it was best to start with examples. This time, Ye Huaitang seriously explained the problems, and Lin Su adopted a much more serious attitude.

You can be a poor student for a while, but not forever. If he couldn't even get into college, he'd be in real trouble.

"These types of problems usually require these few formulas. Make sure you memorize them," Ye Huaitang said patiently. "I'll find another similar problem for you to solve."

"Alright," Lin Su agreed readily.

Ye Huaitang carefully flipped through the exercise book, feeling a bit pleased with the lesson. Despite his poor foundation, Lin Su was quite intelligent, usually grasping concepts after one explanation. He simply hadn't studied seriously before, which is why he always ranked at the bottom.

"For English, you could buy a vocabulary book with random order words. Study a bit each day, and gradually you'll understand more and more," Ye Huaitang suggested.

"What else?" Lin Su asked.

"You need to start with the basics. Do you still have your first-year textbooks?" Ye Huaitang asked as he marked the problems.

Lin Su chuckled awkwardly. "I think I donated them to the recycling lady."

Ye Huaitang glanced at him. He himself kept every book he ever read neatly organized, even his kindergarten picture books were stored on his bookshelf and aired out every year. Lin Su was the complete opposite.

Two completely different types of people—could they really be long-term friends?

"Then you'll need to buy those as well," Ye Huaitang said, not intending to lend his own textbooks.

"Looks like I'll need to buy quite a few things," Lin Su said, looking at the problems in front of him. "How about this: you come with me on the weekend to buy them, and I'll treat you to a meal."

"You still have money?" Ye Huaitang asked, glancing at him.

"I can still afford to treat you to a meal," Lin Su invited. "So, will you come?"

Ye Huaitang was tempted but ultimately declined. "I have plans for the weekend. I'll make a list for you, and you can buy them yourself."

"You have plans? Is our top student secretly attending extra classes on the weekend?" Lin Su joked.

"Yes, secret extra classes, to ensure I keep my top spot," Ye Huaitang replied, slightly annoyed.

In truth, his weekend was filled with extracurricular lessons, like learning table manners, proper posture, and various musical instruments.

"Being a top student must be tough," Lin Su said, clasping his hands together in mock admiration. "I can't compare."

Ye Huaitang smiled. "Don't you think I do well because of my talent?"

Lin Su smiled and said, "Even the most talented person will only get last place if they don't put in the effort."

Ye Huaitang was indeed very smart, but his hard work shouldn't be overlooked. The higher one stands, the greater the pressure, as countless people behind him aim to pull him down and take his place.

Ye Huaitang's smile faded slightly, and he averted his gaze. That one sentence of understanding made him feel as if all his silent efforts had been acknowledged.

"Are you talking about yourself?" Ye Huaitang asked with a smile.

"That's right. Haven't you heard the saying, 'A bad student will starve the master'? Once I've learned enough, I'll probably compete with you for the top spot," Lin Su said as he reviewed the problems.

"If my student becomes better than me, I should feel proud," Ye Huaitang replied. "Alright, focus on your problems. It's impossible to learn in a short period of time."

Lin Su bent over his problems again, making only minor mistakes in the steps. After Ye Huaitang pointed them out, he noted them down in his correction book.

Time passed steadily, and at half-past ten, Ye Huaitang's pocket vibrated. He paused, took out an extremely small phone, stood up, and answered, "Hello, Uncle Zheng... Okay, I'll come out right away."

He ended the call and turned to Lin Su. "I have to go now. Keep working on these problems. We'll continue tomorrow."

"Sure, see you tomorrow," Lin Su replied, focusing on his work.

Ye Huaitang gathered his things and left, stepping into the night with a sense of satisfaction and anticipation for the next day's study session.

He hung up the phone and silently started packing up his pencil case and backpack. "That's it for today. I'm heading out," he said, his face returning to the formal smile he often wore, as if the evening's relaxed atmosphere had suddenly reset.

Lin Su stood up to see him off. "Are you really leaving?" he asked.

"Yes, there's a driver coming to pick me up. No need to worry," Ye Huaitang replied.

"Will you come back?" Lin Su asked again.

Ye Huaitang was puzzled. "Um... we'll see each other at school, of course."

