It’s Exciting to Snatch the Supporting Male Lead and Run Away [Quick Wear] - 125


IETSTSMLARA | The Top Student is Flawless | 125

“There’s no need for that. If my father takes action against you, won’t you really be affected?” Ye Huaitang asked, worried.

He knew he was being selfish. When he got together with Lin Su, he had already anticipated that the pressure from the Ye family might fall on him. 

Yet, he still went ahead without hesitation, believing that if he gave it his all, he could withstand it. The world is vast, and the Ye family doesn’t have the power to control everything.

“If your father takes action, he will be more affected than I will. To what extent would you be able to accept it?” Lin Su asked, looking down at him.

His words were full of confidence. Despite his youthful appearance, which still held a bit of that youthful inexperience, he exuded a strong sense of security.

Ye Huaitang tried to recall what Lin Su looked like before, but found that those memories had already become blurred.

“Let him taste defeat. If he threatens you, don’t hold back,” Ye Huaitang said.

The Ye family was indeed prosperous during his grandparents' time, always among the top elite families. 

But by his grandmother’s generation, it had started to decline. His father was the only heir, with all hopes placed on him. 

Ye Huaitang still remembered being carried on his father’s shoulders when he was young; back then, his father still had a sense of warmth. He didn’t know when he became so authoritarian and domineering.

Sometimes, Ye Huaitang even wondered if he could have endured that kind of upbringing, would he have turned out the same way one day.

“Alright,” Lin Su said, gently stroking his cheek. “How about I make you a feast tonight?”

“Are you trying to turn my sorrow into appetite?” Ye Huaitang laughed.

“You can order anything you want,” Lin Su said with a slight smile.

“Then I want to have clay pot chicken meatballs. The ones you make by hand are the best,” Ye Huaitang requested.

Good food can enhance one's sense of happiness. If Lin Su were not by his side, Ye Huaitang would undoubtedly feel very sad. 

But with him there, those sad emotions seemed like words written on the sand, washed away by the waves.

Their university life continued. With few classes and a focus on self-study, many students began internships or started their own businesses as early as their freshman year. 

Ye Huaitang naturally didn’t plan to delay for too long, but despite his talent, it would take a long time to develop his own style and create his own brand.

“Finding an internship isn’t as easy as I thought,” Ye Huaitang admitted. He realized he wasn’t as well-adapted to society as he had imagined.

 Even with a friendly smile, he still faced rejection. Networking and finding connections were more common than he had expected. “Compared to those people’s polite words, my previous efforts seem like child’s play.”

He no longer kept anything from Lin Su, because this person was his partner, and without the support of the Ye family, they would need to rely on each other for many things.

Lin Su was typing something on the computer, and the printer hummed. He placed two documents in front of Ye Huaitang and said, “Take a look.”

One document was an invitation from a large jewelry company, while the other was a registration form for a jewelry competition.

This jewelry company was a rising star in the industry. Founded two years ago, it had quickly captured the market, carving out its own space in an almost saturated market. This company was a subsidiary of the Shengtang Group, and when Ye Huaitang was selecting potential companies, he hadn’t expected to get the opportunity to learn at such a prestigious enterprise.

As for the competition, it was a small-scale jewelry design contest held in the capital city. Given the entry requirements, it was clear that the event wasn’t very formal and could even be considered amateur.

Comparing the two, Ye Huaitang propped his head on his hand and asked, “How did you get an invitation from this company?”

Lin Su, sitting across from him, smiled and replied, “This company is mine.”

Ye Huaitang, despite his wealthy background, still felt somewhat amazed. “Shengtang Jewelry is valued at over a hundred billion.”

Not to mention its parent company, Shengtang Group.

“Yeah, it seems you didn’t look at the asset list I asked my assistant to prepare,” Lin Su said with a smile. “Choose one of these two options.”

“Can I choose both?” Ye Huaitang didn’t know when Lin Su had started preparing all this, but the excellence Lin Su displayed had gradually become something he was getting used to. It was as if nothing that happened with Lin Su could surprise him anymore.

