The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 146


| TBBOTOF | 146


The dining table was right in the kitchen, so they ate there. 

Tang Yang came over.

At the table, Tang Erhu was drinking and eating meat silently, Tang Rui also held his bowl without saying a word, and Tang Xu was holding the chubby boy in his arms. Only his son was eating with a big smile on his face.

After finally finishing the meal, Tang Xu quickly picked up the chubby boy and left. When he was about to leave, Tang Rui saw him off at the door. 

Tang Xu turned to Tang Rui and said, "Come over after you finish cleaning up, I have something to tell you."

He rarely had a stern face; his normally charming features looked cold and intimidating when he frowned.

Tang Rui didn’t know why he was somewhat afraid of this brother. His heart tightened, and he nodded, "Okay."

Tang Xu, holding the chubby boy, left the yard. He looked down at the chubby boy snuggling in his arms and asked, "Are you sleepy?"

The chubby boy hummed, his fingers twisting Tang Xu's hair hanging down his chest, and said, "Dad, where are my little brothers?"

"Your brothers are home with your aunt. They went to bed a long time ago. Only you are still so energetic." Tang Xu gently rubbed his chin against the boy's forehead and asked, "How can you stay up so late?"

In the morning, when they woke up, the chubby boy got up right with them. He played all day without taking a nap and stayed up until late at night before sleeping.

He truly admired his eldest son's stamina, which was even better than his own.

"Grandpa said, I'm amazing!" The chubby boy proudly puffed up his chest with pride.

"Did Grandpa really say that?" Tang Xu asked with amusement, entering the courtyard from the back door.

The chubby boy nodded, holding his face with his hands, his big eyes curving into a smile.

"Why did it take so long?" Wei Dong came around from the front yard, carrying a bucket of water.

Tang Xu put the chubby boy on the ground and shook his somewhat sore arms. Just holding the boy for a little while made his arms feel heavy. He wasn’t sure if it was because he lacked exercise or if his son was just that heavy.

"Don't even mention it. Auntie just whispered to me that if the boy hadn't been there keeping company, Dad would have probably chased Ah Rui out with a stick." Tang Xu sighed, taking the chubby boy's small hand and walking to Wei Dong's side. "What are you doing with the water?"

"Er Bao and Xiao Bao are asleep. I'm filling the water jar in the kitchen so we won’t have to bother with it later." As it was getting colder, they needed hot water more often. Fetching water from the well each time was not only cold but also time-consuming.

Tang Xu smiled at him, squinting his eyes. "I need a favor from you."

Wei Dong paused, "What?"

"I need you to help me with something," Tang Xu said, moving closer.

Wei Dong raised an eyebrow, "Speak."

Tang Xu chuckled and pointed at the chubby boy looking up at them. "Can you stay with him while he sleeps? I have some things to discuss with Ah Rui."

Wei Dong glanced down at the boy and clicked his tongue lightly.

The chubby boy pouted.



Tang Xu had just returned to the room when Tang Rui arrived. The two of them sat in the main hall while Wei Dong stayed in the main room with the chubby boy. The door was closed, and no one else came out.

Tang Xu poured two cups of honey water, giving one to Tang Rui.

Tang Xu glanced at Tang Rui, who was sitting upright, and took the initiative to speak, "Do you know the situation with your father-in-law?"

Tang Rui didn't expect him to ask about the Liu family right away; he thought Tang Xu would reprimand him.

After a moment of surprise, Tang Rui nodded, "I've heard some things."

"Even if it's just rumors, there should be some basis. Boss Liu has had two deceased wives. Regardless of how they died, all the property ended up in his hands in the end. Do you believe the rumors about him being a murderer?" Tang Xu didn't beat around the bush, getting straight to the point. "If he falls one day, what will you do?"

Tang Rui clenched his fists and said, "I have nothing to do with him."

"How can you say that when you've married his daughter?" Tang Xu frowned. "To the outside world, you two are married. Who cares what’s going on the inside. She's carrying your child, and you don't acknowledge it? Tang Rui, where's your sense of honor and shame? Did you eat it with steamed buns?"

Tang Rui pressed his lips tightly together, his face looking unhappy.

Tang Xu observed his expression and felt that something was off.

Could there be something more going on?

Something flashed through Tang Xu's mind, and he seized it without hesitation. "If you don't explain, who will understand? Do you really want to drive Dad to his grave? Tell me, is the child Miss Liu carrying yours?"

Tang Rui nodded, "Yes."

"Did Mr. Liu ask you to become a live-in son-in-law and fund your education?" As for what this education was for, they both understood without needing to spell it out.

Tang Rui nodded again, "Yes."

"Then isn't that clear? Unless his daughter severs ties with him, if something happens on his end one day, what benefits do you think you'll get? Did you work so hard to study just to clear obstacles for others? Where's your brain, Tang Rui? I thought you were smart. Can't you see these things?" Tang Xu didn't understand the local laws, but he knew one thing that has always been true: a life for a life and a debt for a debt. 

Whether or not Mr. Liu personally committed the deeds, if it comes to light, who knows if the Liu family can be protected, but Mr. Liu certainly won't be able to save himself.

If that day really comes, and if Tang Rui has already become an official by then, what would be the consequences?

Tang Xu didn't dare think any deeper; his heart pounded anxiously.

The plot had already deviated too much for him. He hadn't seen Wu Weiming these days, so he hadn't thought about the general's role. As a result, he couldn't remember the parts in the book about Tang Rui, who was just a minor character.

He tried hard to recall, vaguely remembering something about Tang Rui marrying the daughter of a wealthy merchant in the county. Could that be Boss Liu?

He scratched his head, unable to remember clearly.