"Will we still be friends when you come back?" Lin Su opened the door, leaning against it in a manner reminiscent of a man sending his wife off late at night.

Ye Huaitang chuckled at the comparison his mind made. "We'll still be friends when I come back. See you later."

He left in a hurry, his smile fading to a straight line as he entered the elevator. Sometimes, he envied others who could stay out all night with their classmates, but he knew he couldn't.

The car was waiting outside the residential area. As Ye Huaitang got in, the driver sighed. "Young master, you only sent a text saying you weren't coming home. Madam was worried sick."

"I was just tutoring a classmate. Next time, you can ask me where I am instead of tracking my phone," Ye Huaitang said with a smile.

"Madam is just concerned about you," the driver replied.

Ye Huaitang nodded, understanding his mother's worry but also feeling the weight of her constant vigilance. The car pulled away, leaving behind the evening's study session and the budding friendship that had made it a memorable night.

Ye Huaitang maintained a gentle smile on his face. "I know, I'm sorry this time. There won't be a next time."

The car pulled away from the residential area, and Lin Su watched its tail lights disappear before lowering the curtains. Parents love their children and plan for their future, but too heavy a love can break a person's spirit. Life is so short, with so many things to do, but the days truly lived for oneself are pitifully few.

As the car neared his home, Ye Huaitang felt a sinking sensation in his chest. He got out of the car, slung his backpack over his shoulder, and walked toward the door with hesitant steps. When he saw the lady sitting on the living room sofa, his heart sank even lower. "I'm back, Mother. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting."

The lady, even while seated, maintained perfect posture with her legs crossed elegantly. Her tailored dress showed not a single crease. She turned her head, looking no older than her twenties, though she was indeed the mother of a seventeen-year-old. 

"Huaitang, why are you back so late today? Don't you know your mother would worry?" Mrs. Ye asked, her tone warm and composed. "Come, sit down. Don't stand there; your legs must be tired."

Despite her seemingly gentle and kind demeanor, Ye Huaitang hesitated before sitting on the adjacent sofa, his back straight as a rod. "Mother, I was just tutoring a student with poor grades as the teacher requested. There's no need for you to worry."

Mrs. Ye's expression softened slightly, but her eyes remained scrutinizing. "You know how much I care about you, Huaitang. I just want to make sure you're safe and well. Remember, your future is very important."

"Yes, Mother," Ye Huaitang replied, his voice steady but his mind turbulent. He knew that his mother's concern came from a place of love, but it often felt suffocating.

The evening's lightheartedness seemed a distant memory as he sat there, feeling the weight of his mother's expectations pressing down on him.

"Student? Is it a boy or a girl?" Mother Ye asked with a gentle smile.

Most boys look like their mothers, and Ye Huaitang bears a resemblance to her with about fifty percent similarity. Since his frame hasn’t fully developed, he carries a certain elegance even in a shirt, and wearing women's clothing wouldn’t be too out of place.

Before Ye Huaitang could speak, Mother Ye continued, “Huaitang, you chose to go to school on your own, and you promised me that you wouldn’t let emotional issues affect your studies. If there are any problems in this regard, I will discuss them with your school…”

“It’s a boy,” Ye Huaitang replied with a gentle smile.

“Don’t interrupt others when they’re speaking, especially with your elders,” Mother Ye said, looking at him.

Ye Huaitang took a slight breath and said, “Okay, I’ll remember.”

“Although it’s a boy, you just mentioned that his studies aren’t good. There should be quite a few students in your class who perform well academically. Why was he assigned to you?” Mother Ye picked up a small cup from the table and ate the clear and transparent bird’s nest inside.

Lin Su wasn’t assigned by the teacher; he only wanted to try a bit himself. However, the accountability came quicker than he had anticipated. 

Ye Huaitang smiled and said, “The teacher assigned every student a member. This classmate was requested by me; his father is the chairman of Lin’s Construction.”

Ye Huaitang only meant to say the last part.

Mother Ye’s spoon paused momentarily. “Such a friend could be beneficial. Since you’re in a group with him, make sure to guide him well. Just don’t come back so late in the future; your mother will worry.”