Lin Su chuckled. “Of course, I thought you’d only choose one.”

Lin Su had accumulated countless lifetimes of experience, so achieving anything quickly was easy for him. 

But Ye Huaitang was just starting out; he needed to accumulate a vast amount of knowledge, gain practical experience, and build his reputation through competitions. Lin Su could only pave the way for him.

“Of course I’m going for both,” Ye Huaitang said as he picked up the registration form and began filling it out. “I’m not stupid.”

Lin Su provided him with opportunities, but ultimately, it was up to Ye Huaitang to make the most of them. Perhaps today, he couldn’t match Lin Su’s achievements, but one day, he would stand by his side as an equal, and together they would make people say they were a perfect match.

Ye Huaitang’s entry into Shengtang was not particularly ceremonial. Apart from the HR manager, everyone assumed he had gotten in through his resume, given his educational background.

"Supervisor, isn't this freshman a bit too young? They might just learn what they need and then leave," one of the HR personnel commented.

"When hiring, we look for potential. If someone leaves, it means the company wasn't strong enough to keep them," the supervisor replied. "Recruit carefully, and don't overlook students still in school. If someone learns our skills and then leaves, it either means they truly have talent or their vision isn't that broad."

Shengtang was never afraid of people leaving because its benefits and treatment were so good that many people were desperate to get in.

"Understood," the HR person replied.

Lin Su specifically instructed that no special treatment should be given. Initially, the supervisor didn't take these words to heart—how could they not give special treatment to someone the boss personally sent in? 

That was until Lin Su added, "If there is any special treatment, you'll be packing your things and leaving."

Supervisor: "..."

Did that person offend the boss?

Although there was no special treatment, Ye Huaitang was not bullied either. The company’s promotion system didn't rely on seniority but on talent, so there was no casual mistreatment of new employees. 

However, for the time being, he couldn’t be of much help because once he was truly in the position, he realized there was a lot to learn.

“Here’s a diamond. Draw twelve ring design sketches today,” someone handed the task to Ye Huaitang. “If your design is selected, this project will be yours.”

“Alright,” Ye Huaitang responded, not caring whether it was meant as a challenge or not, and immediately took the box to start measuring the various dimensions.

Designing a ring might seem simple, but this small item required a lot of considerations. How to make the diamond appear bigger and more luxurious involved a lot of skill.

Ye Huaitang spent an entire afternoon patiently working on the twelve design sketches. When he handed them in, the team leader, who was busy with her own design, glanced at them and said, "Redo them."

The surrounding people glanced over but remained silent. Ye Huaitang felt a slight discomfort in his heart but suppressed it and asked, "Could you give me some guidance on what I did wrong? I’ll make sure not to repeat the mistake."

"Your drawings are fine, but the structure is flawed. The diamond is very large, and if we follow your design, the ring won't fit properly on the finger. Redo it." The woman sitting there spoke coldly but did provide constructive feedback.

The discomfort in Ye Huaitang’s heart dissipated. "Thank you for the guidance; I’ll correct it."

Designing requires both boundless creativity and practical feasibility.

Ye Huaitang is the type of person who, once he has a goal, will strive towards it with all his might. Coupled with a tenacious spirit, on his journey of learning and growth, Lin Su could only play a supportive role, watching as he absorbed knowledge like a dry sponge, waiting for the moment to shine.

Studying hard is certainly a good thing, but getting lost in it without breaks is another matter.

"At the very least, take a break every hour and a half," Lin Su set a timetable for him.

"I'm not tired," Ye Huaitang protested, feeling like a child whose game console was taken away by a parent, his eyes still glued to the book.

"If you don’t take care of your eyes and your body wears out, how do you expect to design jewelry?" Lin Su wouldn't compromise on this. "This is something you have to listen to me about."

Ye Huaitang sat in the chair, unmoved. "I never got tired reading textbooks before, so if you don't let me read this one, I'll just read something else."

The sudden burst of rebellion from Ye Huaitang was met with firm resolve from Lin Su. He put the book down, cracked his knuckles, and hoisted Ye Huaitang, who was sitting on the chair, up and gave him a few smacks on the bottom. “You think I can’t handle you?”

