The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 131


| TBBOTOF | 131

Tang Erhu’s new house was built on an empty plot of land on the left side of the big house. For convenience, a small door was left on the side, making it easier to enter the big house through the back door. 

The new house alley here can be used by mule carts and is convenient for people and cars to enter and exit.

Old Xu's place was not far from the back door. Tang Xu had set aside a plot of land to build a house for him, making it convenient for the old man to rest and see patients, and to keep him separate from the sheep and rabbits.

The back door led to the old man's small courtyard, an open space, and then the surrounding wall. On the opposite side, everything was fenced off, with various breathing livestock living there.

Originally, Tang Xu had planned to clear out the backyard for the old man to grow medicinal herbs, but the old man said he didn't have the strength for farming and that there was no need to bother.

Wei Dong also considered expanding the courtyard. After all, there was enough land on the side where the new house was built, and there was still plenty of open space in the front. When he bought the land, he had bought the entire area, as land at the foot of the mountain was inexplicably cheap. Believing in taking advantage of a good deal, he had purchased it all.

He discussed the expansion with Tang Xu and concluded that they would start the work after the spring plowing was done.

Tang Li came out of the side door, carrying a wooden basin. She walked along the stone path. 

After about ten meters or so, she reached the back door of the big house. The basin contained freshly steamed buns with two different fillings, still steaming hot.

Afraid the buns would cool down, she hurried her steps, she didn't notice that she stepped on the slippery mud beside the wall, and her feet stumbled.

"Ah!" Tang Li let out a startled cry.

Tang Li nearly fell, but a pair of hands reached out from behind and caught her just in time.

Tang Li quickly looked up and, after steadying herself, thanked the woman beside her, "Thank you, Auntie."

Wang Cuicui, after ensuring she was stable, let go and said, "Why are you in such a hurry? Watch your step."

Tang Li had seen Wang Cuicui a few times; she often came to get medicine from Old Xu, so she was familiar. She explained, "I still have buns steaming in the kitchen. I brought a pot over for my brother, so they can eat them while they're hot."

Wang Cuicui raised an eyebrow and complimented her, "You're very capable."

"Auntie, have you had breakfast? How about having a couple of buns? They're fresh out of the pot." Tang Li had learned well from Tang Xu, especially after starting her own business. She was good with people and thought it was only right to offer some buns to the woman who had just helped her.

Wang Cuicui smiled and waved her hand, "I'm in a hurry to get medicine, so I can't."

While they were talking, they reached the back door. Tang Li smiled and thanked her again before heading towards the front yard.

Wang Cuicui saw that there was no one in the small clinic and pulled the large brass bell hanging there.

The ringing sound echoed into the courtyard.

As Tang Li was walking with the basin, she happened to meet Old Xu turning the corner. She greeted him, "Grandpa Xu."

"Ah, Ah Li, what are you carrying?" Old Xu asked casually.

"I bought buns. I'll bring a couple over for you later."

"Good, good. Go ahead."

Tang Li entered the kitchen, where Liu Yao was cooking. Hearing the noise, he turned around and, upon seeing her, immediately smiled brightly, "Why did you come over?"

"I steamed some buns," Tang Li smiled back, her eyes curved with joy. She handed over the basin she was carrying and then wrapped two buns in oiled paper, "I have to go."

"Huh?" Liu Yao was taken aback, "Are you not waiting for Brother Xu?"

"No, there's still another pot steaming in the kitchen." Tang Li waved the two oiled paper packages in her hand and turned to leave.

Wang Cuicui sat on a chair, talking to Old Xu about her father-in-law‘s condition. She had been there twice before, so the old man remembered her.

"Bring him over. It's best if I can take their pulse and examine them." Old Xu placed two packages of cough medicine on the table and warned, "As you said, he is not in good condition." 

There are many types of coughs, and if he is coughing to the point of disrupting his sleep, it's not a good sign.

Wang Cuicui was almost moved to tears by his words and anxiously asked, "What should I do? Do I need to buy other medicines for it?"

Old Xu waved his hand, just about to speak, when Tang Li came in from outside, lifting the curtain, holding two paper packages in her hands.

Tang Li cheerfully handed each of them a paper package. She first said to Wang Cuicui, "Auntie, take these and try my cooking," then turned to Old Xu, "Grandpa, once you're done here, you can go back. Lunch should be ready soon."

Old Xu smiled and nodded at her.

Wang Cuicui tried to return the buns to Tang Li, but she waved her hand and left, lifting the curtain as she went. She had just come to deliver the buns.

Wang Cuicui took out some copper coins and handed them to Old Xu, "I'll bring him over later. Will you be here this afternoon?"

"I'll be here all day. If I were a few years younger, I would go visit your house directly, but now I can't move around much." Old Xu unwrapped the oiled paper and took a bite of the steaming bun.

Minced meat filling!

Glistening with oil, fragrant!

Unable to resist the aroma, Wang Cuicui swallowed and told the old doctor she would come back in the afternoon before leaving.

Tang Xu came back from the thatched hut and didn't see Tang Li. After seeing the buns, he didn't say anything. When the braised offal was ready in a small basin, he asked Liu Yao to take it over there.

Tang Yang had just finished writing big characters. When he saw Liu Yao coming out of the kitchen with a basin, he hurried over and asked him, "Brother Yao, where are you going?"

"Taking the braised offal over," he said, carrying the basin with one hand, swift and steady.

Tang Yang watched him go around the front yard to the back yard. Without thinking, he knew that he was going to take the braised offal to someone.