Ye Huaitang smiled and said, “I’m sorry for making you miss your beauty sleep. I’ll try to come back earlier in the future. It’s already quite late, so I’ll go to bed now. Good night.”

He stood up, walked to Mother Ye, gently bent over, and gave her a hug. The scent on her was very fragrant and gentle, but Ye Huaitang didn’t like the overly sweet smell that filled his nostrils; it was a bit cloying.

“Go to sleep,” Mother Ye said, patting his shoulder.

Ye Huaitang stood up, smiled, and gave a slight bow before heading upstairs.

Lin Su had a good night’s sleep, and the next morning, when he arrived at school during the early study period, he drew countless surprised gazes from classmates and teachers.

“Good morning,” Lin Su greeted Ye Huaitang as he passed by.

“Good morning,” Ye Huaitang replied, but his smile was the same as before, so formal that it made one wonder if it was trained to be perfectly curved.

Lin Su raised an eyebrow and silently entered the early study session to recite texts.

A small booklet of classical poetry and classical Chinese literature was being recited. Lin Su had memorized such things before, flipping through them repeatedly, finding it rather boring. There was also an English reading session.

Unfortunately, he was still struggling with English, unable to read it correctly, so memorizing texts was better for him.

Lin Su found the reading session quite dull and unengaging. Blending in with the crowd, no one noticed his lack of enthusiasm.

System 06: 【Will you come again tomorrow morning?】

【Yes, with a proper attitude.】 Lin Su replied.

He had already managed to open up some of the task targets’ hearts slightly. If he stopped now, he feared it would be all in vain. Just reciting some meaningless texts was not too big of a problem for him.

In fact, Lin Su woke up even earlier than the early study session. Although high school had morning exercises, the amount of exercise was really minimal. To get rid of the sub-healthy state of his body, some exercise was truly unavoidable.

With evening self-study sessions and additional classes, Lin Su had to make time early in the morning.

This wasn’t the surprising part, though. What amazed everyone, including Lin Su, was that Ji Heng also showed up halfway through the early study session.

“Are they really trying to study hard? No way!”

“It’s like the sun rising in the west. The students at the bottom are actually making an effort.”

“I think with their patience, it’ll be three days of fishing and two days of drying nets.”

“Why are you here?” Lin Su asked.

Ji Heng replied, “I’m here for the same reason as you.”

Lin Su: “……”

System 06: 【Actually, he’s not wrong.】

It’s all about keeping an eye on his partner, so they don’t run away.

After the early study session, students went off in groups for breakfast. Ji Heng initially planned to call his friend and treat them generously. However, when he turned around, he found that his friend had already gone off to find the class monitor, who seemed to have a smile permanently sewn onto his face.

Ji Heng felt an inexplicable sense of being forgotten by his friends once they had partners.

If Lin Su were really here just for studying with no other motives, he’d be shocked.

Of course, Ji Heng only made this vow silently in his heart. Feeling a bit sorry for himself not having anyone to eat with, he turned to Ning Qiu, who was already at the door, and said, “Hey, wait for me. Let’s go together.”

Ning Qiu, who had been walking lightly, disappeared out the door in a flash upon hearing the call. 

“I told you to wait a moment! You’re running so fast, I can’t even catch up with you. Stop!” Ji Heng chased after him, looking like a mad dog.

Lin Su sat next to Ye Huaitang, feeling a gust of wind from the commotion, and scratched his head, saying, “Actually, I’m different from him.”

Ye Huaitang, who had been puzzled about why he agreed to be friends with Lin Su the previous night, now genuinely smiled and said, “I think you’re the same.”

“Alright, if you say I’m the same, then I’ll be the same,” Lin Su said, propping one leg up on the table and crossing the other in a relaxed manner. This pose, which might seem inappropriate for others, looked leisurely and casual on him.

Perhaps it was because of his height and long legs, Ye Huaitang thought to himself, “Don’t sit like that, it’s not good for your bones.”

Lin Su lowered his leg and changed to a more proper sitting posture, “How about this?”

Getting him to sit properly is probably harder than getting him to study diligently, Ye Huaitang thought. He stood up and said, “Let’s go, it's time for lunch.”

Sometimes, it seems that doing things a bit imperfectly doesn’t really matter.