“You! That’s domestic abuse!” Ye Huaitang tried to cover his backside, but his struggles were futile as he was carried into the bedroom.

Lin Su tossed him onto the bed, bracing himself with his arms as he smiled down at him. “Go ahead, report me. Tell the judge I ‘abused’ you by spanking your bottom.”

Ye Huaitang’s face flushed red, feeling Lin Su’s breath close to him. “What are you doing?”

“You,” Lin Su chuckled softly. “You’re eighteen now, it’s about time we incorporate adult life into our daily routine.”

“It’s still daytime,” Ye Huaitang almost bit his tongue in surprise.

“Exactly. I prefer it in broad daylight,” Lin Su whispered with a laugh at his neck.

Originally, he had planned to wait until night, but the little troublemaker in the house needed some discipline.

The adult world can be a bit absurd at times. At least for Ye Huaitang, who had never experienced such embarrassment even when he was occasionally teased before.

After the daytime indulgence and a night of clarity, Lin Su got out of bed, picked up his pants, and the sound of the zipper echoed distinctly in the dimly lit room.

As the bedside lamp flickered on, Ye Huaitang noticed the scratch marks on Lin Su’s back through his shoulder blades and regretted not having left some on his face as well.

Lin Su gently ruffled Ye Huaitang’s damp hair and asked softly, “Hungry? You’ll need to eat something light for the next couple of days. What would you like?”

Now, Lin Su looked genuinely gentle and considerate, the very image of a gentleman, making it hard for Ye Huaitang to see that this was the same person who had just uttered all those indecent words.

"…I'm hungry…" Ye Huaitang lifted a corner of the blanket to cover his nose and mouth, speaking in a muffled voice. It wasn't until he spoke that he realized his voice was frighteningly hoarse.

"Alright, I'll get you a cup of honey water first. Do you want to take a shower or eat first?" Lin Su asked considerately.

Ye Huaitang found it strange and reached out to pinch his cheeks. "Why are you showing two faces? Aren't you embarrassed?"

"I have thick skin." Lin Su lowered his head with a smile and whispered in his ear, "But if you want me to say those things to you while under the bed, I can do that too."

"No need!" Ye Huaitang quickly let go and pulled the blanket over his head. "…I'll take a shower later."

After just one nap, he felt like he had unlocked something remarkable in this man.

Lin Su raised an eyebrow, got up to pour the honey water, while Ye Huaitang opened a corner of the blanket, inspecting the marks on his arms. He talked about Lin Su having two faces, but in reality, that side of him had a different kind of charm compared to usual.

Initially, he felt close, but after doing that kind of thing, he felt even closer, and it was nothing like the bloodbath described online.

【Host, what did you say to the class monitor?】 System 06 was a bit curious. The host might have said things before, but only this time did his lover have such a big reaction.

Lin Su stirred the honey water with a smile and said: 【It’s just topics like 0O0O.】

If the system wanted to learn, he would definitely teach it. Rather than letting it remain ignorant and get deceived by another system in the future, it was better to teach it now so it could deceive other systems instead.

【Based on your sustained duration, such behavior and topics may cause damage to internal system components,】 System 06 replied in a flat, mechanical voice.

Falling in love was indeed an extremely terrifying thing.

Ye Huaitang’s emotions eased quickly, and for now, he followed the rest schedule Lin Su had set for him, living relatively peacefully. 

On Lin Su’s end, however, it was already time to close the net.

From the third day after Ye’s mother left the capital, the Ye family launched an assault on the industries publicly under Lin Su’s name, using market monopolies, buying off connections—resorting to all means available.

Some companies collaborating with Shengtang were uncertain and watching from the sidelines, unaware of the situation. 

However, those who knew the inside story contacted Lin Su. After being notified that there would be no interference, they were puzzled by Ye Family’s actions. 

Even though Lin Su was a rising star, the industry was never about seniority but about the total value of assets. Challenging Shengtang was akin to seeking death.