Tang Rui remained silent for a long time, and Tang Xu finished both cups of honey water, yawning. "Are you unwilling to talk to me, or do you have nothing to say?"

Tang Rui took a deep breath and spoke slowly, "I will not engage in corruption, nor will I cover up for anyone."

"Ah Rui, some things shouldn't be said so definitively. You're like a grasshopper tied to the same rope with him, understand? No matter what you do, others will always see your connection with him. Do I need to spell it out more clearly?"

Tang Rui shook his head; he understood all this, but he couldn't resist the temptation.

What temptation?

Gold, silver, power.

Studying and taking the imperial exams—who doesn't want to stand out?

Ambitious people seldom keep their hands clean.

Tang Xu sighed. He didn't want to meddle too much; after all, Tang Rui was grown up and had his own ideas.

But he had no choice but to talk to him because they were both Tangs. If Tang Rui crossed the line, the whole Tang family would be implicated.

Not for others, but for himself, he had to pull Tang Rui back.

Tang Xu's face turned serious. "I'll give you a way out."

Tang Rui looked at him, puzzled.

"If Boss Liu is fine, you'll be safe. If something happens to Boss Liu, all of us will be dragged down with you. Got it?"


"Then talk to his family to split off," Tang Xu said with a tone that brooked no argument, regardless of Tang Rui's agreement. "Or, we need to split our own family."

Tang Rui was taken aback. "What?"

"I said, split the family. Either his side splits, or we do," Tang Xu exhaled, finishing his thought. 

"I'm a very selfish person. When it comes to certain choices, I will always prioritize my own family. They will think you're disgracing us by becoming a live-in son-in-law, but I don't see it that way. I think you're gambling your future and our entire family's lives for a chance at success."

His words were harsh. After all, Mr. Liu's affairs were mostly rumors, and maybe he was really innocent. It was a mean act for him to think so badly of him.

But Tang Xu had to consider the worst-case scenario. Some rumors were truly unsettling.

Even if, in the worst case, Mr. Liu had committed murder and theft, if someone wants to deal with Tang Rui, who will become an official in the future, and Tang Rui is really an honest official, wouldn't Master Liu's case become a breakthrough point? It's not difficult to create some evidence at this time.

Tang Xu didn't say all this explicitly, believing that Tang Rui's clever mind should figure it out.

Since Tang Rui had already married Miss Liu, he had to take responsibility for her.

So, the best course of action would be to sever ties with Mr. Liu before Tang Rui passed the imperial exams and became a candidate for officialdom.

However, judging by Tang Rui's expression, it seemed he was not inclined to do so.

Tang Xu decided he had said enough. There was no point in talking further.

Tang Xu stood up and gently patted Tang Rui on the shoulder. "I'll give you some time to think about it. Before you leave home, tell me your answer."

He pushed the door open and went inside, leaving Tang Rui staring at the cup of honey water, unable to move for a long while.

Inside, Wei Dong was sitting on the kang, glancing sideways at Tang Xu as he came in, raising an eyebrow at him.

Tang Xu shrugged; he knew Wei Dong had heard everything.

After a while, the sound of footsteps outside indicated that Tang Rui had left.

Tang Xu lifted the door curtain and went out. The honey water in Tang Rui's cup was finished, leaving only an empty cup on the table.

He washed the cup and then went to the kang to sleep.

"What do you think he'll choose?" Unable to sleep, Tang Xu turned over to cover his son with a blanket, then got up to check on the two children sleeping in the small bed. After drinking some water, he sat on the edge of the kang and said to Wei Dong, "I think he won't be able to let go."

"Yeah, he's already far gone and doesn't listen. Forget about him," Wei Dong succinctly summarized. Tang Rui's stubborn nature was truly unchangeable.

Tang Xu sighed heavily; he was exhausted, emotionally drained.

After a night of tossing and turning, Tang Xu only managed to sleep for two hours. Early in the morning, while sitting on the kang and feeding the babies, he had dark circles under his eyes, and his head felt rusty from exhaustion.

"Why are you so tired?" Wang Cuicui came over to help take care of the children. As soon as she entered the room, she saw Tang Xu looking drowsy, barely able to keep his eyes open.

Tang Xu took a breath and muttered, removing the finished milk bottle from Er Bao, who protested unhappily.

"Go, go, lie down if you're done eating. You're so heavy." Tang Xu put Er Bao down and glanced at Xiao Bao, who was quietly drinking his milk on the kang. "Auntie, why do you think they have such different personalities?"

"Kids' temperaments always change. Er Bao is a boy, it's good that he's lively. Just look at how smart he is; he takes after his brother." Wang Cuicui picked up the fussy Er Bao and played with him.

Tang Xu twitched his mouth. That's not really the right thing to say; shouldn't they take after Wei Dong?

Xiao Bao finished drinking after a while and let out a satisfied burp.

Tang Xu picked him up and gently patted him, smiling as he nuzzled his face against his. "Sweetheart~~"

Xiao Bao made a couple of soft sounds, responding sweetly with his milk-scented breath.

"Put him in the stroller, the sun is nice outside. I'll take them out for some sunshine," Wang Cuicui said as she put the now-content Er Bao into the stroller and turned to Tang Xu.

Tang Xu nodded and asked, "Did Ah Rui say anything?"

"He said he was going to visit your grandfather and see the elders after breakfast. He went out, and your father said not to worry about him," Wang Cuicui replied.

Tang Xu pursed his lips. Well, it seemed that the family separation was inevitable.

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  1. Thanks for the chapter!

  2. Yes separate! Tang Rui clearly made his choice.. hmp!!!
    thank you for the update.. ❤️🐾


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