Lin Su proactively asked to study, which initially seemed a bit out of place when he appeared next to Ye Huaitang. However, Ye Huaitang didn’t mind, and other students were also silent, merely surprised.

The school cafeteria served large quantities of food, and Lin Su didn’t care much about it. Ye Huaitang, on the other hand, didn’t pick and choose but clearly pushed the food he didn’t like to one side of his plate, neatly arranged, as if preparing to make a new dish.

“You don’t like the food from school?” Lin Su asked.

Ye Huaitang, still seriously separating his food, replied, “It’s alright, it’s convenient.”

Even while eating, he sat upright, not as if he were eating from a cafeteria, but as if he were in a high-end restaurant.

“It must be quite convenient for you to bring a bento from home,” Lin Su said, eating quickly without being particular. After finishing, he rested his head on one hand and looked at Ye Huaitang.

Ye Huaitang came from a wealthy family, so it was needless for him to prepare his own bento.

Ye Huaitang lowered his gaze and said, “I don’t like food that has been reheated.”

Reheating food makes it lose its original flavor and becomes unappetizing.

Lin Su interpreted this as… picky eating.

“Seems like it needs to be carefully maintained,” Lin Su said.

Ye Huaitang, focused on his meal, didn’t hear what Lin Su said clearly and asked, “What?”

“Nothing,” Lin Su replied with a smile. “You’re so well-behaved. How come you don’t have the habit of not speaking while eating or talking while sleeping?”

“Do you think I’d ignore you while you’re talking?” Ye Huaitang glanced at him.

In fact, he did have such a habit. At home, the dining table was very quiet, unlike in the cafeteria where everyone seemed to enjoy chatting while eating, making the place incredibly noisy.

However, Ye Huaitang preferred the noisy environment over the extreme quiet of his home. He just wasn’t used to being disturbed while eating, as others usually left him alone. Only this person, who knew his true self, chose to approach him.

“I don’t hope so,” Lin Su answered straightforwardly. “I actually quite like talking to you.”

Ye Huaitang tightened his grip on his chopsticks and said, “Do you like hearing me speak coldly to you?”

“You haven’t heard real cold words,” Lin Su chuckled.

“I have,” Ye Huaitang said quietly, so softly that Lin Su couldn’t hear it clearly.

He had heard such cold words from this person, but they weren’t directed at him. They were directed at the man Lin Su referred to as his father, and those words were so cold that Ye Huaitang still finds them unfamiliar.

That man was cast out of Lin Su’s world, ceremoniously isolated and no longer allowed to enter.

“Learn from me?” Lin Su looked up at him.

Ye Huaitang finished eating the food he liked, put down his chopsticks, and picked up his plate, saying, “Let’s go. Class is starting soon.”

“So fast?” Lin Su stood up and followed.

“Your class isn’t starting soon, but my class is,” Ye Huaitang said without turning back.

Lin Su had no choice but to follow, while others were still eating, chatting, shopping, or even secretly dating, he went back to the classroom with Ye Huaitang to work on problems.

【Being a poor student is really tough.】Lin Su reflected.

Just as a poor student can’t understand why a top student can score full marks so easily, top students sometimes can’t understand why a poor student can easily score zero.

Lin Su’s problem-solving marathon started in the morning. No matter what class he was in, he diligently worked on problems. As long as he didn’t cause trouble, the teacher basically ignored him. Ye Huaitang’s task for him was to ignore the teacher’s lectures and focus solely on the problems he assigned.

Lin Su spent the entire day diligently working on problems. His seriousness made Ji Heng puzzled. “Brother, does he have some dirt on you or something? If you do, blink once; if you don’t, blink twice.”

Lin Su stared straight at him, not blinking at all. “Brother, stay away from romance to keep your intelligence.”

Ji Heng responded, “I’d like to, but no one is interested in me. Do you think I’m not good-looking enough?”

“Do you think the stack of love letters in your drawer is just scrap paper?” Lin Su retorted.

Ji Heng slapped his thigh and said, “Those love letters are so long, like texts. It’s obvious they’re not my type.”

“So what kind do you like?” Lin Su asked, taking a basketball from a nearby net bag.