"Mr. Lin, the Ye family has invested about a hundred million in assets. They’ve put out word that if you back down now, they will too," the assistant reported to Lin Su.

"Lock them in. Since they dared to reach out, we must at least make them lose an arm to feel the pain," Lin Su said calmly. "Don't worry about our investment."

Even if it meant harming himself by eight hundred to harm the enemy by a thousand, he could afford to do so.

With Shengtang Group’s coordination, the Ye family’s once-promising situation crumbled overnight. Their supply chain was cut off, and the assets they had invested in to acquire were declared unusable, effectively rendering them worthless. 

In just one night, they lost several hundred million. Even though Ye’s father appeared quite young, he nearly lost his breath and collapsed onto the sofa. “How could this happen? There’s no reason so many people would help him.”

“I said we should be cautious. Lin Su isn’t easy to deal with,” Ye’s mother frowned and said. “In fact, Huaitang received a lot of help from Lin Su when he was wronged…”

“That doesn’t mean he should let the Ye family go extinct!” Ye’s father retorted sharply.

“So what do you propose we do now? Bet everything we have against him?” Ye’s mother’s expression darkened. “If we end up with nothing, you’ll be left with nothing as well.”

Ye’s father sat on the sofa and took a deep breath. “Should we just let it go?”

Ye’s mother fell silent. They had previously thought they could control their son’s path and guide him onto what they believed was the right path. 

Now, they realized their son had moved beyond their control and was no longer someone they could easily influence.

“What can you do? Business partners won’t team up with you just because of your son. Losing several billion will certainly attract your father’s attention. Be prepared,” Ye’s mother said.

The Ye family’s market value plummeted drastically, with the stock market falling continuously. The subsequent effects left the Ye couple overwhelmed. 

Meanwhile, a new business mogul, Shengtang Group, doubled its assets at an astonishing pace and was hailed as a miracle in the industry. When it listed in the capital, it quickly caught the attention of investors. 

The most shocking revelation was that its founder was Lin Su, who had outperformed all provincial top scorers in last year’s college entrance examination with a perfect score.

The announcement was made, and various interviews and reports quickly sprang into action. Major financial pages were filled with photos of the new tycoon. 

Educated, distinguished, and handsome, Lin Su was a source of pride for Q University. This time, the trending topics moved faster than during the college entrance examination, and countless people were in awe.

“Rumor has it his assets exceed a hundred billion. Are young people this impressive now?”

“Even though he’s younger than me, I have to call him ‘daddy.’”

“He’s probably not married yet at such a young age. I wish I had been born a few years later.”

“Even if you were born later, it wouldn’t matter.”

“Maybe if you were reincarnated, you could end up in his future wife’s belly.”

“A billionaire at eighteen—novels wouldn’t even dare to write that.”

“Have you looked at his family background? His family owns Lin’s Construction. If I had such an impressive father, I could be just as successful.”

“You don’t know anything. He cut off contact with his family long ago. His father had even set up a will that didn’t leave him a penny, planning to give everything to his stepmother and stepsister.”

The online discussions were endless. If Lin Su’s father had paid little attention to his exam results, ignoring financial news would have meant Lin’s Construction was truly on the brink of collapse.

Lin Su’s father was used to reading the newspaper at breakfast every morning, and he never expected that something could shake Lin’s Construction so drastically. 

However, when he saw the news about Shengtang Group being Lin Su’s company, he was almost convinced that the newspaper had been swapped out.

“How is it possible that Shengtang Group is Lin Su’s? He was only how old two years ago? The only impression I had of him back then was that he was good-for-nothing.”

“Who brought this newspaper?” Lin Su’s father asked with a stern face.

The stylishly dressed woman beside him, who was serving their younger daughter a fried egg, replied, “Your assistant brought it. I didn’t touch it. Is there a problem?”

“Is this some kind of prank?” Lin Su’s father slammed the table. But just then, his phone rang—it was a business partner.

Suppressing his frustration, he answered the call, “Hello, Mr. Wang, what’s the urgency?”

