The Beautiful Brother of the Orion’s Family (Wearing Book) - 119


| TBBOTOF | 119

The whole family was startled. 

With a sudden commotion, of course, Dr. Xu was in the room checking the pulse, and Tang Erhu anxiously looked at Wei Dong, "What's going on?"

Wei Dong, who had a fair understanding of Tang Xu, glanced at the chubby child kicking his legs on the small bed, then looked at the diaper soaked in the water basin.

He understood; his husband was feeling physically uncomfortable and had fainted from the nausea.

Wei Zhonghong, worried, looked at Dr. Xu and asked, "Old doctor, is Xu Ge’er alright? I just bought him a bowl of pig's trotters soup. He didn't drink a single sip before he started vomiting. Do you know what's going on? Please have a look."

With more people in the room the ventilation was even worse. Before the old doctor could speak, Wei Dong spoke up, "Dad, Aunt, let's step out first. We'll come back in after Dr. Xu has finished."

As he spoke, he picked up the chubby child from the small bed.

But just as the child reached his arms, Tang Erhu took the child over.

"Grandpa will hold his big, chubby grandson!"

Wei Dong sighed and took a small thin blanket to cover the chubby child, watching his father-in-law carry his son out.

He opened his mouth, wanting to say that it's not good for a newborn to be taken out in the wind, but seeing Tang Erhu pulling up the thin blanket to cover the child's head as they walked to the door, he thought, well, at least the wind isn't blowing directly on him.

Watching his son being taken away, Wei Dong felt an emptiness in his arms. He turned to look at Tang Xu. Before he could speak, Wei Zhonghong pushed him on the back, "Go, go, go, don't just stand there."

Wei Dong: "Aunt, I’ll take the water basin out and dump it."

Wei Zhonghong turned her head and quickly responded, "Yes, yes, let's not leave it here to stink."

After speaking, she felt a moment of doubt in his heart. It seemed that the minute he took the basin with the diaper of the chubby baby, Xu Ge’re’s face improved. She paused, glanced at Wei Dong, who was carrying the basin and walking out.

Tang Xu didn’t remain unconscious for long. After everyone left the room, he woke up. Dr. Xu, sitting on a chair and stroking his beard, saw that Tang Xu had woken up, retracted his hand, and asked, "Are you still dizzy?"


"What were you doing just now? From your pulse, it seems you were frightened," the old doctor said, puzzled.

Tang Xu covered his face. Damn, should he say that he fainted because of a dirty diaper?

He waved his hand and rambled, "It's nothing, I was just scared seeing such a big baby being born by me."

Dr. Xu squinted his eyes, clearly not believing him.

Tang Xu turned his head, relieved. Whatever, at least he didn't have to tell him the real reason for fainting.

Dr. Xu tapped his forehead and got up to prepare some medicine for him, advising, "You just gave birth, don't overthink. Worrying too much is not good for you."

"Oh, got it." Tang Xu obediently nodded but thought to himself that he needed to tell Wei Dong to buy more absorbent soft cloth from the town's fabric store to use as diapers for their chubby baby. Use it once and throw it away; he didn’t want to wash them. 

It might seem extravagant, but the idea of washing dirty diapers was really disgusting to him.

When he shared his idea with Wei Dong, the latter shook his head and refused.

Before Tang Xu could get angry, Wei Dong spoke first, "If your father sees it, he will definitely say something. In the future, we will have to soak and wash our son's dirty diapers."

"No, no, no. If others find out you are washing them, they will still talk. Just buy new ones; we have money, and it’s for our son’s sake!" Tang Xu decided firmly, urging Wei Dong to go buy the fabric.

Wei Dong then bought a whole piece of soft cloth, saying it was the kind used by wealthy families for their children's diapers—soft and absorbent.

Tang Xu found it quite good to the touch and directly cut it into pieces without sewing, using them as diapers for their chubby baby.

Initially, the family didn't know he was using the diapers once and throwing them away. It wasn’t until the next morning when Tang Li was cleaning the trash bin and found several dirty, unwashed diapers that everyone knew about it.