Ji Heng, sitting on a nearby desk, replied, “I like fair-skinned ones, preferably with a rosy complexion, looking gentle and obedient, not more capable than me, and with a straightforward and decisive personality…”

“A straightforward personality that would see you getting into a fight and then send you to the police station?” Lin Su twirled the basketball on his fingertip, looking intrigued.

Ji Heng hadn’t reacted yet, but Ning Qiu, who was packing up behind him, started coughing violently, unable to stop.

“Are you sick or something?” Ji Heng turned to ask. Before Ning Qiu could say “Thank you for your concern,” 

Ji Heng added, “If you’re sick, take a leave. Don’t pass it on to us.”

Ning Qiu’s coughing stopped abruptly. “Heh…”

Lin Su: “…”

Well deserved for pursuing a difficult love.

“Wanna play ball?” Lin Su tossed the ball up, trying to defuse the situation.

Ji Heng wrapped his arm around Lin Su’s shoulder and said, “Let’s go. That dribble you did earlier was pretty good—just like me.”

“Then let’s have a match,” Lin Su smiled.

The school’s sports field was quite large, with multiple basketball courts so students could get some exercise during their free time and not just focus on studying.

When Lin Su and the others arrived, there were already a few people shooting hoops on the court. One of them, seeing Lin Su and the others with a ball, greeted them, “Wanna join us for a game?”

Lin Su nodded. “What are the rules?”

“No special rules, just the standard game rules. If there aren’t enough people, we’ll play half-court; if we have enough, we’ll play full-court,” said the boy in a sweat-stained shirt, his skin tanned from long hours of playing basketball.

“How many more do we need?” Lin Su asked.

“Four. A few more from our class are coming,” the boy said. He then spotted some people approaching from a distance and shouted, “Over here, hurry up, we’re just missing a few!”

As the new arrivals came over, the boy sized up Lin Su and asked, “You look unfamiliar. You guys don’t come here often, do you?”

“This is my first time,” Lin Su admitted.

“Damn, you’re from Class One?” one of the new arrivals said, approaching the previous boy. “How did you manage to bring these two big shots over?”

“Is that a problem?” the boy asked, puzzled.

“Ji Heng from Class 1, I've never heard of Lin Su from Class 1. I can't tell he's a buddy from that standard red-haired guy." the new arrival said.

“Are we going to play or not?” Ji Heng, looking impatient, interrupted.

“Of course we’re playing,” the newcomer replied.

Everyone in Class One knew that Ji Heng and Lin Su were not people they could easily provoke. One was because of their family’s wealth, and the other because of their stubbornness. Especially Ji Heng, who was known as a school bully, was someone most people avoided provoking.

But once you invite the gods, you have to send them off properly. Even if the gods are troublesome, you have to deal with them respectfully.

A few people exchanged glances, and Lin Su spun the ball in his hands, saying, “Then let’s play. No holding back—if you do, you’re not a man.”

Finding faults or making trouble was outdated. For any stage of a man’s life, being called less of a man was a serious insult.

“Damn,” one of the boys muttered. “You guys better not go easy on us. If you do, you’re really not a man.”

The other boys agreed with the sentiment. Offending a school bully was one thing, but not being a man was unacceptable.

The game followed standard rules: 5v5. Ji Heng and Lin Su were on the same team, with Ji Heng playing as the forward and Lin Su as the guard. The other three spots were filled by other boys.

In the game, there were no family ties, and no brotherly bonds on the court. Once the game started, Ji Heng leaped to grab the ball and, after landing, passed it directly to Lin Su.

Lin Su dribbled the ball and ran. Ji Heng, who had mentally prepared himself for Lin Su to be just a mascot after being injured by their own team, ran to a nearby position and shouted, “Pass to me, pass to me!!!”

Lin Su stood beyond the three-point line, jumped, and made the shot. To Ji Heng’s astonishment, the ball went straight through the hoop.

“Nice shot!!!”

Not only did the teammates cheer, but even the opposing team’s boys couldn’t help but express their admiration.

“Brother, you’re amazing!!!”

“That three-pointer was incredible!”

“Are you guys going to stop the ball or what?” Lin Su accepted the praise with pleasure and then asked with a smile.