“Old Lin, your son is amazing—he’s several times more impressive than you. As they say, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree,” the business partner said with a laugh. “When can we have a meal together?”

“Impressive? What are you talking about?” Lin Su’s father furrowed his brow.

“Shengtang Group! The industries under it are impressive. Any one of them would be a major player. You mentioned your son was mischievous, but that’s an understatement,” the business partner replied with a smile.

“Hmm, I’m not very familiar with what he’s doing outside. I’ll contact you later,” Lin Su’s father said, brushing off the call. He didn’t look at the newspaper anymore but pulled out his phone. If it were just a newspaper prank, it wouldn’t have caused such a stir in the public sphere.

However, the financial news was filled with reports about Lin Su, praising him for his youth and achievements. 

The comments lauded him as exceptionally talented, and even people in the industry who were previously beyond Lin Su’s father’s reach offered extremely positive responses.

Lin Su, who had always been seen as a good-for-nothing son with only decent exam results, was now in the center of a video, speaking confidently and exuding a sense of high status that made Lin Su’s father feel alienated and a bit embarrassed. It was as if his son’s presence was a sharp contrast to the image he had of him, leaving him feeling a sting of humiliation.

He remembered his own lofty position and believed his son would amount to nothing without his guidance. 

The one million he had given at the time, which he thought would be a significant blow, now seemed insignificant compared to what his son had achieved. It was as if his son could now easily disregard such an amount as trivial.

“What’s wrong?” the woman beside him asked.

“Nothing,” Lin Su’s father replied.

He felt too embarrassed to call Lin Su now, knowing that everything he had previously done—cutting off their relationship and setting up a will—now seemed like a farce.

He wasn’t short on assets, but no one could have too much money. At his level, reputation mattered more. 

No one disliked showing off. Lin Su’s father believed that if he didn’t provoke his son, he wouldn’t bring trouble upon himself. 

Even though he now felt regret, it was like throwing away gold bars as if they were stones.

The constant calls from business partners only amplified his regret.

“Old Lin, what’s the deal with that will?”

“Why did you openly sever the father-son relationship? The will—wasn’t the inheritance from his mother supposed to be given to him after he turned eighteen?”

“Old Lin, you went too far. Sometimes there’s no room for redemption.”

“Now, anyone even remotely associated with Shengtang Group could elevate Lin’s Construction to new heights. If he were my son, I’d worship him.”

Each word felt like a whip lashing against Lin Su’s father’s heart, and when his second wife inquired about the news, his regret reached its peak.

“If you hadn’t subtly and overtly excluded him back then, things wouldn’t have ended up this way. Do you really think I don’t know what you did?” Lin Su’s father couldn’t help but express his anger.

“But I did it out of love for you. Seeing your ex-wife’s child around me every day was like seeing you two in a loving relationship. I didn’t want him around, but did I stop you from being good to him? I told you not to give him money or affection, did I not?” The second wife felt wronged, “Now that he’s successful, you’re embarrassed and trying to shift the blame onto me. Is that supposed to ease your guilt?”

The couple was at odds, and Lin Su’s father, chest heaving with anger, couldn’t counter her words.

This nightmare continued to haunt him. If any businessperson had a son like Lin Su, they would be smiling in their dreams. 

Yet Lin Su’s father had driven such a son out of his home. While no one would criticize him openly, the mockery behind his back was relentless.

The news led to turbulence in Lin’s Construction stock. The rumors of a father who drove his teenage son out of the house were rife, and everyone sympathized with Lin Su. 

However, Lin Su himself only laughed at the sympathy expressed for his lost fatherly love.

What the original Lin Su wanted wasn’t to exact revenge on his father or to break up his family. 

He was merely deprived of parental affection and wanted nothing more than for that person to feel regret from the bottom of his heart—and to continue regretting it.

Throwing away gold as if it were mere stones and never being able to retrieve it would be enough for Lin’s father to face a lifetime of ridicule, etching a mark of regret in his life. This regret would only grow stronger unless Lin Su were to fall from grace, which was unlikely. Lin Su would only rise higher, deepening his father's remorse.