He pouted, and Tang Yang grunted as he went to the kitchen, "Brother!"

Tang Xu was cutting the braised offal and said, "Wash your hands. Where's Xiao Xi?"

"Brother Xi hasn't finished writing yet. I finished first. It smells so good. Brother, the braised offal smells amazing!" He couldn't resist the temptation to move a few steps forward and move closer to him, like a squawking bird begging for food. "Give me a piece, just one piece!"

Tang Xu handed him a piece of cut pork belly and poked his cheek, "Is it salty?"

Tang Yang held his cheeks with both hands and chewed happily, his eyes narrowed with joy. 

When he heard him ask, he shook his head, "Not salty, very delicious! Dad will definitely want to drink."

Tang Xu chuckled and, recalling his earlier conversation with Tang Erhu, glanced at Tang Yang whose mouth was moving as he chewed. He asked, “Ah Yang, father said he's considering remarrying. What do you think?”

Tang Yang paused, even halting the chewing of his teeth. “Huh?”

“Didn't understand?” Tang Xu raised an eyebrow.

Tang Yang pursed his lips. “I understand.”

“So, what do you think?”Tang Xu nudged a piece of pig tongue into his mouth. “I think it might be good to find someone who’s efficient, at least things can be handled smoothly.”

Tang Yang responded with an uncertain “Oh,” looking somewhat displeased.

“Ah Rui is about to take the county exam. If he passes and becomes a scholar, he might marry next. Judging from father's thoughts, once he marries, the family will split. He'll let them live separately”' 

Tang Xu pushed his younger brother into a chair. “Ah Li and you are growing older every year. Father always has matters he can't attend to, plus his own affairs. Am I right?”

Tang Yang nodded. “Yes.”

“And as you grow up, Ah Li will have some matters that aren't quite suitable to discuss with father.” Tang Xu was always afraid that Tang Li might develop issues because of Liu Xiangxiang, but so far, the girl seemed unaffected, yet he was still worried.

Tang Yang pouted. “But what if the stepmother mistreats us afterward, and father sides with her against us?”

Tang Xu's eyes narrowed. “Are you serious with that question? Did you think about it before asking?”

Tang Yang was startled by his sudden increase in volume, instinctively shrinking his neck.

His eyes drifted aimlessly, avoiding his elder brother's gaze.

Tang Xu kept a serious face and said sternly, “Ze’ers background might have made you quite sympathetic toward him. But remember, his father and our father are not the same. We can't guarantee whether a stepmother will treat us well, but we can guarantee that father won't treat us badly just because he marries a stepmother. If he were the kind of father who disregards his children, he wouldn't have separated from mother.”

Tang Yang hung his head, murmuring, “I understand, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that.”

Tang Xu gently pressed his hand on top of his head, saying, "Let's take a step back, we still have..."

Tang Yang sniffed and made a noncommittal sound.

Liu Yao took some stewed meat over to Tang Xu's side, while Tang Li had just placed the steamed buns on the table. Seeing him come in, she called out, "Don't keep running back and forth, you can eat here."

Tang Xu replied, and Liu Yao nodded in agreement.

Anyway, since he wasn't going back, Tang Xu definitely thought he would stay here to eat.

Mainly, after Tang Erhu saw the stewed meat, he wanted to take a sip. He hadn't had any yet, so he had to find someone to accompany him for a couple of drinks.

Since Tang Xu started making sorghum liquor, Tang Erhu had always been careful about whom he drank with. The alcohol content of the sorghum liquor was higher than what was sold outside, so he only drank two small cups at a time. Drinking more made him dizzy.

Tang Erhu liked to drink but didn't dare to drink too much. Mainly because there were a few times when he got drunk before eating, which annoyed Tang Xu. 

Tang Xu said if he got drunk again next time, he would immediately stop him from drinking.

To put it bluntly, both young and old listened to Tang Xu. Tang Erhu was in the wrong and understood that Tang Xu was concerned about his health. Later, when drinking, he started to moderate himself.

Now, with someone to drink with and fragrant stewed meat, the middle-aged men couldn't resist.

Tang Li saw him take the alcohol and quickly went to the stove to get a small wine glass.

It was indeed a small wine glass, especially small, with just a tiny bit of alcohol in it. According to Tang Erhu's usual drinking capacity, if he wanted to get drunk, he would have to down ten of these small glasses.

When Tang Erhu saw this small glass, the smile on his face froze.

Liu Yao, on the other hand, brightened up and reached out to take one for himself, then placed another one in front of Tang Erhu. He grinned and said, "This small glass is made of jade. Last time, Boss Wu specially gave it to Brother Xu as a gift, saying it's a fine item from the Eastern Capital. It’s good stuff."

Tang Erhu squinted his eyes. In his heart, he thought, what use is this good stuff if it doesn't make drinking enjoyable!

Liu Yao poured him a drink and cajoled, "Uncle, you should change your perspective. With these small glasses, even if you drink a few more, you won't get drunk quickly. This way, you can enjoy drinking for longer."

Tang Li set out the bowls and chopsticks, glancing at him.

Liu Yao grinned broadly at her.

Tang Li snorted lightly, muttering something about smooth talk, then said to Tang Erhu, "Brother mentioned when he brought these over, that Dad should use these glasses to drink. You love drinking but get drunk easily, these small glasses allow you to drink more and enjoy it."

Tang Erhu picked up the small glass, took a sip, and squinted his eyes.

Hmm, not bad, it’s good liquor!

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  1. That Liu kid trying to charm the heart of future father in-law..

  2. thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾


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