Tang Xu sat on the kang with the freshly changed chubby baby in his arms, listening to his father's nagging. 

"No matter how wealthy we are, we shouldn't be wasteful. Those diapers can be sewn together and reused after washing and drying. When they're worn out, they can be passed down to the next generation," his father insisted.

Tang Xu's head buzzed from the lecture. He raised his hand to stop him, "Dad, it's useless to say more. I won't wash them. It's disgusting!"

"What's so disgusting about it? Don't you wipe your own butt in the outhouse?"

"Wiping my butt doesn't smear everywhere! It's not the same! Besides, I'm only throwing away the dirty ones with poop, not the ones with just pee. We're not so tight on money that we need to save like this. We're not short of a few taels of silver." Tang Xu didn't back down, insisting that there was no room for discussion. 

He patted the chubby baby in his arms and looked into his big, shiny eyes, playfully asking, "My good son, do you think your dad is right?"

The chubby baby gave a wide smile right after he asked, much to everyone's delight. 

Although Tang Xu knew that newborns' smiles were just reflexes, to others, it seemed like a sign of the child's cleverness.

Tang Erhu, Tang Xu's father, stopped scolding and took the baby, showering him with praise. Tang Xu glanced at Wei Dong, who was eagerly watching from the side.

"Dad, let Dongzi hold the baby for a while. You've been holding him all day without letting go." Tang Xu was genuinely surprised by how much Tang Erhu doted on the child, always holding him whenever he had a chance.

"I haven't been holding him nonstop. I just held him a moment ago," Tang Erhu glared. "What's wrong with me holding my own grandson? Dongzi can hold him later when the baby is sleepy and needs comforting."

Tang Xu rolled his eyes. Once the baby is asleep, there's no point in holding him anymore.

"Alright, alright, take him out for a walk. You two need to finalize the baby's name. Tomorrow, I'll get the village head to issue a certificate so we can register his household at the yamen." After saying this, Tang Erhu walked out with the baby.

Outside, the four children were already waiting to play with the chubby baby. As soon as they saw Tang Erhu come out with him, they gathered around immediately.

Tang Li: "Dad, let me hold him!"

Tang Yang: "No, let me hold him. Sis, you already had your turn."

Wei Xi: "Me too! I want to hold him!"

Xu Ze: "Let me hold him and touch his little hands."

Tang Erhu: "Alright, alright, let's go back inside. Don't let the baby catch a chill."

Listening through the window, Tang Xu could hear everything clearly. He realized that it wasn't just his father fighting to hold the baby, but all the younger ones were competing too.

He turned to Wei Dong and comforted him sincerely, "At least you get to hold him more than me. Altogether, you probably haven't held him for more than the time it takes for one stick of incense to burn."

Wei Dong sighed, gently stroking Tang Xu's cheek, "Does it still hurt?"

"...It does hurt. How could it not?" Tang Xu thought back to when he relieved himself that afternoon. The feeling was still fresh in his memory, "Don't even mention it. Have you thought of a name for our chubby baby?"

"Chubby baby?" Wei Dong looked at him, amused. "Is that the nickname you gave him?"

Tang Xu was taken aback, "Huh? Yeah, he looks so chubby, I just called him that on a whim."

"Sounds good. Chubby baby is a cute nickname," Wei Dong said affectionately. In their village, it was a common belief that giving children humble nicknames would help them thrive. Besides, as children grew older, usually around six or seven, they'd often outgrow their nicknames. 

Tang Xu: "Okay, but what about his formal name? Have you come up with anything?"

Wei Dong nodded and took out a piece of paper from his pocket with the names he had thought of.

Tang Xu suddenly became excited, reaching out to grab the paper. When he looked at it, he was stunned.


He wondered if his eyesight was failing him.

Wei Dashun?

"Why call him Wei Dashun?" He looked at Wei Dong, bewildered. The name seemed overly rustic.

Moreover, didn't their family lineage have some specific generational naming convention? Oh, right, Wei Dong and Wei Xi had been moved out of the family genealogy, so they could technically start a new one.

But that was a concern for the future. The most pressing issue now was why he had chosen this name!

Tang Xu lowered his gaze to the other names on the paper.