Lin Su's assets are estimated to be so vast this time that he doesn't even need an assistant. 

The figures on the wealth list alone are enough to make Ye Huaitang question life. He even held Lin Su's face and said seriously, "You're not reborn, right? In your past life, you were bullied and ended up on the streets. Then, I happened to help you when passing by. After being reborn, you mastered all the question banks, seized business opportunities, and rose to the pinnacle of success."

"Have you been reading novels lately?" Lin Su raised an eyebrow and said.

System 06 analyzed and said, 【It really does sound like that, but the host is even more impressive than a reborn person.】

Ye Huaitang shifted his gaze and said, "I came across it while searching for books online recently."

The plot is somewhat fantastical, but it feels great to read through it. However, while reading, he always thought about Lin Su. If someone suddenly becomes so powerful, there must be a reason.

"If I had such a memory, I wouldn’t have been at the bottom of my exams in my previous life. If I fell in love with you because you helped me, that would be gratitude, not love." Lin Su touched his face and said, "I wouldn't fall in love with someone just because of gratitude."

There are many ways to repay kindness. He would never commit himself to someone out of gratitude.

Ye Huaitang felt relieved: "So, are you really reborn?"

"Do you really think a complete failure from the past life could rise to the top just because of being reborn?" Lin Su asked.

Just seizing business opportunities without real ability, even if someone is very smart, cannot remember all the question banks. The butterfly effect can change many things, and Lin Su's correct decisions have never been due to taking shortcuts.

"I don’t think so." Ye Huaitang smiled and said, "You don’t seem like a reborn person but rather someone who has changed completely, with a different soul in the same body… So, are you transmigrated?"

Lin Su: "......"

How many novels has this guy read? 

"Yes, actually I am the Infinite Immortal Sovereign from the Immortal Realm. While practicing, my meridians reversed, and my primordial spirit fell into this world. From the first moment I saw you, I was smitten," Lin Su said with a smile.

Anyone else here would know he’s just making stuff up, but Ye Huaitang’s life experiences are quite different from ordinary people. 

He has had very little exposure to common things, so he took Lin Su's words quite seriously: "Is that true? I thought novels were all fake. Can you really achieve immortality? What if you live forever and I die? Are meridians really a thing? How can one see them?"

Lin Su: "......"

System 06’s camera shutter kept clicking non-stop.

【Can you turn off the sound of your camera shutter?】 Lin Su asked with a smile.

System 06 immediately turned it off: 【Sorry, Host.】

Lin Su flicked Ye Huaitang’s forehead with his finger and said, "Of course, it’s fake. If I were really that powerful, I would have left this world long ago."

Even Ye Huaitang, who is the closest to Lin Su, is astonished. Let alone the Ye family couple.

"He is the chairman of the Shengtang Group," Ye Mother’s voice trembled slightly, "What kind of monster have we offended?"

While Father Ye could still hold his ground against someone of equal strength, opposing a giant like Shengtang Group was like hitting a stone with an egg. They could have used their son's connection with Lin Su to restore the Ye family's status, but in the end, they ruined their last chance themselves.

With such power as their backing, no one would dare easily provoke Lin Su and Ye Huaitang. 

Their relationship was not intentionally concealed, but no media would be foolish enough to touch on this topic. The social media landscape needs to survive, and it would be foolish to jeopardize one’s own position for a story.

Without coverage of their personal matters, even if the public wanted to gather information about Lin Su, there was no channel to do so. The only information available was the occasional news in financial reports.

The four years of university were likely the most diligent years for Ye Huaitang. He absorbed knowledge from all aspects like a sponge.

 From not understanding jade to being able to personally carve and cut it, from having dozens of design proposals rejected to gaining fame after participating in various competitions.

Designers are often referred to as "Tang," a beautiful and meaningful title.

He was already a genius. Even though Lin Su’s presence temporarily overshadowed him, it didn’t mean he couldn’t soar to greatness. 

His independently established brand pursued a high-end route, and after his first publicly auctioned piece was bought by the AX Group’s chairman for one hundred million, he quickly established his footing in the industry.