By the time the other team’s players reacted, Ji Heng had already grabbed the ball, crossed the three-point line, and made another three-pointer.

“Damn! Awesome!!”


“Is the school bully playing as a basketball player these days?”

“Nice job,” Lin Su said, giving Ji Heng a fist bump.

“You too,” Ji Heng replied with a smile.

The ball fell again, and this time it wasn’t intercepted. On Lin Su’s side, the defense was very effective. The boy outside the three-point line took his shot, but unfortunately, it missed the basket by a wide margin.

Dribbling and shooting, which might seem challenging to some, were actually very straightforward. Even though Lin Su’s team had five players, it felt like a 2v7 game because the teammates were running around so much.

Sweat flew, and the passionate young players attracted quite a few onlookers. The arrival of girls made the boys even more pumped up, which caused Lin Su some difficulties.

Although he wasn’t particularly strong yet, his skills were top-notch. With a deft move, he sent the ball through his legs and made a perfect three-pointer.

“Good shot!!!”

Cheers erupted from the steps beside the court, with many people applauding.

Lin Su casually wiped the sweat from his forehead, revealing his smooth, glistening skin. Even with his red hair damp, his energetic appearance was enough to catch many girls’ attention.

A man who is serious about his work is the most handsome, and a man who is serious about playing basketball can easily stir hearts.

“That looks like Lin Su from Class One.”

“The school bully? He actually looks pretty handsome.”

“I’ve never seen him play basketball before. I didn’t expect him to be this good.”

“Ji Heng is so cool too! Is the school bully turning into a heartthrob now?”

“It’s in! Another three-pointer! The other side is getting completely crushed!”

“Go, Lin Su!!!”

The basketball game, which initially had no referee, somehow ended up with one, and a scoreboard was set up on the side. The crowd of spectators kept growing.

“I heard there’s a basketball match between our Class One and other classes. Should we go watch?”

“Our Class One? Who’s playing?”

“I heard it’s a total domination. You’ll see when you go.”

Someone shouted, and indeed many people stopped writing to join the commotion. The classroom felt a bit empty. Ning Qiu had been working on his math problems but put down his pen and glanced towards Ye Huaitang.

Ye Huaitang was the top student in the grade. Normally, Ning Qiu should have gotten along with him since people who are good at studying usually have a lot in common. 

However, Ning Qiu inexplicably felt that there was a bit of discord between them. Even though Ye Huaitang appeared friendly, it seemed a bit fake.

Birds of a feather flock together, and Ning Qiu felt that he really shouldn't mix with Ji Heng, or he might end up in trouble someday.

He took a deep breath and walked over to Ye Huaitang's side, saying, "Class monitor, do you want to go watch the basketball game together?"

Ye Huaitang was looking at a problem Lin Su had made a mistake on. He looked up with a smile and said, "Sorry, I'm a bit busy right now. If you want to go, you can go ahead on your own."

Ning Qiu wasn’t the type to force someone, but he felt that Ye Huaitang didn’t seem to like him much: "Alright, actually, sitting in the classroom all the time isn't good for your eyesight."

"Thanks for the reminder," Ye Huaitang said with a smile. "Go ahead and watch the game."

"Okay, then I’ll go." Ning Qiu confirmed to himself that Ye Huaitang really didn’t seem to like him.

What did he do wrong? First, Ji Heng targeted him, and now he was inexplicably disliked by the class monitor. He regretted not choosing his seat more carefully.

Ning Qiu left the classroom, and Ye Huaitang, after sitting quietly for a moment looking at the problems in his notebook, also closed his notebook and walked out.

He didn’t go directly to the playground but instead took a detour and stood on the balcony closest to the playground. From there, he could clearly see all the activities on the field.

On the basketball court surrounded by countless people, the ball was bouncing up and down, fiercely contested, with the scoreboard recording the points of each side. The gap between the scores was quite noticeable.

Yet none of this compared to the dazzling boy on the court, with his bangs pushed up and sleeves rolled up. His red hair was enough to capture everyone’s attention.

With a light jump, the basketball easily went through the hoop. The curve of his lips as he smiled seemed to be clearly visible. The sweat on him shimmered, reflecting the sunlight in a way that made it impossible to look away.

Indeed, it was an exciting game.

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