Wei Bajin 

Wei Wanlai 

Wei Congming 

Wei Qiangzhuang 

Tang Xu covered his face. These weren't names; they were word combinations. What was this! His husband had gone to school! Couldn't he come up with a more cultured name, or at least something that felt less arbitrary?

Shaking with frustration, Tang Xu looked at Wei Dong, already annoyed, "Are you joking? How did you come up with these names?"

"They make sense," Wei Dong replied, feeling equally frustrated. He had never thought that naming a child would be so difficult. He had spent the entire morning doing nothing but thinking of names for their son. When he finally wrote them down, he was certain that his husband would love them. But now it seemed he had been wrong.

"How do they make sense?" Tang Xu fumed. Although he wanted to appreciate the effort, the names were just too simplistic. It was obvious what Wei Dong was trying to express with them.

Wei Bajin because the baby weighed eight and a half pounds at birth.

Wei Wanlai because he was born at night.

Wei Congming and Wei Qiangzhuang were probably inspired by Aunt's constant praises of the baby's intelligence and strength.

And then there was Wei Dashun...

Tang Xu took a deep breath and asked, "Did you want to name him Wei Dashun because you think his birth, which took four hours, went smoothly?"

Under Tang Xu's gaze, Wei Dong nodded.

"Dr. Xu said our son was born smoothly in just four hours, especially considering it was your first birth."

Tang Xu crumpled the paper in his hand and threw it on the ground, placing his hands on his hips and looking fierce. "Fine, think of new names. Our son's name can't be this rustic!"

"What should we call him then?" Wei Dong knew that his previous suggestions were definitely not ideal, so he asked Tang Xu, "What name do you want to give him?"

Tang Xu stared at his handsome husband, considering how their chubby baby might look in the future. Combining their features, he was sure their son would be even more handsome than his father. He said, "It must be a name that represents a gentleman with humility, like pine and bamboo. If he has a younger brother in the future, the names can match."

Wei Dong looked at him without speaking.

Tang Xu got annoyed and kicked him, "What are you looking at me like that for? What's wrong?"

"Feeding pigs?"

"What?" Tang Xu was confused. "What do you mean by feeding pigs?"

"..." Wei Dong sighed, "The name you just suggested, Wei Zhu (Feeding Pigs)."

Tang Xu's eyes widened, "I meant Wei Junsong!"

Wei Dong blinked and repeated the name twice. "Wei Junsong" did sound quite nice.

"Alright, let's go with that," Wei Dong agreed.

Tang Xu ground his teeth, "And if we have another son in the future, we'll name him Wei Junzhu or Wei Zhu!"

"Okay, okay, whatever you say." Wei Dong leaned in, hugging and kissing him gently, "You decide the names."

Tang Xu was relieved. The thought of his son almost being named "Feeding Pigs" was unbearable.

"Are you hungry? Should I heat up some soup for you?" Wei Dong asked, looking down at him. "Aunt said she would come over tomorrow to make you some more soup."

Tang Xu snapped back to reality, grabbing his husband's collar seriously, "No, absolutely not!"

He didn't need more soup to help with milk production; it would be a waste!

Wei Dong lowered his head and kissed him again, "It's too late. When Auntie comes tomorrow, you'll have to tell her yourself."

Given Wei Zhonghong's enthusiasm, Wei Dong knew there was no way to refuse her.

TL: It turns out there was a problem with the website I was getting the raws from because I am having a much easier time tl, Thank you again ChubbiestCheeks !

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  1. Chubby baby has a name! I love this and lol, they got caught about the nappies so quickly :D
    Thank you for the update!

  2. Thankkk you for daily updates🫶🏻

  3. Thank you Chubby for the raws and thank you to the translator for the translations!!!

  4. Thank you ChubbiestCheeks and translator! ♥️
    By the way, can't stop thinking that Chubby Baby and ChubbiestCheeks go along quite well~ 🤭

  5. Diaper really is disgusting.. 😅 well anyway the baby has a name.. yay!! i like baby chubby thou.. hehhe thank you for the update and chubbiest for the raws.. 🐾❤️


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