Privately, the chairman of AX Group said to the person on the other end of the phone, “You have to be so subtle about supporting your lover.”

Lin Su laughed on the other end, “He has talent and charisma. One day, he will stand in this position. I’m just helping him get there a bit earlier. We’ll need to go public in the future, and others may think he’s not worthy of it. Thanks for your help this time.”

“No need to be polite. Getting a favor from you, Mr. Lin, is much more valuable than a billion in assets,” the AX Group chairman said. “Looking forward to our cooperation.”

“Looking forward to it,” Lin Su replied with a smile.

In this fast-paced world, even fine wine is afraid of being in a narrow alley. Publicity and enhancing one's reputation are absolutely necessary.

Lin Su’s approach was subtle, and while others didn’t know, Ye Huaitang, having spent many years with him, guessed the origin and outcome of the one hundred million price as soon as he heard about it. 

Sitting face to face on the sofa, Ye Huaitang said, “Do you know how much commission has to be paid to the auction house for that one hundred million? And the taxes?”

“I know. A sports car,” Lin Su glanced at him and said innocently, “I just want you to achieve success and fame as soon as possible.”

“I know you’re doing this for my benefit, but I prefer to take steady steps. There’s no rush with these things,” Ye Huaitang said. 

He felt no burden now, pursuing his dreams and having his partner by his side. He did not want to earn it for nothing.

Even though Lin Su was very wealthy, he shouldn’t waste money recklessly.

“It’s urgent,” Lin Su said leisurely, “You always say that I come first and dreams are second, but you’re practically working twenty-four hours a day, almost wishing there were forty-eight hours in a day. It’s better to achieve success sooner rather than later. Otherwise, when you get older, your sperm quality will decline.”

Ye Huaitang initially felt a bit guilty, but his face turned slightly red when he heard the last sentence: “I’m not going to get pregnant. Why are you worried about sperm quality!”

“Besides, we have the conditions. If we don’t leverage our advantages, the position of director at Shengtang Jewelry can’t remain vacant forever,” Lin Su said.

“You want me to be parachuted into the role?” Ye Huaitang said. He knew the position of director at Shengtang Jewelry had been vacant for a while and had previously thought it was because there wasn’t a suitable candidate. 

Now it seemed Lin Su had been reserving it for him.

“Your current abilities are sufficient; what you lack is experience. I can give you the position, but whether you can make them respect you depends on yourself,” Lin Su said with a smile.

Such a position is both an opportunity and a challenge for Ye Huaitang, and Lin Su’s words are the greatest affirmation of his abilities: “Then I’ll count on you.”

“Hmm, let’s have the wedding when we stand side by side,” Lin Su said.

They had already obtained their marriage certificate abroad and it was safely stored in the safe; what was missing was just a public wedding, a wedding blessed by everyone.

Lin Su didn’t care about that, but Ye Huaitang did. He was not someone who easily gave up and never wanted to be dependent on others.

Lin Su put in effort, and Tang’s jewelry appeared at top model showcases—unique and distinctive, becoming a highlight without overshadowing the main focus. The reputation grew immensely.

Later, Tang’s jewelry also appeared on the lapels of leaders from Country M, becoming a sought-after accessory in high society.

With the increase in reputation, when Ye Huaitangannounced he was taking charge of Shengtang Jewelry, everyone felt it was a strong and deserving alliance.

The new director was very young, but many Shengtang employee’s knew him well. An intern from years ago, now a director, he used his outstanding skills to earn everyone’s respect.

Ye Huaitang always wore a ring, a ring that, in the eyes of top designers, might seem poorly made. However, when the same model was seen on the hand of Shengtang Group’s Chairman Lin, its significance was entirely different.

Before anyone could expose their relationship, the news of their union was already widely announced by the PR department.

A talented pair, even though some people still spoke enviously, either saying Lin Su was unworthy of art or that Ye Huaitang, a designer, didn’t deserve a wealthy man like Lin Su, their wedding proceeded as planned.

The wedding was attended by people full of blessings, including Ji Heng and Ning Qiu. They were no longer as naive as they were in high school; their every move reflected their success. 

Yet, in their interactions, their youthful demeanor was still evident.

The wedding was grand, so grand that after Ye Huaitang made his vows, he said, “I should have married you sooner.”

Despite all the talk of standing side by side, winning or losing, and dependency, he was still held back by those things. The person right in front of him was the most important.

“It’s not too late now,” Lin Su said, placing the ring he had worn for a long time on Ye Huaitang’s finger. From couple rings to wedding bands, these two rings remained unchanged.

From school uniforms to weddings, and on to silver anniversaries, golden anniversaries, and diamond anniversaries, their lifelong devotion surprised those who doubted two men together. Their love became widely known, though it changed in its telling.

For instance, the story of how the wealthy Chairman Lin launched a satellite exclusively for Ye Huaitang.

Or how Ye Huaitang was said to be like the reincarnation of Daji, bringing disaster and ruin, and thus became Chairman Lin’s one true love.

Ye Huaitang was not troubled by the rumors of being called a male fox spirit; rather, he was concerned with, “Everyone knowing that I’m the submissive one.”

In this lifetime, the two closed their eyes almost simultaneously.

【System evaluation: Task completion assessed as S-level. 

Task 1 reward: 5 million star coins. 

Task 2 reward: 5 million star coins. 

Additional reward: 1 million star coins. 

Total: 11 million star coins, already transferred to account. 

Additional reward reason: Eliminated unnecessary obstacles in the main character’s romantic journey.】

【Are you tired, host?】System 06 asked, as if it was a routine question, expecting the host to say no.

【How could being in love be tiring?】 Lin Su retorted, 【Let’s start the next world.】

System 06 kindly reminded: 【Host, please don’t focus solely on romance and neglect your tasks. Your additional reward this time is quite small.】

Even though other hosts rarely receive additional rewards, hosts certainly need romance. 

However, if romance turns a career-focused tasker into a romance-focused tasker... then it might become quite useful, wouldn’t it?

【No, please focus on your romance seriously.】 System 06 said, 【I’ll start loading the next world for you immediately.】

Lin Su: 【……】

This system might need a factory reset.

【System 06 prompt: World loading, memory transfer in progress……】

A familiar darkness enveloped Lin Su. Before he could open his eyes, he first heard the surrounding growls, like beasts or humans growling from deep in their throats.

Lin Su searched his memory and smiled when he learned what kind of world he was in: 【System 06, what kind of species am I now?】

Given the type of world, the growls around him clearly belonged to zombies. He was now in a pile of zombies, surrounded by a terrible stench, so it was unlikely to be a human base.

System 06 scanned Lin Su’s body and said: 【You are currently transitioning from a human species to a zombie species, in a state of ambiguity. If a specific species must be determined…】

【Alright, no need to determine.】 Lin Su interrupted, not wanting to hear terms like "hybrid."

The transformation from human to zombie is irreversible. Even if a drug to combat the zombie virus were developed, it would be impossible to revert zombies back to humans because zombies represent a form of alternative death. 

Their bodies become corpses, devoid of blood and pain, driven solely by their bloodthirsty instincts.

The apocalypse brought zombies—a terrifying virus that, upon its first arrival, divided humanity into three groups: ordinary people, ability users, and zombies. It was as if a god-like game world had created a destructive force and then granted humanity the power to desperately resist and seek survival.

Humans with abilities can continuously evolve their powers, while zombies, initially driven only by instincts, can also evolve over time, forming a hierarchical system. The higher the level of the zombie, the longer its body has been used, and the clearer its intelligence becomes.

However, the original body’s transformation clearly did not result in a zombie with intelligence, so Lin Su would temporarily lose his rationality as well. 

Before losing his sanity, Lin Su said: 【Exchange for the Zombie King’s crystal nucleus.】

It was a system that urged him to focus on romance, yet it sent him to a world where he needed to work on his career.

【Okay.】 System 06 felt that it had become very useful.

In the apocalypse, the host probably couldn’t earn money anymore…

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